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''Note: I am not sw03391''
''Note: I am not sw03391''

Revision as of 23:04, 5 February 2010


Home | Stats | Screenies | Trade | Links | Current Projects | Give a Gift!

Note: I am not sw03391

My DM can tear holes in spacetime, look at him go!

Hmm, this is gonna be interesting.

Si's Frisbee through the ages:

  • Zebucart.pngBanshee.pngRagnarock.pngBasil.pngPorpoise.pngPax Astronomica

and soon:

  • Lion.png

and not anytime soon:

  • Golagoay Vazaha Archtype.png

Didn't_Say through the ages:

  • Zebucart.pngKelvin.pngSerenity.pngPax Astronomica

and soon:

  • Jujuso'rkaRhino.pngEquanimizer Plus.png

Si's_Yes_Man through the ages:

  • ZebucartBansheeParsleyPorpoiseRosmarinusSuper PhunkaEarthforce Dreadnought

and soon:

SimonV2 through the ages:

  • Zebucart.pngWingship.pngHotrod.pngWingship III.pngWingship IV.pngParsleyVulture

and not anytime soon:

  • Panther

AllSi'sBase through the ages:

  • Zebucart.pngHotrod.pngConstable's AidWingship IVParsleyApprentice's Ward

and not anytime soon:

  • Rhino.png