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[[Image:Dg.png|right]] [[Image:Locked dg.png|right]] <br>
=Dungeon Galaxies Drop List=
= A bit of info =
[[Image:Double_DG.jpg|1024px|center|]] <br>
This is the list of '''''boss level''''' danger factors for Star Sonata 2, for Star Sonata 1 drops go [[Old DG Drops|here]].
== A bit of info ==
See also [[New DG AI]]
See also [[Danger Factor]]
The simplest way to understand the DG drop system is as follows; The formula for items from DG is "tech squared - stage count * 10".  So a tech 20 item would come from a 5 stage dungeon in DF 350.  That is a quick and dirty way to find what you want, if you are not interested in heavy end math, please stop reading here, ty.
= Danger Factor Sorting  =
== Heavy End Maths ==
Dungeons of different [[Danger Factor]] drop different loot, whereas those of the same DF drop similar loot. This correlation holds if you consider each level deeper in a dg an additional 10 DF. Please keep these total lists in alphabetical order. For example outside of the dg is the danger factor of the galaxy, inside the first level of the dungeon is +10 danger factor from the outside one, then the next level is +10 danger factor more and so on.
To help get an idea on this system here is a list of some galaxies with there dungeon damage factors for there boss level, commas represent  different dungeons whilst slash represents splits. If the splits in the dungeon are the same DF then one number will represent it:
Abres - 50
Alaacho - 130
Aldebaran - 90, 130
Alioth - 90
Alpheus - 120
Alta Sandra - 70
Ambrose - 110
Ankaq - 100
Arind - 110
Armegla - 150
Atik - 120
Arpeggio -  160/180/190
Baade's Galaxy A - 90/100
Belnia - 140/150, 170/180
Bethon - 110
Bilis - 60,70
Blaylock - 100, 120/130
Blue Hold - 100, 90/100, 110
Burg - 110
Cac - 140
Candid - 110/140
Carroll - 150/160
Charron - 120, 130/150
Charteris - 90/110
Chwedyk - 110
Crusher - 120
Cuttlefish - 120
Czerneda - 160/180
Dabih - 90
Dalton - 100
Dax - 110
Debussy - 160, 150/170, 150/160
Delany - 170/180
Devonian - 170
Disch - 120
Dradon - 135
Edasich - 130
Elabre - 130/140
Ellison - 110/140
Emshwiller - 140, 130
Farrulus - 70, 80
Febrezo - 80
Ferra - 105/125
Fisherman's Hook - 90
Flux - 120, 130
Forgotten Man - 130, 120, 120/130
Forseti - 80
Frazier - 140
Freedom - 120, 130
Friendship - 160
Gahan - 140/150
Gaiman - 120/150
Galactic Infraction - 110/120
Gefion - 130
Glade - 160
Gorgonea Tertia - 40
Goshor - 160
Gothica - 100
Goulart - 120
Grania - 140
Grant - 100/110
Gujiko - 90
Holy Zombie - 90
Integral - 110
Iskista - 100/110
Jackel's Cage - 150
Juliet - 50
Keenoat - 110/120
Kij - 110/140
Kobel - 160/190
Kona - 140/170
Konno - 140
Kooistra - 80/100, 100/120
Kotaan - 100
Krusisk - 90, 100
Lanagan - 105/125
Logan - 140/150
Lucid - 120/130
Ludus - 60
MacLeod - 110/120
Maia - 120/150
Mebsuta - 160, 170
Melur - 70
Merga - 60
Minelava - 140
Mofapper - 130
Mondas - 120
Moose Juice - 170
Muzeltr - 130
Nasir - 120
Neotolemus - 90/110
Numa Pompilus - 100
Ophiuchus - 150
Pathos - 180, 160, 150/170
Perga - 145/155
Plastiko - 120
Pournelle - 120
Pretentious - 110
Princess - 90,100
Qokuji - 150
Rasalas - 160
Rasnic - 160, 170
Rastaban - 130
Rey - 150
Rollin - 90
Sagan - 40
Salm - 160
Sambrot - 150/160
Samurai - 150
Sarin - 100
Sasin - 60
Scintilla - 80/90
Silent Trumpet - 140/160
Sodade - 130
Sol - 50
Spica - 145/155
Stross - 130
Sturgeon - 140, 110
Taurus - 120/130
Tenn - 180, 190
Tooine - 110/140
Uppsala - 130
Vespucci - 120/150
Vincent the Bear - 70
Volans - 190
Vonarburg - 185, 165
Wallace - 205
Wasat - 180
Weinbaum - 100/110, 120/130
Wells - 150
Wezen - 145
Wolf 359 - 50
Yin - 160/170
Yokosuka - 145/175
Zandra - 130/140
Zone - 140/150, 160/170
== '''''BEFORE YOU MAKE CHANGES'''''  ==
Consider what has been said above, if you are confused about how to check what [[Danger Factor]] the boss level is of the dungeon you want to record the drops of ask [[User:Simon|Simon]] or [[User:Asassainscreed|me]] first, if I find that the changes made look wrong I will undo them. Don't add dg loot to the list if it came from a [[Red Wattage|lvl 2.8k Red Wattage]], [[Hawk]], [[Delquadrakimdan]], [[Hive]] or [[Uber Ai]] as they have a different drop table, instead add it to there pages (Hawk, delquad and hive need confirming). Also it is not necessary to record if the loot is modded or not.
== DF 10 ==
== DF 20 ==
== DF 30 ==
== DF 40 ==
*[[Exterminators|Ace Pest Control]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Basic Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Minor Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Base Items|Advanced Harvester]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Arcadian Augmenter Z Blueprints]]
*[[Arson Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Artemis+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
*[[Controlbots|Barely Fierce Combat Controlbot]]
*[[Basic Class Augmenter Token]]
*[[Scoops|Battle Scoop]]
*[[Scoops|Big Battle Scoop]]
*[[Energy|Blue Energy]]
*[[Weapons#Radiation_Weapons|Bule Invader]]
*[[Energy|Bule LightBank]]
*[[Base Items|Cannery]]
*[[Capacitors|Combined Capacitor I]]
*[[Capacitors|Combined Capacitor II]]
*[[Copper Chunks]]
*[[Base Items|Crack Palace]]
*[[Controlbots|Defensive Combat Controlbot]]
*[[Scoops|Docking Scoop]]
*[[Droplet Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Dung Pellets]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Dung Pellets 2]]
*[[Enhanced Battle Scoop Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Axum Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Blue Engine Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Cute Drive Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Tibsi Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Voltage Thruster Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Heat_Weapons|Fire Cannon]]
*[[Energy|Flapping Wings]]
*[[Fire Control Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay II]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Enhanced Quartz Charger]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Quartz Charger]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Quartz Charger X]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Gigantic Soul Beam]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Super Quartz Charger]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Great Vortex Laser]]
*[[Diffusers|Heat Shield Kali]]
*[[Hermes+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
*[[Hestia+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Dilation]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Enlargement 2]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Inflation]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Inflation 2]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Magnification]]
*[[Weapons|Ice Sludger]]
*[[Incineration Blueprint]]
*[[Infernal Augmenter Blueprint]]
*[[Engines|Infernal Thruster]]
*[[Ion Caipirinha Crate]]
*[[Ion Salvation Crate]]
*[[Weapons#Transference_Weapons|Jack Healer]]
*[[Electron Clouds|Kudzu Electron Blanket]]
*[[Electron Clouds|Kudzu Electron Entomber]]
*[[Aura Generators|Leaky Reactor]]
*[[Capacitors|Liberty Shield Capacitor]]
*[[Capacitors|Liberty Shield Capacitor II]]
*[[Luxurious Combined Capacitor I Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Combined Capacitor II Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor II Blueprint]]
*[[Medium Forcefield Generator Blueprint]]
*[[Controlbots|Mildly Fierce Combat Controlbot]]
*[[Mini Pulse Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Mini Shockwave]]
*[[Minor Drone Protection Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Mzungu Pulse Shotgun]]
*[[Base Items|Nuclear Convo-Tronic II]]
*[[Oilheart's Afterburner Crate]]
*[[Capacitors|Ono Energy Capacitor]]
*[[Capacitors|Oversised Combined Capacitor II]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversised Enhanced Quartz Charger]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversised Quartz Charger]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversised Quartz Charger X]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversised Super Quartz Charger]]
*[[Weapons#Physical_Weapons|Paint Abuser+]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Peach Jux]]
*[[Scanners|Planetscanner X]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Point Defense Beta]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Point Defense Gamma]]
*[[Power Doughnut Crate]]
*[[Power Punch Crate]]
*[[Augmenters|Proficiency Augmenters]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Base Items|Prototype Fermium Extractor]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Pulse Shotgun]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Pulse Shotgun+]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Quartz Charger X]]
*[[Quick Attack Crate]]
*[[Controlbots|Quirky Combat Controlbot]]
*[[Escape Pods|Rasputin Escape Pod]]
*[[Weapons#Physical_Weapons|Scratch Maker+]]
*[[Scoops|Seeing Eye Scoop]]
*[[Shield Salvation Crate]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 0]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 3]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 5]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 6]]
*[[Shield Slave Crate]]
*[[Silver Ore]]
*[[Scoops|Silver Scoop]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Silver Thorax]]
*[[Small Launching Tube]]
*[[Small Power Punch Crate]]
*[[Smallish Forcefield Generator Blueprint]]
*[[Soul Magic Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Controlbots|Spacious Trader Controlbot]]
*[[Controlbots|Speedy Trader Controlbot]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Basic Augmenters]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Minor Augmenters]]
*[[Energy|Steam Power]]
*[[Sub Space Anchor Crate]]
*[[Weapons|Super Ice Sludger]]
*[[Supresto Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Scanners|Surface Scanner X]]
*[[Scanners|Surface Scanner Y]]
*[[Radars|Tibsi Radar]]
*[[Tiny Power Punch Crate]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Ur Pulsegun]]
*[[Weapons|Vazaha Invertoblast]]
*[[Warmer Warmth Crate]]
*[[Radars|Zigine Radar]]
== DF 50 ==
*[[Exterminators|Ace Pest Control]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Basic Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Arcadian Augmenter Z Blueprints]]
*[[Backstab Crate]]
*[[Bile Displacer Blueprint]]
*[[Energy|Blue Energy]]
*[[Weapons#Radiation_Weapons|Bule Invader]]
*[[Energy|Bule LightBank]]
*[[Base Items|Cannery]]
*[[Command & Control Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Copper Chunks]]
*[[Base Items|Crack Palace]]
*[[Scoops|Docking Scoop]]
*[[Weapons#Heat_Weapons|Fire Cannon]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Quartz Charger]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Great Vortex Laser]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Inflation]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Magnification]]
*[[Infernal Augmenter Blueprint]]
*[[Engines|Infernal Thruster]]
*[[Electron Clouds|Kudzu Electron Blanket]]
*[[Aura Generators|Leaky Reactor]]
*[[Capacitors|Liberty Shield Capacitor II]]
*[[Luxurious Combined Capacitor I Blueprint]]
*[[MagCannon III Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|MagCannon Turrent+]]
*[[Controlbots|Mildly Fierce Combat Controlbot]]
*[[Scoops|Mini Tug-o-war Scoop]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Mzungu Pulse Shotgun]]
*[[Capacitors|Ono Energy Capacitor II]]
*[[Capacitors|Oversized Combined Capacitor III]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversised Quartz Charger]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Point Defense Beta]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Point Defense Gamma]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Quartz Charger X]]
*[[Weapons#Physical_Weapons|Scratch Maker+]]
*[[Shield Magic Crate]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 6]]
*[[Silver Ore]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Silver Thorax]]
*[[Small Launching Tube]]
*[[Small Power Punch Crate]]
*[[Smallish Forcefield Generator Blueprint]]
*[[Soul Magic Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Basic Augmenters]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Minor Augmenters]]
*[[Energy|Steam Power]]
*[[Weapons|Super Ice Sludger]]
*[[Scanners|Surface Scanner X]]
*[[Radars|Zigine Radar]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Zirconium Charger]]
== DF 60 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Basic Augmenter Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|Battle Scoop]]
*[[Scoops|Big Battle Scoop]]
*[[Base Items|Crack Palace]]
*[[Droplet Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Dung Pellets 2]]
*[[Fine Tuned Tibsi Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Dilation Ultra]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Enlargement]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Inflation 2]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Magnification Ultra]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Indira Hull Expander]]
*[[Weapons#Transference_Weapons|Jack Healer]]
*[[Capacitors|Liberty Shield Capacitor]]
*[[Capacitors|Liberty Shield Capacitor II]]
*[[Scoops|Mini Tug-o-war Scoop]]
*[[Base Items|Nuclear Convo-Tronic II]]
*[[Capacitors|Ono Energy Capacitor II]]
*[[Scanners|Planetscanner Y]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Plum Jux]]
*[[Augmenters|Proficiency Augmenters]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Quartz Charger X]]
*[[Scoops|Seeing Eye Scoop]]
*[[Scoops|Silver Scoop]]
*[[Small Launching Tube]]
*[[Soul Magic Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Controlbots|Spacious Trader Controlbot]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Basic Augmenters]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Minor Augmenters]]
*[[Supresto Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Radars|Tibsi Radar]]
*[[Tiny Power Punch Crate]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Ur Pulsegun]]
*[[Radars|Zigine Radar]]
== DF 70 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Minor Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Base_Items|Advanced Tree Cutter]]
*[[Anti UnDe-Puzzeler Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenters|Aptitude Augmenters]]
*[[Energy|Blue Energy]]
*[[Energy|Bule LightBank]]
*[[Capacitors|Combined Capacitor III]]
*[[Copper Chunks]]
*[[Fire Control Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Energy|Flapping Wings]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Enhanced Quartz Charger]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Super Quartz Charger]]
*[[Escape Pods|Gulag Pod]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Inflation 2]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Enlargement 2]]
*[[Weapons|Ice Sludger]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Indra Hull Enlargement]]
*[[Electron Clouds|Kudzu Electron Blanket]]
*[[Capacitors|Liberty Shield Capacitor III]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|MagCannon Turrent+]]
*[[Medium Launching Tube]]
*[[Scoops|Mini Tug-o-war Scoop]]
*[[Controlbots|Massif Trader Controlbot]]
*[[Capacitors|Oversized Combined Capacitor I]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversized Super Quartz Charger]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Point Defense Beta]]
*[[Augmenters|Proficiency Augmenters]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Quartz Charger X]]
*[[Quick Attack Crate]]
*[[Escape Pods|Rasputin Escape Pod]]
*[[Searing Beam Blueprint]]
*[[Shaolin Kick Torpedo Blueprint]]
*[[Small Power Punch Crate]]
*[[Controlbots|Spacious Trader Controlbot]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Basic Augmenters]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Std. Augmenters]]
*[[Energy|Steam Power]]
*[[Scanners|Surface Scanner Y]]
== DF 80 ==
*[[Exterminators|Ace Pest Control]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Basic Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Base Gear|Advanced Tree Cutter]]
*[[Augmenters|Aptitude Augmenters]]
*[[Arcadian Crest Blueprint]]
*[[Overloaders|Berserker Way]]
*[[Command & Control Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Copper Chunks]]
*[[Droplet Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Tibsi Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Extension Ultra]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Magnification Ultra]]
*[[Engines|Infernal Thruster]]
*[[Electron Clouds|Kudzu Electron Blanket]]
*[[Aura Generators|Leaky Reactor]]
*[[Envelopments|Lord's Enveloper]]
*[[MagCannon III Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Base Items|Nuclear Convo-Tronic II]]
*[[Capacitors|Ono Energy Capacitor II]]
*[[Capacitors|Oversised Combined Capacitor II]]
*[[Pickpocket Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Power Punch Crate]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Point Defense Gamma]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 8]]
*[[Small Launching Tube]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Basic Augmenters]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Minor Augmenters]]
*[[Energy|Steam Power]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Ur Pulsegun]]
== DF 90 ==
*[[Augmenters|Aptitude Augmenters]]
*[[Weapons#Radiation_Weapons|Bule Invader]]
*[[Energy|Bule LightBank]]
*[[Cremater Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|Docking Scoop]]
*[[Diffusers|Energy Diffuser Kali]]
*[[Fabulous Factory Parts Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Great Vortex Laser]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Inflation 2]]
*[[Engines|Infernal Thruster]]
*[[Jade Thorax Blueprint]]
*[[Electron Clouds|Kudzu Electron Blanket]]
*[[Aura Generators|Leaky Reactor]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversized Zicronium Charger]]
*[[Scanners|Planetscanner X]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Point Defense Gamma]]
*[[Augmenters|Proficiency Augmenters]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Qafir Drone+ Blueprint]]
*[[Controlbots|Skirmisher Combat Controlbot]]
*[[Soul Magic Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Controlbots|Spacious Trader Controlbot]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Basic Augmenters]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Std. Augmenters]]
*[[Radars|Spyrite Radar]]
*[[Supresto Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|The Bird Scoop]]
*[[Radars|Zigine Radar]]
== DF 100 ==
*[[Base Gear|Advanced Harvester]]
*[[Augmenters|Aptitude Augmenters]]
*[[Overloaders|Berserker Way]]
*[[Scoops|Big Battle Scoop]]
*[[Energy|Bule LightBank]]
*[[Command & Control Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Base Items|Crack Palace]]
*[[Deimos Blockade Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|Docking Scoop]]
*[[Enhanced Battle Scoop Blueprint]]
*[[Fabulous Factory Parts Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Cute Drive Blueprint]]
*[[Flash Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay III]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay IV]]
*[[Gold Nuggets]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Magnification Ultra]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Indira Hull Expander]]
*[[Capacitors|Liberty Shield Capacitor III]]
*[[Envelopments|Lord's Enveloper]]
*[[Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor II Blueprint]]
*[[Controlbots|Massif Trader Controlbot]]
*[[Medium Launching Tube]]
*[[Base Items|Nuclear Convo-Tronic II]]
*[[Energy|Nuclear Steam Power]]
*[[Capacitors|Ono Energy Capacitor III]]
*[[Capacitors|Oversized Combined Capacitor II]]
*[[Capacitors|Oversized Combined Capacitor III]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversized Sponge Charger]]
*[[Diffusers|Oversized Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Scanners|Planetscanner Y]]
*[[Power Punch Crate]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Quartz Charger X]]
*[[Rapid Attack Crate]]
*[[Weapons#Physical_Weapons|Scratch Maker+]]
*[[Searing Beam Blueprint]]
*[[Shaolin Kick Torpedo Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Good Augmenters]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Std. Augmenters]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Sponge Charger]]
*[[Radars|Spyrite Radar]]
*[[Weapons|Super Ice Sludger]]
*[[Scoops|The Bird Scoop]]
*[[Overloaders|Transference Concentrator]]
*[[Diffusers|Transference Inhibitor]]
*[[Overloaders|Transference Qualitator]]
== DF 105 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Std. Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Base Items|Crack Palace]]
*[[Shield Soother Crate]]
== DF 110 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adonis Augmenter Z Blueprint]]
*[[Adv. Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint]]
*[[Base Items|Advanced Tree Cutter]]
*[[Augmenters|Aptitude Augmenters]]
*[[Scoops|Big Battle Scoop]]
*[[Blocker Crate]]
*[[Capacitors|Combined Capacitor III]]
*[[Copper Chunks]]
*[[Scoops|Electro Drone Scoop]]
*[[Diffusers|Energy Diffuser Kali]]
*[[Weapons#Transference_Weapons|Engineer Chain Transfer MK 1]]
*[[Fine Tuned Inverto Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Gold Nuggets]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Great Vortex Laser]]
*[[Heat Dampener+ Blueprint]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Magnification Ultra]]
*[[Base Items|Hydroponics]]
*[[Engines|Infernal Thruster]]
*[[Solar Panels|Inverse Collector]]
*[[Electron Clouds|Kudzu Electron Blanket]]
*[[Weapons#Surgical_Weapons|Lobectomy Laser]]
*[[Luxurious Combined Capacitor III Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor II Blueprint]]
*[[Controlbots|Massif Trader Controlbot]]
*[[Medium Launching Tube]]
*[[Base Items|Nuclear Convo-Tronic II]]
*[[Orb Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Capacitors|Oversized Combined Capacitor IV]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversized Quartz Charger X]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Oversized Soul Beam]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversized Sponge Charger]]
*[[Scanners|Planetscanner Y]]
*[[Platform Augmentation Alpha Blueprint]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Protection Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Shield Slave Crate]]
*[[Shield Soother Crate]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 10]]
*[[Silver Ore]]
*[[Small Launching Tube]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Std. Augmenters]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Sponge Charger]]
*[[Weapons|Super Ice Sludger]]
*[[Surgical Dampener+ Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|The Bird Scoop]]
*[[Overloaders|Transference Inhibitor]]
== DF 120 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Std. Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Augmenters|Aptitude Augmenters]]
*[[Axum Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Bile Displacer Blueprint]]
*[[Blocker Crate]]
*[[Cold Orange Crate]]
*[[Command & Control Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Cremater Blueprint]]
*[[Diffusers|Energy Diffuser Kali]]
*[[Weapons#Transference_Weapons|Engineer Chain Transfer MK 1]]
*[[Fine Tuned Axum Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay IV]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Gigantic Soul Beam]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Sponge Charger]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Zirconium Charger]]
*[[Gold Nuggets]]
*[[Escape Pods|Gulag Pod]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Hull Magnification Ultra]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Indira Hull Expander]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Indira Hull Inflation]]
*[[Insto Shield Tweak Crate]]
*[[Envelopments|Lord's Enveloper]]
*[[Lunar Blockade Blueprint]]
*[[Medium Launching Tube]]
*[[Mythos Energizer Blueprint]]
*[[Base_Items|Nuclear Convo-Tronic II]]
*[[Oilheart's Better Afterburner Crate]]
*[[Capacitors|Ono Energy Capacitor III]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversized Sponge Charger]]
*[[Platform Augmentation Alpha Blueprint]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Shaolin Kick Torpedo Blueprint]]
*[[Shaolin Strike Torpedo Blueprint]]
*[[Silver Ore]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Std. Augmenters]]
*[[Diffusers|Transference Inhibitor]]
*[[Overloaders|Transference Qualitator]]
*[[Unidyne Core Drain Prototype Blueprint]]
*[[Warmy Warmth Crate]]
== DF 125 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adonis Augmenter Z Blueprints]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Std. Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Augmenters|Aptitude Augmenters]]
*[[Weapons#Physical_Weapons|Hole Driller+]]
*[[Titanium Reinforced Heat Dampener+ Blueprint]]
*[[Diffusers|Transference Facilitator]]
== DF 130 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Basic Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Std. Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Base_Gear|Advanced Harvester]]
*[[Base Gear|Advanced Tree Cutter]]
*[[Augmenters|Aptitude Augmenters]]
*[[Argonaut Transference Facilitator Blueprint]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Argonium Charger]]
*[[Scoops|Beautiful Battle Scoop]]
*[[Cold Orange Crate]]
*[[Overloaders|Crazy Controls]]
*[[Dall Computers Assembly Plant Blueprint]]
*[[Diffusers|Energy Diffuser Kali]]
*[[Fine Tuned Angelic Vision Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Axum Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Mobile Factories|Flash Mine Mobile Factory]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay III]]
*[[Diffusers|Gigantic Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Zirconium Charger]]
*[[Gold Nuggets]]
*[[Grem Box Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Escape Pods|Gulag Pod]]
*[[Weapons#Physical_Weapons|Hole Driller+]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Indira Hull Inflation]]
*[[Engines|Infernal Thruster]]
*[[Diffusers|Laser Diffuser Kali]]
*[[Luxurious Combined Capacitor V Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor IV Blueprint]]
*[[Controlbots|Massif Trader Controlbot]]
*[[Medium Launching Tube]]
*[[Multi Mythos Energizer Blueprint]]
*[[Capacitors|Oversized Combined Capacitor III]]
*[[Diffusers|Oversized Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversized Zirconium Charger]]
*[[Scanners|Planetscanner Z]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|Sawed Off+]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 13]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Std. Augmenters]]
*[[Scoops|The Bird Scoop]]
*[[Diffusers|Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Diffusers|Transference Inhibitor]]
== DF 135 ==
*[[Augmenters|Aptitude Augmenters]]
*[[Escape Pods|Gulag Pod]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Std. Augmenters]]
== DF 140 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Std. Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Base Items|Advanced Tree Cutter]]
*[[Augmenters|Aptitude Augmenters]]
*[[Arcadian Crest Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|Beautiful Battle Scoop]]
*[[Scoops|Big Battle Scoop]]
*[[Blocker Crate]]
*[[Capacitors|Combined Capacitor IV]]
*[[Conflagrater Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Angelic Vision Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Doomed Thruster Blueprint]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay III]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Gigantic Soul Beam]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Sponge Charger]]
*[[Gold Nuggets]]
*[[Hull Expanders|Indira Hull Inflation]]
*[[Lasting Resources Crate]]
*[[Medium Launching Tube]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Oversized Soul Beam]]
*[[Scanners|Planetscanner Z]]
*[[Controlbots|Pretty Fierce Combat Controlbot]]
*[[Qafir Drone+ Blueprint]]
*[[Quu Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|Second Seeing Eye Scoop]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 8]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 12]]
*[[Controlbots|Skirmisher Combat Controlbot]]
*[[Solid Rock Augmenter Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Std. Augmenters]]
*[[Titanium Reinforced Surgical Dampener+ Blueprint]]
== DF 145 ==
*[[Augmenters|Aptitude Augmenters]]
*[[Capital Fighter Bay Blueprint]]
*[[Deimos Blockade Blueprint]]
*[[Heat Dampener+ Blueprint]]
*[[Solar Panels|Inverse Collector]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Quu Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Std. Augmenters]]
== DF 150 ==
*[[Radars|Angelic Vision]]
*[[Apollo's Collector Blueprint]]
*[[Overloaders|Berserker Way]]
*[[Capacitors|Combined Capacitor V]]
*[[Cremater Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Angelic Vision Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Striped Emphasis+ Blueprint]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Zirconium Charger]]
*[[Gold Nuggets]]
*[[Heat Dampener+ Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons|Hole Driller+]]
*[[Scanners|Incredibly Advanced Resource Detector]]
*[[Lunar Blockade Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor II Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor IV Blueprint]]
*[[Medium Launching Tube]]
*[[Overloaders|Multifirer Method]]
*[[Energy|Nuclear Steam Power]]
*[[Orb Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversized Sponge Charger]]
*[[Diffusers|Oversized Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Scanners|Planetscanner Y]]
*[[Controlbots|Pretty Fierce Combat Controlbot]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Rapid Attack Crate]]
*[[Reformatter Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Satanic Rebirth Crate]]
*[[Scoops|Second Seeing Eye Scoop]]
*[[Shaolin Kick Torpedo Blueprint]]
*[[Silver Ore]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Good Augmenters]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Std. Augmenters]]
*[[Base_Items|Tardis Station Extension]]
== DF 155 ==
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay IV]]
*[[Capacitors|Ono Energy Capacitor IV]]
*[[Reformatter Drone Blueprint]]
== DF 160 ==
*[[Adonis Crest Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Good Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Energy|Alien Steam Power]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Argonium Charger]]
*[[Scoops|Beautiful Battle Scoop]]
*[[Blocker Crate]]
*[[Corundum Thorax Blueprint]]
*[[Cremater Blueprint]]
*[[Engines|Doomed Thruster]]
*[[Radars|Eyerite Radar]]
*[[Fine Tuned Enseek Radar+ Blueprint]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay III]]
*[[Weapons#Physical_Weapons|Hole Driller+]]
*[[Solar Panels|Inverse Collector]]
*[[Medium Launching Tube]]
*[[Diffusers|Oversized Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Scanners|Planetscanner Z]]]
*[[Platinum Piece]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Point Defense Delta]]
*[[Portable Surgeon Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Qafir Drone+ Blueprint]]
*[[Radiation Dampener Blueprint]]
*[[Radiation Dampener+ Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 11]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Std. Augmenters]]
*[[The Swan Maker Blueprint]]
*[[Titanium Reinforced Energy Dampener+ Blueprint]]
== DF 165 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Std. Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Argonaut Augmenter Z Blueprints]]
*[[Argonaut Transference Inhibitor Blueprint]]
*[[Command & Control Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Escape Pods|Gulag Pod]]
*[[Scanners|Shipscanner Laslo]]
*[[Scoops|Small Holding Scoop]]
*[[Surgical Dampener+ Blueprint]]
== DF 170 ==
*[[Adonis Crest Blueprint]]
*[[Radars|Angelic Vision]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Argonium Charger]]
*[[Capital Fighter Bay II Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Inverto Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay IV]]
*[[Gremlin Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint]]
*[[Laconia Station Kit V Blueprint]]
*[[Large Launching Tube]]
*[[Lipo Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Controlbots|Massif Trader Controlbot]]
*[[Diffusers|Oversized Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Quu Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Rapid Attack Crate]]
*[[Reformatter Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Good Augmenter]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Std. Augmenter]]
*[[Base Items|Tardis Station Extension]]
== DF 175 ==
*[[Artemis Hi-tech Bow String Blueprint]]
== DF 180 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Argonaut Augmenter Z Blueprints]]
*[[Weapons|Banana Jux]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Argonium Charger]]
*[[Large Launching Tube]]
*[[Augmenters|Prowess Augmenters]]
*[[Reformatter Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Good Augmenters]]
== DF 185 ==
*[[Controlbots|Rudimentary Multifiring Combat Controlbot]]
== DF 190 ==
*[[Argonaut Charger Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|Beautiful Battle Scoop]]
*[[Overloaders|Berserker Mode]]
*[[Cold Orange Crate]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Cowboy Charger]]
*[[Controlbots|Decidedly Fierce Combat Controlbot]]
*[[Fine Tuned Doomed Thruster Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Purgatory Thrust Blueprint]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay III]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay V]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Argonium Charger]]
*[[Large Launching Tube]]
*[[Mzungu Transdim Expansion Blueprint]]
*[[Reformatter Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|Second Seeing Eye Scoop]]
*[[Shield Cerate Crate]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Good Augmenter]]
*[[Surgical Dampener Blueprint]]
== DF 200 ==
*[[Adonis Crest Blueprint]]
*[[Radars|Angelic Vision]]
*[[Avalon Protector Blueprint]]
*[[Compressed Laser Dampener Blueprint]]
*[[Inverto Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Large Launching Tube]]
*[[Capacitors|Oversized Combined Capacitor V]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Good Augmenters]]
*[[Overloaders|Transference Focusor]]
== DF 205 ==
*[[Adonis Crest Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Good Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Advanced Protection Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Ambrosia Augmenter Z Blueprints]]
*[[Ambrosia Charger Blueprint]]
*[[Ambrosia Crest Blueprint]]
*[[Andaman Transference Facilitator Blueprint]]
*[[Radars|Angelic Vision]]
*[[Argonaut Charger Blueprint]]
*[[Argonaut Crest Blueprint]]
*[[Avalon Laser Blueprint]]
*[[Basil Mega Sheath Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|Beautiful Battle Scoop]]
*[[Overloaders|Berserker Mode]]
*[[Complicated Factory Parts Blueprint]]
*[[Corundum Thorax Blueprint]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Cowboy Charger]]
*[[Controlbots|Decidedly Fierce Combat Controlbot]]
*[[Engines|Doomed Thruster]]
*[[Double Sub Space Anchor Crate]]
*[[Weapons#Transference_Weapons|Engineer Chain Transfer MK II]]
*[[Enhanced Beautiful Battle Scoop Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Inverto Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay V]]
*[[Furnace of the Gods Blueprint]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Argonium Charger]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Sponge Charger]]
*[[Grav Testing Facility Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Heat_Weapons|Great Immolation]]
*[[Mobile Factories|Gremlin Mine Mobile Factory]]
*[[Gremlin Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint]]
*[[Hephaestus+ Augmenter Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Physical_Weapons|Hole Driller+]]
*[[Laconia Reinforced Energy Dampener+ Blueprint]]
*[[Laconia Reinforced Surgical Dampener+ Blueprint]]
*[[Laconia Reinforced Radiation Dampener+ Blueprint]]
*[[Large Launching Tube]]
*[[Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor IV Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor IV Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|Master Drone Scoop]]
*[[Controlbots|Multifiring Combat Controlbot]]
*[[Mzungu Transdim Expansion Blueprint]]
*[[Neutron Emitter Blueprint]]
*[[Non Portable Surgeon Blueprint]]
*[[Capacitors|Ono Energy Capacitor IV]]
*[[Weapons#Surgical_Weapons|Overdone Liposuction]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversized Argonium Charger]]
*[[Capacitors|Oversized Combined Capacitor VI]]
*[[Capacitors|Oversized Ono Energy Capacitor]]
*[[Platinum Piece]]
*[[Power Punch Z Crate]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Phobos Blockade Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenters|Prowess Augmenters]]
*[[Weapons#Heat_Weapons|Reach of Prometheus]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 14]]
*[[Diffusers|Specialized Oversized Transference Inhibitor]]
*[[Diffusers|Specialized Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Good Augmenters]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Std. Augmenters]]
*[[Surgical Dampener+ Blueprint]]
*[[Base Gear|Tardis Station Extension]]
*[[The Swan Maker Blueprint]]
*[[Titanium Reinforced Mining Dampener+ Blueprint]]
*[[Scanners|Ubberly Advanced Ressource Detector]]
*[[Warmalicious Warmth Crate]]
== DF 210 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Good Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Avalon Energy Blueprint]]
*[[Large Launching Tube]]
*[[Warmalicious Warmth Crate]]
== DF 220 ==
*[[Artemis Laser Tip Coating Blueprint]]
*[[Laconia Station Kit VI Blueprint]]
*[[Non Portable Surgeon Blueprint]]
*[[Red Cross Crate]]
*[[Overloaders|Targeting Computer]]
== DF 230 ==
*[[Andaman Transference Facilitator Blueprint]]
*[[Andaman Laser Z Blueprint]]
*[[Avalon Energy Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Heat_Weapons|Great Immolation]]
*[[Gold Nuggets]]
*[[Energy|Ion Justice]]
*[[Luxurious Combined Capacitor VI Blueprint]]
*[[Engines|Moral Emphasis]]
*[[Oversized Ono Energy Capacitor Blueprint]]
*[[Platinum Piece]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Exc. Augmenters]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Good Augmenters]]
*[[Overloaders|Targeting Computer]]
== DF 240 ==
*[[Demented Station Kit VI Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor V Blueprint]]
*[[Mega Warmth Crate]]
== DF 250 ==
*[[Adv. Class Augmenter Token]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Good Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Ambrosia Augmenter Z Blueprints]]
*[[Ambrosia Crest Blueprint]]
*[[Andaman Charger Blueprint]]
*[[Andaman Laser X Blueprint]]
*[[Andaman Laser Y Blueprint]]
*[[Argonaut Charger Blueprint]]
*[[Artemis High-tech Bow String Blueprint]]
*[[Artemis Laser Tip Coating Blueprint]]
*[[Capacitors|Combined Capacitor VI]]
*[[Capacitors|Combined Capacitor VII]]
*[[Attached Argonaut Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Cold Orange Crate]]
*[[Compressed Energy Dampener Blueprint]]
*[[Compressed Mining Dampener Blueprint]]
*[[Compressed Physical Dampener Blueprint]]
*[[Conflagrater Blueprint]]
*[[Overloaders|Crazy Settings]]
*[[Weapons#Heat_Weapons|Death Warmed Over]]
*[[Defensive Bubble Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Executionner Catapult Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Back of the Head Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Inverto Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay V]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay VI]]
*[[Weapons#Heat_Weapons|Great Immolation]]
*[[Weapons#Physical_Weapons|Glue Gun]]
*[[Gold Nuggets]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Greater Vortex Laser]]
*[[Huge Launching Tube]]
*[[Insto Shield Tweak 2 Crate]]
*[[Inverto Radar Blueprint]]
*[[Energy|Ion Justice]]
*[[Large Forcefield Generator Blueprint]]
*[[Large Launching Tube]]
*[[Luscious North Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Combined Capacitor VI Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor IV Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor V Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Station Suite Blueprint]]
*[[Mega Warmth Crate]]
*[[Weapons#Physical_Weapons|Metal Decapitator+]]
*[[Capacitors|Ono Energy Capacitor IV]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Oversized Cowboy Charger]]
*[[Promethium Crystals]]
*[[Augmenters|Prowess Augmenters]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Point Defense Epsilon]]
*[[Radiation Dampener+ Blueprint]]
*[[Red Cross Crate]]
*[[Repulsor Blueprint]]
*[[ReTardis Station Extension Blueprint]]
*[[Scanners|Shipscanner Indictive]]
*[[Scoops|Second Seeing Eye Scoop]]
*[[Diffusers|Specialized Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Good Augmenters]]
*[[Controlbots|Superior Speedy Trader Controlbot]]
*[[Overloaders|Transference Focusor]]
== DF 260 ==
== DF 265 ==
== DF 270 ==
== DF 275 ==
== DF 280 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Exc. Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Energy|Alien Steam Power]]
*[[Andaman Protector X Blueprint]]
*[[Attached Ambrosia Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Avalon Protector Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|Badass Battle Scoop]]
*[[Compressed Laser Dampener Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Heat_Weapons|Death Warmed Over]]
*[[Demented Station Kit VI Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Transference_Weapons|Engineer Chain Transference MK III]]
*[[Executionner Catapult Blueprint]]
*[[Executive Conductor Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Madman's Eyes Blueprint]]
*[[Engines|Fission Thrust]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay VI]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Greater Vortex Laser]]
*[[Huge Launching Tube]]
*[[Base Items|Hydroponics]]
*[[Energy|Ion Justice]]
*[[Laconia Extractor Blueprint]]
*[[Capacitors|Liberty Shield Capacitor V]]
*[[Solar Panels|Lord's Solar Collector]]
*[[Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor VI Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Physical_Weapons|Metal Decapitator+]]
*[[Engines|Moral Emphasis]]
*[[Overloaders|Neutron Focalizator]]
*[[Energy|Oversized Ion Justice]]
*[[Capacitors|Oversized Liberty Shield Capacitor]]
*[[Weapons#Laser_Weapons|Point Defense Epsilon]]
*[[Augmenters|Prowess Augmenters]]
*[[Red Cross Crate]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 16]]
*[[Diffusers|Specialized Gigantic Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Diffusers|Specialized Gigantic Transference Inhibitor]]
*[[Diffusers|Specialized Oversized Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Diffusers|Specialized Oversized Transference Inhibitor]]
*[[Diffusers|Specialized Transference Inhibitor]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Exc. Augmenters]]
*[[Overloaders|Targeting Computer]]
*[[Team Tug-o-war Scoop Blueprint]]
== DF 285 ==
== DF 290 ==
== DF 300 ==
== DF 310 ==
*[[Advanced Blocker Crate]]
*[[Attached Ambrosia Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Dementium Fragments]]
*[[Weapons#Transference_Weapons|Engineer Chain Transfer MK III]]
*[[Entertainment Station Suite Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Infinite Improbability Drive Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Venusian Motor Blueprint]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Cowboy Charger]]
*[[Gigantic Gigo Laser Blueprint]]
*[[Energy|Gigantic Ion Justice]]
*[[Shields|Give and Take]]
*[[Engines|Grape Influence]]
*[[Luxurious Combined Capacitor VII Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|MagCannon VIII+]]
*[[Mustard Yellow Crate]]
*[[Engines|Plant Power]]
*[[Rock Launcher Blueprint]]
*[[Energy|Oversized Yallow]]
*[[Siege Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Exc. Augmenters]]
*[[Base Kits|Station Kit VIII]]
*[[Weapons|Super Duper Ice Sludger]]
*[[Venusian Gear]]
== DF 315 ==
*[[Achilles Crest Blueprint]]
*[[Achilles Energy Y Blueprint]]
*[[Achilles Energy Z Blueprint]]
*[[Achilles Laser X Blueprint]]
*[[Achilles Laser Y Blueprint]]
*[[Adamantium Station Kit VII Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Exc. Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Ambrosia Crest Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Andaman Augmenter Z Blueprints]]
*[[Andaman Crest Blueprint]]
*[[Andaman Protector Y Blueprint]]
*[[Annihilator Charger Blueprint]]
*[[Apollo's Eyes Blueprint]]
*[[Scoops|Badass Battle Scoop]]
*[[Black Crate]]
*[[Weapons#Heat_Weapons|Death Warmed Over]]
*[[Demented Attached Station Kit VII Blueprint]]
*[[Dementium Fragments]]
*[[Fighter Bays|Freighter Fighter Bay VI]]
*[[Fine Tuned Fission Thrust Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Sonic Radar+ Blueprint]]
*[[Fine Tuned Tunnel Vision Blueprint]]
*[[Fortified Station Kit VII Blueprint]]
*[[Shield Chargers|Gigantic Cowboy Charger]]
*[[Energy|Gigantic Ion Justice]]
*[[Base Items|Hydroponics]]
*[[Luxurious Station Suite Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|MagCannon VIII]]
*[[Oversized Gigo Laser Blueprint]]
*[[Energy|Oversized Obsidian Ionizer]]
*[[Rock Launcher Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenters|Ship Mastery Augmenter 17]]
*[[Diffusers|Specialized Gigantic Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Diffusers|Specialized Oversized Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Exc. Augmenters]]
*[[Weapons|Super Duper Ice Sludger]]
*[[Radars|Tunnel Vision]]
*[[Un-Reformatter Blueprint]]
*[[Unidyne Core Leach Blueprint]]
*[[Venusian Gear]]
== DF 320 ==
== DF 325 ==
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Achilles Augmenter Z Blueprints]]
*[[Achilles Energy Blueprint]]
*[[Achilles Protector Blueprint]]
*[[Achilles Protector X Blueprint]]
*[[Achilles Superlaser Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenter Blueprints|Adv. Exc. Augmenter Blueprints]]
*[[Annihilator Charger Blueprint]]
*[[Advanced Blocker Crate]]
*[[Base Kits|Attached Station Kit VIII]]
*[[Black Crate]]
*[[Aura Generators|Capital Ship Traveling Field 6]]
*[[Dementium Fragments]]
*[[Weapons#Transference_Weapons|Engineer Chain Transfer MK III]]
*[[Fine Tuned Sonic Radar+ Blueprint]]
*[[Shields|Give and Take]]
*[[Engines|Herbal Power]]
*[[Luxurious Combined Capacitor VII Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Combined Capacitor VIII Blueprint]]
*[[Luxurious Station Suite Blueprint]]
*[[Weapons#Energy_Weapons|MagCannon VIII+]]
*[[Energy|Oversized Obsidian Ionizer]]
*[[Energy|Oversized Yallow]]
*[[Radars|Oversized Tunnel Vision]]
*[[Engines|Plant Power]]
*[[Power Punch GT Crate]]
*[[Siege Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Diffusers|Specialized Gigantic Transference Facilitator]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacey Exc. Augmenters]]
*[[Base Kits|Station Kit VIII]]
*[[Weapons|Super Duper Ice Sludger]]
*[[Base Gear|Tardis Station Extension]]
*[[Radars|Tunnel Vision]]
*[[Twilight Blockade Blueprint]]
*[[Un-Reformatter Blueprint]]
*[[Un-Reformatter Drone Blueprint]]
*[[Venusian Gear]]
== DF 330 ==
== DF 340 ==
== DF 350 ==
== DF 360 ==
== DF 370 ==
== DF 380 ==
== DF 390 ==
== DF 400 ==
== DF 410 ==
== DF 420 ==
SO, you are still with us?  Good, I like you, you have a long future in this game.  The DG system in star sonata has recently been MASSIVELY simplified.  Each DG drops one "type" of item, weapons, shields, energies, equipment or blueprints.  It is VERY important to make notes on which DG bosses drop what items as this will enable you to target the items you want.  That said, a general idea of the danger factor (DF) range where the item you want is will still be useful.
== DF 430 ==
The drop formula is comprised of two parts; 1) the DF of the galaxy the DG is located in, and 2) the number of levels in the DG.  The formula takes the DF of the galaxy, multiplies it by 100, then adds a certain number between 37 and 62 per level of the Dungeon (averages 50, so we will use that for all calculations).
== DF 440 ==
Now the full Formula is (((DF of Galaxy * 10) + (number of DG levels * 50)) / 1000)
== DF 450 ==
Simplified the equation is (DF of Galaxy + (number of DG levels * 5)) / 100
== DF 460 ==
SO, in our sample to the right, we have a DG that is 8 levels deep in DF 110.  Thus (110 + (8 * 5))/100 = 1.5 on the lists below.  Now this is not wholly accurate, it will technically draw from 1.39 to 1.59 depending on what number each level added, but .05 keeps things simple for our understanding.
== DF 470 ==
Now, the reverse formula is the one most people are interested in.  Now, a LipoSuction has a Value of 1.44.  Where do i go to find one?  Dungeons are generally between 3 and 11 levels deep, with some, like the one at the top of the page, having splits.
== DF 480 ==
Desired DF = Item Value * 100 - number of DG levels * 5
== DF 490 ==
SO if you wanted a Gigantic Fission Thrust at 3.24 you would do (3.24 * 100 - (9 levels * 5)) = DF 280
== DF 500 ==
SO our Liposuction could be in any DF from 135 (3 levels at 37) to 70 (11 levels at 67).  It is generally a very good idea if you are looking for specific items to write down the DF ranges and depths, look for a series of DGs matching those, and then write the locations down before beginning a run.
== Unsorted loot ==
== Full table of All DG Items by Drop Range Value.==
Loot that drops from the boss of a [[DG]]. List of DG Drops:
You are STRONGLY advised to use CTRL-F to search this table.  
* 0.00 Ship Mastery Augmenter 0
* 0.00 Ship Mastery Augmenter 1
*Ice Sludger  
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Agility Augmenter
*Silver Scoop  
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Docking Augmenter
*Speedy Augs
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Stealth Augmenter
*Spacy Augs
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Capacity Augmenter
*Fire Cannon
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Targeting Augmenter
*Mini Tug-o-War Scoop  
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Energy Augmenter
*Big Battle Scoop  
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Firing Augmenter
*(OS) (Giga) Give and Take
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Range Augmenter
*(OS) (Giga) Misdirection
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Speed Augmenter
*(OS) (Giga) Fission Thrust  
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Radar Augmenter
*Venusian Mag Cannon
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Recovery Augmenter
*Venusian Ray  
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Nimbleness Augmenter
*Venusian Pulse Gun  
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Thrust Augmenter
*Venusian Motor  
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Damage Augmenter
*Venusian Seeker  
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Shield Augmenter
*Venusian Safeguard
* 0.00 Spacy Minor Electric Augmenter
*Venusian Jack Hammer
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Agility Augmenter
*Mercurian gear BPs (Ramjet, Bulwark, Pulse gun, Pharos, Disintegrator, Mag cannon, Emission.)
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Docking Augmenter
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Stealth Augmenter
*Dementium fragments
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Capacity Augmenter
*Promethium crystals
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Targeting Augmenter
*Gold nugget
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Energy Augmenter
*Andaman Radar bp
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Firing Augmenter
*Achilles gear bps (Protector, mag, pulse, energy, laser, radar.)
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Range Augmenter
*Annihilator gear bps (Protector, mag, pulse, energy, laser, radar.)
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Speed Augmenter
*Adamantiumized gear bps (Protector, energy, laser?)
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Radar Augmenter
*Eyerite radar
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Recovery Augmenter
*Watchrite radar 
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Nimbleness Augmenter
*Artemis Laser tip coating BP
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Thrust Augmenter
*Attached/Unattached T20/T18 kits
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Damage Augmenter
*Fortified, Laconia, Demented, Adamantiumized attached/unattached T9-20 station kit bps.  
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Shield Augmenter
*Eclipse Blockade  
* 0.00 Speedy Minor Electric Augmenter
*Blockade shield bps (Deimos, Lunar, Phobos, Twilight.)
* 0.00 Pirated Lyceum Research Module I
*Incinerator Bp
* 0.00 Copper Chunks
*Conflagrator BP
* 0.00 Power Doughnut Crate
*Calcinator BP
* 0.00 Ion Caipirinha Crate
*Greater Immolation
* 0.00 Shield Salve Crate
*Poseidon, the Earthshaker tablet
* 0.00 Warmth Crate
*Demented augmenter bps
* 0.00 Dung Pellets
* 0.00 Pulse Shotgun
* 0.00 Pulse Shotgun+
* 0.00 Tibsi Radar
* 0.00 Liberty Shield Capacitor
* 0.00 Oversized Quartz Charger
* 0.00 Gigantic Quartz Charger
* 0.00 Hull Enlargement
* 0.00 Barely Fierce Combat Controlbot
* 0.01 Ship Mastery Augmenter 2
* 0.01 Apollo+ Augmenter Blueprint
* 0.01 Hestia+ Augmenter Blueprint
* 0.01 Fine Tuned Tibsi Radar Blueprint
* 0.01 Tiny Power Punch Crate
* 0.01 Oilheart's Afterburner Crate
* 0.01 Simple Blocker Crate
* 0.01 Jack Healer
* 0.01 Jetstream
* 0.01 Ono Energy Capacitor
* 0.01 Quartz Charger X
* 0.01 Oversized Quartz Charger X
* 0.01 Gigantic Quartz Charger X
* 0.01 Hull Inflation
* 0.04 Ship Mastery Augmenter 3
* 0.04 Basic Class Augmenter Token
* 0.04 Basic Drone Augmenter Token
* 0.04 Promethium Crystals
* 0.04 Ion Salvation Crate
* 0.04 MagCannon Turret+
* 0.04 Vazaha Invertoblast
* 0.04 Mzungu Pulse Shotgun
* 0.04 Biowall
* 0.04 Hull Dilation
* 0.04 Quirky Combat Controlbot
* 0.09 Ship Mastery Augmenter 4
* 0.09 Atoms and Bits Blueprint
* 0.09 Streamlined Freighter Fighter Bay Blueprint
* 0.09 Pickpocket Drone Blueprint
* 0.09 Small Launching Tube
* 0.09 Warmer Warmth Crate
* 0.09 Shield Salvation Crate
* 0.09 Peach Jux
* 0.09 Dung Pellets 2
* 0.09 Mini Shockwave
* 0.09 Paint Abuser+
* 0.09 Point Defense Beta
* 0.09 Steam Power
* 0.09 Liberty Shield Capacitor II
* 0.09 Oversized Enhanced Quartz Charger
* 0.09 Gigantic Enhanced Quartz Charger
* 0.09 Hull Magnification
* 0.09 Freighter Fighter Bay
* 0.09 Speedy Trader Controlbot
* 0.16 Berserker Proficiency Augmenter
* 0.16 Engineer Proficiency Augmenter
* 0.16 Fleet Commander Proficiency Augmenter
* 0.16 Gunner Proficiency Augmenter
* 0.16 Seer Proficiency Augmenter
* 0.16 Shield Monkey Proficiency Augmenter
* 0.16 Sniper Proficiency Augmenter
* 0.16 Speed Demon Proficiency Augmenter
* 0.16 General Ops Proficiency Augmenter
* 0.16 Defensive Ops Proficiency Augmenter
* 0.16 Offensive Ops Proficiency Augmenter
* 0.16 Everlasting Ops Proficiency Augmenter
* 0.16 Ship Mastery Augmenter 5
* 0.16 Mini Pulse Blueprint
* 0.16 Artemis+ Augmenter Blueprint
* 0.16 Hermes+ Augmenter Blueprint
* 0.16 Fine Tuned Blue Engine Blueprint
* 0.16 Luxurious Combined Capacitor I Blueprint
* 0.16 Arson Drone Blueprint
* 0.16 Fire Control Drone Blueprint
* 0.16 Minor Drone Protection Drone Blueprint
* 0.16 Smallish Forcefield Generator Blueprint
* 0.16 Droplet Drone Blueprint
* 0.16 Copper Chunks
* 0.16 Silver Ore
* 0.16 Quick Attack Crate
* 0.16 Sub Space Anchor Crate
* 0.16 Fire Cannon
* 0.16 Silver Thorax
* 0.16 Blue Energy
* 0.16 Combined Capacitor I
* 0.16 Hull Enlargement 2
* 0.16 Sliver Scoop
* 0.16 Battle Scoop
* 0.16 Mildly Fierce Combat Controlbot
* 0.16 Leaky Reactor
* 0.16 Kudzu Electron Entomber
* 0.25 Ship Mastery Augmenter 6
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Agility Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Docking Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Stealth Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Capacity Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Targeting Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Energy Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Firing Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Range Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Speed Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Radar Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Recovery Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Nimbleness Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Thrust Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Damage Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Shield Augmenter
* 0.25 Spacy Basic Electric Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Agility Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Docking Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Stealth Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Capacity Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Targeting Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Energy Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Firing Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Range Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Speed Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Radar Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Recovery Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Nimbleness Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Thrust Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Damage Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Shield Augmenter
* 0.25 Speedy Basic Electric Augmenter
* 0.25 Incineration Blueprint
* 0.25 Aphrodite+ Augmenter Blueprint
* 0.25 Fine Tuned Voltage Thruster Blueprint
* 0.25 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor I Blueprint
* 0.25 Enhanced Battle Scoop Blueprint
* 0.25 Streamlined Freighter Fighter Bay II Blueprint
* 0.25 Prototype Fermium Extractor
* 0.25 Cannery
* 0.25 Pirated Lyceum Research Module II
* 0.25 Bule Invader
* 0.25 Ice Sludger
* 0.25 Jetflow
* 0.25 Bule LightBank
* 0.25 Flapping Wings
* 0.25 Ono Energy Capacitor II
* 0.25 Oversized Combined Capacitor I
* 0.25 Hull Inflation 2
* 0.25 Seeing Eye Scoop
* 0.25 Surface Scanner X
* 0.25 Ace Pest Control
* 0.26 Ion Rebirth Crate
* 0.26 Shield Magic Crate
* 0.26 Small Power Punch Crate
* 0.36 Ship Mastery Augmenter 7
* 0.36 Supresto Radar Blueprint
* 0.36 Infernal Augmenter Blueprint
* 0.36 Fine Tuned Zigine Radar Blueprint
* 0.36 Luxurious Combined Capacitor II Blueprint
* 0.36 MagCannon III Drone Blueprint
* 0.36 Small Launching Tube
* 0.36 Warmy Warmth Crate
* 0.36 Golden Thorax
* 0.36 Ur Pulsegun
* 0.36 Smashing Shiv
* 0.36 Zigine Radar
* 0.36 Combined Capacitor II
* 0.36 Oversized Super Quartz Charger
* 0.36 Gigantic Super Quartz Charger
* 0.36 Mini Tug-o-war Scoop
* 0.36 Rasputin Escape Pod
* 0.36 Freighter Fighter Bay II
* 0.36 Defensive Combat Controlbot
* 0.36 Spacious Trader Controlbot
* 0.49 Ship Mastery Augmenter 8
* 0.49 Fine Tuned Infernal Thruster Blueprint
* 0.49 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor II Blueprint
* 0.49 Soul Magic Drone Blueprint
* 0.49 Plum Jux
* 0.49 Super Ice Sludger
* 0.49 Scratch Maker+
* 0.49 Great Vortex Laser
* 0.49 Shockwave
* 0.49 Point Defense Gamma
* 0.49 Deadstop
* 0.49 Infernal Thruster
* 0.49 Liberty Shield Capacitor III
* 0.49 Oversized Combined Capacitor II
* 0.49 Docking Scoop
* 0.49 Surface Scanner Y
* 0.49 Planetscanner X
* 0.49 Kudzu Electron Blanket
* 0.50 Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor Blueprint
* 0.64 Ship Mastery Augmenter 9
* 0.64 Jade Thorax Blueprint
* 0.64 Zig Zag and Swirl Blueprint
* 0.64 Semi Big Pulse Blueprint
* 0.64 Deimos Blockade Blueprint
* 0.64 Bile Displacer Blueprint
* 0.64 Axum Radar Blueprint
* 0.64 Fine Tuned Axum Radar Blueprint
* 0.64 Fine Tuned Bile Displacer Blueprint
* 0.64 Luxurious Combined Capacitor III Blueprint
* 0.64 MagCannon IV Drone Blueprint
* 0.64 Adv. Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
* 0.64 Advanced Harvester
* 0.64 Advanced Tree Cutter
* 0.64 Crack Palace
* 0.64 Nuclear Convo-Tronic II
* 0.64 Adv. Mine Mobile Factory
* 0.64 Shrinkonium
* 0.64 Sacrificial Rebirth Crate
* 0.64 Shield Soother Crate
* 0.64 Backstab Crate
* 0.64 Oversized Soul Beam
* 0.64 Lancing Shiv
* 0.64 Defunctstop
* 0.64 Combined Capacitor III
* 0.64 Zirconium Charger
* 0.64 Indira Hull Expander
* 0.64 Hull Dilation Ultra
* 0.64 Big Battle Scoop
* 0.64 Lord's Enveloper
* 0.64 Sacrificial Rebirth
* 0.75 Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor Blueprint
* 0.75 Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor II Blueprint
* 0.81 Berserker Aptitude Augmenter
* 0.81 Engineer Aptitude Augmenter
* 0.81 Fleet Commander Aptitude Augmenter
* 0.81 Gunner Aptitude Augmenter
* 0.81 Seer Aptitude Augmenter
* 0.81 Shield Monkey Aptitude Augmenter
* 0.81 Sniper Aptitude Augmenter
* 0.81 Speed Demon Aptitude Augmenter
* 0.81 General Ops Aptitude Augmenter
* 0.81 Defensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter
* 0.81 Offensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter
* 0.81 Everlasting Ops Aptitude Augmenter
* 0.81 Ship Mastery Augmenter 10
* 0.81 Searing Beam Blueprint
* 0.81 Shaolin Kick Torpedo Blueprint
* 0.81 Shaolin Strike Torpedo Blueprint
* 0.81 Unidyne Core Drain Prototype Blueprint
* 0.81 Multi Mythos Energizer Blueprint
* 0.81 Mythos Energizer Blueprint
* 0.81 Solid Rock Augmenter Blueprint
* 0.81 Fine Tuned Beautiful Eyes Blueprint
* 0.81 Fine Tuned Cute Drive Blueprint
* 0.81 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor III Blueprint
* 0.81 Enhanced Big Battle Scoop Blueprint
* 0.81 Flash Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
* 0.81 Command & Control Drone Blueprint
* 0.81 Protection Drone Blueprint
* 0.81 Medium Forcefield Generator Blueprint
* 0.81 Medical Drone Blueprint
* 0.81 Hydroponics
* 0.81 Drone Augmenter Token
* 0.81 Class Augmenter Token
* 0.81 Medium Launching Tube
* 0.81 Silver Ore
* 0.81 Gold Nuggets
* 0.81 Promethium Crystals
* 0.81 Power Punch Crate
* 0.81 Oilheart's Better Afterburner Crate
* 0.81 Blocker Crate
* 0.81 Sawed Off+
* 0.81 Engineer Chain Transfer MK I
* 0.81 Gigantic Soul Beam
* 0.81 Jetflood
* 0.81 LifelessStop
* 0.81 Spyrite Radar
* 0.81 Ono Energy Capacitor III
* 0.81 Oversized Combined Capacitor III
* 0.81 Sponge Charger
* 0.81 Oversized Zirconium Charger
* 0.81 Indira Hull Enlargement
* 0.81 Hull Magnification Ultra
* 0.81 Electro Drone Scoop
* 0.81 The Bird Scoop
* 0.81 Micro Vacuum Scoop
* 0.81 Gulag Pod
* 0.81 Freighter Fighter Bay III
* 0.81 Skirmisher Combat Controlbot
* 0.81 Massif Trader Controlbot
* 0.81 Capital Ship Traveling Field
* 0.81 Surface Scanner Z
* 0.81 Planetscanner Y
* 0.81 Energy Diffuser Kali
* 0.81 Heat Shield Kali
* 0.81 Laser Diffuser Kali
* 0.81 Transference Facilitator
* 0.81 Transference Inhibitor
* 0.91 Platform Augmentation Alpha Blueprint
* 0.91 Streamlined Freighter Fighter Bay III Blueprint
* 0.91 Capital Fighter Bay Blueprint
* 0.91 Fabulous Factory Parts Blueprint
* 0.91 Lavatory Factory Blueprint
* 0.91 Dall Computers Assembly Plant Blueprint
* 0.91 Grem Box Drone Blueprint
* 0.91 Flash Mine Mobile Factory
* 0.91 Crazy Controls
* 0.91 Berserker Way
* 0.91 Sniper Stabilizer
* 0.91 Transference Concentrator
* 0.91 Transference Qualitator
* 0.91 Offensive Drone Ops Manager
* 0.91 Precision Precizor
* 0.91 Neutralizing Focusator
* 0.91 Targeting Scanners
* 0.99 Arcadian Crest Blueprint
* 1.00 Ship Mastery Augmenter 11
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Agility Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Docking Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Stealth Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Capacity Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Targeting Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Energy Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Firing Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Range Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Speed Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Radar Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Recovery Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Nimbleness Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Thrust Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Damage Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Shield Augmenter
* 1.00 Spacy Std. Electric Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Agility Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Docking Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Stealth Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Capacity Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Targeting Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Energy Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Firing Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Range Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Speed Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Radar Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Recovery Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Nimbleness Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Thrust Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Damage Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Shield Augmenter
* 1.00 Speedy Std. Electric Augmenter
* 1.00 Cremater Blueprint
* 1.00 Anti UnDe-Puzzler Blueprint
* 1.00 Dionysis+ Augmenter Blueprint
* 1.00 Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor II Blueprint
* 1.00 Luxurious Combined Capacitor IV Blueprint
* 1.00 MagCannon V Drone Blueprint
* 1.00 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk II Blueprint
* 1.00 Pirated Lyceum Research Module III
* 1.00 Insto Shield Tweak Crate
* 1.00 Lobectomy Laser
* 1.00 De-Puzzeler
* 1.00 Earthshaking Driver
* 1.00 Nuclear Steam Power
* 1.00 Eyerite Radar
* 1.00 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk II
* 1.00 Combined Capacitor IV
* 1.00 Oversized Sponge Charger
* 1.00 Gigantic Zirconium Charger
* 1.00 Indira Hull Inflation
* 1.00 Super Gyroscopic Scoop
* 1.00 Pretty Fierce Combat Controlbot
* 1.00 Oversized Transference Facilitator
* 1.00 Oversized Transference Inhibitor
* 1.20 Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor III Blueprint
* 1.21 Ship Mastery Augmenter 12
* 1.21 Slate Thorax Blueprint
* 1.21 Lunar Blockade Blueprint
* 1.21 Hades' Collector Blueprint
* 1.21 Apollo's Collector Blueprint
* 1.21 Oversized MRE Factory Blueprint
* 1.21 Laconia Sheet Smelting Factory Blueprint
* 1.21 Fine Tuned Enseek Radar+ Blueprint
* 1.21 Fine Tuned Striped Emphasis+ Blueprint
* 1.21 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor IV Blueprint
* 1.21 The Bird Drone Scoop Blueprint
* 1.21 Streamlined Freighter Fighter Bay IV Blueprint
* 1.21 Quu Drone Blueprint
* 1.21 Orb Drone Blueprint
* 1.21 Portable Surgeon Drone Blueprint
* 1.21 Qafir Drone+ Blueprint
* 1.21 Medium Launching Tube
* 1.21 Lasting Resources Crate
* 1.21 Rapid Attack Crate
* 1.21 Banana Jux
* 1.21 Hole Driller+
* 1.21 Point Defense Delta
* 1.21 Watchrite Radar
* 1.21 Anti-Capital System Mk I
* 1.21 Agent Drone
* 1.21 Liberty Shield Capacitor IV
* 1.21 Oversized Combined Capacitor IV
* 1.21 Argonium Charger
* 1.21 Gigantic Sponge Charger
* 1.21 Small Holding Scoop
* 1.21 Freighter Fighter Bay IV
* 1.21 Rudimentary Multifiring Combat Controlbot
* 1.21 Planetscanner Z
* 1.21 Gigantic Transference Facilitator
* 1.21 Gigantic Transference Inhibitor
* 1.21 Sandy Solarite
* 1.21 Inverse Collector
* 1.22 Incredibly Advanced Resource Detector
* 1.31 Adonis Crest Blueprint
* 1.34 Mzungu Transdim Expansion Blueprint
* 1.34 Titanium Sheet Factory Blueprint
* 1.40 Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor IV Blueprint
* 1.44 Ship Mastery Augmenter 13
* 1.44 The Swan Maker Blueprint
* 1.44 Fine Tuned Doomed Thruster Blueprint
* 1.44 Fine Tuned Angelic Vision Blueprint
* 1.44 Fine Tuned Quiet Thrust Blueprint
* 1.44 Luxurious Combined Capacitor V Blueprint
* 1.44 Capital Fighter Bay II Blueprint
* 1.44 Lipo Drone Blueprint
* 1.44 MagCannon VI Drone Blueprint
* 1.44 Gremlin Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
* 1.44 Gremlin Mine Mobile Factory
* 1.44 Promethium Matrix Crystal
* 1.44 Cold Orange Crate
* 1.44 Warmalicious Warmth Crate
* 1.44 Shield Cerate Crate
* 1.44 Vapid Attack Crate
* 1.44 Liposuction
* 1.44 Burning Petals
* 1.44 Undeadstop
* 1.44 Doomed Thruster
* 1.44 Angelic Vision
* 1.44 Combined Capacitor V
* 1.44 Oversized Argonium Charger
* 1.44 Beautiful Battle Scoop
* 1.44 Second Seeing Eye Scoop
* 1.44 Multifiring Combat Controlbot
* 1.44 Efficient Trader Controlbot
* 1.44 Capital Ship Traveling Field 2
* 1.50 Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor III Blueprint
* 1.56 Laconia Extractor Blueprint
* 1.58 Non Portable Surgeon Blueprint
* 1.60 Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor V Blueprint
* 1.63 Argonaut Crest Blueprint
* 1.69 Ship Mastery Augmenter 14
* 1.69 Spacy Good Agility Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Docking Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Stealth Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Capacity Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Targeting Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Energy Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Firing Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Range Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Speed Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Radar Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Recovery Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Nimbleness Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Thrust Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Damage Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Shield Augmenter
* 1.69 Spacy Good Electric Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Agility Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Docking Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Stealth Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Capacity Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Targeting Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Energy Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Firing Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Range Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Speed Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Radar Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Recovery Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Nimbleness Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Thrust Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Damage Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Shield Augmenter
* 1.69 Speedy Good Electric Augmenter
* 1.69 Topaz Thorax Blueprint
* 1.69 Conflagrater Blueprint
* 1.69 Unidyne Core Drain Blueprint
* 1.69 Corundum Thorax Blueprint
* 1.69 Reformatter Blueprint
* 1.69 De-UnMaker Blueprint
* 1.69 Mass Lipo Driver Blueprint
* 1.69 Basil Mega Sheath Blueprint
* 1.69 Furnace of the Gods Blueprint
* 1.69 Inverto Radar Blueprint
* 1.69 Hephaestus+ Augmenter Blueprint
* 1.69 Poseidon+ Augmenter Blueprint
* 1.69 Fine Tuned Inverto Radar Blueprint
* 1.69 Fine Tuned Purgatory Thrust Blueprint
* 1.69 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor V Blueprint
* 1.69 Enhanced Beautiful Battle Scoop Blueprint
* 1.69 Streamlined Freighter Fighter Bay V Blueprint
* 1.69 Reformatter Drone Blueprint
* 1.69 MagCannon VII Drone Blueprint
* 1.69 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk III Blueprint
* 1.69 Tardis in a Box
* 1.69 Pirated Lyceum Research Module IV
* 1.69 Large Launching Tube
* 1.69 Cold Orange Crate
* 1.69 Power Punch Z Crate
* 1.69 Impulse
* 1.69 Engineer Chain Transfer MK II
* 1.69 ZombieStop
* 1.69 Alien Steam Power
* 1.69 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk III
* 1.69 Ono Energy Capacitor IV
* 1.69 Oversized Combined Capacitor V
* 1.69 Gigantic Argonium Charger
* 1.69 Medium Holding Scoop
* 1.69 Freighter Fighter Bay V
* 1.69 Rudimentary Multifiring Combat Controlbot
* 1.69 Uberly Advanced Resource Detector
* 1.80 Luxurious Oversized Liberty Shield Capacitor Blueprint
* 1.86 Artemis Laser Tip Coating Blueprint
* 1.86 Laconia Sheet Smelting Factory Blueprint
* 1.91 Artemis Hi-tech Bow String Blueprint
* 1.91 Titanium Sheet Factory Blueprint
* 1.94 Adv. Class Augmenter Token
* 1.94 Oversized Ono Energy Capacitor
* 1.95 The Big Bird Scoop Blueprint
* 1.96 Berserker Prowess Augmenter
* 1.96 Engineer Prowess Augmenter
* 1.96 Fleet Commander Prowess Augmenter
* 1.96 Gunner Prowess Augmenter
* 1.96 Seer Prowess Augmenter
* 1.96 Shield Monkey Prowess Augmenter
* 1.96 Sniper Prowess Augmenter
* 1.96 Speed Demon Prowess Augmenter
* 1.96 General Ops Prowess Augmenter
* 1.96 Defensive Ops Prowess Augmenter
* 1.96 Offensive Ops Prowess Augmenter
* 1.96 Everlasting Ops Prowess Augmenter
* 1.96 Ship Mastery Augmenter 15
* 1.96 Rackham's Bigger MagCannon Blueprint
* 1.96 Phobos Blockade Blueprint
* 1.96 Neutron Emitter Blueprint
* 1.96 Psychic Foresight Blueprint
* 1.96 Platform Augmentation Beta Blueprint
* 1.96 Fine Tuned Back of the Head Blueprint
* 1.96 Luxurious Combined Capacitor VI Blueprint
* 1.96 Great Gyro Gyro Scoop Blueprint
* 1.96 Complicated Factory Parts Blueprint
* 1.96 Grav Testing Facility Blueprint
* 1.96 Cybernetic Construction Facility Blueprint
* 1.96 Adv. Claymore Mobile Factory Blueprint
* 1.96 Advanced Fire Control Drone Blueprint
* 1.96 Advanced Protection Drone Blueprint
* 1.96 Large Forcefield Generator Blueprint
* 1.96 Defensive Bubble Drone Blueprint
* 1.96 Mobile Enrichment Plant
* 1.96 Enrichment Crystallizer
* 1.96 Adv. Claymore Mobile Factory
* 1.96 Adv. Drone Augmenter Token
* 1.96 Shrinkonium
* 1.96 Gold Nuggets
* 1.96 Platinum Piece
* 1.96 Promethium Matrix Crystal
* 1.96 Red Cross Crate
* 1.96 Sacrificial Renewal Crate
* 1.96 Insto Shield Tweak 2 Crate
* 1.96 Double Sub Space Anchor Crate
* 1.96 Great Immolation
* 1.96 Reach of Prometheus
* 1.96 Gremconjuror
* 1.96 Lacerating Petals
* 1.96 ZombieStop
* 1.96 GhoulStop
* 1.96 Ion Justice
* 1.96 Crazy Settings
* 1.96 Berserker Method
* 1.96 Sniper Stabilizator
* 1.96 Transference Focusor
* 1.96 Transference Efficienator
* 1.96 Offensive Drone Ops Configurator
* 1.96 Precision Accurator
* 1.96 Neutralizing Focalizator
* 1.96 Targeting Computer
* 1.96 Combined Capacitor VI
* 1.96 Cowboy Charger
* 1.96 Master Drone Scoop
* 1.96 Mini Vacuum Scoop
* 1.96 Decidedly Fierce Combat Controlbot
* 1.96 Specialized Transference Facilitator
* 1.96 Specialized Transference Inhibitor
* 1.96 Lord's Solar Collector
* 2.00 Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor IV Blueprint
* 2.00 Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor VI Blueprint
* 2.04 Compact Basic Colony Blueprint
* 2.04 Laconia Sheet Smelting Factory Blueprint
* 2.05 Ambrosia Crest Blueprint
* 2.05 Laconia Extractor Blueprint
* 2.05 Titanium Sheet Factory Blueprint
* 2.06 Iquea Workshop Blueprint
* 2.06 Avalon Laser Blueprint
* 2.07 Avalon Protector Blueprint
* 2.08 Avalon Energy Blueprint
* 2.09 Avalon Radar Blueprint
* 2.25 Ship Mastery Augmenter 16
* 2.25 Death Heated Over Blueprint
* 2.25 Particle Brake Blueprint
* 2.25 Glue Gun Blueprint
* 2.25 Open Heart Excommunication Blueprint
* 2.25 Crawl Wyrm Blueprint
* 2.25 Compressed Laser Dampener Blueprint
* 2.25 Compressed Energy Dampener Blueprint
* 2.25 Compressed Mining Dampener Blueprint
* 2.25 Compressed Physical Dampener Blueprint
* 2.25 Executive Conductor Blueprint
* 2.25 Monkey Preservation Field Blueprint
* 2.25 Luxurious Station Suite Blueprint
* 2.25 Golden Station Kit V Blueprint
* 2.25 Golden Station Kit VI Blueprint
* 2.25 Golden Attached Station Kit V Blueprint
* 2.25 Golden Attached Station Kit VI Blueprint
* 2.25 ReTardis Station Extension Blueprint
* 2.25 Luxurious Oversized Ono Energy Capacitor Blueprint
* 2.25 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor VI Blueprint
* 2.25 Team Tug-o-war Scoop Blueprint
* 2.25 Streamlined Freighter Fighter Bay VI Blueprint
* 2.25 Capital Fighter Bay III Blueprint
* 2.25 DWO Drone Blueprint
* 2.25 Shard Drone
* 2.25 Concussion Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
* 2.25 Nuclear Convo-Tronic II
* 2.25 Concussion Mine Mobile Factory
* 2.25 Hydroponics
* 2.25 Huge Launching Tube
* 2.25 Red Cross Crate
* 2.25 Mega Warmth Crate
* 2.25 Ambush Crate
* 2.25 Metal Decapitator+
* 2.25 Death Warmed Over
* 2.25 Glue Gun
* 2.25 Overdone Liposuction
* 2.25 Greater Vortex Laser
* 2.25 Point Defense Epsilon
* 2.25 GhoulStop
* 2.25 Oversized Ion Justice
* 2.25 Anti-Capital System Mk II
* 2.25 Shard Drone
* 2.25 Liberty Shield Capacitor V
* 2.25 Oversized Combined Capacitor VI
* 2.25 Oversized Cowboy Charger
* 2.25 Large Holding Scoop
* 2.25 Freighter Fighter Bay VI
* 2.25 Rudimentary Multifiring Combat Controlbot
* 2.25 Superior Speedy Trader Controlbot
* 2.25 Capital Ship Traveling Field 3
* 2.25 Insanely Advanced Resource Detector
* 2.25 Shipscanner Indicitive
* 2.25 Specialized Oversized Transference Facilitator
* 2.25 Specialized Oversized Transference Inhibitor
* 2.45 Andaman Crest Blueprint
* 2.50 Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor V Blueprint
* 2.55 Laconia Extractor Blueprint
* 2.56 Ship Mastery Augmenter 17
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Agility Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Docking Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Stealth Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Capacity Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Targeting Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Energy Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Firing Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Range Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Speed Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Radar Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Recovery Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Nimbleness Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Thrust Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Damage Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Shield Augmenter
* 2.56 Spacy Exc. Electric Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Agility Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Docking Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Stealth Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Capacity Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Targeting Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Energy Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Firing Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Range Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Speed Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Radar Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Recovery Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Nimbleness Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Thrust Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Damage Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Shield Augmenter
* 2.56 Speedy Exc. Electric Augmenter
* 2.56 Station Point Defence Array Blueprint
* 2.56 Repulsor Blueprint
* 2.56 Glue Sprayer Blueprint
* 2.56 Anterolateral Thoracotomy Laser Blueprint
* 2.56 Executionner Catapult Blueprint
* 2.56 Oversized Gigo Laser Blueprint
* 2.56 Gigantic Gigo Laser Blueprint
* 2.56 Unidyne Core Leach Blueprint
* 2.56 Un-Reformatter Blueprint
* 2.56 Prometheus' Thorax Blueprint
* 2.56 Twilight Blockade Blueprint
* 2.56 Porpoise+ Blueprint
* 2.56 Compressed Laser Dampener+ Blueprint
* 2.56 Compressed Energy Dampener+ Blueprint
* 2.56 Compressed Mining Dampener+ Blueprint
* 2.56 Compressed Physical Dampener+ Blueprint
* 2.56 Microscopic Laser Dampener+ Blueprint
* 2.56 Microscopic Energy Dampener+ Blueprint
* 2.56 Microscopic Mining Dampener+ Blueprint
* 2.56 Microscopic Physical Dampener+ Blueprint
* 2.56 Luscious North Blueprint
* 2.56 Hibernation Augmenter Blueprint
* 2.56 Fine Tuned Madman's Eyes Blueprint
* 2.56 Fine Tuned Fission Thrust Blueprint
* 2.56 Fine Tuned Sonic Radar+ Blueprint
* 2.56 Fine Tuned Moral Emphasis Blueprint
* 2.56 Luxurious Combined Capacitor VII Blueprint
* 2.56 Capital Fighter Bay IV Blueprint
* 2.56 Siege Drone Blueprint
* 2.56 Un-Reformatter Drone Blueprint
* 2.56 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk IV Blueprint
* 2.56 Pirated Lyceum Research Module V
* 2.56 Black Crate
* 2.56 Shield Poltice Crate
* 2.56 Catapult
* 2.56 Engineer Chain Transfer MK III
* 2.56 Glue Sprayer
* 2.56 Demolishing Discharge
* 2.56 Moral Emphasis
* 2.56 Fission Thrust
* 2.56 Obsidian Ionizer
* 2.56 Yallow
* 2.56 Gigantic Ion Justice
* 2.56 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk IV
* 2.56 Depraved Desire
* 2.56 Oversized Liberty Shield Capacitor
* 2.56 Combined Capacitor VII
* 2.56 Gigantic Cowboy Charger
* 2.56 Badass Battle Scoop
* 2.56 Multifiring Combat Controlbot
* 2.56 Ares Combat Controlbot
* 2.56 Capital Ship Traveling Field 4
* 2.56 Specialized Gigantic Transference Facilitator
* 2.56 Specialized Gigantic Transference Inhibitor
* 2.65 Apollo's Eyes Blueprint
* 2.65 Gigantic MRE Factory Blueprint
* 2.78 Achilles Crest Blueprint
* 2.85 Tardis in a Box
* 2.89 Ship Mastery Augmenter 18
* 2.89 Rock Launcher Blueprint
* 2.89 Neutron Point Defense Blueprint
* 2.89 Infinite Improbability Drive Blueprint
* 2.89 Luscious North Blueprint
* 2.89 Luxurious Station Suite Blueprint
* 2.89 Entertainment Station Suite Blueprint
* 2.89 Eridium Transdim Extension Blueprint
* 2.89 Fine Tuned Tunnel Vision Blueprint
* 2.89 Fine Tuned Infinite Improbability Drive Blueprint
* 2.89 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor VII Blueprint
* 2.89 Enhanced Badass Battle Scoop Blueprint
* 2.89 Love Cylinder Drone Blueprint
* 2.89 MagCannon VIII Drone Blueprint
* 2.89 Adv. Flash Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
* 2.89 Bear Hug Blueprint
* 2.89 Station Tech Upgrade XVII
* 2.89 Adv. Flash Mine Mobile Factory
* 2.89 Dementium Fragments
* 2.89 Dementium
* 2.89 Black Crate
* 2.89 Mustard Yellow Crate
* 2.89 Sacrificial Salvation Crate
* 2.89 Power Punch GT Crate
* 2.89 Advanced Blocker Crate
* 2.89 Oversized Catapult
* 2.89 Super Duper Ice Sludger
* 2.89 MagCannon VIII
* 2.89 MagCannon VIII+
* 2.89 Damned Thruster
* 2.89 Oversized Moral Emphasis
* 2.89 Herbal Power
* 2.89 Gigantic Ion Justice
* 2.89 Oversized Obsidian Ionizer
* 2.89 Oversized Yallow
* 2.89 Tunnel Vision
* 2.89 Alpha Drone
* 2.89 Secret Agent Drone
* 2.89 Corrupt Craving
* 2.89 Ono Energy Capacitor V
* 2.89 Oversized Combined Capacitor VII
* 2.89 Huge Holding Scoop
* 2.89 Dark Intake
* 2.89 Solar Intake
* 3.24 Ship Mastery Augmenter 19
* 3.24 Station Point Defence Array Blueprint
* 3.24 ZigZagger Blueprint
* 3.24 Hot Glue Gun Blueprint
* 3.24 MoveZigZagger Blueprint
* 3.24 Warm Death Catapult Blueprint
* 3.24 Great Uu Quu Blueprint
* 3.24 Neutronia Big MagCannon Blueprint
* 3.24 Fire of the Gods Blueprint
* 3.24 Forge of the Gods Blueprint
* 3.24 Massif III Blueprint
* 3.24 Luscious West Blueprint
* 3.24 Athena+ Augmenter Blueprint
* 3.24 Ares+ Augmenter Blueprint
* 3.24 Fine Tuned Grape Influence Blueprint
* 3.24 Fine Tuned Hawkeye Radar+ Blueprint
* 3.24 Fine Tuned Venusian Seeker Blueprint
* 3.24 Fine Tuned Venusian Motor Blueprint
* 3.24 Luxurious Combined Capacitor VIII Blueprint
* 3.24 Capital Fighter Bay V Blueprint
* 3.24 Venusian Drone Blueprint
* 3.24 Adv. Gremlin Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
* 3.24 Adv. Gremlin Mine Mobile Factory
* 3.24 Mustard Yellow Crate
* 3.24 Insto Shield Tweak 3 Crate
* 3.24 Swifty-Spry Attack Crate
* 3.24 Toomuch Liposuction
* 3.24 Venusian MagCannon
* 3.24 Venusian Ray
* 3.24 Venusian Jackhammer
* 3.24 Venusian Pulse Gun
* 3.24 Sweeney T's Razor
* 3.24 Gigantic Catapult
* 3.24 Neutralizing Discharge
* 3.24 Misdirection
* 3.24 Give and Take
* 3.24 Venusian Safeguard
* 3.24 Oversized Misdirection
* 3.24 Oversized Give and Take
* 3.24 Plant Power
* 3.24 Grape Influence
* 3.24 Gigantic Moral Emphasis
* 3.24 Venusian Motor
* 3.24 Gigantic Fission Thrust
* 3.24 Oversized Obsidian Ionizer
* 3.24 Oversized Yallow
* 3.24 Gigantic Obsidian Ionizer
* 3.24 Gigantic Yallow
* 3.24 Venusian Vitality
* 3.24 Venusian Seeker
* 3.24 Oversized Tunnel Vision
* 3.24 Anti-Capital System Mk III
* 3.24 Profane Thirst
* 3.24 Combined Capacitor VIII
* 3.24 Crazy Bug-Eyed Scoop
* 3.24 Superior Spacious Trader Controlbot
* 3.24 Capital Ship Traveling Field 5
* 3.38 Rubicite Extractor Blueprint
* 3.42 Eyerite Radar
* 3.52 Frozen Blob Extractor Blueprint
* 3.61 Ship Mastery Augmenter 20
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Agility Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Docking Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Stealth Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Capacity Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Targeting Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Energy Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Firing Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Range Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Speed Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Radar Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Recovery Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Nimbleness Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Thrust Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Damage Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Shield Augmenter
* 3.61 Spacy Sup. Electric Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Agility Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Docking Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Stealth Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Capacity Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Targeting Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Energy Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Firing Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Range Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Speed Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Radar Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Recovery Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Nimbleness Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Thrust Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Damage Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Shield Augmenter
* 3.61 Speedy Sup. Electric Augmenter
* 3.61 Pulsius Sharpshooter Blueprint
* 3.61 Veneration Cylinder Blueprint
* 3.61 Flaming Swingarm Catapult Blueprint
* 3.61 Hot Glue Sprayer Blueprint
* 3.61 Mercurian MagCannon Blueprint
* 3.61 Mercurian Emission Blueprint
* 3.61 Mercurian Disentegrator Blueprint
* 3.61 Mercurian Pulse Gun Blueprint
* 3.61 Neutralizing Pulse Blueprint
* 3.61 Earthshaking Cannon Blueprint
* 3.61 Lacerating Bloom Blueprint
* 3.61 Demolishing Pulse Blueprint
* 3.61 Burning Bloom Blueprint
* 3.61 Lancing Tusks Blueprint
* 3.61 Smashing Tusks Blueprint
* 3.61 Unidyne Core Dump Blueprint
* 3.61 Antimatter Driver Blueprint
* 3.61 Capital Light of Peace Blueprint
* 3.61 Great Open Uu Quu Excommunicator Blueprint
* 3.61 Great Uu Quu Station Big Cannon Blueprint
* 3.61 Mercurian Bulwark Blueprint
* 3.61 Mercurian Ramjet Blueprint
* 3.61 Mercurian Zeal Blueprint
* 3.61 Mercurian Pharos Blueprint
* 3.61 Absconditus Blueprint
* 3.61 Blue Photon Corvette Blueprint
* 3.61 Singularity Brake Blueprint
* 3.61 Expedition Team Blueprint
* 3.61 Massif IV Blueprint
* 3.61 Luscious West Blueprint
* 3.61 Entertainment Station Suite Blueprint
* 3.61 Eridium Transdim Extension Blueprint
* 3.61 Annihilator Thruster Blueprint
* 3.61 Rovert Nanobotics Facility Blueprint
* 3.61 Astranomologica Augmenter Blueprint
* 3.61 Mattock Augmenter Blueprint
* 3.61 Conclusion Augmenter Blueprint
* 3.61 Greener Augmenter Greenprint
* 3.61 Platform Augmentation Gamma Blueprint
* 3.61 Fine Tuned Titan Engine+ Blueprint
* 3.61 Fine Tuned Qua Vazuk Blueprint
* 3.61 Fine Tuned Titan Radar+ Blueprint
* 3.61 Fine Tuned Mercurian Ramjet Blueprint
* 3.61 Fine Tuned Iiuqok Blueprint
* 3.61 Fine Tuned Mercurian Pharos Blueprint
* 3.61 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor VIII Blueprint
* 3.61 Capital Fighter Bay VI Blueprint
* 3.61 Fembot Assembly Plant Blueprint
* 3.61 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk V Blueprint
* 3.61 Mercurian Drone Blueprint
* 3.61 Adv. Concussion Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
* 3.61 Advanced Command & Control Drone Blueprint
* 3.61 Superior Protection Drone Blueprint
* 3.61 Huge Forcefield Generator Blueprint
* 3.61 Bubble Drone Blueprint
* 3.61 Ancient Drone Blueprint
* 3.61 Polar Wrap Blueprint
* 3.61 Nuclear Convo-Tronic II
* 3.61 Adv. Concussion Mine Mobile Factory
* 3.61 Hydroponics
* 3.61 Pirated Lyceum Research Module VI
* 3.61 Dementium Fragments
* 3.61 Dementium
* 3.61 Platinum Piece
* 3.61 Rubicite Crystal
* 3.61 Energon Ball
* 3.61 Diamond Shard
* 3.61 Adamantium Plate
* 3.61 Promethium Matrix Crystal
* 3.61 Hovering Crate
* 3.61 Apollo's Rebirth Crate
* 3.61 Apollo's Warmth Crate
* 3.61 Oilheart's Best Afterburner Crate
* 3.61 Super Shield Soother Crate
* 3.61 Assassination Crate
* 3.61 Point Defense Zeta
* 3.61 Titanium Shredder+
* 3.61 Greminvoker
* 3.61 Dark Fist
* 3.61 Sterile Cannon
* 3.61 Hot Glue Sprayer
* 3.61 Antimatter Driver
* 3.61 Eclipse Blockade
* 3.61 Gigantic Misdirection
* 3.61 Gigantic Give and Take
* 3.61 Gigantic Obsidian Ionizer
* 3.61 Gigantic Yallow
* 3.61 Crystalline Reserve
* 3.61 Gigantic Tunnel Vision
* 3.61 Anti-Capital System Mk IV
* 3.61 Double Agent Drone
* 3.61 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk V
* 3.61 Blasphemous Fervor
* 3.61 Liberty Shield Capacitor VI
* 3.61 Oversized Combined Capacitor VIII
* 3.61 Gigantic Holding Scoop
* 3.61 Vacuum Scoop
* 3.61 Multifiring Combat Controlbot
* 3.61 Penultimate Trader Controlbot
* 3.61 Ultimate Trader Controlbot
* 3.61 Even More Ultimate Trader Controlbot
* 3.61 Capital Ship Traveling Field 6
* 3.80 Mad Kidd Drone Blueprint
* 3.80 Heavy Kidd Drone Crate Blueprint
* 3.80 Captain Bling Drone Crate Blueprint
* 3.80 Mad Kidd+ Drone Blueprint
* 3.80 Hybrid Kidd Drone Blueprint
* 3.80 Honey Badger Drone Blueprint
* 3.80 Armada Kidd Drone Blueprint
* 3.80 Prawn Piece A
* 3.80 Prawn Piece B
* 3.80 Prawn Piece C
* 3.80 Prawn Piece D
* 3.80 Prawn Piece E
* 3.80 Prawn Piece F
* 3.80 Prawn Piece G
* 3.80 Prawn Piece H
* 3.89 Oversized Fission Thrust
* 4.00 Ship Mastery Augmenter 21
* 4.00 Radish Torches Blueprint
* 4.00 Pulsius Sharpshooter+ Blueprint
* 4.00 Dark Wave Blueprint
* 4.00 Neutralizing Surge Blueprint
* 4.00 Earthshaking Onslaught Blueprint
* 4.00 Lacerating Flower Blueprint
* 4.00 Demolishing Surge Blueprint
* 4.00 Burning Flower Blueprint
* 4.00 Lancing Cestus Blueprint
* 4.00 Smashing Cestus Blueprint
* 4.00 Prometheus' Death Trebuchet Blueprint
* 4.00 Lagrangian Schematics
* 4.00 Sedition Blueprint
* 4.00 Indecision Blueprint
* 4.00 Prevarication Blueprint
* 4.00 Advanced Eucration Flux Blueprint
* 4.00 Advanced Eucration Fusion Blueprint
* 4.00 Eridium Furnace Blueprint
* 4.00 Flamberge Blueprint
* 4.00 Delquadrikamdon Blueprint
* 4.00 Tardis Station Extension Blueprint
* 4.00 Invigorating Aphrodite Augmenter Blueprint
* 4.00 Artemis Patrol Augmenter Blueprint
* 4.00 Markswoman Artemis Augmenter Blueprint
* 4.00 Raging Aphrodite Augmenter Blueprint
* 4.00 Hermes Patrol Augmenter Blueprint
* 4.00 Racing Hermes Augmenter Blueprint
* 4.00 Raging Dionysis Augmenter Blueprint
* 4.00 Invigorating Dionysis Augmenter Blueprint
* 4.00 Tarkin's Augmenter Blueprint
* 4.00 MagCannon IX Drone Blueprint
* 4.00 Mobile MagCannon IX Drone Blueprint
* 4.00 Frag Drone
* 4.00 Solarian Drone Blueprint
* 4.00 Grizzly Tackle Blueprint
* 4.00 Dementium Fragments
* 4.00 Dementium
* 4.00 Prawn Piece A
* 4.00 Prawn Piece B
* 4.00 Prawn Piece C
* 4.00 Prawn Piece D
* 4.00 Prawn Piece E
* 4.00 Prawn Piece F
* 4.00 Prawn Piece G
* 4.00 Prawn Piece H
* 4.00 Rubicite Crystal
* 4.00 Energon Ball
* 4.00 Diamond Shard
* 4.00 Adamantium Plate
* 4.00 Hovering Crate
* 4.00 Telendo Overloader Crate
* 4.00 Mercurian MagCannon
* 4.00 Mercurian Emission
* 4.00 Mercurian Disentegrator
* 4.00 Mercurian Pulse Gun
* 4.00 Radish Torch
* 4.00 MagCannon IX
* 4.00 MagCannon IX+
* 4.00 Blockade Runner
* 4.00 Gigantic Misdirection
* 4.00 Gigantic Give and Take
* 4.00 Mercurian Bulwark
* 4.00 Hydra Hide
* 4.00 Equivocation
* 4.00 Ambivalence
* 4.00 Subversion
* 4.00 Bole Shield
* 4.00 Umber Shield
* 4.00 Wenge Shield
* 4.00 Mercurian Ramjet
* 4.00 Hydra Tail
* 4.00 Quark Controller
* 4.00 Lepton Lurcher
* 4.00 Proton Pusher
* 4.00 Boson Blower
* 4.00 Crystalline Reserve
* 4.00 Mercurian Zeal
* 4.00 Eucration Fusion
* 4.00 Eucration Flux
* 4.00 Hydra Belly
* 4.00 Mercurian Pharos
* 4.00 Hydra Eyes
* 4.00 Anti-Capital System Mk V
* 4.00 Frag Drone
* 4.00 Vile Longing
* 4.00 Hydra Awesomeness
* 4.00 Maxi Vacuum Scoop
* 4.00 Commander's Ascension
* 4.41 Ship Mastery Augmenter 22
* 4.41 Capital Lipo Driver Blueprint
* 4.41 Capital Death Trebuchet Driver Blueprint
* 4.41 Cygnus Augmenter Blueprint
* 4.41 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk VI Blueprint
* 4.41 Triple Agent Drone
* 4.41 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk VI
* 4.41 Malevolent Lasciviousness
[[Category: Dungeon]]

Latest revision as of 14:51, 7 October 2023

Dungeon Galaxies Drop List

Double DG.jpg

A bit of info

See also Danger Factor

The simplest way to understand the DG drop system is as follows; The formula for items from DG is "tech squared - stage count * 10". So a tech 20 item would come from a 5 stage dungeon in DF 350. That is a quick and dirty way to find what you want, if you are not interested in heavy end math, please stop reading here, ty.

Heavy End Maths


SO, you are still with us? Good, I like you, you have a long future in this game. The DG system in star sonata has recently been MASSIVELY simplified. Each DG drops one "type" of item, weapons, shields, energies, equipment or blueprints. It is VERY important to make notes on which DG bosses drop what items as this will enable you to target the items you want. That said, a general idea of the danger factor (DF) range where the item you want is will still be useful.

The drop formula is comprised of two parts; 1) the DF of the galaxy the DG is located in, and 2) the number of levels in the DG. The formula takes the DF of the galaxy, multiplies it by 100, then adds a certain number between 37 and 62 per level of the Dungeon (averages 50, so we will use that for all calculations).

Now the full Formula is (((DF of Galaxy * 10) + (number of DG levels * 50)) / 1000)

Simplified the equation is (DF of Galaxy + (number of DG levels * 5)) / 100

SO, in our sample to the right, we have a DG that is 8 levels deep in DF 110. Thus (110 + (8 * 5))/100 = 1.5 on the lists below. Now this is not wholly accurate, it will technically draw from 1.39 to 1.59 depending on what number each level added, but .05 keeps things simple for our understanding.

Now, the reverse formula is the one most people are interested in. Now, a LipoSuction has a Value of 1.44. Where do i go to find one? Dungeons are generally between 3 and 11 levels deep, with some, like the one at the top of the page, having splits.

Desired DF = Item Value * 100 - number of DG levels * 5

SO if you wanted a Gigantic Fission Thrust at 3.24 you would do (3.24 * 100 - (9 levels * 5)) = DF 280

SO our Liposuction could be in any DF from 135 (3 levels at 37) to 70 (11 levels at 67). It is generally a very good idea if you are looking for specific items to write down the DF ranges and depths, look for a series of DGs matching those, and then write the locations down before beginning a run.

Full table of All DG Items by Drop Range Value.

You are STRONGLY advised to use CTRL-F to search this table.

  • 0.00 Ship Mastery Augmenter 0
  • 0.00 Ship Mastery Augmenter 1
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Agility Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Docking Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Stealth Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Capacity Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Targeting Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Energy Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Firing Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Range Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Speed Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Radar Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Recovery Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Nimbleness Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Thrust Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Damage Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Shield Augmenter
  • 0.00 Spacy Minor Electric Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Agility Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Docking Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Stealth Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Capacity Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Targeting Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Energy Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Firing Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Range Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Speed Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Radar Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Recovery Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Nimbleness Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Thrust Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Damage Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Shield Augmenter
  • 0.00 Speedy Minor Electric Augmenter
  • 0.00 Pirated Lyceum Research Module I
  • 0.00 Copper Chunks
  • 0.00 Power Doughnut Crate
  • 0.00 Ion Caipirinha Crate
  • 0.00 Shield Salve Crate
  • 0.00 Warmth Crate
  • 0.00 Dung Pellets
  • 0.00 Pulse Shotgun
  • 0.00 Pulse Shotgun+
  • 0.00 Tibsi Radar
  • 0.00 Liberty Shield Capacitor
  • 0.00 Oversized Quartz Charger
  • 0.00 Gigantic Quartz Charger
  • 0.00 Hull Enlargement
  • 0.00 Barely Fierce Combat Controlbot
  • 0.01 Ship Mastery Augmenter 2
  • 0.01 Apollo+ Augmenter Blueprint
  • 0.01 Hestia+ Augmenter Blueprint
  • 0.01 Fine Tuned Tibsi Radar Blueprint
  • 0.01 Tiny Power Punch Crate
  • 0.01 Oilheart's Afterburner Crate
  • 0.01 Simple Blocker Crate
  • 0.01 Jack Healer
  • 0.01 Jetstream
  • 0.01 Ono Energy Capacitor
  • 0.01 Quartz Charger X
  • 0.01 Oversized Quartz Charger X
  • 0.01 Gigantic Quartz Charger X
  • 0.01 Hull Inflation
  • 0.04 Ship Mastery Augmenter 3
  • 0.04 Basic Class Augmenter Token
  • 0.04 Basic Drone Augmenter Token
  • 0.04 Promethium Crystals
  • 0.04 Ion Salvation Crate
  • 0.04 MagCannon Turret+
  • 0.04 Vazaha Invertoblast
  • 0.04 Mzungu Pulse Shotgun
  • 0.04 Biowall
  • 0.04 Hull Dilation
  • 0.04 Quirky Combat Controlbot
  • 0.09 Ship Mastery Augmenter 4
  • 0.09 Atoms and Bits Blueprint
  • 0.09 Streamlined Freighter Fighter Bay Blueprint
  • 0.09 Pickpocket Drone Blueprint
  • 0.09 Small Launching Tube
  • 0.09 Warmer Warmth Crate
  • 0.09 Shield Salvation Crate
  • 0.09 Peach Jux
  • 0.09 Dung Pellets 2
  • 0.09 Mini Shockwave
  • 0.09 Paint Abuser+
  • 0.09 Point Defense Beta
  • 0.09 Steam Power
  • 0.09 Liberty Shield Capacitor II
  • 0.09 Oversized Enhanced Quartz Charger
  • 0.09 Gigantic Enhanced Quartz Charger
  • 0.09 Hull Magnification
  • 0.09 Freighter Fighter Bay
  • 0.09 Speedy Trader Controlbot
  • 0.16 Berserker Proficiency Augmenter
  • 0.16 Engineer Proficiency Augmenter
  • 0.16 Fleet Commander Proficiency Augmenter
  • 0.16 Gunner Proficiency Augmenter
  • 0.16 Seer Proficiency Augmenter
  • 0.16 Shield Monkey Proficiency Augmenter
  • 0.16 Sniper Proficiency Augmenter
  • 0.16 Speed Demon Proficiency Augmenter
  • 0.16 General Ops Proficiency Augmenter
  • 0.16 Defensive Ops Proficiency Augmenter
  • 0.16 Offensive Ops Proficiency Augmenter
  • 0.16 Everlasting Ops Proficiency Augmenter
  • 0.16 Ship Mastery Augmenter 5
  • 0.16 Mini Pulse Blueprint
  • 0.16 Artemis+ Augmenter Blueprint
  • 0.16 Hermes+ Augmenter Blueprint
  • 0.16 Fine Tuned Blue Engine Blueprint
  • 0.16 Luxurious Combined Capacitor I Blueprint
  • 0.16 Arson Drone Blueprint
  • 0.16 Fire Control Drone Blueprint
  • 0.16 Minor Drone Protection Drone Blueprint
  • 0.16 Smallish Forcefield Generator Blueprint
  • 0.16 Droplet Drone Blueprint
  • 0.16 Copper Chunks
  • 0.16 Silver Ore
  • 0.16 Quick Attack Crate
  • 0.16 Sub Space Anchor Crate
  • 0.16 Fire Cannon
  • 0.16 Silver Thorax
  • 0.16 Blue Energy
  • 0.16 Combined Capacitor I
  • 0.16 Hull Enlargement 2
  • 0.16 Sliver Scoop
  • 0.16 Battle Scoop
  • 0.16 Mildly Fierce Combat Controlbot
  • 0.16 Leaky Reactor
  • 0.16 Kudzu Electron Entomber
  • 0.25 Ship Mastery Augmenter 6
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Agility Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Docking Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Stealth Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Capacity Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Targeting Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Energy Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Firing Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Range Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Speed Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Radar Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Recovery Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Nimbleness Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Thrust Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Damage Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Shield Augmenter
  • 0.25 Spacy Basic Electric Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Agility Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Docking Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Stealth Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Capacity Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Targeting Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Energy Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Firing Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Range Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Speed Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Radar Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Recovery Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Nimbleness Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Thrust Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Damage Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Shield Augmenter
  • 0.25 Speedy Basic Electric Augmenter
  • 0.25 Incineration Blueprint
  • 0.25 Aphrodite+ Augmenter Blueprint
  • 0.25 Fine Tuned Voltage Thruster Blueprint
  • 0.25 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor I Blueprint
  • 0.25 Enhanced Battle Scoop Blueprint
  • 0.25 Streamlined Freighter Fighter Bay II Blueprint
  • 0.25 Prototype Fermium Extractor
  • 0.25 Cannery
  • 0.25 Pirated Lyceum Research Module II
  • 0.25 Bule Invader
  • 0.25 Ice Sludger
  • 0.25 Jetflow
  • 0.25 Bule LightBank
  • 0.25 Flapping Wings
  • 0.25 Ono Energy Capacitor II
  • 0.25 Oversized Combined Capacitor I
  • 0.25 Hull Inflation 2
  • 0.25 Seeing Eye Scoop
  • 0.25 Surface Scanner X
  • 0.25 Ace Pest Control
  • 0.26 Ion Rebirth Crate
  • 0.26 Shield Magic Crate
  • 0.26 Small Power Punch Crate
  • 0.36 Ship Mastery Augmenter 7
  • 0.36 Supresto Radar Blueprint
  • 0.36 Infernal Augmenter Blueprint
  • 0.36 Fine Tuned Zigine Radar Blueprint
  • 0.36 Luxurious Combined Capacitor II Blueprint
  • 0.36 MagCannon III Drone Blueprint
  • 0.36 Small Launching Tube
  • 0.36 Warmy Warmth Crate
  • 0.36 Golden Thorax
  • 0.36 Ur Pulsegun
  • 0.36 Smashing Shiv
  • 0.36 Zigine Radar
  • 0.36 Combined Capacitor II
  • 0.36 Oversized Super Quartz Charger
  • 0.36 Gigantic Super Quartz Charger
  • 0.36 Mini Tug-o-war Scoop
  • 0.36 Rasputin Escape Pod
  • 0.36 Freighter Fighter Bay II
  • 0.36 Defensive Combat Controlbot
  • 0.36 Spacious Trader Controlbot
  • 0.49 Ship Mastery Augmenter 8
  • 0.49 Fine Tuned Infernal Thruster Blueprint
  • 0.49 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor II Blueprint
  • 0.49 Soul Magic Drone Blueprint
  • 0.49 Plum Jux
  • 0.49 Super Ice Sludger
  • 0.49 Scratch Maker+
  • 0.49 Great Vortex Laser
  • 0.49 Shockwave
  • 0.49 Point Defense Gamma
  • 0.49 Deadstop
  • 0.49 Infernal Thruster
  • 0.49 Liberty Shield Capacitor III
  • 0.49 Oversized Combined Capacitor II
  • 0.49 Docking Scoop
  • 0.49 Surface Scanner Y
  • 0.49 Planetscanner X
  • 0.49 Kudzu Electron Blanket
  • 0.50 Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor Blueprint
  • 0.64 Ship Mastery Augmenter 9
  • 0.64 Jade Thorax Blueprint
  • 0.64 Zig Zag and Swirl Blueprint
  • 0.64 Semi Big Pulse Blueprint
  • 0.64 Deimos Blockade Blueprint
  • 0.64 Bile Displacer Blueprint
  • 0.64 Axum Radar Blueprint
  • 0.64 Fine Tuned Axum Radar Blueprint
  • 0.64 Fine Tuned Bile Displacer Blueprint
  • 0.64 Luxurious Combined Capacitor III Blueprint
  • 0.64 MagCannon IV Drone Blueprint
  • 0.64 Adv. Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
  • 0.64 Advanced Harvester
  • 0.64 Advanced Tree Cutter
  • 0.64 Crack Palace
  • 0.64 Nuclear Convo-Tronic II
  • 0.64 Adv. Mine Mobile Factory
  • 0.64 Shrinkonium
  • 0.64 Sacrificial Rebirth Crate
  • 0.64 Shield Soother Crate
  • 0.64 Backstab Crate
  • 0.64 Oversized Soul Beam
  • 0.64 Lancing Shiv
  • 0.64 Defunctstop
  • 0.64 Combined Capacitor III
  • 0.64 Zirconium Charger
  • 0.64 Indira Hull Expander
  • 0.64 Hull Dilation Ultra
  • 0.64 Big Battle Scoop
  • 0.64 Lord's Enveloper
  • 0.64 Sacrificial Rebirth
  • 0.75 Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor Blueprint
  • 0.75 Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor II Blueprint
  • 0.81 Berserker Aptitude Augmenter
  • 0.81 Engineer Aptitude Augmenter
  • 0.81 Fleet Commander Aptitude Augmenter
  • 0.81 Gunner Aptitude Augmenter
  • 0.81 Seer Aptitude Augmenter
  • 0.81 Shield Monkey Aptitude Augmenter
  • 0.81 Sniper Aptitude Augmenter
  • 0.81 Speed Demon Aptitude Augmenter
  • 0.81 General Ops Aptitude Augmenter
  • 0.81 Defensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter
  • 0.81 Offensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter
  • 0.81 Everlasting Ops Aptitude Augmenter
  • 0.81 Ship Mastery Augmenter 10
  • 0.81 Searing Beam Blueprint
  • 0.81 Shaolin Kick Torpedo Blueprint
  • 0.81 Shaolin Strike Torpedo Blueprint
  • 0.81 Unidyne Core Drain Prototype Blueprint
  • 0.81 Multi Mythos Energizer Blueprint
  • 0.81 Mythos Energizer Blueprint
  • 0.81 Solid Rock Augmenter Blueprint
  • 0.81 Fine Tuned Beautiful Eyes Blueprint
  • 0.81 Fine Tuned Cute Drive Blueprint
  • 0.81 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor III Blueprint
  • 0.81 Enhanced Big Battle Scoop Blueprint
  • 0.81 Flash Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
  • 0.81 Command & Control Drone Blueprint
  • 0.81 Protection Drone Blueprint
  • 0.81 Medium Forcefield Generator Blueprint
  • 0.81 Medical Drone Blueprint
  • 0.81 Hydroponics
  • 0.81 Drone Augmenter Token
  • 0.81 Class Augmenter Token
  • 0.81 Medium Launching Tube
  • 0.81 Silver Ore
  • 0.81 Gold Nuggets
  • 0.81 Promethium Crystals
  • 0.81 Power Punch Crate
  • 0.81 Oilheart's Better Afterburner Crate
  • 0.81 Blocker Crate
  • 0.81 Sawed Off+
  • 0.81 Engineer Chain Transfer MK I
  • 0.81 Gigantic Soul Beam
  • 0.81 Jetflood
  • 0.81 LifelessStop
  • 0.81 Spyrite Radar
  • 0.81 Ono Energy Capacitor III
  • 0.81 Oversized Combined Capacitor III
  • 0.81 Sponge Charger
  • 0.81 Oversized Zirconium Charger
  • 0.81 Indira Hull Enlargement
  • 0.81 Hull Magnification Ultra
  • 0.81 Electro Drone Scoop
  • 0.81 The Bird Scoop
  • 0.81 Micro Vacuum Scoop
  • 0.81 Gulag Pod
  • 0.81 Freighter Fighter Bay III
  • 0.81 Skirmisher Combat Controlbot
  • 0.81 Massif Trader Controlbot
  • 0.81 Capital Ship Traveling Field
  • 0.81 Surface Scanner Z
  • 0.81 Planetscanner Y
  • 0.81 Energy Diffuser Kali
  • 0.81 Heat Shield Kali
  • 0.81 Laser Diffuser Kali
  • 0.81 Transference Facilitator
  • 0.81 Transference Inhibitor
  • 0.91 Platform Augmentation Alpha Blueprint
  • 0.91 Streamlined Freighter Fighter Bay III Blueprint
  • 0.91 Capital Fighter Bay Blueprint
  • 0.91 Fabulous Factory Parts Blueprint
  • 0.91 Lavatory Factory Blueprint
  • 0.91 Dall Computers Assembly Plant Blueprint
  • 0.91 Grem Box Drone Blueprint
  • 0.91 Flash Mine Mobile Factory
  • 0.91 Crazy Controls
  • 0.91 Berserker Way
  • 0.91 Sniper Stabilizer
  • 0.91 Transference Concentrator
  • 0.91 Transference Qualitator
  • 0.91 Offensive Drone Ops Manager
  • 0.91 Precision Precizor
  • 0.91 Neutralizing Focusator
  • 0.91 Targeting Scanners
  • 0.99 Arcadian Crest Blueprint
  • 1.00 Ship Mastery Augmenter 11
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Agility Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Docking Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Stealth Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Capacity Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Targeting Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Energy Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Firing Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Range Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Speed Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Radar Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Recovery Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Nimbleness Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Thrust Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Damage Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Shield Augmenter
  • 1.00 Spacy Std. Electric Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Agility Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Docking Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Stealth Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Capacity Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Targeting Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Energy Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Firing Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Range Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Speed Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Radar Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Recovery Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Nimbleness Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Thrust Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Damage Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Shield Augmenter
  • 1.00 Speedy Std. Electric Augmenter
  • 1.00 Cremater Blueprint
  • 1.00 Anti UnDe-Puzzler Blueprint
  • 1.00 Dionysis+ Augmenter Blueprint
  • 1.00 Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor II Blueprint
  • 1.00 Luxurious Combined Capacitor IV Blueprint
  • 1.00 MagCannon V Drone Blueprint
  • 1.00 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk II Blueprint
  • 1.00 Pirated Lyceum Research Module III
  • 1.00 Insto Shield Tweak Crate
  • 1.00 Lobectomy Laser
  • 1.00 De-Puzzeler
  • 1.00 Earthshaking Driver
  • 1.00 Nuclear Steam Power
  • 1.00 Eyerite Radar
  • 1.00 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk II
  • 1.00 Combined Capacitor IV
  • 1.00 Oversized Sponge Charger
  • 1.00 Gigantic Zirconium Charger
  • 1.00 Indira Hull Inflation
  • 1.00 Super Gyroscopic Scoop
  • 1.00 Pretty Fierce Combat Controlbot
  • 1.00 Oversized Transference Facilitator
  • 1.00 Oversized Transference Inhibitor
  • 1.20 Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor III Blueprint
  • 1.21 Ship Mastery Augmenter 12
  • 1.21 Slate Thorax Blueprint
  • 1.21 Lunar Blockade Blueprint
  • 1.21 Hades' Collector Blueprint
  • 1.21 Apollo's Collector Blueprint
  • 1.21 Oversized MRE Factory Blueprint
  • 1.21 Laconia Sheet Smelting Factory Blueprint
  • 1.21 Fine Tuned Enseek Radar+ Blueprint
  • 1.21 Fine Tuned Striped Emphasis+ Blueprint
  • 1.21 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor IV Blueprint
  • 1.21 The Bird Drone Scoop Blueprint
  • 1.21 Streamlined Freighter Fighter Bay IV Blueprint
  • 1.21 Quu Drone Blueprint
  • 1.21 Orb Drone Blueprint
  • 1.21 Portable Surgeon Drone Blueprint
  • 1.21 Qafir Drone+ Blueprint
  • 1.21 Medium Launching Tube
  • 1.21 Lasting Resources Crate
  • 1.21 Rapid Attack Crate
  • 1.21 Banana Jux
  • 1.21 Hole Driller+
  • 1.21 Point Defense Delta
  • 1.21 Watchrite Radar
  • 1.21 Anti-Capital System Mk I
  • 1.21 Agent Drone
  • 1.21 Liberty Shield Capacitor IV
  • 1.21 Oversized Combined Capacitor IV
  • 1.21 Argonium Charger
  • 1.21 Gigantic Sponge Charger
  • 1.21 Small Holding Scoop
  • 1.21 Freighter Fighter Bay IV
  • 1.21 Rudimentary Multifiring Combat Controlbot
  • 1.21 Planetscanner Z
  • 1.21 Gigantic Transference Facilitator
  • 1.21 Gigantic Transference Inhibitor
  • 1.21 Sandy Solarite
  • 1.21 Inverse Collector
  • 1.22 Incredibly Advanced Resource Detector
  • 1.31 Adonis Crest Blueprint
  • 1.34 Mzungu Transdim Expansion Blueprint
  • 1.34 Titanium Sheet Factory Blueprint
  • 1.40 Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor IV Blueprint
  • 1.44 Ship Mastery Augmenter 13
  • 1.44 The Swan Maker Blueprint
  • 1.44 Fine Tuned Doomed Thruster Blueprint
  • 1.44 Fine Tuned Angelic Vision Blueprint
  • 1.44 Fine Tuned Quiet Thrust Blueprint
  • 1.44 Luxurious Combined Capacitor V Blueprint
  • 1.44 Capital Fighter Bay II Blueprint
  • 1.44 Lipo Drone Blueprint
  • 1.44 MagCannon VI Drone Blueprint
  • 1.44 Gremlin Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
  • 1.44 Gremlin Mine Mobile Factory
  • 1.44 Promethium Matrix Crystal
  • 1.44 Cold Orange Crate
  • 1.44 Warmalicious Warmth Crate
  • 1.44 Shield Cerate Crate
  • 1.44 Vapid Attack Crate
  • 1.44 Liposuction
  • 1.44 Burning Petals
  • 1.44 Undeadstop
  • 1.44 Doomed Thruster
  • 1.44 Angelic Vision
  • 1.44 Combined Capacitor V
  • 1.44 Oversized Argonium Charger
  • 1.44 Beautiful Battle Scoop
  • 1.44 Second Seeing Eye Scoop
  • 1.44 Multifiring Combat Controlbot
  • 1.44 Efficient Trader Controlbot
  • 1.44 Capital Ship Traveling Field 2
  • 1.50 Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor III Blueprint
  • 1.56 Laconia Extractor Blueprint
  • 1.58 Non Portable Surgeon Blueprint
  • 1.60 Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor V Blueprint
  • 1.63 Argonaut Crest Blueprint
  • 1.69 Ship Mastery Augmenter 14
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Agility Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Docking Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Stealth Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Capacity Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Targeting Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Energy Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Firing Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Range Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Speed Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Radar Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Recovery Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Nimbleness Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Thrust Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Damage Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Shield Augmenter
  • 1.69 Spacy Good Electric Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Agility Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Docking Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Stealth Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Capacity Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Targeting Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Energy Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Firing Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Range Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Speed Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Radar Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Recovery Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Nimbleness Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Thrust Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Damage Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Shield Augmenter
  • 1.69 Speedy Good Electric Augmenter
  • 1.69 Topaz Thorax Blueprint
  • 1.69 Conflagrater Blueprint
  • 1.69 Unidyne Core Drain Blueprint
  • 1.69 Corundum Thorax Blueprint
  • 1.69 Reformatter Blueprint
  • 1.69 De-UnMaker Blueprint
  • 1.69 Mass Lipo Driver Blueprint
  • 1.69 Basil Mega Sheath Blueprint
  • 1.69 Furnace of the Gods Blueprint
  • 1.69 Inverto Radar Blueprint
  • 1.69 Hephaestus+ Augmenter Blueprint
  • 1.69 Poseidon+ Augmenter Blueprint
  • 1.69 Fine Tuned Inverto Radar Blueprint
  • 1.69 Fine Tuned Purgatory Thrust Blueprint
  • 1.69 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor V Blueprint
  • 1.69 Enhanced Beautiful Battle Scoop Blueprint
  • 1.69 Streamlined Freighter Fighter Bay V Blueprint
  • 1.69 Reformatter Drone Blueprint
  • 1.69 MagCannon VII Drone Blueprint
  • 1.69 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk III Blueprint
  • 1.69 Tardis in a Box
  • 1.69 Pirated Lyceum Research Module IV
  • 1.69 Large Launching Tube
  • 1.69 Cold Orange Crate
  • 1.69 Power Punch Z Crate
  • 1.69 Impulse
  • 1.69 Engineer Chain Transfer MK II
  • 1.69 ZombieStop
  • 1.69 Alien Steam Power
  • 1.69 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk III
  • 1.69 Ono Energy Capacitor IV
  • 1.69 Oversized Combined Capacitor V
  • 1.69 Gigantic Argonium Charger
  • 1.69 Medium Holding Scoop
  • 1.69 Freighter Fighter Bay V
  • 1.69 Rudimentary Multifiring Combat Controlbot
  • 1.69 Uberly Advanced Resource Detector
  • 1.80 Luxurious Oversized Liberty Shield Capacitor Blueprint
  • 1.86 Artemis Laser Tip Coating Blueprint
  • 1.86 Laconia Sheet Smelting Factory Blueprint
  • 1.91 Artemis Hi-tech Bow String Blueprint
  • 1.91 Titanium Sheet Factory Blueprint
  • 1.94 Adv. Class Augmenter Token
  • 1.94 Oversized Ono Energy Capacitor
  • 1.95 The Big Bird Scoop Blueprint
  • 1.96 Berserker Prowess Augmenter
  • 1.96 Engineer Prowess Augmenter
  • 1.96 Fleet Commander Prowess Augmenter
  • 1.96 Gunner Prowess Augmenter
  • 1.96 Seer Prowess Augmenter
  • 1.96 Shield Monkey Prowess Augmenter
  • 1.96 Sniper Prowess Augmenter
  • 1.96 Speed Demon Prowess Augmenter
  • 1.96 General Ops Prowess Augmenter
  • 1.96 Defensive Ops Prowess Augmenter
  • 1.96 Offensive Ops Prowess Augmenter
  • 1.96 Everlasting Ops Prowess Augmenter
  • 1.96 Ship Mastery Augmenter 15
  • 1.96 Rackham's Bigger MagCannon Blueprint
  • 1.96 Phobos Blockade Blueprint
  • 1.96 Neutron Emitter Blueprint
  • 1.96 Psychic Foresight Blueprint
  • 1.96 Platform Augmentation Beta Blueprint
  • 1.96 Fine Tuned Back of the Head Blueprint
  • 1.96 Luxurious Combined Capacitor VI Blueprint
  • 1.96 Great Gyro Gyro Scoop Blueprint
  • 1.96 Complicated Factory Parts Blueprint
  • 1.96 Grav Testing Facility Blueprint
  • 1.96 Cybernetic Construction Facility Blueprint
  • 1.96 Adv. Claymore Mobile Factory Blueprint
  • 1.96 Advanced Fire Control Drone Blueprint
  • 1.96 Advanced Protection Drone Blueprint
  • 1.96 Large Forcefield Generator Blueprint
  • 1.96 Defensive Bubble Drone Blueprint
  • 1.96 Mobile Enrichment Plant
  • 1.96 Enrichment Crystallizer
  • 1.96 Adv. Claymore Mobile Factory
  • 1.96 Adv. Drone Augmenter Token
  • 1.96 Shrinkonium
  • 1.96 Gold Nuggets
  • 1.96 Platinum Piece
  • 1.96 Promethium Matrix Crystal
  • 1.96 Red Cross Crate
  • 1.96 Sacrificial Renewal Crate
  • 1.96 Insto Shield Tweak 2 Crate
  • 1.96 Double Sub Space Anchor Crate
  • 1.96 Great Immolation
  • 1.96 Reach of Prometheus
  • 1.96 Gremconjuror
  • 1.96 Lacerating Petals
  • 1.96 ZombieStop
  • 1.96 GhoulStop
  • 1.96 Ion Justice
  • 1.96 Crazy Settings
  • 1.96 Berserker Method
  • 1.96 Sniper Stabilizator
  • 1.96 Transference Focusor
  • 1.96 Transference Efficienator
  • 1.96 Offensive Drone Ops Configurator
  • 1.96 Precision Accurator
  • 1.96 Neutralizing Focalizator
  • 1.96 Targeting Computer
  • 1.96 Combined Capacitor VI
  • 1.96 Cowboy Charger
  • 1.96 Master Drone Scoop
  • 1.96 Mini Vacuum Scoop
  • 1.96 Decidedly Fierce Combat Controlbot
  • 1.96 Specialized Transference Facilitator
  • 1.96 Specialized Transference Inhibitor
  • 1.96 Lord's Solar Collector
  • 2.00 Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor IV Blueprint
  • 2.00 Luxurious Liberty Shield Capacitor VI Blueprint
  • 2.04 Compact Basic Colony Blueprint
  • 2.04 Laconia Sheet Smelting Factory Blueprint
  • 2.05 Ambrosia Crest Blueprint
  • 2.05 Laconia Extractor Blueprint
  • 2.05 Titanium Sheet Factory Blueprint
  • 2.06 Iquea Workshop Blueprint
  • 2.06 Avalon Laser Blueprint
  • 2.07 Avalon Protector Blueprint
  • 2.08 Avalon Energy Blueprint
  • 2.09 Avalon Radar Blueprint
  • 2.25 Ship Mastery Augmenter 16
  • 2.25 Death Heated Over Blueprint
  • 2.25 Particle Brake Blueprint
  • 2.25 Glue Gun Blueprint
  • 2.25 Open Heart Excommunication Blueprint
  • 2.25 Crawl Wyrm Blueprint
  • 2.25 Compressed Laser Dampener Blueprint
  • 2.25 Compressed Energy Dampener Blueprint
  • 2.25 Compressed Mining Dampener Blueprint
  • 2.25 Compressed Physical Dampener Blueprint
  • 2.25 Executive Conductor Blueprint
  • 2.25 Monkey Preservation Field Blueprint
  • 2.25 Luxurious Station Suite Blueprint
  • 2.25 Golden Station Kit V Blueprint
  • 2.25 Golden Station Kit VI Blueprint
  • 2.25 Golden Attached Station Kit V Blueprint
  • 2.25 Golden Attached Station Kit VI Blueprint
  • 2.25 ReTardis Station Extension Blueprint
  • 2.25 Luxurious Oversized Ono Energy Capacitor Blueprint
  • 2.25 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor VI Blueprint
  • 2.25 Team Tug-o-war Scoop Blueprint
  • 2.25 Streamlined Freighter Fighter Bay VI Blueprint
  • 2.25 Capital Fighter Bay III Blueprint
  • 2.25 DWO Drone Blueprint
  • 2.25 Shard Drone
  • 2.25 Concussion Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
  • 2.25 Nuclear Convo-Tronic II
  • 2.25 Concussion Mine Mobile Factory
  • 2.25 Hydroponics
  • 2.25 Huge Launching Tube
  • 2.25 Red Cross Crate
  • 2.25 Mega Warmth Crate
  • 2.25 Ambush Crate
  • 2.25 Metal Decapitator+
  • 2.25 Death Warmed Over
  • 2.25 Glue Gun
  • 2.25 Overdone Liposuction
  • 2.25 Greater Vortex Laser
  • 2.25 Point Defense Epsilon
  • 2.25 GhoulStop
  • 2.25 Oversized Ion Justice
  • 2.25 Anti-Capital System Mk II
  • 2.25 Shard Drone
  • 2.25 Liberty Shield Capacitor V
  • 2.25 Oversized Combined Capacitor VI
  • 2.25 Oversized Cowboy Charger
  • 2.25 Large Holding Scoop
  • 2.25 Freighter Fighter Bay VI
  • 2.25 Rudimentary Multifiring Combat Controlbot
  • 2.25 Superior Speedy Trader Controlbot
  • 2.25 Capital Ship Traveling Field 3
  • 2.25 Insanely Advanced Resource Detector
  • 2.25 Shipscanner Indicitive
  • 2.25 Specialized Oversized Transference Facilitator
  • 2.25 Specialized Oversized Transference Inhibitor
  • 2.45 Andaman Crest Blueprint
  • 2.50 Luxurious Ono Energy Capacitor V Blueprint
  • 2.55 Laconia Extractor Blueprint
  • 2.56 Ship Mastery Augmenter 17
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Agility Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Docking Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Stealth Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Capacity Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Targeting Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Energy Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Firing Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Range Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Speed Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Radar Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Recovery Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Nimbleness Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Thrust Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Damage Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Shield Augmenter
  • 2.56 Spacy Exc. Electric Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Agility Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Docking Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Stealth Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Capacity Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Targeting Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Energy Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Firing Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Range Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Speed Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Radar Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Recovery Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Nimbleness Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Thrust Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Damage Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Shield Augmenter
  • 2.56 Speedy Exc. Electric Augmenter
  • 2.56 Station Point Defence Array Blueprint
  • 2.56 Repulsor Blueprint
  • 2.56 Glue Sprayer Blueprint
  • 2.56 Anterolateral Thoracotomy Laser Blueprint
  • 2.56 Executionner Catapult Blueprint
  • 2.56 Oversized Gigo Laser Blueprint
  • 2.56 Gigantic Gigo Laser Blueprint
  • 2.56 Unidyne Core Leach Blueprint
  • 2.56 Un-Reformatter Blueprint
  • 2.56 Prometheus' Thorax Blueprint
  • 2.56 Twilight Blockade Blueprint
  • 2.56 Porpoise+ Blueprint
  • 2.56 Compressed Laser Dampener+ Blueprint
  • 2.56 Compressed Energy Dampener+ Blueprint
  • 2.56 Compressed Mining Dampener+ Blueprint
  • 2.56 Compressed Physical Dampener+ Blueprint
  • 2.56 Microscopic Laser Dampener+ Blueprint
  • 2.56 Microscopic Energy Dampener+ Blueprint
  • 2.56 Microscopic Mining Dampener+ Blueprint
  • 2.56 Microscopic Physical Dampener+ Blueprint
  • 2.56 Luscious North Blueprint
  • 2.56 Hibernation Augmenter Blueprint
  • 2.56 Fine Tuned Madman's Eyes Blueprint
  • 2.56 Fine Tuned Fission Thrust Blueprint
  • 2.56 Fine Tuned Sonic Radar+ Blueprint
  • 2.56 Fine Tuned Moral Emphasis Blueprint
  • 2.56 Luxurious Combined Capacitor VII Blueprint
  • 2.56 Capital Fighter Bay IV Blueprint
  • 2.56 Siege Drone Blueprint
  • 2.56 Un-Reformatter Drone Blueprint
  • 2.56 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk IV Blueprint
  • 2.56 Pirated Lyceum Research Module V
  • 2.56 Black Crate
  • 2.56 Shield Poltice Crate
  • 2.56 Catapult
  • 2.56 Engineer Chain Transfer MK III
  • 2.56 Glue Sprayer
  • 2.56 Demolishing Discharge
  • 2.56 Moral Emphasis
  • 2.56 Fission Thrust
  • 2.56 Obsidian Ionizer
  • 2.56 Yallow
  • 2.56 Gigantic Ion Justice
  • 2.56 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk IV
  • 2.56 Depraved Desire
  • 2.56 Oversized Liberty Shield Capacitor
  • 2.56 Combined Capacitor VII
  • 2.56 Gigantic Cowboy Charger
  • 2.56 Badass Battle Scoop
  • 2.56 Multifiring Combat Controlbot
  • 2.56 Ares Combat Controlbot
  • 2.56 Capital Ship Traveling Field 4
  • 2.56 Specialized Gigantic Transference Facilitator
  • 2.56 Specialized Gigantic Transference Inhibitor
  • 2.65 Apollo's Eyes Blueprint
  • 2.65 Gigantic MRE Factory Blueprint
  • 2.78 Achilles Crest Blueprint
  • 2.85 Tardis in a Box
  • 2.89 Ship Mastery Augmenter 18
  • 2.89 Rock Launcher Blueprint
  • 2.89 Neutron Point Defense Blueprint
  • 2.89 Infinite Improbability Drive Blueprint
  • 2.89 Luscious North Blueprint
  • 2.89 Luxurious Station Suite Blueprint
  • 2.89 Entertainment Station Suite Blueprint
  • 2.89 Eridium Transdim Extension Blueprint
  • 2.89 Fine Tuned Tunnel Vision Blueprint
  • 2.89 Fine Tuned Infinite Improbability Drive Blueprint
  • 2.89 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor VII Blueprint
  • 2.89 Enhanced Badass Battle Scoop Blueprint
  • 2.89 Love Cylinder Drone Blueprint
  • 2.89 MagCannon VIII Drone Blueprint
  • 2.89 Adv. Flash Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
  • 2.89 Bear Hug Blueprint
  • 2.89 Station Tech Upgrade XVII
  • 2.89 Adv. Flash Mine Mobile Factory
  • 2.89 Dementium Fragments
  • 2.89 Dementium
  • 2.89 Black Crate
  • 2.89 Mustard Yellow Crate
  • 2.89 Sacrificial Salvation Crate
  • 2.89 Power Punch GT Crate
  • 2.89 Advanced Blocker Crate
  • 2.89 Oversized Catapult
  • 2.89 Super Duper Ice Sludger
  • 2.89 MagCannon VIII
  • 2.89 MagCannon VIII+
  • 2.89 Damned Thruster
  • 2.89 Oversized Moral Emphasis
  • 2.89 Herbal Power
  • 2.89 Gigantic Ion Justice
  • 2.89 Oversized Obsidian Ionizer
  • 2.89 Oversized Yallow
  • 2.89 Tunnel Vision
  • 2.89 Alpha Drone
  • 2.89 Secret Agent Drone
  • 2.89 Corrupt Craving
  • 2.89 Ono Energy Capacitor V
  • 2.89 Oversized Combined Capacitor VII
  • 2.89 Huge Holding Scoop
  • 2.89 Dark Intake
  • 2.89 Solar Intake
  • 3.24 Ship Mastery Augmenter 19
  • 3.24 Station Point Defence Array Blueprint
  • 3.24 ZigZagger Blueprint
  • 3.24 Hot Glue Gun Blueprint
  • 3.24 MoveZigZagger Blueprint
  • 3.24 Warm Death Catapult Blueprint
  • 3.24 Great Uu Quu Blueprint
  • 3.24 Neutronia Big MagCannon Blueprint
  • 3.24 Fire of the Gods Blueprint
  • 3.24 Forge of the Gods Blueprint
  • 3.24 Massif III Blueprint
  • 3.24 Luscious West Blueprint
  • 3.24 Athena+ Augmenter Blueprint
  • 3.24 Ares+ Augmenter Blueprint
  • 3.24 Fine Tuned Grape Influence Blueprint
  • 3.24 Fine Tuned Hawkeye Radar+ Blueprint
  • 3.24 Fine Tuned Venusian Seeker Blueprint
  • 3.24 Fine Tuned Venusian Motor Blueprint
  • 3.24 Luxurious Combined Capacitor VIII Blueprint
  • 3.24 Capital Fighter Bay V Blueprint
  • 3.24 Venusian Drone Blueprint
  • 3.24 Adv. Gremlin Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
  • 3.24 Adv. Gremlin Mine Mobile Factory
  • 3.24 Mustard Yellow Crate
  • 3.24 Insto Shield Tweak 3 Crate
  • 3.24 Swifty-Spry Attack Crate
  • 3.24 Toomuch Liposuction
  • 3.24 Venusian MagCannon
  • 3.24 Venusian Ray
  • 3.24 Venusian Jackhammer
  • 3.24 Venusian Pulse Gun
  • 3.24 Sweeney T's Razor
  • 3.24 Gigantic Catapult
  • 3.24 Neutralizing Discharge
  • 3.24 Misdirection
  • 3.24 Give and Take
  • 3.24 Venusian Safeguard
  • 3.24 Oversized Misdirection
  • 3.24 Oversized Give and Take
  • 3.24 Plant Power
  • 3.24 Grape Influence
  • 3.24 Gigantic Moral Emphasis
  • 3.24 Venusian Motor
  • 3.24 Gigantic Fission Thrust
  • 3.24 Oversized Obsidian Ionizer
  • 3.24 Oversized Yallow
  • 3.24 Gigantic Obsidian Ionizer
  • 3.24 Gigantic Yallow
  • 3.24 Venusian Vitality
  • 3.24 Venusian Seeker
  • 3.24 Oversized Tunnel Vision
  • 3.24 Anti-Capital System Mk III
  • 3.24 Profane Thirst
  • 3.24 Combined Capacitor VIII
  • 3.24 Crazy Bug-Eyed Scoop
  • 3.24 Superior Spacious Trader Controlbot
  • 3.24 Capital Ship Traveling Field 5
  • 3.38 Rubicite Extractor Blueprint
  • 3.42 Eyerite Radar
  • 3.52 Frozen Blob Extractor Blueprint
  • 3.61 Ship Mastery Augmenter 20
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Agility Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Docking Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Stealth Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Capacity Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Targeting Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Energy Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Firing Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Range Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Speed Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Radar Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Recovery Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Nimbleness Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Thrust Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Damage Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Shield Augmenter
  • 3.61 Spacy Sup. Electric Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Agility Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Docking Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Stealth Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Capacity Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Targeting Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Energy Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Firing Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Range Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Speed Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Radar Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Recovery Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Nimbleness Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Thrust Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Damage Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Shield Augmenter
  • 3.61 Speedy Sup. Electric Augmenter
  • 3.61 Pulsius Sharpshooter Blueprint
  • 3.61 Veneration Cylinder Blueprint
  • 3.61 Flaming Swingarm Catapult Blueprint
  • 3.61 Hot Glue Sprayer Blueprint
  • 3.61 Mercurian MagCannon Blueprint
  • 3.61 Mercurian Emission Blueprint
  • 3.61 Mercurian Disentegrator Blueprint
  • 3.61 Mercurian Pulse Gun Blueprint
  • 3.61 Neutralizing Pulse Blueprint
  • 3.61 Earthshaking Cannon Blueprint
  • 3.61 Lacerating Bloom Blueprint
  • 3.61 Demolishing Pulse Blueprint
  • 3.61 Burning Bloom Blueprint
  • 3.61 Lancing Tusks Blueprint
  • 3.61 Smashing Tusks Blueprint
  • 3.61 Unidyne Core Dump Blueprint
  • 3.61 Antimatter Driver Blueprint
  • 3.61 Capital Light of Peace Blueprint
  • 3.61 Great Open Uu Quu Excommunicator Blueprint
  • 3.61 Great Uu Quu Station Big Cannon Blueprint
  • 3.61 Mercurian Bulwark Blueprint
  • 3.61 Mercurian Ramjet Blueprint
  • 3.61 Mercurian Zeal Blueprint
  • 3.61 Mercurian Pharos Blueprint
  • 3.61 Absconditus Blueprint
  • 3.61 Blue Photon Corvette Blueprint
  • 3.61 Singularity Brake Blueprint
  • 3.61 Expedition Team Blueprint
  • 3.61 Massif IV Blueprint
  • 3.61 Luscious West Blueprint
  • 3.61 Entertainment Station Suite Blueprint
  • 3.61 Eridium Transdim Extension Blueprint
  • 3.61 Annihilator Thruster Blueprint
  • 3.61 Rovert Nanobotics Facility Blueprint
  • 3.61 Astranomologica Augmenter Blueprint
  • 3.61 Mattock Augmenter Blueprint
  • 3.61 Conclusion Augmenter Blueprint
  • 3.61 Greener Augmenter Greenprint
  • 3.61 Platform Augmentation Gamma Blueprint
  • 3.61 Fine Tuned Titan Engine+ Blueprint
  • 3.61 Fine Tuned Qua Vazuk Blueprint
  • 3.61 Fine Tuned Titan Radar+ Blueprint
  • 3.61 Fine Tuned Mercurian Ramjet Blueprint
  • 3.61 Fine Tuned Iiuqok Blueprint
  • 3.61 Fine Tuned Mercurian Pharos Blueprint
  • 3.61 Luxurious Oversized Combined Capacitor VIII Blueprint
  • 3.61 Capital Fighter Bay VI Blueprint
  • 3.61 Fembot Assembly Plant Blueprint
  • 3.61 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk V Blueprint
  • 3.61 Mercurian Drone Blueprint
  • 3.61 Adv. Concussion Mine Mobile Factory Blueprint
  • 3.61 Advanced Command & Control Drone Blueprint
  • 3.61 Superior Protection Drone Blueprint
  • 3.61 Huge Forcefield Generator Blueprint
  • 3.61 Bubble Drone Blueprint
  • 3.61 Ancient Drone Blueprint
  • 3.61 Polar Wrap Blueprint
  • 3.61 Nuclear Convo-Tronic II
  • 3.61 Adv. Concussion Mine Mobile Factory
  • 3.61 Hydroponics
  • 3.61 Pirated Lyceum Research Module VI
  • 3.61 Dementium Fragments
  • 3.61 Dementium
  • 3.61 Platinum Piece
  • 3.61 Rubicite Crystal
  • 3.61 Energon Ball
  • 3.61 Diamond Shard
  • 3.61 Adamantium Plate
  • 3.61 Promethium Matrix Crystal
  • 3.61 Hovering Crate
  • 3.61 Apollo's Rebirth Crate
  • 3.61 Apollo's Warmth Crate
  • 3.61 Oilheart's Best Afterburner Crate
  • 3.61 Super Shield Soother Crate
  • 3.61 Assassination Crate
  • 3.61 Point Defense Zeta
  • 3.61 Titanium Shredder+
  • 3.61 Greminvoker
  • 3.61 Dark Fist
  • 3.61 Sterile Cannon
  • 3.61 Hot Glue Sprayer
  • 3.61 Antimatter Driver
  • 3.61 Eclipse Blockade
  • 3.61 Gigantic Misdirection
  • 3.61 Gigantic Give and Take
  • 3.61 Gigantic Obsidian Ionizer
  • 3.61 Gigantic Yallow
  • 3.61 Crystalline Reserve
  • 3.61 Gigantic Tunnel Vision
  • 3.61 Anti-Capital System Mk IV
  • 3.61 Double Agent Drone
  • 3.61 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk V
  • 3.61 Blasphemous Fervor
  • 3.61 Liberty Shield Capacitor VI
  • 3.61 Oversized Combined Capacitor VIII
  • 3.61 Gigantic Holding Scoop
  • 3.61 Vacuum Scoop
  • 3.61 Multifiring Combat Controlbot
  • 3.61 Penultimate Trader Controlbot
  • 3.61 Ultimate Trader Controlbot
  • 3.61 Even More Ultimate Trader Controlbot
  • 3.61 Capital Ship Traveling Field 6
  • 3.80 Mad Kidd Drone Blueprint
  • 3.80 Heavy Kidd Drone Crate Blueprint
  • 3.80 Captain Bling Drone Crate Blueprint
  • 3.80 Mad Kidd+ Drone Blueprint
  • 3.80 Hybrid Kidd Drone Blueprint
  • 3.80 Honey Badger Drone Blueprint
  • 3.80 Armada Kidd Drone Blueprint
  • 3.80 Prawn Piece A
  • 3.80 Prawn Piece B
  • 3.80 Prawn Piece C
  • 3.80 Prawn Piece D
  • 3.80 Prawn Piece E
  • 3.80 Prawn Piece F
  • 3.80 Prawn Piece G
  • 3.80 Prawn Piece H
  • 3.89 Oversized Fission Thrust
  • 4.00 Ship Mastery Augmenter 21
  • 4.00 Radish Torches Blueprint
  • 4.00 Pulsius Sharpshooter+ Blueprint
  • 4.00 Dark Wave Blueprint
  • 4.00 Neutralizing Surge Blueprint
  • 4.00 Earthshaking Onslaught Blueprint
  • 4.00 Lacerating Flower Blueprint
  • 4.00 Demolishing Surge Blueprint
  • 4.00 Burning Flower Blueprint
  • 4.00 Lancing Cestus Blueprint
  • 4.00 Smashing Cestus Blueprint
  • 4.00 Prometheus' Death Trebuchet Blueprint
  • 4.00 Lagrangian Schematics
  • 4.00 Sedition Blueprint
  • 4.00 Indecision Blueprint
  • 4.00 Prevarication Blueprint
  • 4.00 Advanced Eucration Flux Blueprint
  • 4.00 Advanced Eucration Fusion Blueprint
  • 4.00 Eridium Furnace Blueprint
  • 4.00 Flamberge Blueprint
  • 4.00 Delquadrikamdon Blueprint
  • 4.00 Tardis Station Extension Blueprint
  • 4.00 Invigorating Aphrodite Augmenter Blueprint
  • 4.00 Artemis Patrol Augmenter Blueprint
  • 4.00 Markswoman Artemis Augmenter Blueprint
  • 4.00 Raging Aphrodite Augmenter Blueprint
  • 4.00 Hermes Patrol Augmenter Blueprint
  • 4.00 Racing Hermes Augmenter Blueprint
  • 4.00 Raging Dionysis Augmenter Blueprint
  • 4.00 Invigorating Dionysis Augmenter Blueprint
  • 4.00 Tarkin's Augmenter Blueprint
  • 4.00 MagCannon IX Drone Blueprint
  • 4.00 Mobile MagCannon IX Drone Blueprint
  • 4.00 Frag Drone
  • 4.00 Solarian Drone Blueprint
  • 4.00 Grizzly Tackle Blueprint
  • 4.00 Dementium Fragments
  • 4.00 Dementium
  • 4.00 Prawn Piece A
  • 4.00 Prawn Piece B
  • 4.00 Prawn Piece C
  • 4.00 Prawn Piece D
  • 4.00 Prawn Piece E
  • 4.00 Prawn Piece F
  • 4.00 Prawn Piece G
  • 4.00 Prawn Piece H
  • 4.00 Rubicite Crystal
  • 4.00 Energon Ball
  • 4.00 Diamond Shard
  • 4.00 Adamantium Plate
  • 4.00 Hovering Crate
  • 4.00 Telendo Overloader Crate
  • 4.00 Mercurian MagCannon
  • 4.00 Mercurian Emission
  • 4.00 Mercurian Disentegrator
  • 4.00 Mercurian Pulse Gun
  • 4.00 Radish Torch
  • 4.00 MagCannon IX
  • 4.00 MagCannon IX+
  • 4.00 Blockade Runner
  • 4.00 Gigantic Misdirection
  • 4.00 Gigantic Give and Take
  • 4.00 Mercurian Bulwark
  • 4.00 Hydra Hide
  • 4.00 Equivocation
  • 4.00 Ambivalence
  • 4.00 Subversion
  • 4.00 Bole Shield
  • 4.00 Umber Shield
  • 4.00 Wenge Shield
  • 4.00 Mercurian Ramjet
  • 4.00 Hydra Tail
  • 4.00 Quark Controller
  • 4.00 Lepton Lurcher
  • 4.00 Proton Pusher
  • 4.00 Boson Blower
  • 4.00 Crystalline Reserve
  • 4.00 Mercurian Zeal
  • 4.00 Eucration Fusion
  • 4.00 Eucration Flux
  • 4.00 Hydra Belly
  • 4.00 Mercurian Pharos
  • 4.00 Hydra Eyes
  • 4.00 Anti-Capital System Mk V
  • 4.00 Frag Drone
  • 4.00 Vile Longing
  • 4.00 Hydra Awesomeness
  • 4.00 Maxi Vacuum Scoop
  • 4.00 Commander's Ascension
  • 4.41 Ship Mastery Augmenter 22
  • 4.41 Capital Lipo Driver Blueprint
  • 4.41 Capital Death Trebuchet Driver Blueprint
  • 4.41 Cygnus Augmenter Blueprint
  • 4.41 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk VI Blueprint
  • 4.41 Triple Agent Drone
  • 4.41 Vervaardiger Lance Drone Mk VI
  • 4.41 Malevolent Lasciviousness