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Revision as of 20:54, 8 December 2010 by Jeff mc beth (talk | contribs)

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What ships are soaks used on? I've never seen one... the page should provide examples, but I don't know the soaking ships... Wikilol 22:42, 8 December 2010 (UTC)

"The Lagrange Control Skills provide the same effect, but are not built into any particular ship."

That's all ships. :P

Also, most diffusers have a small soak, to stop them from being popped by really low end AI.

"For most diffusers, if you do 1 damage, you'll have a zero chance of blowing it, because you have to overcome soak in order for the diffuser to roll on if it gets blown or not. This is to prevent the case where you get shot by a flyswatter egg in sol and lose a diffuser." - Jeff_L on forums a while back.