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Reflectivity is a little known stat as of now, it effects how sun visibility effects a ship. 100% is the medium value,with lower percents meaning visibility being effected less and higher percents being effected more.
Reflectivity is a little known stat as of now, it effects how sun visibility effects a ship. 100% is the medium value,with lower percents meaning visibility being effected less and higher percents being effected more. I am not sure if this is true or not but it has caused laser shots to reflect off my ship sometimes doing me no damage (please expand on this if you can)
[[Category: Gameplay]]
[[Category: Gameplay]]

Revision as of 03:25, 28 November 2009

Reflectivity is a little known stat as of now, it effects how sun visibility effects a ship. 100% is the medium value,with lower percents meaning visibility being effected less and higher percents being effected more. I am not sure if this is true or not but it has caused laser shots to reflect off my ship sometimes doing me no damage (please expand on this if you can)

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