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#REDIRECT [[Neurotweaks]]
'''Neuro Tweaks''' are items which temporarily boost various ship statistics and are consumed when they are used.  Some boost shield regeneration, while others give a quick burst of speed to make a quick escape.  You must have the [[Equipment]] skill trained to the tech level of the Neuro Tweak you want to use.  The [[Neuro Tweaking]] skill boosts the effectiveness of neuro tweaks.
See Also: [[Neuro Tweak Icons]]
= Tech 0 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Ace in a Pill I
|Docking +55.1%, Turning +5.51%, Thrust +55.1%, Weight -3.67% for 300 sec
|[[Ace in a Pill I Formula|BP]]
|I'm a leaf on the wind...
|Chewed Power Cables
|Energy Charge +25 for 6 sec, Max Energy +5% for 60 sec
|Shield use: 25
|[[Space Rat]] Drop
|You can probably plug that somewhere for some kind of juice boost but it might not be a good idea.
|Destroyed Shield Matrix
|Shield Recharge -90%
|[[Wingship|Wingship]] from The Nexus
|You should really get this fixed.
|Ion Caipirinha
|Energy Charge +30 for 6 sec
|Shield use: 30
|AI Station -- 3000 creds
|A pleasant energy boost
|Micro Stocking
|Weight +7% for 30 sec, Capacity +35 for 30 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|What can it hold, Sugarplums or Peppermints perhaps?
|Power Doughnut
|Thrust +210 for 3 sec, Turning +85 for 3.5 sec, Forced thrust +1 for 3 sec, Forced Left Turn +1 for 3.5 sec, Weapon recoil -.25 sec for 6 sec after 3.5 sec
|Random w0 drop
|Power up with awesomeness
|Precision Pill
|Docking +339% for 12 sec, Turning +33.9% for 12 sec
|Electricity use: 150
|[[Precision Pill Formula|BP]]
|Stop the hand shaking caused by your other pills.
|Shield Salve
|Shield Charge +30 for 12 sec, Energy Charge -50% for 12 sec
|AI Station -- 25,000 creds
|temporarily raises the spirit of your shields
|Temporal Flux
|Shield Charge -100% for 2.5 sec, Radar +75% for 2.5 sec, Energy Vulnerability -60% for 2.5 sec, Physical Vulnerability -60% for 2.5 sec, Max Speed +10% for 2.5 sec
|Electricity use: 250
|Converted from [[Commodities#Complete Sortable Listing|Chronoton Radiation]]<br> using [[Mobile Converters|Temporal Generator]]
|Help send your ship outside time.
|Max Speed +115.2% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Thrust + 600% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Turning -60% for 4 sec, Forced Thurst +1 for 3 sec after 1 sec
|[[Turbo Formula|BP]]
|Push it!
= Tech 1 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Bule Ion Infusion
|Healing: 100
|Activation Energy: 1
|Ruin -- 21,000 Credits
|temporarily raises the spirit of your shields
|Christmas Candy Cane
|Max Shield +20.49% for 300 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Hmm, so good!
|Precision Shot
|Docking +375% for 12 sec, Turning +37.5% for 12 sec
|Electricity Used: 50
|[[Precision Shot Formula|BP]]
|Requires [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 1
|Stop the hand shaking cause by your other pills.
|Pumpkin Seeds
|Resistance to all -10% for 20 sec, Shield Charge -50% for 20 sec
|[[Halloween Drop]]
|What?! Pumkin seeds have shells?!
|Titanium Shielding
|Shield Charge +10% for 300 sec
|Electricity use: 50
|[[Titanium Shielding Formula|BP]], [[UZ]] Drop
|[[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 1
|Reinforce those shields.
|Energy Charge +7.5 for 96 sec, Hostility -10% for 96 sec
|A small boost for a loooong time
|Vis Injection
|Energy Charge +15% for 3 sec, Energy Charge +10% for 15 sec
|Shield use: 50
|[[Vis Injection Formula|BP]]
|Requires [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 1
|Does that go in your veins or in the engine?
= Tech 2 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Blitz Turbo
|Max Speed +90% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Thrust +720% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Turning -72% for 4 sec, Forced Thurst +1 for 3 sec after 1 sec
|Electricity use: 100
|[[Blitz Turbo Formula|BP]]
|Blitz it!
|Candy Corn
|Max Speed +10% for 30 sec
|Electricity use: 5
|[[Halloween Drop]]
|Mmm.. Candy Corns!
|Ghastly Candies
|Visibility -50% for 30 sec
|Electricity use: 50
|[[Halloween Drop]]
|WooOOOoooo!!! I'm a ghost now!
|Jelly's Acidic Remains
|Shield Charge -10 for 10 sec, Damage +10 for 10 sec
|[[Space Jelly]] Drop
|Touching this is dangerous?
|Jelly's Blood
|Energy Charge +10 for 10 sec
|[[Space Jelly]] Drop, produced by [[Energies|Jelly's Heart]]
|Eat that? Are you insane?
|Jelly's Mojo
|Shield Charge +10 for 10 sec
|[[Space Jelly]] Drop
|Power to cure cancer?
|Neutralized Jelly's Blood
|Energy Charge +5 for 60 sec
|Hostile Science Mission Reward
|Slightly less acidic, for the jelly blood connoisseur.
|Oilheart's Afterburner
|Thrust + 210 for 3 sec after 2 sec, Max Speed +20% for 3 sec after 2 sec, Turning -100% for 5 sec, Forced Thurst +1 for 3 sec after 2 sec
|Electricity use: 10
|AI Station -- 10,000 creds
|Pour on the juice
|Simple Blocker
|Resistance to all -50% for 2 sec, Weapon Recoil +100% for 2 sec, Shiedl Charge -50% for 2 sec
|Electricity use: 20
|Random Drop
|Deflect Incoming Ouchies
|Tiny Power Punch
|Damage -100% for 3 sec, Damage +10% for 1.5 sec after 3 sec, Tracking -50% for 1.5 sec after 3 sec
|Electricity use: 10
|AI Station -- 5,000 creds
|Gather your power
|Volcom Pirate Tweak
|Max Speed +5% for 10 sec, Damage +5% for 10 sec
|Volcom Drop
|Specilized Pirate Neurotweaking
= Tech 3 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Amazing Fudge
|Max Energy +48.3% for 300 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Hmm, fudge!!!
|Cadet's Attitude
|Radar +20% for 300 sec, Damage +4% for 300 sec, Shield Charge +2% for 300 sec
|[[Cadet Academy]] Mission Reward
|Take the Enforcer's Attitude and go Enforce!
|Ion Salvation
|Energy Charge +40 for 7 sec
|Shield use: 40
|A pleasant energy boost
|Mining Booster
|Damage +5% for 5 sec, Tracking +10% for 5 sec, Capacity +30 for 15 sec
|Electricity use: 100
|[[Arena Lobby]] Mission
|Mining doesn't have to be hard.
|Precision Juice
|Docking +459% for 12 sec, Turning +45.9% for 12 sec
|Electricity use: 150
|[[Precision Juice Formula|BP]]
|Stop the hand shaking caused by your other pills.
= Tech 4 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Favorite Rum Balls
|Shield Charge +17.4% for 300 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Hmm, rum balls!!!
|Laconia Plating
|Max Shield +20% for 300 sec
|Electricity use: 200
|[[Laconia Plating Formula|BP]]
|Reinforce that armor.
|Shield Salvation
|Shield Charge +90 for 12 sec, Energy Charge -50% for 12 sec
|AI Station -- 80,000 creds
|feel healthy again
|Warmer Warmth
|Energy Charge +10 for 112 sec, Hostility -10% for 112 sec
|Shield use: 10
|A small boost for a loooong time
= Tech 5 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Ace in a Pill II
|Docking +90% for 300 sec, Turning +9% for 300 sec, Thrust +90% for 300 sec, Weight -6% for 300 sec
|Electricity use: 250
|[[Ace in a Pill II Formula|BP]]
|I'm a leaf on the wind...
|Caramel Apples
|Weapon Recoil -10% for 60 sec, Damage +12.5% for 60 sec
|[[Halloween Drop]]
|Mmm, so good but so sticky!
|Chocolate Bar
|Energy Charge + 5% for 300 sec
|[[Halloween Drop]]
|So... much.. sugar!!!
|Enforcer's Attitude
|Radar +39% for 300 sec, Damage +7.6% for 300 sec, Shield Charge +3.8% for 300 sec
|Mission Reward, [[Sol]]
|Take the Enforcer's Attitude and go Enforce!
|Laconia Shielding
|Shield Charge + 15% for 300 sec
|Electricity use: 250
|[[Laconia Shielding Formula|BP]], [[UZ]] Drop
|Requires[[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 5
|Reinforce those shields.
|Merchant Shield Salvation
|Shield Charge +80 for 12 sec, Energy Charge +50 for 12 sec
|[[Lyceum]], Locus of Support, 40000 Credits
|Consumed in bulk quantities
|Nano Stocking
|Capacity +10 for 30 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|I wonder if Santa has anything that will fit in here...
|Source of Vis
|Max Energy +15% for 300 sec, Energy Charge +5% for 300 sec
|Shield use: 250
|[[Source of Vis Formula|BP]]
|Infinite Energy
|Quick Attack
|Weapon Recoil -0.3 sec for 2 sec, Energy Charge +50 for 1 sec, Weapon Recoil +0.3 sec for 4 sec after 2 sec, Max Speed -50% for 6 sec after 2 sec
|Electricity use: 25
|Better finish them off
|Salted Pumpkin Seeds
|Resistance to all -17.5% for 20 sec, Shield Charge -50% for 20 sec
|[[Halloween Drop]]
|What?! Salted Pumpkin seeds have shells?!
|Santa Donut
|Turning +200% for 10 sec, Forced Left Turn +1 for 10 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Hmm, donuts!!!
|Sub Space Anchor
|Max Speed -75% for 4 sec after 1 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 4 sec after 1 sec
|Electricity use: 100
|DG Drop
|Dig in to the fabric of space time to slow your momentum.
= Tech 6 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Ion Rebirth
|Energy Charge +65 for 8 sec
|Shield use: 65
|Random Drop
|A pleasant energy boost
|Last Stand
|Max Speed -16% for 12 sec, Weight +40% for 12 sec, Max Shield +91.5% for 12 sec, Shield Charge +61% for 12 sec, Warp Interdiction +1 for 12 sec
|Shield use: 300
|To the Death!
|Precision Crystal
|Docking +621% for 12 sec, Turning +62.1% for 12 sec
|Electricity use: 300
|[[Precision Crystal Formula|BP]]
|Stop the hand shaking caused by your other pills.
|Quantumum Injection
|Energy Charge +25% for 3 sec, Energy Charge +15% for 15 sec
|Shield use: 300
|[[Quantumum Injection Formula|BP]]
|Does that go in your veins or in the engine?
|Shield Magic
|Shield Charge +125 for 6 sec, Damage -50% for 6 sec
|Random Drop
|feel healthy again, no energy required
|Small Power Punch
|Damage -100% for 4 sec, Damage +30% for 1.5 sec after 4 sec, Tracking -50% for 1.5 sec after 4 sec
|Electricity use: 20
|Gather your power
|Damage + 9.7% for 300 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Hmm, Truffles.
= Tech 7 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Small Candy Bag
|Weight +15% for 240 sec, Capacity +50 for 250 sec
|It can hold some Candy, but it's so heavy!!!
|Warmy Warmth
|Energy Charge +16 for 128 sec, Hostility -10% for 128 sec
|Shield use: 16
|A small boost for a loooong time
= Tech 8 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Adamantium Plating
|Max Shield +25% for 300 sec
|Electricity use: 400
|[[Adamantium Plating Formula|BP]]
|Reinforce that armor.
|The Were Rabbit
|Vulnerability to all -10% for 120 sec, Max Speed -10% for 120 sec, Hostility +25% for 120 sec
|Electricity use: 200
|[[Easter]] Drop
|An angry, angry curse
|Turkish Delight
|Weapon Recoil -21.1% for 300 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Hmm, Turkish Delight!
= Tech 9 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Visibility -80% for 12 sec, Damage +25% for 12 sec
|Electricity use: 450
|[[The Serengeti|UZ]] Drop <br> and [[Lyceum]] Blueprint
|From a dark corner of space!
|Christmas Jelly Candy
|Max Speed +8.8% for 300
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|hmm, food!
|Satanic Rebirth
|Energy Charge +80 for 9 sec
|Shield use: 80
|gain energy by sacrificing a puppy
|Shield Soother
|Shield Charge +180 for 12 sec, Energy Charge -50% for 12 sec
|feel healthy again
|Source of Quantumum
|Max Energy +25% for 300 sec, Energy Charge +10% for 300 sec
|Shield use: 450
|[[Lyceum]] [[Source of Quantumum Formula|BP]]
|Infinite Energy
= Tech 10 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Adamantium Shielding
|Shield Charge + 20% for 300 sec
|Electricity use: 500
|[[The Serengeti|UZ]] Drop <br> and [[Lyceum]] [[Adamantium Shielding Formula|Blueprint.]]
|Requires [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 10
|Reinforce those shields.
|Angel Food Candy
|Tracking +20.8% for 600 sec, Range +13.88% for 600 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Hmm, Angel Food Candy!
|Resistance to all -75% for 2 sec, Weapon Recoil +100% for 2 sec, Shield Charge -50% for 2 sec
|Electricity use: 50
|Deflect Incoming Ouchies
|Chocolate Covered Raisins
|Energy Charge +10% for 300 sec
|Halloween Drop
|So... much.. sugar!!!
|Constable's Attitude
|Radar +40% for 300 sec, Damage +7% for 300 sec, Shield Charge +10% for 300 sec, Max Shield +10% for 300 sec
|Mission Reward, [[Sol]]
|A nobler tweak for a nobler policeman.
|Galileo's Telescope
|Radar +196% for 60 sec
|Mission Reward from Sai's Retreat in [[Sol]]
|From Galileo Galilei with love. From 8x to 20x magnification!
|Medium Chocolate Egg
|Energy Charge +40% for 7.5 sec
|Electricity use: 250
|[[Easter]] Drop
|More eggs for me?
|Oilheart's Better Afterburner
|Thrust +3900 for 3 sec after 2 sec, Max Speed +100% for 3 sec after 2 sec, Turning -100% for 5 sec, Forced Thurst +1 for 3 sec after 2 sec
|Electricity use: 50
|[[Serpica (Galaxy)|Serpica]] -- 250,000 credits
|Pour on the juice
|Energy Charge +400 for 6.5 sec, Max Energy +2000 for 13 sec
|Shield use: 200
|DG Drop
|Drone Master 10 Required.
|Rapid Drone Deployment System
|Spiked Egg Nog
|Thrust +1000% for 16 sec, Turning -50% for 16 sec, Max Speed -100% for 4 sec, Max Speed +75% for 12 sec after 4 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 4 sec, Forced Right Turn +1 for 4 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 4 sec after 4 sec, Forced Left Turn +1 for 4 sec after 4 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 4 sec after 8 sec, Forced Right Turn +1 for 4 sec after 8 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 4 sec after 12 sec, Forced Left Turn +1 for 4 sec after 12 sec
|Electricity use: 50
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Dizzy yet?
|Weight +15% for 20 sec, Capacity +65 for 30 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|This one might be big enough for toys!
= Tech 11 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Irish Potato Candy
|Capacity +14.34% for 600 sec, Weight -14.34% for 300 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Hmm, Irish Potato Candy!
|Insto Shield Tweak
|Shield Charge +341 for 4 sec, Energy Charge -50% for 4 sec
|Random Drop
|feel healthy again
= Tech 12 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Lasting Resources
|Energy Charge +100 for 8 sec
|Shield use: 200
|[[Absolution (Star System)|Absolution]] -- 24,000 Credits
|For those long days out in the cold, cold empty space
|Rapid Attack
|Weapon Recoil -0.4 sec for 2 sec, Energy Charge +100 for 1 sec, Weapon Recoil +0.4 sec for 4 sec after 2 sec, Max Speed -50% for 6 sec after 2 sec
|Electricity use: 35
|Better finish them off
|Shield Revitalizer
|Healing: 250
|Electricity: 100
= Tech 13 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Barbe Rouge Wrath
|Shield Charge -100 for 10 sec, Damage +35% for 10 sec, Range +100% for 10 sec, Weapon Recoil -25% for 10 sec, Max Speed +50% for 10 sec
|Electricity use: 500, Shield use: 500
|Rare Barbe Rouge drop
|You will never get me alive!
|Easter Egg Collector
|Capacity +250 for 1 sec, Shield Charge +1000 for 5 sec
|Electricity use: 200
|[[Easter]] Drop
|Helps you get the goodies
|Rudolf the Red Nose Afterburners
|Thrust + 500 for 5 sec, Max Speed +125 for 5 sec, Turning -100% for 5 sec, Forced Thurst +1 for 5 sec
|Electricity use: 100
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Go Rudolf Go!
|Shield Cerate
|Shield Charge +200 for 12 sec
|feel healthy again
|Vapid Attack
|Weapon Recoil -0.4 sec for 2 sec, Energy Charge +100 for 1 sec, Weapon Recoil +0.4 sec for 4 sec after 2 sec, Radar -75% for 8 sec
|Shield use: 35
|Better finish them off
|Warmalicious Warmth
|Energy Charge +28 for 144 sec, Hostility -10% for 144 sec
|Shield use: 28
|Random w3 Drop
|A small boost for a loooong time
= Tech 14 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Ace in a Pill III
|Docking +143.6% for 300 sec, Turning +14.36% for 300 sec, Thrust +143.6% for 300 sec, Weight -9.57% for 300 sec
|Electricity use: 700
|[[Ace in a Pill III Formula|BP]]
|Requires [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 14
|I'm a leaf on the wind...
|Energon Injection
|Energy Recharge +40% for 3 sec, Energy Recharge +20% for 15 sec
|Shield use: 700
|[[Energon Injection Formula|BP]]
|Requires [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 14
|Does that go into your veins or the engine?
|Weapon Recoil -10% for 600 sec, Damage +5% for 600 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Hmm, Kotonjata!
|Power Punch Z
|Damage -100% for 6 sec, Damage +70% for 1.75 sec after 6 sec, Tracking -50% for 1.75 sec after 6 sec
|Electricity use: 40
|Gather your power
= Tech 15 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Big Candy Bag
|Weight +15% for 240 sec, Capacity +100 for 240 sec
|Halloween Drop
|It can hold a LOT of Candy, but it's so heavy!!!
|Candy Mints
|Radar +185% for 900 sec, Visibility -20% for 900 sec, Max Speed +4.9% for 900 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Hmm, Candy Mints!
|Double Sub Space Anchor
|Max Speed -95% for 4 sec after 1 sec, Forced Thrust +1 for 4 sec after 1 sec
|Electricity use: 500
|DG Drop
|Dig into the fabric of spacetime to halt your momentum.
|Face Hugger's Acid Blood
|Damage +5% for 10 sec
|Electricity use: 500
|Waste from Face Hugger's Heart
|Can be used to coat projectiles with acid damage.
|Insto Shield Tweak 2
|Shield Charge +533 for 4 sec, Energy Charge -50% for 4 sec
|Random Drop
|feel healthy again
|Large Chocolate Egg
|Energy Charge +45% for 10 sec
|Electricity use: 150
|[[Easter]] Drop
|Even more? Om nom nom!
|Oversized Stocking
|Weight +23% for 30 sec, Capacity +100 for 30 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Lots of room! Can Santa fill it all?
|Peanut Butter Cups
|Energy Charge +15% for 300 sec
|Halloween Drop
|So... much.. sugar!!!
|Popcorn Balls
|Weapon Recoil -15% for 60 sec, Damage +20% for 60 sec
|Halloween Drop
|Mmm, so good but so sticky!
|Power Nitro
|Speed +130% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Thrust +960% for 3 sec after 1 sec, Turning -96% for 4 sec, Force Thrust +1 for 3 sec after 1 sec
|Electricity use: 750
|[[Power Nitro Formula|BP]]
|Requires [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 15
|Power Nitro it!
|Satanic Renewal
|Energy Charge +150 for 10 sec
|Shield use: 150
|gain more energy by sacrificing a cat
|Vampire Bite
|Damage +10% for 300 sec, Shield Charge +50 for 300 sec
|Halloween Drop
|He bit me! Bad Vampire, bad!
|Werewolf Bite
|Max Speed +15% for 300 sec, Max Shield +50% for 300 sec
|Electricity use: 200
|Halloween Drop
|He bit me! Things are gonna get hairy!
= Tech 16 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Mega Warmth
|Energy Charge +38 for 160 sec, Hostility -10% for 160 sec
|Shield use: 38
|Random w3 Drop
|A small boost for a loooong time
= Tech 17 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Shield Poltice
|Shield Charge +400 for 12 sec, Energy Charge -50% for 12 sec
|feel healthy again
|Triple-Chocolate Candy Cane Kisses
|Max Shield +26.16% for 900 sec, Shield Charge +18.1% for 900 sec
|[[Christmas Drop]]
|Hmm, Triple-Chocolate Candy Cane Kisses!
= Tech 18 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Advanced Blocker
|Vulnerability to all -95% for 2 sec, Weapon Recoil +100% for 2 sec, Shield Charge -50% for 2 sec
|Electricity use: 100
|Deflect Incoming Ouchies
|Source of Energon
|Max Energy +35% for 300 sec, Energy Recharge +15% for 300 sec
|Shield use: 900
|[[Source of Energon Formula|BP]]
|Requires [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 18
|Infinite Energy
|Merchant Shield Poltice
|Shield Charge +300 for 12 sec, Energy Charge +50 for 12 sec
|[[Lyceum]], Locus of Support, 200000 Credits
|Consumed in bulk quantities
|Power Punch GT
|Damage +25% for 6 seconds after 3 seconds
|Electricity use: 50
|Gather your power
|Satanic Salvation
|Energy Charge +200 for 12 sec
|Shield use: 200
|gain the most energy by sacrificing 2 cats
= Tech 19 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Swifty-Spry Attack
|Weapon Recoil -0.5 sec for 2 sec, Energy Charge +100 for 1 sec, Weapon Recoil +0.5 sec for 5 sec after 2 sec, Max Speed -50% for 8 sec after 2 sec
|Electricity use: 50
|Better finish them off
|White Chocolate Candy Pretzels
|Max Energy +56.5% for 900 sec, Energy Chage +18.84% for 900 sec
|Christmas Drop
|Hmm, White Chocolate Candy Pretzels!
= Tech 20 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Ace in a Pill IV
|Docking +179.3% for 300 sec, Turning +17.93% for 300 sec, Thrust +179.3% for 300 sec, Weight -11.95% for 300 sec
|Electricity use: 1000
|[[Ace in a Pill IV Formula|BP]]
|Requires [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 20
|I'm a leaf on the wind...
|Apollo's Rebirth
|Energy Charge +250 for 15 sec, Max Energy +2000 for 15 sec
|Shield use: 250
|DG Drop
|The power of a sun, in your hands!
|Apollo's Warmth
|Energy Charge +63 for 240 sec, Max Energy +2000 for 15 sec, Max Energy +1000 for 15 sec after 15 sec, Max Energy +500 for 15 sec after 30 sec
|Shield use: 63
|DG Drop
|The power of a sun, in your hands!
|Appolo's Rebirth
|Energy boost: 1000000
|Uber Drop
|The power of a sun, in your hands!
|Appolo's Warmth
|Energy Charge +63 for 240 sec, Max Energy +2000 for 15 sec, Max Energy +1000 for 15 sec after 15 sec, Max Energy +500 for 15 sec after 30 sec
|Shield use: 63
|DG Drop
|The power of a sun, in your hands!
|Atlas Shield Magic
|Shield boost: 1000000
|Uber Drop/DG Drop
|Bring forth the power of Atlas!
|Candy Pumpkins
|Max Speed +100% for 30 sec
|Electricity use: 50
|Halloween Drop
|Hmmm... Candy Pumkins taste like wax!
|Chimney Squeeze
|Weight -30.98% for 900 sec
|Christmas Drop
|Hmm, Chimney Squeeze!
|Energy Cocktail Injection
|Energy Recharge +60% for 3 sec, Energy Recharge +30% for 15 sec
|Shield use: 1000
|[[Energy Cocktail Injection Formula|BP]]
|Requires [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 20
|Does that go into your veins or the engine?
|Last Defense
|Speed -32% for 12 sec, Weigh +80% for 12 sec, Shields +180% for 12 sec, Shield Recharge +120% for 12 sec, Warp Interdiction +1 for 12 sec
|Electricity use: 1,000
|[[Last Defense Formula|BP]]
|Requires [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 20
|To the death!
|Oilheart's Best Afterburner
|Thrust +8000 for 3 sec after 2 sec, Max Speed +200% for 3 sec after 2 sec, Turning -100% for 5 sec, Forced Thurst +1 for 3 sec after 2 sec
|Electricity use: 100
|Rare Drop
|Pour on the juice
|Sniper Re-Router
|Weapon Recoil -30% for 5 sec, Damage +30% for 5 sec, Visibility +100% for 5 sec, Tracking +30% for 5 sec, Radar +100% for 5 sec, Range +30% for 5 sec, Max Speed -100% for 5 sec
|Electricity use: 50
|[[Item Generator|Sniper Re-Router Generator]]
|Lion Maul
|Damage +50% for 6 seconds after 3 seconds, Range -30% for 9 seconds
|Electricity use: 5000 Shield use: 5000
|[[Item Generators|Lion Maul Generator]]
|Source of Infinite Energy
|Max Energy +40% for 300 sec, Energy Recharge +20% for 300 sec
|Shield Use: 1,000
|[[Source of Infinite Energy Formula|BP]]
|Requires [[Infinite Knowledge|IK]] 20
|Infinite Energy
|Super Shield Soother
|Shield Charge +600 for 12 sec, Energy Charge +60 for 12 sec
|feel healthy again
|Visibility -80% for 12 sec, Damage +30% for 12 sec
|Drop, BP
|From a dark corner of space!
|Zombie Bite
|Max Speed -10% for 300sec, Max Shield +50% for 300sec, Vulnerability to all +7.5% for 300sec
|Electricity use: 200
|[[Halloween Drop]]
|He bit me! I'm un-dying!
= Tech 21 =
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Neurons Tweaked'''
|'''Cost to Use'''
|Olympian Travel System
|Speed: 200% for 120 sec, Max Speed: 120% for 120 sec, Turning: 120% for 120 sec, Max Shield: -50% for 120 sec, Weapon Recoil: 200% for 120 sec
|Activation Energy: 100
|Mission: Travel like a Godly Messenger; 2 Shard Tokens
|from here to there in style

Latest revision as of 22:06, 31 July 2015

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