A team is a collection of players who gather together for any number of reasons. The Leadership skill is required for the creation of a team. Team Skills increase the power of teams.
[hide]Starting a Team
It is fairly easy to start a new team. The option is under the team menu found in the character menu. However, there are a number of things to consider before starting a new team. First of all, does the team have a point? Does it have a clear goal? Is there a plan?
It might be wise to consider why one wants to start a team when others already exist. Perhaps your interests would be better served by joining an established team with experienced players.
Team Ranks & Promotions
Each member of a team has one of the following Ranks, from lowest to highest: Peon, Soldier, Operator, Officer, Councillor, or Director. Each rank up carries more and more responsibility. Offering them too freely is a huge risk (especially when bases are involved) but being too stingy with promotions can cause resentment.
A good rule of thumb is to use Peon as a probation rank for new members and troublemakers. After a suitable period of time (1 week to 1 month is fair enough) a promotion to Soldier would be in order. Operator and Officer should be reserved for those with a lot of experience and a financial stake in the team (Those who have a lot of money invested in the team tend to betray the team less!). Both of these ranks have full access to team bases, allowing them to modify the money, the items equipped or stored, and more at their whim. The highest rank in the team, other than the Director, is Councillor. These people should be the most trusted on the team. They have access to everything, including team funds. If one does not know or fully trust any member of the team then keep it Councillor free.
Team Funds
Some teams use the team funds as a bank. Now with the introduction of the ledger this is much easier.
This is a good way to store money and protect it from loss in the event of PvP combat. It's sometimes a good idea to indicate a minimum transaction.
A team bank entails quite a bit of paperwork and maybe even a dedicated treasurer. The treasurer could use either the team page or a pad of paper to keep track of each player's account in the team bank.
Outposts and HQ
Outposts and HQ can be placed by any team member officer or higher.
Owning and Protecting
Galaxies can be owned and/or protected by officer or higher.
Team Message
A Director or Councillor can edit the team message, which can be useful in relaying information to fellow team members. The following variables can be used to display some information of your team:
- name – the team’s name,
- chars – number of characters,
- slotcount and slotlimit – number of used account slots,
- hqloc – the location of the HQ kit, or “[no HQ]” if you don’t have one,
- gcount – number of owned galaxies,
- pcount – number of protected galaxies,
- pop – team’s total population
- popperc – percentage population ownership of the universe
- opcount – number of outposts
- oplimit – max number of outposts
- oplist – comma delimited list of outposts’ galaxy’s name
- director – the character name of the director
- councillorcount, officercount, operatorcount, soldiercount, peoncount – counts of the number of those at that rank
- score – current team score
Variables must be enclosed in $(), (e.g., “Hi, welcome to $(name)!”).