The fearsome race of the UrQa is not one to be trifled with. The UrQa, xenophobic to the point of hositility, strongly beleive they are the superior race in the multiverse: even their name adds credence to this, translating to "Other Power" in the Terran tongue. The only other race they recognize as being their equals are the "KusoQa" or translated, the "Father Power", are what we know as the Paxians. This may be due to the role the Paxians took in nurturing the UrQa in their cosmic infancy.
The UrQa are blamed for at least the partial destruction of all previous races of the universe: the Bule, the Mzungu, the Vazaha and the Faranji. While remaining relatively calm outside of their space, with the home field advantage they can be a menace - killing any creature that crosses their paths on sight. Their immense power is proved through their housing of the commodity required for the fabled Weapon level 20 by the race's Queen who is called Qokujiii Qa'ik.
Star Sonata's representation of the race is loosely based on the series "Star Control".
[hide]UrQa History
Eons ago, before the dawn of the Terrans, even before the dawn of the ancients, on a planet in another universe the Paxians gained sentience. They rapidly progressed, exploring their universe, seeding colonies around alien suns, and began lay the groundwork for an intergalactic empire. Their homeworld was not only the birthplace of their race though, for another race evolved there as well. This race was feeble, and weak, and the Paxians began to nurture them and help them progress up the evolutionary and technological chains. This race was to be known as the UrQa. It was not long until the UrQa had mastered the use of technologies the Paxians had given them, and it was even less time before they turned on their benefactors, showing the first signs of their malevolence. The UrQa took to the stars and decimated the Paxian Homeworld. They then began to systematically destroy every Paxian outpost, station and world. Taken by surprise, the Paxians had no option but to flee. Thus, they began to hop between the universes of the multiverse in an attempt to hide and rally their forces to stop the plague they had unleashed upon all life. To this day, they are locked in an inter-universal war with their former brethren, and to this day, the UrQa pursue them.
Eventually, during their pursuit of the Paxians, the UrQa stumbled on a universe rich with life, and teeming with interstellar empires. So as they had done for millennia to any other intelligent life they encountered, they set out to conquer and destroy them. With the superior technologies they had acquired from the Paxians, now adapted for their purposes, many of these empires quickly fell. Three however, the ones now known as the Kikale Mzungu, the Bule Abadi, and the Golagoay Vazaha resisted and drove the UrQa back for years. Unfortunately, fate was against these stalwart defenders. The Mzungu suffered the loss of their homeworld to a rogue Asteroid collision throwing their empire into chaos. The Bule underwent a civil war, and without these two forces, the Vazaha fleets quickly fell. But after conquering the universe, the UrQa did not find the Paxians, so they left colonies and a small fleet and began their hunt again.
The Paxians did eventually visit this universe, only to find it already fouled by the presence of the UrQa. With their superior fleet, they decimated the forces the UrQa left behind and left. Without the UrQa to interfere life began anew, this time on a tiny planet around a yellow dwarf. Before long, this race too had set to the stars, and before long the threat of the UrQa once loomed again. But the Paxians arrived to stop the domination of this universe. Now they aid the Terrans in their struggle against the mighty fleets of the Qakuji'jiji UrQa and the Qokujiii Qa'ik she has left behind in all the universes she has visited.
I think that would bring us up to date, although there are echos in the ether that some of the ancients may have survived...
UrQa Language
UrQa Suqqa Vazuk - UrQa Speedy Scout
UrQa Suqqa Ukuk - UrQa Ranged Scout
Jujuso'rka - Unknown
Ujqii – Names: Koquii niq (Stealthy Escape); Urqa’jiji Qua (Magic Weapon Maker); Juju’jiji; Iishi’qii; Uj’qi Qokuji (Green-Young, Unseasoned Guardian); Uu’Qok Ur (Fire Will Find You); Uzu Qokuji (Laser Guardian); Kik Qua (Station Builder), Kii Kii Kii (Kill Kill Kill); Uuu’Akka (Sticky Fire); Ukuk’ik Qi; niq? Kak! (Escape? Never!)
Jujo’qii – Names: Ishi’qii (Weak Interceptor)
Suqqa Uj'Qi - Names: Juju'jiji; KoQuii niq (Stealthy Escape); Ur Qok UrQa? (You See UrQa?); Uu'Qok Qur; niq? Kak! (Escape? Never!); Qua Jij'Uu (Making Firey Magic); Uuu'Akka (Sticky Fire)
Jujuso’qi – Names: Urkuk'ik Qi
Qokuji'qi - Names: Unknown
Qokujiii Qa’ik – Powerful Station (Capital Ship) Defender
Qokuji’jiji UrQa - UrQa Magic Defender (Perhaps Holy Defender, or Jihadi) To Be Confirmed
Ur’Iq -
Kasa Qii – (Little Station)
Urqa'Qii (ik’qii kiii qokuji’qii) – (Little Weapon)
Urqa'Ka - (Weak Weapon)
Quu - (Defense Drone)
Qa Quuu - (Powerful Defense Drone)
Kasa Quu - (Mother Defense Drone)
Urqa’Qii – (Little Weapon)
Urqa’ka – (Weak Weapon)
Uu Quu - (Fire Weapon)
Jiji Quu - (Magic or Ethereal Weapon)
Ukukuu Qu -(Ranged Fire Weapon)
Jiji Qa - (Very Powerful Magic or Ethereal)
Ukukuu Qa - (Very Powerful Ranged Fire)
Jujo’qii –
KoQuii Ukuk Akk’oj - (Stealthy Range or Sniper Augmenter)
Aku KoQuii - (Stealthy Energy)
KoQuii Vazuk - (Steathly Speed)
KoQuii Qua - (Stealth Generator)
UrQa KoQuii - (UrQa Stealth)
UrQa KoQuii Qa - (Powerful UrQa Stealth)
Qua Vazuk - (Speed Maker)
UrQa Qi Vuzuk - (UrQa Good Speed)
Aku Qa - (Powerful Generator)
Aku'Qa - (Powerful Energy)
Ka' Qur -
UrQa Broken Aku'Qa - (Broken UrQa Powerful Energy)
Iiuqok - (Detector)
UrQa Ukuk Qok - (Ranged Sight)
UrQa Quiii Qok - (???? Sight)
Qi’Uka - (Good Barrier)
Qa'Uka - (Powerful Barrier)
Uj’qii Damage Plating –
Urqa Uka Uzu Qi - (UrQa Good Laser Barrier)
Base Kits
Urqa Kasa Akka - (UrQa Attached Station)
Urko - (Remains)
Urko Q (Uj’qi Q) – (Weapon Remains)
Urko Qu (Uj’qii Qu) - (Good Weapon Remains)
Urko Quu (Qokuji Qi) – (Powerful Weapons Remains)
Urko Ka’Qur -
Urk’Aku’Qua - (Energy Generator Remains)
Urk’ Uuukuu Qu - (Ranged Fire Weapon Remains)
Urk’Qokujiii Qa’ik - (Remains of the Extremely Powerful Guardian)
Qokuji - Battleship / Guardian
Quii – augmentor NO NO NO!
KoQuii / Koquii - Stealth
Vazuk – (Speed, Fast)
Ukuk – (Long Range, Ranged)
Suqqa – (Explorer)
Jujuso - (Worker)
Qok – Radar, Seeing
Urk’ (o) – (Remains)
Uka – Shield or Protection (Barrier)
UrQa - (Self use by UrQa denotes extreme importance.)
Bana – Galaxy
Aku - Energy
Qokuji – Guardian
Qokuji'jiji - (Magic Guardian)
Urqa Ships
There are a bunch, lemme do this in a bit too.