Difference between revisions of "Color Scheme"

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|style="background:gray; color:white;"|white
|style="background:gray; color:white;"|white
|[[:Category:Drone Controller Blueprints]]
|[[:Category:Drone Blueprints]]
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|style="background:; color:;"|
|style="background:; color:;"|
|style="background:; color:;"|

Revision as of 03:08, 24 July 2010

For each blueprint type, there is a corresponding background color.

Type Background Color Font Color
Category:Augmenter Blueprints chartreuse black
Category:Aura Generator Blueprints mediumorchid black
Category:Base Charger Blueprints deepskyblue black
Category:Blueprint Blueprints lightsteelblue rainbow
Category:Capacitor Blueprints turquoise black
Category:Commodity Blueprints green white
Category:Diffuser Blueprints gray white
Category:Drone Blueprints
Category:Drone Controller Blueprints darkslategray white
Category:Energy Blueprints yellow black
Category:Engine Blueprints aquamarine black
Category:Base Expander Blueprints plum black
Category:Base Extermination Blueprints saddlebrown white
Category:Extractor Blueprints olivedrab white
Category:Factory Blueprints black white
Category:Fighter Blueprints
Category:Fighter Bay Blueprints
Category:Mission Item Blueprints firebrick white
Category:Base Overloader Blueprints tomato black
Category:Base Panel Blueprints gold black
Category:Radar Blueprints brown white
Category:Base Repair Kit Blueprints silver black
Category:Base Kit Blueprints silver black
Category:Scanner Blueprints
Category:Scoop Blueprints khaki black
Category:Shield Blueprints steelblue white
Category:Ship Blueprints midnightblue white
Category:Terraforming Project Blueprints
Category:Tweak Crate Blueprints orange white
Category:Weapon Blueprints red white

Category:Individual Blueprints