Score Category |
Rating |
Stations | | 0 |
Trading | | 0 |
Loyalty | | 10 |
Ownership | | 0 |
Population | | 0 |
Mining | | 0 |
Deadliness | | 0 |
Activity | | 0 |
Experience | | 0 |
Production | | 0 |
Total | | 10 |
Member | Rank |
Jesus Wake up call | Director |
JESUS is Life | Councilor |
No Life with out Jesus | Councilor |
Jesus Is Way,Truth,Life | Officer |
Lets lvl to gether | Officer |
No-Jesus no-Life | Officer |
Slave miner | Officer |
Help for got password | Operator |
Jesus King of Kings | Operator |
Jesus Light of the world | Operator |
Jesus Slave Drive | Operator |
just cking | Operator |
peterhig | Operator |
Backno | Soldier |
Drone capper | Soldier |
Jesus Is King | Soldier |
Jesus is Life5 | Soldier |
Pax mell getter | Soldier |
Trans Sleek Sale | Soldier |
Way Maker is JESUS | Soldier |
steam controler | Peon |
Public Message
Green Battleship Hunter