Player Dev Meeting 2.0

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pip: Ok, so the question is should any player be able to come see these meetings?
pip: Basically what we would do is put this channel on silent and allow only the reps to talk
Lundz-QR: is that to view or to participate in the meeting
pip: well they'd be in here, but not be able to talk
pip: so they would basically spectate.
Nukka-EF: well if the log is posted there is really no need for spectators

pip: and they could PM one of the ppl that can talk if they have something to say
HoochDealer-Aidelon: I agree with Nukka
Outcast-Core: If the meetings are logged there would be no point in others viewing it if they can't talk.
pip: you can see it the other way
pip: there is no point in not letting them in if they can see it after anyways
Outcast-Core: It makes things crowded
Lundz-QR: true, I have most of my team on vent and can relay info if that's permissible
pip: well on my client it shows everyone with voice above that
pip: exactly lundz
Outcast-Core: Theres a lot of bored people out there, if you made this free access i think you'd find 30-40 people on here..

pip: you could have everyone in here watching, and they could talk to you
Lundz-QR: ok, so pertinent things I let them know and they give me their opinions
pip: Outcast, it doesn't matter, they would not be able to talk
Nukka-EF: then mass pming would start
Nukka-EF: and slow the meeting down
Hermes-Pants left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
Trev-Sp: Agreed. Private only.
pip: so its either, A) stay as now, B) allow 2 teammates of each rep, C) allow anyone
Outcast-Core: Still, i've queried the team earlier before this and noted down any concerns or questions then have for this meeting. I don't see the need to have more people viewing the chat when there is a log.
Outcast-Core: Imo it'll just bring more confusion and stress to the reps.

pip: Lets take a vote.
Lundz-QR: just put it to my team, they trust that I will give them pertinent info and they can voice their opinion which I then put into the meeting
pip: using the letters above
pip: A - 6 B - 1 C-0
pip: Now, how often do you guys want to meet?
Nukka-EF: weekly
Outcast-Core: Once a fortnite or weekly.
pip: i think this time is pretty good since its easy for USA and for western Europe
Grinsa-TFC: is there going to be enough to talk about with weekly meetings? I'd be more interested in every other week
HoochDealer-Aidelon: bi-weekly
pip: we could do every 2 weeks with the option of adding one if there is something we need to talk about quicker (like an upcoming patch) or once c2 is in alpha and i need weekly feedback from you guys
Nukka-EF: that seems best

Outcast-Core: If its weekly meetings will undoubtly be shorter, thats probably easier for people who are pressed for time.
Lundz-QR: I agree with Grinsa, bi weekly will work nicely unless there is more information to disucss
Outcast-Core: I like that idea pip.
Grinsa-TFC: I think longer meetings less frequently would be better for me if I'm pressed for time
pip: alright
pip: you guys want to vote or is that settled?

Lundz-QR: if there are important issues, such as patches and things we can always call for a meeting outside of a bi weekly schedule
pip: k
pip: seems settled
pip: every 2 weeks
Outcast-Core: Is that in addition to your idea or not pip?

pip: my idea was every 2 weeks
pip: at least for now
Outcast-Core: I think weekly meetings will be necessary when C2 ect comes out.
pip: yes
pip: probably
Lundz-QR: agreed
pip: we'll discuss it at that time
pip: (hopefully that time is sooner than later)
pip: next is C2 UI
pip: let me first show you some artist renditions of the UI
pip: basically, buttons, menus, etc
pip: this is all work in progress
pip: the first one is the top, the second is the bottom
pip: both done by Quantum, from pants
pip: so... what do you guys think?

Nukka-EF: i like the bottom
Outcast-Core: I don't think the red/orange suits
Nukka-EF: yeah the colors for the top put me off
Outcast-Core: Keep it dark/light blue, black
pip: orange/red is the enregy
Outcast-Core: I know, it doesn't go with the rest of it.
Lundz-QR: looks pretty sweet
Hermes-Pants: agreed, the ability to change the color scheme would be a nice feature if that could be added
Nukka-EF: i like the design just not those2 colors with everything else
pip: Hermes, the whole UI is skinnable

Hermes-Pants: or hopefully the new client allows for people to modify the GUI
Grinsa-TFC: it looks fine from what I can see, what will make or break C2 is the functionality though, and not the shiny graphics
pip: we'll even possibly include an editor to make it easier
Hermes-Pants: ok that is great then, surely there are people who can make some new ones :P
pip: i'm bringing in Q4 for feedback
Outcast-Core: If its skinable thats fine as a base, just ensure you have like other options available for download on the webpage.
Lundz-QR: my teamies like the look but are wondering what the blank keys on the top are for
pip: Q4, so far the biggest feedback is that they don't like the Orange/Red
Outcast-Core: The fact you can modify it to your appeal will defiantly be an added attraction to people.
pip: Lundz, ill explain everything in a bit
Lundz-QR: ok
Q4: tbh I dont like alot about the UI but it's a big compromise between what looks sort of ok, what fits... and ofc what jeff wants
Outcast-Core: The bottom looks good, i like it.
Q4: are the looking at the vector version?
(12:33:21 PM) pip: yeh
(12:33:24 PM) Q4: blah

pip: i can show them the other if you want
pip: but that won't be going in
Lundz-QR: bottom looks very nice
Q4: vector one was more for getting the layout in appropriate places
Q4: pip you mind them I show the ancient screen of the promo site?
Q4: that I show them*
Lundz-QR: without seeing the whole layout it does appear that there is more viewable playing screen
pip: well lets stick with C2 for now
pip: UI that is
pip: i was going to show them that after
Q4: well the color theme is more accurate in that promo thing
pip: ok, show them
Q4: this is a more accurate color theme
Trev-Sp: looks great Q
zephyr-SB: looks cool
zephyr-SB: is there some indicator for the cloak in all that?
pip: that's just a mockup SB, then the programmers take pieces and make the UI

pip: so its just a layout test, basically
pip: let me explain 25 real quick
Hermes-Pants: yeah it is looking good, very nice upgrade from the current GUI for sure
pip: the left is your status, shields, energy, weapon
Outcast-Core: That looks awesome
Q4: you can get a rough idea on the content of the boxes from the promo site
pip: if you click the weapon, you'll get a drop down for all the currently equipped weps
pip: you can pick one
Grinsa-TFC: with mods listed I hope
pip: the top line across the center will be your hotkeys/action bar
pip: basically tweaks (with cooldown), items, etc
pip: under that is more status items, like your money, hull, etc
pip: you can minimize those as you see on the right
pip: (the one with a little tab but no actual numbers)
Trev-Sp: you can also drag your items into the hotkeys right?
pip: then to the right of those are your teammates, squadmates, or slaves
pip: yes
pip: on the very right i think is the target box?

zephyr-SB: One thing I noticed in those old beta screenies that got posted was a little icon for the cloak
pip: is that right Q?
Lundz-QR: very impressive
zephyr-SB: I think this is something that needs to be brought back
Q4: is a mix of it
pip: there you see an example of what it could look like if you hover
Q4: probably gonna be a way to filter what you need
pip: if you look at the bottom
pip: on the left is your galaxy and AP info
Q4: so if you use slaves you will have all your slaves, if you use drones you will have those... if you are a monk you can have a longer list of teammate with low shields etc
pip: so you can minimize the map during fights and such and still have the info you need
pip: you can also bring the map up to full screen when you need to find a gal

zephyr-SB: will we be able to hotkey targets?
pip: for friendly or foe?
zephyr-SB: friendly mostly
zephyr-SB: Foe doesn't last long to be necessary imo
pip: well, i guess so, but you'll have those icons up top
Lundz-QR: those buttons on the top, they are assignable yes?
pip: so they will be easy to find even not on the screen
pip: but we could look into hotkeying those as well
zephyr-SB: Right, but I prefer keyboard input to mouse during fights
Lundz-QR: the hover buttons show in the jpeg

zephyr-SB: Since navigation and most important stuff happens on the keyboard
pip: anyways
pip: lets do feedback in a bit
pip: ill finish explaining
zephyr-SB: kk sorry ;)
pip: to the right, you got the chat bar, obviously
pip: then to the right of that, you have your popup windows
pip: that will include team, character, etc
pip: inventory
pip: we figured since you have all those item hotkeys up top (which we plan on making unlimited), you wont need your inventory up all the time
pip: so things can pop up on the right when you need it
pip: thats a quick explanation
Trev-Sp: nice
Q4: you can also add commands into hotkeys

pip: basically our intention is to give as much room as possible
pip: ah yeh, that too
pip: macro's basically
pip: so lets go over things you would like to happen, we'll start at the top of the list and go down
Q4: oh... and the shield vis hull etc panels are all collapsable
pip: Grinsa, you're up
Hermes-Pants: things for c2 or in SS in general?
Q4: so you can have more teammates, enemies, slaves , whatever showing
pip: C2 UI hermes
Hermes-Pants: ok
pip: basically what we just talked about
Grinsa-TFC: couple of general things that don't pertain particularly to the mockups
pip: k?

Grinsa-TFC: multi-select item transfers, or better ways to move items around if you don't want to move all of a type
pip: thats all done
pip: you can do that currently in c2
Q4: shift-select or whatever
pip: and you can drag and drop them
pip: ctrl and shift select both work
pip: Hermes?
pip: (lets pretype questions so that its quicker :) )
Lundz-QR: very nice interface, I like the fact that you can put on screen what you need at the time and minimize when you don't
Lundz-QR: t
Hermes-Pants: no questions or concerns atm, i will chime in if i think of something
pip: k
Nukka-EF: i really like the design of it
pip: Hooch you got something you want to ask about?
pip: or you would like to see in c2 ui?
zephyr-SB: What about teh friends list?
HoochDealer-Aidelon: I'd like to know if the classic interface, the current one, will still be advailable as an option
Lundz-QR: there is a concern with autopilot, we are wondering if it can ba adjusted to work the same way as it does for slaves

pip: jeez, all out of order again
zephyr-SB: you said pre-type ;P
pip: i think if someone made it, then yes
(hold it in your chat bar, SB...)
pip: lol
Lundz-QR: my apologies if I am out of turn
pip: to Hooch: the way we're doing the UI, it should be pretty easy to customize it so its similar to the current one
pip: though you would then miss out on a lot of new features
pip: When you say autopilot, you mean the fact that they don't stop?
pip: lundz?
pip: still here?
Lundz-QR: yes, player ships on autopilot shouldn't stop and readjust, there is also the issue with docking at a moving base, if you are autopiloting to a moving base it should adjust automatically, maybe an autodock sequence can be put in
Lundz-QR: we suggest something like that can be obtained via a mission perhaps
pip: we could possibly do that, its all client side, so it should not weigh ont he server too much to do it
pip: i dont think it would be something done for the initial C2 release though
Outcast-Core: I don't like that idea in all honestly, becoming too automated is something i really wouldn't want to see SS take a step towards that direction. You should have to control your ship and learn to pilot heavy loads of whatever to dock at a moving base.
Lundz-QR: another suggestion if I may

Lundz-QR: t
Outcast-Core: Doing that will remove the skill aspect.
pip: alright, go for it lundz
Lundz-QR: true, maybe that feature can be turned on and off at the players discretion
Outcast-Core: Still, i just think one of the best and most appealing things about SS is that it does actually take skill to pilot a ship eficiently.
Outcast-Core: In games like EVE it doesn't have that.
Lundz-QR: prioritizing hostiles, suggested that drones can be set to attack a particular enemy rather than randomly firing at hostiles
pip: definitely
pip: that was planned from the start
pip: easy controls for slaves and drones
zephyr-SB: Yea, that's defiantly needed now, esecially with collision code
Outcast-Core: Yeah, vipy also had that suggestion.. To be able to mark a primary target for drones and slaves.
pip: Nukka, is there anything you want?
Grinsa-TFC: on the topic of slaves, the trading slave orders needs a major revamp
Nukka-EF: im pleased with it
Lundz-QR: ok....I agree with outcast on the auto docking thing, still, an option for the lazy player would be nice, personally I like to fly my own ship
Outcast-Core: I can discuss general SS issues right? Not just about UI

HoochDealer-Aidelon: I would like to see a togleable target list so I dont have to hotkey through all the targets in a gal
pip: UI is the topic
Outcast-Core: Well, there is something slitely related.. About giving a ship armour in addition to shield.
pip: that's not really needed
pip: it would be the same as just adding more shield
Lundz-QR: when I think of hull I think of armour, not cargo space, good idea OC
Outcast-Core: I have the suggestion in full here if i can paste it?
pip: its not really UI related though
HoochDealer-Aidelon: I disagree, and that would just add more headaches to dev's in order to get balancing issues right
pip: we can come back to it later
Outcast-Core: Ok.
Outcast-Core: Skip me then, i've no quesions.
pip: trev?

Trev-Sp: Can we have solid numbers overlayed on health bars for our squaded units/ fighters / drones / slaves?Will it be possible to select a slave owned by you and view its current inventory? Custom hotkeys? like where we can say ctrl+1=whatever.
pip: idk about solid numbers, maybe if you hover, otherwise idk how we could fit it
pip: 2nd question, yes
pip: 3rd question hopefully
pip: you can also assign hotkeys for things to happen in your slaves
pip: like a tweak, item equip/unequip
pip: etc
Q4: the overlay will allow you to filter like the squad members with the lowest shield
Q4: so you can for instance always see those getting bashed so you can heal them quick
Grinsa-TFC: we're going to need a lot more than the 5 hotkeys available now, or the ability to customize the keys as trev said
pip: you didnt see the thing i said about unlimited grinsa?
Q4: each box in the UI can have a key
zephyr-SB: ok 2 questions from me then..

Grinsa-TFC: how can it be unlimited if you can't assign arbitrary key combinations to them, or am I not understanding something
zephyr-SB: Can we see a more IM like Buddylist, along with a ignore/stealth/block feature?
pip: yes, thats the plan
Lundz-QR: on the subject of bases, can we have a base screen that has a seperate management window so that you can see what has been changed in a base? Longer base logs?
zephyr-SB: I'm sick of nukka knowing when I log on, so I will be able to cloak/stealth my online status?
pip: yep
pip: also, friends will have to be 2 way
Outcast-Core: It was great for hunting people in war :P
Outcast-Core: You should probably remove the location thing by the way.
zephyr-SB: whats that about needing to make the game take more skill?
Trev-Sp: will the mission list interface be better? Currently the list is completely unorganized. Sorting options for A -> Z, New -> Old (based on when you started the mission), and a search bar would be nice.

Outcast-Core: Perhaps restrict it to level 20 or lower.
zephyr-SB: If they're your friend, why don't you ask where they are? it's totally abusable.
Q4: all the interface panels like team, base, inventory etc are getting revamped
Outcast-Core: I know it is SB.
zephyr-SB: I forgot my 2nd ui question, so that it from me
Outcast-Core: Its why i brought it up.
Trev-Sp: So thats a yes Q?
zephyr-SB: I'm not disagreeing with you OC ;)
zephyr-SB: I'm saying it's not even needed for lvl 20s
pip: i hope most lists will have a quick find thing trev
pip: like a box where you start typing and it filters by that
Outcast-Core: When we were at war with Zephyr we all used it numerous times to see where you were, then send a hunting party to get you.. Its very abusable and should be removed.
Outcast-Core: I've no doubt everyone else has done the same.
Outcast-Core: So restrict it level 20 or lower higher levels know where noobs are to aid them if they don'#t know themselves.
Trev-Sp: Pip will energy bars be displayed also for squad members?
Outcast-Core: It'll be useful for lower levels when they haven't got much experiance of the game SB.
pip: yeh
Trev-Sp: Energy bar for an engineer is very useful
pip: thats what the orange is trev
Trev-Sp: K
Lundz-QR: will the shield and energy bars be displayed for team as well as squad?
Q4: yes
Trev-Sp: Not team, would be to much

Trev-Sp: Or not!
pip: it will prioritize to drones, slaves and squad, then teammates in gal
pip: i think
Hermes-Pants: bigger squads for C2 as well?
Outcast-Core: Yeah
Hermes-Pants: something needed for al ong time now
pip: idk about that
pip: it wouldn't be hard
pip: that's soemthing for jeff to decide though
Outcast-Core: It'll be needed pip, especially for the new UZ.

Hermes-Pants: 10 just dont cut it anymore tbh, especially if you will add harder UZs it will be needed
pip: ah good, ORB is here
Outcast-Core: It'll need to be bumped to 20 atleast,.
pip: we need him for our last discussion
Grinsa-TFC: will there be some way to turn continuous firing on or off other than having to press space bar continuously
Lundz-QR: what about team size upgrade?
pip: no
Outcast-Core: No, 150 is more than enough.
pip: team size is fine
Q4: yes, you will be able to turn on autofire
Q4: however if you wanna run afk-monks it will do you little good

ORB: hi
ORB: sorry took the kids out and out for dinner
pip: alright, now that ORB is here, the last topic for today is the new drones
pip: take it away orb
ORB1: i understand the player base feels the same..
Lundz-QR: interesting suggestion, teamie would like to see if the (me only) docking prilidge can extend to the account rather than just the character, and maybe an extra menu to include team, so you can decide who docks rather by setting it for rank
ORB1: soz got dced.. wont happen again
ORB1: has everyone had chance to play with the new drones ?
Outcast-Core: I have a few droners on the time with views on them
Trev-Sp: Somewhat heard the bubbles were not very useful
Outcast-Core: General talk was that they suck
Outcast-Core: No offence ;)
ORB1: yup ive been hearing that too
ORB left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
ORB1: nope none will be taken.. id rather stuff suck.. than be overpowered

Trev-Sp: Id rather them suck then be OP on first day of implement, nice job on using Bacta and Rub btw...
ORB1: thanks.. Should make those commods more 'used'
zephyr-SB: Same from Zephyr, they look nice but need a beef to be useful
ORB1: or useful
Outcast-Core: Can we have a new graphic for them also?
ORB1: ok gimme a sec let me load up the local server and deploy a bubble drone
Trev-Sp: Its a titan with more shields and resist
pip: what is the point of that drone? i figured the forcefield drones would be used to block shots
Trev-Sp: its suppose to block shots
ORB1: yeah tbh they wasnt exactly what i was thinking.. they basically a drone that deploys an envelope
Trev-Sp: wihtout a big aura

ORB1: why not carry 20 envelopes with you... less space
ORB1: cheaper
pip: the drone should be a much stronger envelope, and it should not be limited to one
Trev-Sp: envelopes that is
pip: etc etc
pip: i think it was wrong to use envelopes as the basis for them, but i guess it was easier

zephyr-SB: I'd still like to see more PVP orientated drones, nothing that's out there now is all that suited
zephyr-SB: or rather, they're all weaker now since you can use 10-14 of them
Lundz-QR: BFD's need a bit of a beef, they seem to be a bit weaker than titans
Outcast-Core: 80% of drones are out of wack tbh.. They need looking at.
HoochDealer-Aidelon: concure
Lundz-QR: had a teamie mention it this morning, drones are like howitzers that shoot bb's
ORB1: well the drone only deploys envelope every 30 secs.. put 2 drones down and you have to wait

Outcast-Core: How much damage does the envelope take?
Lundz-QR: we don't want the OP but a lil beefing couldn't hurt
zephyr-SB: DM is balanced now
zephyr-SB: But the drones need to be fixed
zephyr-SB: And then it'll be spot on perfect, but everything is upside down with the drones atm
Outcast-Core: I think the only decent drones currently for uebrs ect is Infernos.
Trev-Sp: except princess lost a few in there :P
Trev-Sp: Drones take the same amount of energy to deploy before the rebalance as they do now
Trev-Sp: However our eneryg banks and regen were nerfed.
zephyr-SB: Yea, energy for DM is kinda shit atm. What happened to Everlasting/Off Ops Mastery?
Lundz-QR: agreed, we are supposed to be a support class, energy is important for deploying drones as well as tranfering to team mates
Outcast-Core: More tractors would be good for DM i reacon, perhaps keep drones as they are, perhaps a slight beef, but introduce new tractors which give better bonus's.
zephyr-SB: Tractors elec is kinda whack too

zephyr-SB: but that may have to do with my setup and not the class.
Lundz-QR: yes, the missiong that were opened up allow you to get an unusable tech20 tractor
ORB1: k who is DM here ?
zephyr-SB: I've got 2 dms
Outcast-Core: I've got 2 DMs also.
Lundz-QR: I am
ORB1: ok over the next week.. we will setup a irc squad between us.. and we can work out the kinks on the droens
Outcast-Core: Sounds good.
Trev-Sp: i got a high end dm
Lundz-QR: sounds good to me
ORB1: who wants to be in charge of running that meeting ?
Outcast-Core: I have a level 200 DM, 750 DM and recently near 2k DM so i should be able to add some input.
ORB1: what im gunna do is get this test server up and running so i can deploy them
zephyr-SB: orb, are you done with adding drones?
Lundz-QR: might be nice to see a drone that gives energy, similar to the charge drone with shields
(1:32:08 PM) pip: you guys can meet later in the week to talk about drones
zephyr-SB: I have a couple things people askd me to bring up
pip: k, go ahead

zephyr-SB: Some folks are still concerned about Gunner
zephyr-SB: Particularly stacking missile launchers and using missiles much like pest drones used to be used
Trev-Sp: btw stacking missile launchers decrease the time between each missile is launched
zephyr-SB: And also, I'm wondering if anything further is going to be done to FC.. it's still pretty OP even with the 'nerf' to swarms.. it's not about number of slaves, the class is just totally OP
zephyr-SB: RadX gives 200% to rad dmg, and rad weps used to be pre-nerfed to account for this..
zephyr-SB: And even without a swarm or radx, I'm still making 100+ lvls per day on my FC

ORB1: umm whats this drone do ?
ORB1: Bubble Drone
ORB1: yup looks like a titan.. but has no weps
Trev-Sp: tanks shots
Trev-Sp: from what i heard
zephyr-SB: I want to see T20 rad and mining drones
ORB1: ahh ok.. well that can have a use then
Trev-Sp: Zebra spitter drones
Trev-Sp: The only weapon in Uz not used in a drone
zephyr-SB: I'd prefer KMW drones xD
Trev-Sp: they would have to be ruin drones then

zephyr-SB: That's fine, they'd replace the gap in 100% tracking/eth dmg for pvp at high end
Trev-Sp: Not if the resist is terrible orb, or the amount of area they take
ORB1: ok so what if i make the bubble drone bigger
Trev-Sp: Would be good.