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Labyrinth (abbreviated Laby) is a very odd and confusing galaxy containing a maze of wormholes which must be traversed to find the AI base and planet with Ariadnites. The Minohore is eternally lost in the maze and is aggressive.

Ariadnites can be extracted with extractors bought at the AI base and are used for training Station Management to 16 in Handel's Cove.

Ariadnites are on the planet Karnos, near the planet Kastos. The AI Base is named Theseus with a description of "Friends, Romans, buddies." and the planet near it is named Minos. The lone moon is named Yarn. All of these names are references to the Labyrinth of Crete Myth.


Unique things for sale

Station gear

How to find your way

For those hopelessly lost in the Labyrinth, here are some directions for which warp gates to take from the entrance to various points of interest:


North, South, Southwest, West, East (Northern-most one), North, South, North (1449 North)

Moon (with nothing on it)

South, East, West, West

AI Base

North, South, Southwest, West, South, South, South