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When you're at war with another team you can currently use 1 BvB kit as soon as you own any adjacent galaxy. After 24 hours you can then use 5 BvB kits. Assuming you start Base Amplifiers as soon as you own the galaxy, you can potentially use 100 BvB kits after 3 days. I think this is fairly bad design. First of all the team that's building / has the Base Amplifiers in their galaxy can stack the kits on top of each other and the other team won't be able to tell howmany Base Amps are present. Secondly going from potentially 1 kit initially, to 5 kits after 1 day, to 100 kits after 3 days is a very odd curve. I suggest we remove Base Amps as they currently are and only allow for 1 station per galaxy to be building a Base Amp. That way it will be clear there's an amp present, so that solves problem one. The way you then gain more BvB slots is by upgrading this base amp. The current mechanic of 5 stations after 24h would remain, but by building a base amp you could, for example, gain another 5 slots after 24h, another 10 slots after 48h, another 15 slots after 72h, etc, up to a maximum of 100. In this example you'd get to the 50 BvB kit potential in 4 days time and 100 kit potential in 6 days time. Doing it this way increases the threat a Base Amp poses over time isntead of going 1 --> 5 --> 100 within 3 days. PS: Of course my values are just an example to show the intent of the suggestion. They can be changed to whatever is reasonable.
slmaxg 4 years ago 1 |
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Oathkeeper 4 years ago 3 |
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phillyfan83 4 years ago 3 |
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