Space Clouds
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By lt aura

war, and, conflict, conquer, divide, resolution, strategy

Difficulty not estimated


Implementation not started.

Solving the E-F Team problem

Nexr universe , redesign wild space into seperate section's similar to the subspace flower pattern, without the joining Central area, instead have a couple earthforce sanctuarys set up to each ""pod"" and some wormholes connexting those pods in wild peppered around. with the rule that you can not control the entire pod without a HQ and a few outposts. with a speciality item of your choosing, a build the flag kinda deal. that can also be taken via combat like capture the flag .. to another HQ or outpost i dunno maybe call it a gravity well node. the essential idea is to make it more difficult for the people to claim spaces and grow like a virus.and exploit team skills with hardened areas of control.

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lt aura 3 years ago 1
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