Team Score
From Starsonata Wiki
(Redirected from Population Score)
The Team Score is a measure of how successful a Team is.
The team score is a compilation of a number of other scores. Each individual score is a comparison to the top team in that category.
For example, the team with the highest team-funds would have a Wealth score of 100 points. If the second-place team has a wealth score of 74, their team funds are 74% of the top team's team funds.
The different scores that make up the Team Score are:
- Stations - Total number and strength of Bases.
- Trading - Total value accumulated through AI trading.
- Loyalty - The permanence of team members; how stable the team's roster is.
- Ownership - Count of the number of owned galaxies.
- Deadliness - Total level of AI killed by a team.
- Population - Total population of all owned colonies.
- Mining - Total value of mined goods.
- Activity - A measure of how active a team is.
- Experience - A measure of levels recently gained by members.
- Production - Total value of team production.
Detailed Score Breakdown
- Stations
- To determine the raw score, each teamed base's tech is cubed, and then added in to the team's total. Because the tech is cubed, high tech bases always have a higher point to slot ratio than lower tech bases.
- Trading
- The added value of all trades between AI and the team's bases. The value of items sold by AI to a user base is divided by 16. Decays over time.
- Loyalty
- Loyalty points are built up over time from activity points. When a team member leaves a loss of 1/(team size) is applied, with a minimum of 5% lost. Decays over time.
- Ownership
- Count of the number of owned galaxies.
- Deadliness
- Total level of killed AI from team members. Kills from a user base or permanent drone do not count. Decays over time.
- Population
- Total population of all colonies with team bases on them.
- Mining
- Total value of scooped mined goods, based on server prices. Decays over time.
- Activity
- Activity points are gained at a rate of 1/(team accounts) per action. Each type of action is on its own timer on each account, with the longest being 24 hours.
- Actions that give activity points include:
- Being online
- Chatting
- Killing an AI
- Scooping debris
- Jumping to a new galaxy.
- Decays over time.
- Experience
- Teams gain a point towards this every time a team member levels up. Decays over time.
- Production
- Total server value of any build that finishes on a team owned station. For built items, the server adds up the server value of all items from their Blueprints. Decays over time.
Trading, Deadliness, Mining, Activity, Experience, and Production all decay at a rate of .1% per 5 minutes.