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'''Radars''' allow your ship to see other ships, space stations, and other objects.
* '''TL''' is the [[Tech Level]] in the [[Radar]] skill needed for the radar.
* '''TL''' is the [[Tech Level]] in the [[Radar]] skill needed for the radar.
Line 40: Line 40:
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|2,800
|align = "right"|2,800
|SBA Interceptor
|SBA Interceptor & DG drop
|align = "right"|3
|align = "right"|12
|align = "right"|500
|align = "right"|800
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|10,000
|[[Nexus]] mission
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|600
|align = "right"|900
|align = "right"|2
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|14,000
|AI base - 300k
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|9
|align = "right"|660
|align = "right"|990
|align = "right"|2
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|12,600
|[[Free Market]] - 3mil
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|800
|align = "right"|1,000
|align = "right"|3
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|5,000
|[[Enforcer]] mission
|align = "right"|7
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|525
|align = "right"|1,000
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|14,000
|AI base - 150k
|align = "right"|7
|align = "right"|9
|align = "right"|577
|align = "right"|1,100
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|12,600
|[[Free Market]] - 1.5mil
|align = "right"|7
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|850
|align = "right"|1,400
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|14,000
|BP - 15 mil
|align = "right"|7
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|1,000
|align = "right"|1,500
|align = "right"|7
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|10,000
|align = "right"|8
|align = "right"|8
|align = "right"|1,200
|align = "right"|1,500
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|10,000
|[[Sol]] mission
|align = "right"|9
|align = "right"|12
|align = "right"|1,300
|align = "right"|3,000
|align = "right"|9
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|17,000
|Peer down from heights of pillars
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|1,300
|align = "right"|2,600
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|5,000
|Halloween Drop
|From a post you can see everything.
|align = "right"|14
|align = "right"|8
|align = "right"|2,000
|align = "right"|4,000
|align = "right"|14
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|20,000
|Red Nose Reindar
|align = "right"|17
|align = "right"|25
|align = "right"|2,500
|align = "right"|5,000
|align = "right"|12
|align = "right"|200
|align = "right"|10,000
|Christmas drop
|Madman's Eyes
|align = "right"|17
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|900
|align = "right"|2060
|align = "right"|9
|align = "right"|50
|align = "right"|18,000
|[[Mad Scientist]] drop
|Fine Tuned Madman's Eyes
|align = "right"|17
|align = "right"|18
|align = "right"|990
|align = "right"|2266
|align = "right"|8
|align = "right"|45
|align = "right"|16,200
|Built from Madman's Eyes<br>Improves: Tracking +6%
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|500
|align = "right"|2,500
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|20,000
|[[Iq' Bana]] drop
|IQ Bana Stealth Radar
|Zebra Heightened Senses
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|25
|align = "right"|3,170
|align = "right"|6,340
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|45,000
|[[UZ]] drop
|Sense the coming danger
== Large Radars ==
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|align = "right"|7
|align = "right"|70
|align = "right"|2,500
|align = "right"|3,500
|align = "right"|90
|align = "right"|500
|align = "right"|120,000
|AI base - 300k
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|90
|align = "right"|5,000
|align = "right"|7,000
|align = "right"|120
|align = "right"|500
|align = "right"|150,000
|DG drop
|align = "right"|11
|align = "right"|180
|align = "right"|6,250
|align = "right"|8,750
|align = "right"|120
|align = "right"|500
|align = "right"|165,000
|DG drop
|align = "right"|12
|align = "right"|360
|align = "right"|10,000
|align = "right"|14,000
|align = "right"|120
|align = "right"|500
|align = "right"|300,000
|DG drop
|Tunnel Vision
|align = "right"|18
|align = "right"|40
|align = "right"|2,200
|align = "right"|4,500
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|50,000
|DG drop
|Oversized Tunnel Vision
|align = "right"|19
|align = "right"|80
|align = "right"|2,750
|align = "right"|5,625
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|55,000
|DG drop
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|3,500
|align = "right"|7,000
|align = "right"|15
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|50,000
|AI base - 5mil
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|90
|align = "right"|3,850
|align = "right"|7,700
|align = "right"|15
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|45,000
|[[Free Market]] - 50mil
|Venusian Seeker
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|50
|align = "right"|5,900
|align = "right"|9,350
|align = "right"|25
|align = "right"|114
|align = "right"|35,000
|DG drop
== High Detection Radars ==
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|Vazaha Locator
|align = "right"|3
|align = "right"|2
|align = "right"|200
|align = "right"|2,000
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|200
|Crystal Ball
|align = "right"|9
|align = "right"|14
|align = "right"|400
|align = "right"|3,150
|align = "right"|35
|align = "right"|200
|align = "right"|15,000
|AI base - 425k
|align = "right"|17
|align = "right"|45
|align = "right"|1,000
|align = "right"|7,000
|align = "right"|18
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|20,000
|AI base - 25mil
|align = "right"|17
|align = "right"|40
|align = "right"|1,100
|align = "right"|7,700
|align = "right"|18
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|18,000
|[[Free Market]] - 250mil
|Oversized Sonic
|align = "right"|17
|align = "right"|80
|align = "right"|1,250
|align = "right"|8,750
|align = "right"|18
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|22,000
|[[Gargan]] - 25mil
|Gigantic Sonic
|align = "right"|17
|align = "right"|160
|align = "right"|2,000
|align = "right"|14,000
|align = "right"|18
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|40,000
|[[Gargan]] mission
== Low Detection Radars ==
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|Jelly's Eye
|align = "right"|2
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|310
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|5,000
|Space Jelly drop in [[Nexus]]
|Swabbies Radar
|align = "right"|6
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|1,550
|align = "right"|775
|align = "right"|6
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|10,000
|[[Tortuga]] drop, req [[Piracy]] 6
|Condemned Radar
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|1,500
|align = "right"|35
|align = "right"|3
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|12,000
|[[Infernal Tempest]] drop, req [[Piracy]] 10
|Doomed Radar
|align = "right"|12
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|2,450
|align = "right"|35
|align = "right"|4
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|15,000
|[[Infernal Tempest]] mission
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|25
|align = "right"|4,100
|align = "right"|1,500
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|25,000
|Constable missions in [[Sol]]
== Low Visibility Radars ==
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|Mzungu Pinger
|align = "right"|8
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|150
|align = "right"|1,000
|align = "right"|2
|align = "right"|14
|Beautiful Eyes
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|400
|align = "right"|640
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|25,000
|Back of the Head
|align = "right"|15
|align = "right"|45
|align = "right"|1,000
|align = "right"|2,200
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|20,000
|AI base - 2.5mil
|Bule ESP Box
|align = "right"|16
|align = "right"|36
|align = "right"|1,200
|align = "right"|1,560
|align = "right"|9
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|18,000
|Ruin - 30mil
|Tunnel Vision
|align = "right"|18
|align = "right"|40
|align = "right"|2,200
|align = "right"|4,500
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|50,000
|DG drop
|Oversized Tunnel Vision
|align = "right"|19
|align = "right"|80
|align = "right"|2,750
|align = "right"|5,625
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|55,000
|DG drop
== Zero Visibility Radars ==
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|1,800
|AI base - 6k
|Bule Searcher
|align = "right"|2
|align = "right"|8
|align = "right"|200
|align = "right"|365
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|0
|Jelly's Eye
|align = "right"|2
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|310
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|5,000
|Space Jelly drop in [[Nexus]]
|align = "right"|3
|align = "right"|8
|align = "right"|160
|align = "right"|200
|align = "right"|2
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|5,000
|[[Nexus]] mission
|Vazaha Searcher
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|8
|align = "right"|200
|align = "right"|400
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|6
|align = "right"|19
|align = "right"|200
|align = "right"|200
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|8,000
|AI base - 150k
|Faranji Searcher
|align = "right"|11
|align = "right"|26
|align = "right"|520
|align = "right"|500
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|13,000
|Find what you're looking for
|align = "right"|11
|align = "right"|27
|align = "right"|360
|align = "right"|215
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|14,000
|AI base - 700k
|align = "right"|11
|align = "right"|24
|align = "right"|396
|align = "right"|236
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|12,600
|[[Free Market]] - 7mil
|Angelic Vision
|align = "right"|13
|align = "right"|30
|align = "right"|500
|align = "right"|700
|align = "right"|6
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|20,000
|DG drop
|UrQa Ukuk Qok
|align = "right"|15
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|350
|align = "right"|2,000
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|10,000
|[[Iq' Bana]] Boss drop
|align = "right"|19
|align = "right"|45
|align = "right"|428
|align = "right"|428
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|21,000
|AI base - 3mil
|align = "right"|19
|align = "right"|40
|align = "right"|470
|align = "right"|470
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|18,900
|[[Free Market]] - 30mil
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|500
|align = "right"|2,500
|align = "right"|5
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|20,000
|[[Iq' Bana]] drop
|UrQa Quiii Qok
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|750
|align = "right"|3,000
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|12,500
|Ruin - 2bil, [[Iq' Bana]] Boss drop
|Panther Instinct
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|1052
|align = "right"|1762
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|12,500
|[[Panther]] Drop, Light Fighter only
== Base Radars ==
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%"
|'''Base Radars'''
|align = "right"|9
|align = "right"|1,300
|align = "right"|3,000
|align = "right"|5,000
|align = "right"|10
|align = "right"|300
|align = "right"|12
|align = "right"|3,000
|align = "right"|5,500
|align = "right"|8,800
|align = "right"|18
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|14
|align = "right"|5,000
|align = "right"|9,600
|align = "right"|14,400
|align = "right"|1
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|14
|align = "right"|8,000
|align = "right"|6,050
|align = "right"|9,680
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|0
|align = "right"|16
|align = "right"|8,000
|align = "right"|15,600
|align = "right"|23,400
|align = "right"|200
|align = "right"|1000
|align = "right"|18
|align = "right"|12,000
|align = "right"|22,400
|align = "right"|33,600
|align = "right"|400
|align = "right"|2000
|Apollo’s Eyes
|align = "right"|18
|align = "right"|180k
|align = "right"|100,800
|align = "right"|151,200
|align = "right"|800
|align = "right"|10k
|Annihilator Tower
|align = "right"|20
|align = "right"|16,000
|align = "right"|30,000
|align = "right"|50,000
|align = "right"|100
|align = "right"|1000

Revision as of 18:01, 8 September 2007

Radars allow your ship to see other ships, space stations, and other objects.

  • TL is the Tech Level in the Radar skill needed for the radar.
  • Vision is the base range that you will be able to see a target on your main screen. The actual range that you see the target is also based on its visibility.
  • Detect is the base range that you will be able to see a target on your small radar screen. The actual range that you see the target on radar is also based on its visibility.
  • Elec is the amount of energy used per unit of time when the radar is equipped.
  • Vis is the visibility added to your ship when the radar is equipped.

Small Radars

Name TL Size Vision Detect Elec Vis Weight Comments Description
Arat 1 6 200 345 2 100 2,800 AI base - 8k
Tibsi 1 6 300 500 2 100 2,800 SBA Interceptor & DG drop
Cadet 3 12 500 800 1 150 10,000 Nexus mission
Revealer 5 10 600 900 2 100 14,000 AI base - 300k
Revealer+ 5 9 660 990 2 100 12,600 Free Market - 3mil
Enforcer 5 5 800 1,000 3 100 5,000 Enforcer mission
Sebat 7 10 525 1,000 5 150 14,000 AI base - 150k
Sebat+ 7 9 577 1,100 5 150 12,600 Free Market - 1.5mil
Zigine 7 10 850 1,400 5 150 14,000 BP - 15 mil
Supresto 7 10 1,000 1,500 7 100 10,000 BP
Sergeant’s 8 8 1,200 1,500 5 100 10,000 Sol mission
Axum 9 12 1,300 3,000 9 100 17,000 BP Peer down from heights of pillars
Scarecrow 10 5 1,300 2,600 10 100 5,000 Halloween Drop From a post you can see everything.
Inverto 14 8 2,000 4,000 14 100 20,000 BP
Red Nose Reindar 17 25 2,500 5,000 12 200 10,000 Christmas drop
Madman's Eyes 17 20 900 2060 9 50 18,000 Mad Scientist drop
Fine Tuned Madman's Eyes 17 18 990 2266 8 45 16,200 Built from Madman's Eyes
Improves: Tracking +6%
liuqok 20 20 500 2,500 5 100 20,000 Iq' Bana drop IQ Bana Stealth Radar
Zebra Heightened Senses 20 25 3,170 6,340 10 150 45,000 UZ drop Sense the coming danger

Large Radars

Name TL Size Vision Detect Elec Vis Weight Comments
Flarite 7 70 2,500 3,500 90 500 120,000 AI base - 300k
Spyrite 10 90 5,000 7,000 120 500 150,000 DG drop
Eyerite 11 180 6,250 8,750 120 500 165,000 DG drop
Watchrite 12 360 10,000 14,000 120 500 300,000 DG drop
Tunnel Vision 18 40 2,200 4,500 10 5 50,000 DG drop
Oversized Tunnel Vision 19 80 2,750 5,625 10 10 55,000 DG drop
Titan 20 100 3,500 7,000 15 100 50,000 AI base - 5mil
Titan+ 20 90 3,850 7,700 15 100 45,000 Free Market - 50mil
Venusian Seeker 20 50 5,900 9,350 25 114 35,000 DG drop

High Detection Radars

Name TL Size Vision Detect Elec Vis Weight Comments
Vazaha Locator 3 2 200 2,000 5 200   Ruin
Crystal Ball 9 14 400 3,150 35 200 15,000 AI base - 425k
Sonic 17 45 1,000 7,000 18 150 20,000 AI base - 25mil
Sonic+ 17 40 1,100 7,700 18 150 18,000 Free Market - 250mil
Oversized Sonic 17 80 1,250 8,750 18 150 22,000 Gargan - 25mil
Gigantic Sonic 17 160 2,000 14,000 18 150 40,000 Gargan mission

Low Detection Radars

Name TL Size Vision Detect Elec Vis Weight Comments
Jelly's Eye 2 5 310 0 0 0 5,000 Space Jelly drop in Nexus
Swabbies Radar 6 20 1,550 775 6 150 10,000 Tortuga drop, req Piracy 6
Condemned Radar 10 5 1,500 35 3 150 12,000 Infernal Tempest drop, req Piracy 10
Doomed Radar 12 10 2,450 35 4 150 15,000 Infernal Tempest mission
Constable 10 25 4,100 1,500 10 150 25,000 Constable missions in Sol

Low Visibility Radars

Name TL Size Vision Detect Elec Vis Weight Comments
Mzungu Pinger 8 20 150 1,000 2 14   Ruin
Beautiful Eyes 10 10 400 640 5 10 25,000 Drop
Back of the Head 15 45 1,000 2,200 10 20 20,000 AI base - 2.5mil
Bule ESP Box 16 36 1,200 1,560 9 20 18,000 Ruin - 30mil
Tunnel Vision 18 40 2,200 4,500 10 5 50,000 DG drop
Oversized Tunnel Vision 19 80 2,750 5,625 10 10 55,000 DG drop

Zero Visibility Radars

Name TL Size Vision Detect Elec Vis Weight Comments Description
Hulett 1 1 100 100 1 0 1,800 AI base - 6k
Bule Searcher 2 8 200 365 1 0   Ruin
Jelly's Eye 2 5 310 0 0 0 5,000 Space Jelly drop in Nexus
Lunar 3 8 160 200 2 0 5,000 Nexus mission
Vazaha Searcher 5 8 200 400 1 0   Ruin
Sedest 6 19 200 200 1 0 8,000 AI base - 150k
Faranji Searcher 11 26 520 500 1 0 13,000 Ruin Find what you're looking for
Effluvian 11 27 360 215 1 0 14,000 AI base - 700k
Effluvian+ 11 24 396 236 1 0 12,600 Free Market - 7mil
Angelic Vision 13 30 500 700 6 0 20,000 DG drop
UrQa Ukuk Qok 15 5 350 2,000 5 0 10,000 Iq' Bana Boss drop
Hawkeye 19 45 428 428 1 0 21,000 AI base - 3mil
Hawkeye+ 19 40 470 470 1 0 18,900 Free Market - 30mil
liuqok 20 20 500 2,500 5 0 20,000 Iq' Bana drop
UrQa Quiii Qok 20 10 750 3,000 10 0 12,500 Ruin - 2bil, Iq' Bana Boss drop
Panther Instinct 20 10 1052 1762 10 0 12,500 Panther Drop, Light Fighter only

Base Radars

Base Radars TL Size Vision Detect Elec Vis Weight Comments
Adonis 9 1,300 3,000 5,000 10 300 2mil  
Argonaut 12 3,000 5,500 8,800 18 0 5mil  
Ambrosia 14 5,000 9,600 14,400 1 0 5mil  
Avalon 14 8,000 6,050 9,680 20 0 8mil  
Andaman 16 8,000 15,600 23,400 200 1000 8mil  
Achilles 18 12,000 22,400 33,600 400 2000 12mil  
Apollo’s Eyes 18 180k 100,800 151,200 800 10k 2.4mil  
Annihilator Tower 20 16,000 30,000 50,000 100 1000 5mil