User Krum:Turbinia

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Well the Krum (kroom) of planet Krumholtz are a generally sessile species who wouldn’t mind dating a tree, because well they are decidly treey themselves. They also pride themselves in having rather clever and quick ideas. And one had a particulary clever on when they decided that every major foundry should build them thier greatest ship with all the froodiest technology, then steel the tech for themselves. Well the krum thought that that was defiantly the froodiest idea they had had since creating the gamma-wave oven, so they did it. They contacted the 6 greatest foundries wich happend to be just getting ready to destroy each other, the life universe and everything, but 111billion commission stopped that for a few years while everyone wondered what such a decidly treeish race was doing being so froody all the sudden and built them thier ships. Then it seems when the ships where delivered them Krum had another sweet idea, they would simply disappear. Everyone thought that was a pretty good one, vanishing act on a whole galaxy and everything.

The last transmission that went out was this….

MC: “Oh….hey….my mic on? Welcome to our little idea bash, we would like to welcome to the show Bran Farder the comer upper of this swell and froody idea. So here he is Bran Farder, mouth piece of the mother tree and all around decent sort of guy.”

Tree rustling translated: “Hey I’m one cool dude, like absolute zero no atoms moving cool. Well I had I really frood idea and all stealing everyone’s biggest tech stuff. We pulled it off pretty sweet too, so I had another really nice idea we should use all their stuff and make the ship with the baddest ass stereo system next to Disaster Area. Its really ‘rustle’ing loud.”

MC: “Hey that’s so bad it’s like good. So what are the specs on this baby?”

Bran Farder: “Well its on sale in most of your major teen magazines and political pamphlets. Hold that….. just had this really ‘rustle’ing frood idea. See ya latter I have to do something real quick like…..

MC: Hello…?.....I think he hung up.

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As you can see the Turbo Stuff Ltd. is offering you a unique service by offering you the one thing the Krum race has left behind, besides a bunch of these weird seed things, the 808 which stands for 1080 or 404, we really aren’t sure. Probably the froodiest and ugliest ship ever made, and its advertising campaign involving the disappearance of like a whole lot of galaxies and stuff is such a rip off of the ad campaign of the most sexy and ineffable ship ever made the RW6. The 808 can be understood probably because it is simply so loud and so ugly we must understand it or we just can continue existing, which would be bad.

The differnt ships are the Krumb, 303, 404, 606, 808 and 1080. All Krum ships are heavy fighters but the Krumb wich is a LF and the 1080 wich is a capitol ship. Besides producing bluer ships than even the blue they make some wicked over loaders The Krum generaly see it as a good idea to fire as often as possible regardless of accuracy or collataral damge. The Disc, Disc 999, and Disc Sub9 are thier main OLs. Having stolen much of the technology of the other races these ships and equipment where only produce for a very short period of time. If you find a crate that seems to have just allot of seeds dig around and you may find some plans for the Krum artifacts, although if you have the know how it is suggested that you make them less ugly and less offensivly blue.