Difference between revisions of "NCC-Bulk"

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m (Updated hull space 400 --> 800)
Line 4: Line 4:
*Tech: 5
*Tech: 5
*Hull: 400
*Hull: 800
*Max Speed: 44
*Max Speed: 44
*Size: 146
*Size: 146

Revision as of 16:50, 2 January 2010


The fleet of the East Vindia Trading Company is entirely comprised of the efficient NCC-Bulks. Many can be found in East Vindia and roaming about the nearby galaxies. They are level 40ish and use oversized gear. Upon becoming a full member of the East Vindia Trading Company by completing all their missions, initiates are given their very own NCC-Bulk. They haphazard pirate should be forewarned, these mighty ships are not capturable.


  • Tech: 5
  • Hull: 800
  • Max Speed: 44
  • Size: 146
  • Visibility: 800
  • Augmenters: 3
  • Weapons: 2
  • Protections:
    • 25% Protection from Laser
  • Freighter
  • Weight: 200,000
  • Description: To Boldly Trade Where No Man Has Traded Before.
  • Docking Speed: 10
  • Item Form Size: 100

-Spawns with ? credits

-Takes 3 slave slots.

Spawns with this gear:

  • ?

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