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The Battle Sphere French Fry Problem

Many have wondered how many french fries you could make out of a Battle Sphere Potato. Today we answer that question.

Your average potato volume is 69ml. The suns volume is 1,409,000,000,000,000,000 cubic km. We'll assume the battle potato can fill 1/3 of that space. That means the potato is roughly 469,666,666,666,666,666 cubic km. Converting that into ml, we now know the battle potato takes 469,666,666,666,666,700,000,000,000,000,000 ml of space.

The battle potato basically represents 6,806,763,285,024,155,072,463,768,115,942 (6.8 trigintillion) individual potatoes. Now, how many fries can we get from this? The average potato can make 9 "steak fries". Doing some simple multiplication we have 61,260,869,565,217,395,652,173,913,043,478 (61.2 trigintillion) steak fries from 1 potato battle sphere. If you were to make shoestring fries instead I imagine you could nearly double this number.

tl;dr - A potato battle sphere represents 6.8 trigintillion individual potatoes. If you made french fries out of a battle sphere, you'd have approximately 61.2 trigintillion fries.