Hostile Science Missions

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The Hostile Science Missions are a series of missions given to you by various scientists in and around the Nexus. In this series of quests you are given tasks that cover everything, and can get some rather unique and useful rewards. I've ordered them in difficulty, so if you want to do one of the latter chains, be prepared for something tough!

Oilheart Missions

Kendalite Mining in Controcosta!

Mission 1: Kendalite Asteroids

Mission Agent: Gary Oilheart
Found in: Ferrite Research Alpha, Contracosta (Off Nexus)

For this mission, you speak to an up-and-coming ganglinite research scientist, Gary Oilheart. He immediately informs you that his line of research requires a special commodity called 'Kendalite', and that it can only be found in Contracosta. The asteroids that need to be mined can be found orbiting a small sun. This small sun also orbits, and Kendalite is heavy, so make sure you have a good engine! Once you have mined 10 Kendalite, go back to Mr. Oilheart for your rewards!


Oilheart's Augmenter
30,000 Credits

Mission 2: Vicious Science

Micro Zebu Ambush!

Mission Agent: Gary Oilheart
Found in: Nexus Station, The Nexus

Gary is pleased that you helped him with his research, but there is something wrong! A rival group of researchers, the Koto Research team, has started building a research facility! Gary concerned for the saftey of what he calls a 'group of amatures', he kindly asks you to evaluate the defenses of the Skeleton Research outpost in Twist and Twirl. This is directally off of Contracosta, and watch out for the Micro Zebu ambush on your way there! Warp in, check out the outpost (be careful as it has long range weapons!), and head back to Gary to collect your rewards!


Ganglinite Magcannon- Damage 15, Range 360, Recoil 1s, Energy Damage, Electricity 30, Tech 1, Weight 7500, Size 4.
10000 Credits

Mission 3: Vicious Science

Attacking the research outpost!

Mission Agent: Gary Oilheart
Found in: Nexus Station, The Nexus

Now that Gary knows about the defenses of the Koto Research outpost, Ganglinite Research Beta, and you have a nifty long range weapon, it's time that you help destroy them! This can be pretty tough, so it's advised that you bring Neurotweaks for energy and shields, as well as diffusers for energy damage. When you get back to Twist and Twirl, there are three outposts, the one you need to destroy is in the center. I have found the best way to destroy the center outpost is to attack from above out of range of the others. If you are extremely fast and agile though, you can circle the outpost and avoid the bullets. After you have killed the center outpost, make sure to scoop the remains. Take those to Gary as proof you destroyed it, and collect your reward!


Ganglinite Push Alpha- Thrust 440, Turning 170, Visibility 80, Tech 2, Weight 16500, Size 10.
25000 Credits

Mission 4: Vicious Science II

Twin Giants can be very dangerous!

Mission Agent: Gary Oilheart
Found in: Nexus Station, The Nexus

Despite efforts to deter Koto Research from researching ganglinite, they have built another outpost! Gary tells you this outpost is in Twin Giants off of Twist and Twirl and gives you a key to enter that galaxy. If you had problems with the last mission, I would strongly suggest you wait to try this one. It is extremely hard, Twin Giants is heavily defended, and has Micro Zebu swarms that will attack you. If you think you are ready though, make sure you have energy diffusers, tweaks for shields, energy and I would suggest Oilhearts Afterburners to escape if you take too much damage. Also, make sure you have range and tracking augs on the ship you use! The eaisest way to do this is to outrange the main outpost, and that is extremely hard to do without them. As before, if you have a very fast and very agile ship, you can circle, but it is much harder to do here. Finally, if you really take too much damage, you can stay on top the planets to avoid fire. After you have geared up, head in and take out the outpost. Collect the remains, return them to Gary and then you can get your reward!
NOTE:: If you lose your key to Twin Giants, or use it and need another, cancel the mission and start it over.


Ganglinite Alphawall
50000 Credits

Unger Missions

Mission: Protoganglae Extraction

Building in Sporeside.

Mission Agent: Vincent Unger
Found in: Nexus Station, The Nexus
Minimum Level: 10
Required Skills: At least level 1 in Station Management

Vincent Unger is another Ganglinite researcher, and he needs an extremely rare commodity for his research, one known as 'Protoganglae'. He'll ask if you would help him out by extracting some from a planet in Sporeside, which they just realized had that commodity. To help you, he'll give you a Protoganglae Extractor. Before you head to Sporeside, remember you'll be making a base. Personally, the eaisest way to do this, is get Station Management to level 3, then buy an Loaded Attached Station Kit II. This will make it much eaiser to start up the base. After you have your station kit, make sure you have some workers, rations and metals so you can expand the station after you have constructed it. After you have all this (1 Loaded Attached Station Kit II, 5-10 Workers, 10-15 Rations, and 30-60 Metals and your Protoganglae Extractor) head over to Sporeside. The gate is located about 4000 south of Nexus Station, and is extremely hard to see, so it might take a while to find it. Normally, building a base can be a rather safe process, but not in Sporeside! It harbors a very extreme termite infestation! This means you have a very limited amount of time before Termites attack your station, so you have to act fast. Select the planet and get close to it, then double click your station kit to attach it. After you have it deployed, dock there and use the metal to start making extensions (to do this, put 30 metal on the base, and double click the extension in the construction tab). Then put your workers on the base, you will need them to equip your new station extensions and extractors. Finally put on and equip the extractors to the base, after 5 Protoganglae has extracted, remove it and head back to Mr. Unger to collect your rewards! NOTE:: You do not need to keep the Protoganglea extractors unless you want to.


Unger's Energy Augmenter
1000000 Credits

Stapleton Missions

Mission 1: A horrid creature?

Mission Agent: Nicolas Stapleton
Found in: Voyagers Last Stop, Deep Space
Minimum Level: 6

A Cosmobiology expert by the name of Nicolas Stapleton has need of your services! He has heard rumours from passing pilots of a very unique creature known as a 'Space Jelly'. Although his collegues think he's crazed in thinking such a creature exists, he still believes they are out there. It's up to you to bring him back a specimen! Before you start looking for one of these elusive creatures, it would be wise to stock up on laser diffusers, shield tweaks, and most importantly, a parasite cleaner. There are a few found for sale in Janitor Outpost, so pick one up. The Space Jelly spits parasites that cling to your ship and slowly drain your energy unless you have a cleaner to get rid of them, which makes a parasite cleaner an item of paramount importance. After you are geared up, it's time to hunt for jellys! They can be found in a few locations, Deep Space and the Mutara Nebula. Depending on your level, Deep Space might be a bit safer, but if you head to the Mutara Nebula you are guarenteed more Jellys. Unlike most enemies, Jellys do not roam, you need to coome close enough for them to see you, then they will ambush you. There are 4 Jelly Ambushes in the Mutara Nebula, one in each cardinal direction about 2K away from the wormhole, there are four ambushes in Deep Space as well, but they are much harder to find. Once you find Jellys, you need to kill them until you get a 'Jelly's Acidic Remains', the drop rate seem to be about one in 5-10, so remember you might have to kill a few. After you get one, head back to Nicolas and collect your rewards!


50000 Credits

Mission 2: An interesting creature.

Mission Agent: Nicolas Stapleton
Found in: Voyagers Last Stop, Deep Space

Nicolas, clearly amazed by the specimen you brought back has need of you again! This time he wants a blood sample of a Space Jelly, so he can study its properties. Gear up again, (don't forget the parasite cleaner!) and head back for more Space Jellys. The blood drops less often, so don't be suprised if it takes 10 kills to get one. After you have one though, head back to Nicolas, and he will expirement with neutralizing the acid levels in the Space Jelly Blood.
NOTE:: If you manage to find a Jelly's Heart, this mission is much eaiser! The Jelly's heart produces Jelly's Blood right on your ship! (yuck!)


Neutralized Jelly's Blood
75000 Credits

Mission 3: More Jelly's Blood?!

Mission Agent: Nicolas Stapleton
Found in: Voyagers Last Stop, Deep Space

Nicolas is willing to Neutralize more Space Jelly blood for you, although he'd rather not find out why! This time though, he requires a little bit more than just one blood sample. Gear up and head out Jelly hunting, and when you have 3 Jelly's Blood and 1 Jelly's Acidic Remain head back to Stapleton and collect another of the special tweak.

NOTE:: As with Mission 2, if you manage to find a 'Space Jelly's Heart' collecting the Space Jelly's Blood is much efficant, as the Heart produces it on your ship!


Neutralized Jelly's Blood

Mission 4: A Remarkable Creature!

Mission Agent: Nicolas Stapleton
Found in: Voyagers Last Stop, Deep Space
NOTE:: Requires Completion of Mission 2, but not Mission 3

Nicolas, almost enchanted by this new creature you've helped him discover realizes the possibility of using Space Jelly's Acid as a weapon! He speculates that he can merge some forbidden Volcom Pirate technology with the glands from a Space Jelly, creating a specialized pulse gun that will decay the hull of an enemy! He merely asks that you locate a Volcom's Pulse Gun and 2 Jelly's Acidic Remains. The latter you know where to get, but the Volcom's Pulse Gun might be a bit of a challenge. It is a rather rare drop ONLY off of Vorian in the Mutura Nebula, and he is pretty tough to kill. So, there are two options. You can work up a few million credits and attempt to purchase a Volcom's Pulse off another player, or you can gear up and go after Vorian until he drops one! He, as stated earlier is pretty hard, but with a fairly fast ship (65+) you should be able to put the bead on him with a MagCannon and outrange him. Beware though! If you haven't already discovered this, certian areas of the nebula that are more dense often have hidden Volcom and they'll ambush you! Anyway, after you have 2 Jelly's Acidic Remains and the Volcom's Pulse Gun, head to Nicolas and he'll craft an extremely powerful weapon for you! When your shot hits the target, it will impart a negative shield regeneration tweak!


100000 Credits
Stapleton's Acid Shooter