Space Clouds
74 Current
13 Accepted 22 Rejected + Create
1 st
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to vote.

54 See all 54 votes

By ferengi


Click in /mc to ap to shop

Allow entries in the market check window to be clickable (or add a button for them) that would make you autopilot to the base (or at least the system). This would be a huge quality of life change as you'd no longer have to write by hand the system name,…

1 vote73 5 months ago
1 -damen- 8 months ago
1 dragontvb 1 year ago
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2 nd
44 0

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44 See all 44 votes

By jacktheripper

ui, gameplay

Add a way to organize ships in the 'Ships'…

If you want to organize the order in which your ships are displayed in the Ships tab, you currently have to undock and redock ships in such a fashion that it organizes the ships into the order you want them. This can get hairy when you have freezer ships and…

1 -damen- 8 months ago
1 dragontvb 1 year ago
1 poopy 2 years ago
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3 rd
43 0

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43 See all 43 votes

By novus


Make the in-game chat box interactable

Having to use text commands to remotely interact with other players is quite archaic. I suggest having player names in the chat (possibly only while the chat is "open") be clickable or right-clickable to bring up a drop-down menu with options. Examples being: whisper, invite to squad, give money, mark…

1 -damen- 8 months ago
1 dragontvb 1 year ago
1 sabership2 1 year ago
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4 th
58 19

to vote.

39 See all 77 votes

By tobang

balance, management, station, tags, words

Make Biologique Great Again!

Station Management 20 is the goal for many players who want to build bases, but the current system makes this very difficult for both newer players and old who do not have the skills as it is not very accessible unless you have a massive wallet. Hyper and Labyrinth were recently…

1 -damen- 8 months ago
1 lt aura 2 years ago
1 zalten 2 years ago
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5 th
35 2

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33 See all 37 votes

By markoz


Make Loot Pouches Great!

Allow players to have a 1,000~ hull space loot pouch separate from the players hull space (in separate dialog) will resolve a lot of issues with current hull space. Then players can focus on gear for the ship and loot issues will be a thing of the past. Specially when players…

1 demonduo 6 months ago
1 -damen- 8 months ago

Maybe having varying rarities of loot pouch type items with different amounts of…

1 shawng32 2 years ago
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6 th
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30 See all 32 votes

By elite

sandbox, skills, rework, new

Rework Trade Skills and Station Slots

Current Problems: Station slots are limited to 150 per account (3 characters worth). This means the 4th and 5th characters generally aren't developed and serve only as bot holders. Station Mastery is currently a Trade Skill, which means you are forced to choose between Defense kits or a "for profit"…

1 anti28 2 years ago
1 shawng32 2 years ago
1 zalten 2 years ago
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7 th
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30 See all 30 votes

By DarkSteel

assault, galaxy

Increase unattached base speed and reduce…

Currently the maximum amount of time a galaxy assault can last is 12 hours. After 12 hours the kits of the assaulting team abandon/destroy themselves, meaning the defending team automatically wins. Lately I've been in multiple 8 - 12 hour galaxy assaults in both the attacking and defending role and…

1 zalten 2 years ago
1 slmaxg 4 years ago
3 komek+ 4 years ago
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8 th
32 6

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26 See all 38 votes

By d5920032


Rename ranks in team

A director should be able to rename the ranks in team

1 shawng32 2 years ago
1 zalten 2 years ago
3 barracuda 3 years ago
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9 th
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22 See all 22 votes

By it1

ui, performance

Target Nearest Enemy Key Command

Endgame PVP is often fast paced and intense. Currently we have various options to cycle through targets of various type's however there is a shortfall in this which is targeting enemies after you have already selected something else say like a friendly player that you may be healing. For direct…

1 pxnkerton 3 years ago
2 saran 4 years ago
1 loid 4 years ago


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10 th
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20 See all 20 votes

By ormegano

remove, inactive, director

Epic (nobody knows how long)

Admins create internal policy to remove…[Underway]

Let us keep the legacy teams going that are stuck dead due to inactive directors. Admins should develop a policy in which player(s) can submit tickets to revive a team that has an inactive character as the Director. "Being forced to forced to make a fresh team has many disadvantages"…

3 truls2 3 years ago
1 splatt 3 years ago
1 logan123yeaaah 4 years ago
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11 th
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20 See all 20 votes

By heavyg33

Base Lasers need beefing

been in countless bvb up til now and realize base laser do like 0 damage to bases considerable low damage vs ships. In fact base laser cant even kill a base under construction(when its most vulnerable) with just a simple Resistance aug. the only use for a laser at the…

1 zalten 2 years ago
1 logan123yeaaah 4 years ago
1 bipolar_juice 4 years ago
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12 th
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19 See all 19 votes

By antilzah

quality, of, life

Remove neurobound tag on Junkyard tweaks

Neurobound tag on junkyard tweaks is artificial restraint that serves no purpose. During group runs it is common to run into situation where certain character is weak and needs some form of help to survive and contribute towards squad goal. Most common case is a squishy character that would benefit from…

3 shawng32 2 years ago
3 truls2 3 years ago
1 loid 4 years ago
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13 th
18 0

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18 See all 18 votes

By odst

ui, squad

Expand on the Prospecting feature

For what can be a very important feature in the game, impacting on ship/gear building its very under developed. I propose that it is expanded on with new prospecting focused skills: Why not a trade skill for this? It seems the perfect candidate to have ships, skills & adv skills, gear…

1 sabership2 1 year ago
1 zalten 2 years ago
1 anti30 3 years ago
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14 th
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16 See all 16 votes

By saran

ui, mc, market, checker, check

Epic (nobody knows how long)

Updated/completed Wiki[Underway]

So we have a wiki, the guides/tutorial button in game links to it but it is incomplete and outdated. This leaves new players with incomplete tutorial guides and does our devs and playerbase a disservice. A completed wiki with up to date game gear data allows a lot of flexibility…

3 truls2 3 years ago
1 splatt 3 years ago
3 zeuss 4 years ago
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15 th
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15 See all 23 votes

By kytrarewn


1/2 button for numerical inputs

It would be helpful to have a button that split the stack in half in any of the various numerical inputs (use some, transfer some, take credits, give credits, toss some). Using the button twice would cause the amount to be transferred to be 1/4 of the max value, three times…

1 loid 4 years ago
1 logan123yeaaah 4 years ago

With the ever increaseing amount of content, this is becoming more and more of a…

2 kytrarewn 4 years ago
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16 th
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13 See all 13 votes

By bluejayez

qol, bases

Make basing less frustrating

Okay so from years of building and building Large amounts across many accounts I have the following. First, The BIGGEST issue with basing is the time investment. And the Biggest time investment in my opinion is the setting up of slaves and bases. The ui is just Trash and the…

1 zalten 2 years ago
1 it1 3 years ago
1 logan123yeaaah 4 years ago
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17 th
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12 See all 12 votes

By nukeacow


Trade Bot Quality of Life

Search Bars on Buy/Sell/Dock and Orders Numbered orders I'm sure there are a ton more that can piggyback on this suggestion. Those ones are the minor ones that come to mind.

1 loid 4 years ago
1 saran 4 years ago
3 bipolar_juice 4 years ago
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18 th
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11 See all 11 votes

By dreadlordnaf

of, ui, life, quality

Add ship details screen for combat bots

The addition of the ship details screens years ago was a godsend for those of us who like to analyze our stats, see what affects what, and experiment with setups. I would request to add this same screen in for combat bots. Right now it is very hard to tell…

1 kelly16 1 year ago
1 lt aura 2 years ago

the only issue is where. maybe have the current stats screen changeable with an…

1 haplessharold 3 years ago
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19 th
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11 See all 41 votes

By arcturuse

score, team, content

Make Team Score not consider Earthforce…

Team score is central for several Premium aspects of the game, such as the ability to BvB and claiming Emperor. Yet it is possible to safely farm Team score in Earthforce Layer, specifically for skills such as Trading, Deadliness, Loyalty and Activity. Since Team score is so tied to central…

1 loid 4 years ago
3 it1 4 years ago
1 bjplague 4 years ago
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20 th
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9 See all 9 votes

By kytrarewn


Size tab for inventory screens

It would be helpful to be able to see the amount of capacity being consumed by each individual item in various inventory screens. For example, you fill your hull and you're holding a couple large items, like a Capital Armageddon Laser Core, a Give and Take and a Combined Capacitor VII. Being…

1 loid 4 years ago
2 jack92783 4 years ago
1 waffleman 4 years ago

for bases too please

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21 st
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8 See all 8 votes

By d5920032

team, rework

Change Privileges to Ranks

Directors and counselors should be able to change or allow certain ranks to do more or less depends on the set options. Example: operators can invite to team; officers can change team message

1 lt aura 2 years ago
1 it1 3 years ago
1 dreadlordnaf 4 years ago

Yes but also allow to adjust what certain ranks can do in team bases. Like take…

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22 nd
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8 See all 8 votes

By godsteel

galaxy, testing

Precision Movement

Alt + Thrust/Turning Key would only use 10% of the force, for all these precision movements while kitting or using low tracking weapon

3 truls2 3 years ago
3 markoz 4 years ago
1 loid 4 years ago
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23 rd
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7 See all 7 votes

By Oathkeeper

amplifiers, slots, bvb, base

Change the way Base Amplifiers work

When you're at war with another team you can currently use 1 BvB kit as soon as you own any adjacent galaxy. After 24 hours you can then use 5 BvB kits. Assuming you start Base Amplifiers as soon as you own the galaxy, you can potentially use 100 BvB…

1 slmaxg 4 years ago
3 phillyfan83 4 years ago
3 Oathkeeper 4 years ago
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24 th
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7 See all 7 votes

By ferengi


In stasis, the ship should face the direction…

Or at least when it's in yellow stasis, make it turn to where it will face out of stasis, it's really annoying to have enemies nearby and have no idea where actually you'll be headed to when back in your ship.

1 splatt 3 years ago
1 loid 4 years ago
1 bjplague 4 years ago

this should always have been the case, seems like a lazy creation that has been…

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25 th
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7 See all 7 votes

By waffleman

tsl, ui, qol

Add TSL to 'Transfer' and 'Transfer…

Currently if you have a large stack of items and you want to split some off to put into TSL, you have to use 'Transfer Some' and split the stack into another ship, then take it from the other ship and put it into TSL. If 'TSL' was listed as…

3 truls2 3 years ago
1 loid 4 years ago
1 slmaxg 4 years ago
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26 th
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7 See all 7 votes

By iamswingarm

commands, mc

Option for /mc to open in a new window

I'd like to have a option for each new /mc to open in a new window. I've found out since coming back that I'm shopping for multiple items at once it would be more convenient. I just think the new window option would be a winner

3 truls2 3 years ago
3 happy cat 4 years ago
1 iamswingarm 4 years ago
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27 th
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7 See all 7 votes

By thatclassicvillain

bots, trade, ui, programming

Introduce Boolean Values For Trade Bot Programming

Currently, trade-bots in game only have the option of buying all or selling all; I propose conditional statements that can be a part of their orders that will allow the bot to compare and purchase/sell items when the conditions are met. For instance: -Dock at Station X -If Baobabs price > 600 -Sell…

1 lt aura 2 years ago
1 markoz 4 years ago
2 saran 4 years ago
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28 th
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6 See all 6 votes

By waffleman

ui, qol

Add a 'Search' bar to the 'Possessions'…

Pretty self-explanatory. With many ships, drones, and bases to comb through it can be difficult to find things sometimes. Even when it isn't difficult, why have players spend time looking up and down a list when they could be playing?

1 loid 4 years ago
1 naruto 4 years ago
1 komek+ 4 years ago
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29 th
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6 See all 6 votes

By adrian11/96


Scrupling Hybridization

Title basically says it all. Upgrade from t18 to t19, minor bonus to shield regen like the other subspace themed hybridizations, probably add a super item (maybe a heat damage type to go with the ancient dragon/nightfury theme?).

3 adrian24601 4 years ago
3 adrian11/96 4 years ago

I'm mostly thinking for use as a engi/ShM combat slave

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30 th
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6 See all 16 votes

By denedin707

ui, qol

Auto rank on bases

Have bases have set the priviliges (contruction and management, not docking) match the owner. If the owner is peon, let the base priviliges set to peon, is it officer, let it set to officer. Or have it as optional. Doing 100s of bases each uni reset, change all priviliges around is…

1 max235 3 years ago

Manual set is dumb.

1 loid 4 years ago
1 bjplague 4 years ago

you have too many bases if this is a problem for you, let other people have a planet…

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31 st
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6 See all 6 votes

By barracuda

ap, home

Home Hoykey

auto /ap "selected gal" hotkey button on the UI at bottom of screen to instantly AP home

3 ashley-s 3 years ago
3 harrison42 3 years ago
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32 nd
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6 See all 6 votes

By dnahunterx3

teams, qol

Team Alliance

Just as the title says. Allow teams to have an alliance. will have the benefits listed below. can use each others warp beacon Will have a alliance chat box. should receive bass attack warning among alliance member. would get a Alliance BVB slots of 1 Kit per character. but would only apply to…

1 lt aura 2 years ago
1 it1 3 years ago
1 grimer 4 years ago
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33 rd
6 1

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5 See all 7 votes

By dude6

qol, content

Galactic Assault Revamp

I think by now, we all know that bvb is slow, tedious, and easily cheeseable for the most part. Here, I'll try to lay out some ideas on how to fix these issues. 1) Increase the max speed of most bases (Hotrods, Hermes kits don't need the buff). As it is,…

1 it1 3 years ago
1 jacktheripper 4 years ago

I think what we need is a larger rework of the entire system. This suggestion doesn’t…

1 dreadlordnaf 4 years ago

Yes but also finally adjust the scaling of combat time. No one should have to take…

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34 th
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5 See all 5 votes

By max235


Team chat channel QoL suggestions

Two suggestions: 1. More team chat channels because one team channel is not enough. Team has grown significantly and one feels crowded. 2. Rank based colors so officers and councilors stand out more without having to check their rank.

3 truls2 3 years ago
1 it1 3 years ago
1 it1 4 years ago
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35 th
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5 See all 5 votes

By memelord

warp, sound, ui, graphics

Add new visuals/sound effects for micro-warp…

(view forum topic for examples) Micro-warp devices: The current visuals (a small trail of purple particles) and sound effect (same sound after warping through a wormhole) feels quite underwhelming. I suggest swapping out the purple particle trail to an actual 'warp' effect, which is the same effect you see after…

1 it1 3 years ago
1 penor9 4 years ago
3 memelord 4 years ago
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36 th
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4 See all 4 votes

By godsteel

Scoop Mods

Allow Buffered, Dynamic, Extended mods on scoops to improve scooping range and rate.

1 max235 3 years ago
3 markoz 4 years ago
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4 See all 4 votes

By novus


Add rick-click > add to trade bay for…

Currently to add ruin items from your colony to the trade bay you have to manually add it through the incredibly buggy Trade Goods window. Even if the Trade Goods window worked properly this would still be a decent QoL change.

1 kingteema 2 years ago
3 markoz 4 years ago
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38 th
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4 See all 4 votes

By markoz


Bind a Key to unselect all targets

Bind a Key to unselect all targets

1 it1 3 years ago
3 markoz 4 years ago
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4 See all 4 votes

By it1


Adjustable Priority Overlay

One of the more frustrating aspects of start sonata is target selection when there is a lot of stuff on screen. This especially becomes problematic in group based content. My suggestion is an implementation of an overlay toggle menu where you can prioritize how objects in the game are stacked…

1 mike2862 4 years ago
3 it1 4 years ago
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40 th
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4 See all 12 votes

By godsteel

dg, qol

Indicate DGs with player inside

Change DG's wormhole color when there is other player inside. Why? Sometimes player doesn't notice there's someone already doing the DG and zoom through it to the boss room and that's awful experience for the player who put an effort in killing guards.

1 loid 4 years ago
1 penor9 4 years ago
1 sleek34 4 years ago
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41 st
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4 See all 4 votes

By markoz

slave, orders, bot, ui

Make Trade Bot Orders Drag Droppable

<img src="" /> Allow players to drag drop commands instead of scrolling through lists.

1 it1 3 years ago
3 shashu 4 years ago

This would be an amazing addition to bots to give ease of access, the more QoL additions…

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42 nd
3 0

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3 See all 3 votes

By markoz


Bind a Key for Mark As Enemy

Bind a Key for Mark As Enemy

3 markoz 4 years ago
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3 See all 3 votes

By barracuda


Home Hoykey

auto /ap "selected gal" hotkey button on the UI at bottom of screen to instantly AP home

3 barracuda 3 years ago
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3 See all 3 votes

By frostfang



Allow us to view past logs from a Blackbox still installed in your base

3 carlos12 4 years ago
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3 See all 3 votes

By crackero


QoL additions to Autopiliot (/ap)

The naming for some galaxies in the game can get quite.. odd and difficult to memorize. My suggestion is to add some or all of the following quality of life changes/additions to make auto-piloting more user friendly. 1. Tab to Auto-complete for galaxy names with /ap - requires you to have…

1 crackero 3 years ago
2 george555d 3 years ago
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3 See all 3 votes

By antilzah

quality, of, life

Remove "docking denied" feature…

Let's imagine a hypothetical situation. A player goes to nihilite. AI attacks player. Natural response for player is is to fight back. Then player finds itself unable to dock at AI base because the team hates you. What now? If player is smart enough to ask for help, he might…

1 godsteel 4 years ago

Alternatively, require safety lock off on AI teams with stations

1 antilzah 4 years ago
1 markoz 4 years ago
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3 See all 3 votes

By lrellok

formations, bots

Add Wedge Formation and other formations…

having only a single formation to put your bots into seriously limits tactical option for players. Other formation have differing strengths and weaknesses, and should be included as well. Please add Wedge (reverse V) formation, and possibly Echelon left and right formation, as well as their reverses.

1 loid 4 years ago
1 sabre198 4 years ago
1 valtuda 4 years ago
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3 See all 3 votes

By kingteema

epicness, convenience, content

"/" Key opens chat prompt and inputs…

Since the "/" key isn't mapped to anything anyway, and since most chat box use starts with the "/" character(/mc, /ap, etc.)

3 kingteema 2 years ago
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1 See all 1 votes

By lt aura

war, and, conflict, conquer, divide, resolution, strategy

Solving the E-F Team problem

Nexr universe , redesign wild space into seperate section's similar to the subspace flower pattern, without the joining Central area, instead have a couple earthforce sanctuarys set up to each ""pod"" and some wormholes connexting those pods in wild peppered around. with the rule that you can not control the…

1 lt aura 2 years ago
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1 See all 1 votes

By fallen-

colony, industrial, technology

Colonial Orbital Defence Department

1st installation - Planetary shield and orbital defence satalite's 2nd installation Terran Rail system's and Gauss Defence platforms 3rd installation - Sub terranian fallout shelter's & subterranean tunnel network's

1 fallen- 1 year ago

For the Colonys !

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1 See all 5 votes

By magnaheim

micro, in, space, points, game, mtx, purchase, transactions

Microtransactions to let players name in-game…

People could pay something like Spacepoints to name in-game Planets, Moons, AI, AI bases, etc. Rimworld has a feature for this:

1 it1 3 years ago
1 loid 4 years ago
1 bjplague 4 years ago
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1 See all 7 votes

By papaderoma


Add text notes to galaxies

Being able to right click a galaxy on the map and add text notes which will appear when you hover the mouse over the galaxy, this would be usefull in many situations.

1 kingteema 2 years ago
3 xudoza 4 years ago
3 papaderoma 4 years ago
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1 See all 1 votes

By waffleman

ui, qol, gameplay, bvb

Control Groups and Hotkeys for Base Thrusters,…

tl;dr: take the best parts of unit management from RTS games and apply them to bases. Allow bases to be control-grouped and give keyboard commands for enabling and disabling thrusters, pulses/beams, etc. While I'm sure we all enjoy watching people dock in dozens of kits to enable and disable thrusters…

1 matthewmcguirej1 4 years ago
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1 See all 1 votes

By dude6


Make it possible to promote a new squad…

Instead of keeping the squad implementation the way it is, we should allow people to be promoted to squad leader. This way if you're trying to bring a different alt into an instance, you don't have to kick yourself out if you're already past the minis.

1 matthewmcguirej1 4 years ago
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1 See all 1 votes

By waffleman

inventory, ui, tsl, ships, qol, bases

Rework Ship/Base Inventory Slots

In most mmo's or rpg's if you have a weapon in storage and you want to swap it with your current weapon all you have to do is drag it onto your current weapon. In star sonata, doing this will drag the entire stack, unequipped. Then you have to equip…

1 godsteel 4 years ago
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0 See all 0 votes

By max235


Goodest Gooder Good Electric Augmenter

Goodest Gooder Good Electric Augmenter, a Legendary quality elect aug that has moderate penalties to other stats you like but has an absolutely ridiculous amount of of energy, electricity, and elect temp. Either as an ultra rare drop from DF300 **AI** (eg Bigger Green and not a boss) or buyable at…

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57 th
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0 See all 0 votes

By carlos12

team, ui, status

Limit of accounts do to Exploits with 20…

Limite the use of accounts per computer, people are exploting anatolia with more than 20 accounts just sitting there, limite accounts up to 3-5 max per computer will make the game more even and more competitive... it will allow for more people to group up and take down what ever…

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58 th
16 16

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By slack x


Build history tab for bases

Shows what items have been built in the past on the current base. Maybe an opt-in option for this based on the base-owner's preference.

3 xudoza 4 years ago
3 ole93p2p 4 years ago
3 species 8472 4 years ago
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By kelly16



Stop prohibiting words commonly used when speaking and start undoing the harm it does curently by removing restrictions. I mean are we gonna make saying garlic a bannable offense next?

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By tanban

balancing, missiles, damage

Up the Missile Damage???

Ever since the shields were buffed (I don't know when exactly that was, since I'm an off and on player) the missiles have been relatively weak against the AI's that they were useful against. For example, the Juxtaposition AI used to be able to be killed with four volley's of…

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61 st
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By truls

Increase Amp range on the FC amp.

The FC field amplifier super items have a limited range of 500. That range is fine if you fly sub t20 ships. Now V-Formation wil put atleast half the bots outside that 500 range since the ships are just so big. I suggest to either have the Fleet Admiral skill increase…

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62 nd
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By markoz


Bind a Key to select all bots

Allow a key to select all bots

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63 rd
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By erman

content, balance, hull, rework

Have Combat Bot Use My Damage Type if Able

If a bot has multiple damage types available, I would like an option to force the bot to use the type of damage I am using on my main ship. I don't want this to be the case all the time though and this must be toggle-able to be a…

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64 th
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By erman


Ship Details Window for Combat Bots

I would like to be able to pull up a ship details window for my Combat Bots like i can for my main ship (F10) so that I can better fine tune them after seeing their actual bot-stats as opposed to the stats of the ship when I am flying…

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65 th
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By max235


Make a T20 difficulty Rattie Moe boss for…

Make a Medium-difficulty Undead Rattie Moe boss that drops rat-themed gear including Positronic Brains for Particle/Sing/Quantum Brakes, Zat Rat Broodmother augs and energies, and a 1% chance for a crate containing a Mega Moe Token. Instanced or not instanced. Tech 20 boss strength, somewhere between Anthos and Drake. Original reason for suggestion is…

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66 th
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By ferengi

web, qol, api

Epic (nobody knows how long)

Add an api endpoint for up to date item…[Underway]

I know you're planning to add an endpoint for items, but it's been 2 years and there's no news about it. Plus that it's unknown whether that endpoint is gonna have accurate stats or just the stats the item had when it was added to a trade bay last time.…

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67 th
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By waffleman

ui, gameplay, community

'Squads' tab at AI bases that lists…

The problem: players don't group up into squads and make friends very easily in this game due to a variety of reasons. Solution: remove the 'LFG' chat channel and replace with a 'Squads' tab on AI bases (or possibly just on some bases like frontier station, arena lobby, kumari bases,…

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68 th
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By denedin707

ui, qol

Import/export/edit trade bot orders

Make the tradebot orders be able to import/export in a way you can edit them trough a text editor like tradebays. This way we can just do 1 slave and replace the commod name with another commod name and move on.

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69 th
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0 See all 0 votes

By lrellok

ui, gameplay

Add a glowing blinking ring around critical…

Add a glowing blinking ring around any system that has a mission in it that is 1) not repeatable and 2) gives more then 1 level of base xp 3) currently available too the player While exploration is lovely a significant number of players seem too be getting very, very lost…

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70 th
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2 See all 4 votes

By waffleman

bases, qol

EF Layer Bases Equip Weapon By Default

I'm assuming the reason that kits don't have their weapon equipped by default has something to do with wild space bvb balance but there is no reason for it to be like this for f2p players - or any base in EF layer for that matter. As far as I…

1 matthewmcguirej1 4 years ago
3 xudoza 4 years ago

No, I don't want my colo kits to have weps.

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71 st
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2 See all 10 votes

By killamellon

qol, performance, ui

Ship Select QOL

Make it so your last played character appears on the far left of the menu or the ability to resize the ship select screen to show more than 5 characters

1 loid 4 years ago
3 xudoza 4 years ago

Retain order, but add support for 6+ characters.

2 DarkSteel 4 years ago

I quite like the set order, makes it easy to select the char I'm trying to login…

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72 nd
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3 See all 3 votes

By lrellok


Allow all Station Kits to be Attachable

Currently all Station Kits are attachable by default. Kits have a flag that says that they are not attachable if ticked. Please Untick this flag on all Kits. Attachable Depot kits would be a wonderful QOL change, and having all kits be attachable would be less confusing for new players…

3 elite 4 years ago

you can attach depot kits

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