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|Copper AI
|Copper AI

Revision as of 20:02, 25 May 2009

Initial Levels

During the first few levels, not only is it difficult to get levels in a specialized class, it is also foolish, because for fewer skill points you can get levels in the base skills, such as piloting or weaponry, which will have a much more dramatic effect in the ease of leveling.

level range Location Type of AI Notes
Level 0-1 Preload, The Nexus Space Rats Space rats are the weakest of all AI. Kill 5 to advance to level 1.
Level 1-2 Preload, The Nexus Mini Volcoms These foes are slightly harder, however if you invest your Skill Points into Weaponry, and purchace a new weapon, they should be no problem. Kill five of them to advance to the next level
Level 2-7 The Nexus Cadets,Giant Rats, Paximinuses, Volcoms It is now time to Enter into The Nexus. Be warned, for these foes are significantly stronger than any you have faced before, and will take a bit more effort to take down. It is suggested that you attack Giant Rats first, followed by Cadets, then Paximinuses, and finally volcoms. Avoid Outlaws volcoms at all costs.
Level 8-12 The Nexus Paximinuses, Cadets It is now time to Progress into the Strongholds of the various factions, inside which you will find significantly stronger versions of the kinds outside them. Avoid Outlaws volcoms, they have overloaders that increase their damage too much to survive.
Level 12-25 Random Galaxies Flyswatter Flylets, Flyswatter Flyboys Now is the time to progress out into the universe. You should travel through Deep Space, and then enter into the Universe through the Wormhole near Voyagers Last Stop. Once you are out into the universe, look for Flylets and flyboys. Once you have a good shield, they should be nothing to worry about, A good weapon at this point is the Magcannon And Magcannon 2, which you should use by matching speeds with the AI you are going to attack, and hover just out of its range in front of it, and begin to fire. With any luck, you will be able to kill both types of AI with little damage to yourself. Remember, you must pay a monthly fee of $9.99(or less, with certain packages) in order to continue past level 20.

Advanced Strategies

At this point you should begin considering a skill to continue your leveling. For each individual class, you should refer to each individual following guide. This page only contains the outline of each guide, for a more comprehensive guide, see the Specialized guides.

Combat Focus


level range Location Type of AI Notes

Recon Focus


level range Location Type of AI Notes
600-900 Copper Copper AI Requirments

Venusian Jackhammer,(Weapons 20) Decent Stealthy Sniper Ship, (Bule Super Sidhe, UrQa Suqqa Ukuk)

In copper there are several stealthed levels Where you can easily pick out one of the ai and kill them as a stealthed sniper. Because of the huge weakness to energy damage, you should be able to 1 hit the AI on the 6th lvl. This will get you some nice xp till you reach lvl 800/900. Copper Lvl 7 is a bit harder, why? Because the copper AI have stronger shields and do more dps. Also you wont be able to 1 hit them. unless you start using a Mercurian Dissintigrator.

Speed Demon

level range Location Type of AI Notes


level range Location Type of AI Notes

Other Focuses

Drone Master

level range Location Type of AI Notes
50-155 W1-W2 Space Blue Betas Requirements:

Decent Energy Bank: (3k+), Shields: 1k+ ( Easier with higher shield bank ),Hotrod or Hotrod+ with 5 basic capacity augs, Drone Deployment 5, Set of Arson Drones (5-10)

Optional: Large Energy Bank/Charger Pack with Solar Panels.

Basically what you do is (hopefully) find a W1 gal with a large sun, SBB's a plenty, and an AI base near the sun. This is Type A. Life doesn't always give us what we want, so any galaxy with SBB's will work. This is Type B. = ) If you happen to discover a Type A galaxy, you can probably go from 50-150 in a day. It's a pretty basic strategy: Toss out some crap loot to draw in the SBB's, drop your drones, dock, mark the SBB's enemy, and watch the carnage. If you don't want your drones to take damage, you can basically outmaneuver any SBB bc you are in a hotrod = ) just dodge their bullets and let your arsons work them like noobs. Every few minutes or so, switch out your drones. Eventually, you will run out of stuff to kill, so you'll have to go exploring for new training grounds. Or if you want to do what i did, just level 2 characters at once. ie: When you run out of stuff to kill, go lvl the other character in his 'killzone' and switch back and forth between the 2. With a Type B Galaxy, you just drop your drones, aggro the SBB, and avoid the projectiles. Since the threat system was revamped, the droner gets all of the initial aggro. So it should be easy to keep the damage off of your drones. You can basically follow this guide for 1 good day of hunting, and you'll be lvl 150 in no time = )

level range Location Type of AI Notes
135-600 North and south w3 See notes -
level range Location Type of AI Notes