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I'm not done editing this...
= '''Light Fighters''' =
== '''Cheapstake's setup==
*[[Tech]]: 4
*[[Hull]]: 160
*Max [[Speed]]: 90
*Size: 27
*[[Visibility]]: 200
*[[Augmenters]]: 2
*[[Weapons]]: 2
*Weight: 20,000
*Description: 'rare alien technology'
*Docking Speed: 10
*20% Weakness to physical
*40% Protection to mining
*Improves: Energy 80%, Range 50%, Radar 50%, Rate of fire 50% 
*Light Fighter
[[Piloting]] 4,
[[Weaponry]] 6,
[[Shielding]] 3,
[[Engine]] 2,
[[Radar]] 1,
[[Electrical Engineering]] 5,
[[Remote Control]] 4,
[[Equipment]] 6,
[[Zen of the Spin|Le Zen of spin spin?]] 2,
[[Warp Navigation]] 1
Bule Tracking Laser/Micro Huge Tracking Laser
Parasitic Flare Gun/Bule Insanity
VH3/VP3/Ion Wall
Jelly's Tentacle
Exterminator Pro
Hull Extension
Liberty Shield Capacitor 2
Electo Scoop
Mzungu Bang
Arat Radar+
Pyrite, pyrite
'''Notes :'''
Really cheap compared to other setups, maybe 30m if you use the cheapest setup
== '''Supreme Annoyance''' ==
[[Image: Hotrod Plus.png|right|thumb|'''Hotrod+''']]
*[[Tech]]: 5
*[[Hull]]: 110
*Max [[Speed]]: 132
*[[Size]]: 42
*[[Visibility]]: 150
*[[Augmenters]]: 5
*[[Weapons]]: 5
**10% Vulnerability from Physical
**20% Protection from Mining
*Light Fighter
*Improves: Energy +20%, Thrust +100%
*[[Weight]]: 90,000
[[Piloting]] 5,
[[Weaponry]] 10,
[[Shielding]] 2,
[[Engine]] 2,
[[Radar]] 1,
[[Electrical Engineering]] 2,
[[Equipment]] 4,
[[Warp Navigation]] 1
Parasitic Flare Gun
Dust Launcher
Slipstream+ / Jetstream
Jelly's Tentacle
Exterminator Pro
Hull Extension
Liberty Shield Capacitor
Electo Scoop
Freon Foundation+
Arat Radar+
Artemis, Artemis, Basic Firing, Basic Firing, Basic Firing
'''Notes :'''
Anti Faranji Wingship, Anti Hotrod+, Anti ships with low range, fun...
== '''PvP Wingship''' ==
[[Image: Faranji_Wingship.png|thumb|right|'''Faranji Wingship''']]
*[[Tech]]: 9
*[[Hull]]: 175
*Max [[Speed]]: 119
*Size: 40
*[[Visibility]]: 15
*[[Reflectivity]]: 42%
*[[Augmenters]]: 5
*[[Weapons]]: 2
**60% Protection from Laser
**40% Protection from Energy
**40% Protection from Heat
**40% Protection from Radiation
**40% Protection from Mining
*Light Fighter
*Weight: 10,000
[[Piloting]] 9,
[[Weaponry]] 4,
[[Shielding]] 2,
[[Engine]] 2,
[[Radar]] 1,
[[Electrical Engineering]] 2,
[[Equipment]] 5,
[[Warp Navigation]] 2 (Two, 2, ii, not 3)
Bule Insanity
Volcom's Beam
Jelly's Tentacle
Celestica Charger
Exterminator Pro
Luxurious\Liberty Shield Capacitor 2
Overloader Rapid
Paxian's Storage
Advanced Nexus Scoop / Electro Scoop / Sliver Scoop
Jelly's Heart
Speedy\Basic Nimbleness,
This ship is a nice jack of almost all trades ship...I use this ship as a combat and storage ship because of the high speed and space.
= '''Heavy Fighters''' =
== '''Revenge Killer at Low Range''' ==
*[[Tech]]: 7
*[[Hull]]:  242
*Max [[Speed]]: 99
*[[Size]]: 45
*[[Visibility]]: 90
*[[Augmenters]]: 3
*[[Weapons]]: 4
**20% Protection from Energy
**20% Protection from Radiation
**20% Protection from Mining
*Light Fighter
*Improves: Damage +20%, Energy Recharge +20%
*Weight: 80,000
[[Piloting]] 7,
[[Weaponry]] 7,
[[Shielding]] 3,
[[Engine]] 2,
[[Radar]] 2,
[[Cloaking]] 2,
[[Electrical Engineering]] 3,
[[Equipment]] 4,
[[Warp Navigation]] 1,
[[Zen of the Spin]] 2
Bule Big Pulse
Gigantic X-Surgical Laser
Light of Mythos
Ganglinite Push Alpha
Celestica Charger
Celestica's Mod OR overloader Basic
Exterminator Pro
Luxurious\Liberty Shield Capacitor 2
Nexus Expansion
Electro Scoop
Ion Bank+
Jelly's Eye
Adv.Basic Patrol, Aphrodite+, Aphrodite+
This ship counters those pesky F2Ps in hotrod+ ships...Don't use an AI base hull expander, those things weigh a lot.
== '''Revenge Killer at High Range'''  ==
*[[Tech]]: 3
*[[Hull]]: 220
*Max [[Speed]]: 60
*[[Size]]: 58
*[[Visibility]]: 59
*[[Augmenters]]: 3
*[[Weapons]]: 3
**20% Protection from Laser
**20% Vulnerability from Heat
*Heavy Fighter
*Improves: Visibility -45%, Range +25%, Tracking +25%, Critical Hit Rate +2% 
*[[Weight]]: 40,000
[[Piloting]] 3, [[Weaponry]] 9, [[Shielding]] 2, [[Engine]] 5, [[Radar]] 2, [[Electrical Engineering]] 2, [[Equipment]] 2, [[Warp Navigation]] 1
Bule Trans-dim Laser
Blue Engine
Janitor's Special Cleaner
Hull Extension
Luxurious\Liberty Shield Capacitor
Overloader Projectionz
Electro Scoop
Gigantic Freon Foundation
Jelly's Eye
Cadet Sniper Badge, Cadet Sniper Badge, Adv. Minor Patrol
This Jujuso'qii setup is just used for revenge kills and stopping people from running away with low shields.
= '''Freighters''' =
== '''PvAI / Anti-Permanents''' ==
[[Image:Pax Prismica.png|thumb|right|'''Paxian Prismatica''']]
*[[Tech]]: 7
*[[Hull]]: 400
*Max [[Speed]]: 65
*[[Size]]: 60
*[[Visibility]]: 500
*[[Augmenters]]: 3
*[[Weapons]]: 3
**20% Protection from Laser
**20% Protection from Energy
**20% Protection from Heat
**20% Protection from Radiation
**20% Protection from  Surgical
**25% Vulnerability from Physical
**25% Vulnerability from Mining
*Built in Items: [[Overloaders#Built-in_Overloaders|Prismatica's Mod]]
*Weight: 125,000
[[Piloting]] 7,
[[Weaponry]] 9 ,
[[Shielding]] 2,
[[Engine]] 2,
[[Radar]] 1,
[[Electrical Engineering]] 2,
[[Equipment]] 3,
[[Zen of the Spin]] 1,
[[Warp Navigation]] 1,
Bule Trans-Dim Laser
Mzungu Trading Defence
Vazaha Sancturary 2 / Vazaha Protector 2 / Jetstream
Jelly's Tentacle
Cadet Charger
Exterminator Pro
Hull extension
Libery Shield Capacitor
Inbuilt Crap
Electro Scoop / Advanced Nexus Scoop
Gigantic Freon Foundation
Tibsi Radar
Zombie Rat Queen's, Zombie Rat Queen's, Infernal / Inferno
Very long range and nice damage....And this thing can power almost everything an F2P can fire...
== '''True DPS''' ==
[[Image:Pax Prismica.png|thumb|right|'''Paxian Prismatica''']]
*[[Tech]]: 7
*[[Hull]]: 400
*Max [[Speed]]: 65
*[[Size]]: 60
*[[Visibility]]: 500
*[[Augmenters]]: 3
*[[Weapons]]: 3
**20% Protection from Laser
**20% Protection from Energy
**20% Protection from Heat
**20% Protection from Radiation
**20% Protection from  Surgical
**25% Vulnerability from Physical
**25% Vulnerability from Mining
*Built in Items: [[Overloaders#Built-in_Overloaders|Prismatica's Mod]]
*Weight: 125,000
[[Piloting]] 7,
[[Weaponry]] 10,
[[Shielding]] 1,
[[Engine]] 2,
[[Radar]] 1,
[[Equipment]] 1,
[[Warp Navigation]] 1,
[[Zen of the Spin|Spin spin of the meditate!]] 1
Suicidal Tendency
Jelly's Tentacle
Hull Expander
Libery Shield Capacitor
Inbuilt Supreme
Electro Scoop
Vazaha Flicker Cluster
Gigantic Ande Radar/Ande Radar+
Golden, Hestia+, Basic Cap
HUUUGGEEE DPS to self and opponent....Grab a shield monkey, both sides
== '''Pure DPS''' ==
[[Image:Pax Prismica.png|thumb|right|'''Paxian Prismatica''']]
*[[Tech]]: 7
*[[Hull]]: 400
*Max [[Speed]]: 65
*[[Size]]: 60
*[[Visibility]]: 500
*[[Augmenters]]: 3
*[[Weapons]]: 3
**20% Protection from Laser
**20% Protection from Energy
**20% Protection from Heat
**20% Protection from Radiation
**20% Protection from  Surgical
**25% Vulnerability from Physical
**25% Vulnerability from Mining
*Built in Items: [[Overloaders#Built-in_Overloaders|Prismatica's Mod]]
*Weight: 125,000
[[Piloting]] 7,
[[Weaponry]] 10,
[[Shielding]] 1,
[[Engine]] 2,
[[Radar]] 1,
[[Equipment]] 1,
[[Warp Navigation]] 1,
[[Zen of the Spin|Spin spin of the meditate!]] 1
Fire Beam
Mining Laser 3+
Gremcannon/Hairsprayer/Nano Armageddon Laser/Magcannon 3+/Mzungu Super Sebastopol
Jelly's Tentacle
Hull Expander
Libery Shield Capacitor
Inbuilt Supreme
Electro Scoop
Vazaha Flicker Cluster
Gigantic Ande Radar/Ande Radar+
Golden, Hestia+, Basic Cap
Lots of DPS....Grab a shield monkey if you want to live though
== '''Bank and Burst Healing Shield Monkey''' ==
[[Image:Paximinus.png|thumb|right|'''Little Pax''']]
*[[Tech]]: 3
*[[Hull]]: 220
*Max [[Speed]]: 70
*[[Size]]: 45
*[[Visibility]]: 500?
*[[Augmenters]]: 2
*[[Weapons]]: 2
*30% from Energy
*30% from Heat
*30% from Laser
*30% from Physical
*30% from Surgical
*30% from Radiation
*20% to Shield
*Built in Items: Paximinus Charger - Regenerate 6 every 1.2 for 0 elec.
*[[Weight]]: 60,000
[[Piloting]] 3,
[[Weaponry]] 4,
[[Shielding]] 5,
[[Engine]] 2,
[[Radar]] 1,
[[Electrical Engineering]] 2,
[[Equipment]] 4,
[[Support Focus]] 4,
[[Shield Monkey]] 4,
[[Shield Transference]] 1,
[[Warp Navigation]] 1
Gigantic Shield Transference 2
Monkey Shield Transference 2
Faranji Traveller
Jelly's Tentacle
Exterminator Pro
Nexus Expansion
Libery Shield Capacitor 2
Inbuilt Supreme
Electro Scoop
Jelly's Heart
Tibsi Radar
Hestia+, Hestia+!!!
Lots of HPS...It can't power either shield trans so only use the gigantic one in times of emergency
== '''Basic DM''' ==
[[Image:Pax Prismica.png|thumb|right|'''Paxian Prismatica''']]
*[[Tech]]: 7
*[[Hull]]: 400
*Max [[Speed]]: 65
*[[Size]]: 60
*[[Visibility]]: 500
*[[Augmenters]]: 3
*[[Weapons]]: 3
**20% Protection from Laser
**20% Protection from Energy
**20% Protection from Heat
**20% Protection from Radiation
**20% Protection from  Surgical
**25% Vulnerability from Physical
**25% Vulnerability from Mining
*Built in Items: [[Overloaders#Built-in_Overloaders|Prismatica's Mod]]
*Weight: 125,000
[[Piloting]] 7,
[[Weaponry]] 1 ,
[[Shielding]] 3,
[[Engine]] 2,
[[Radar]] 1,
[[Electrical Engineering]] 2,
[[Equipment]] 4,
[[Drone Deployment]] 7,
[[Warp Navigation]] 1,
[[Drone Mastery]] 1,
[[Astral Injection]] 1,
[[Support Focus]] 1,
[[Engineer Class]] 1
Fly Pellet
Ganglite MagCannon
Shield Transference
Ion Wall+
Jelly's Tentacle
Celestica Charger
Exterminator Pro
Homing Beacon?
Luxurious\Liberty Shield Capacitor 2
Minor Resistance Drone Controller
Prismatica's Mod
Drone Scoop
Lithiumlon Pack+
Arcadian Radar
4 Arson Drones
4 Fatty Drones
8 Magic Attacks
4 Mining Drones
4 Vazaha Misy Drones
Basic Capacity, Basic Capacity, Ismail
You can replace 4 types of drones for 2 ice drones...2 Ice drones and 4 mining drones is awesome for sieges..

Latest revision as of 11:43, 11 June 2013
