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Not a team, an ideal that rises from the ashes when Star Sonata needs balance against dominion by a sole player. Enemy was its first director, and a legendary player. Like Ying and Yang, Enemy discovered Warp four with Tobal, and later crashed the server repeatedly on an universe restart when the first warp four beasties invaded that realm and sludged them. Tobal was turned to the dark side by the loss of his beloved director, and Capitalists crushing his then team, the Praetorians, in a most cruel fashion. Serenity chose to wander alone in the void. Comet Chaser met Enemy wandering alone through the warp, and loved his flag. She then stalked him, pestered him and took months to entice the solo player to allow her to partner him.

Phoenix is noted for irritating tyrants, and being wiped out - however, on each destruction, seeds of greatness are scattered, that rise into new teams and new powers in the universe. Phoenix is based on the idea that fighting for the good will lead to devastation, but the unique elements will pass on, and strengthen Star Sonata.

The first incarnation stood against no-one, as Comet Chaser was taught, and Enemy showed her the secrets of Star Sonata. Enemy eventually stood against Tobal due to their friendship being betrayed by Tobal, and his thirst for power abusing others. Being a team of two, there was little war, but Enemy chose to leave the universe, saddened by the turn of events. This lead Comet Chaser to have an un-ending dislike of Tobal.

The second incarnation stood against the dominion of Tobal, and was mostly wiped out by Sputty and Tobal.

The third incarnation stood against the oligarchy of NOBODY, and was wiped out by the base healing aggro abuse bug.

Phoenix is largely a care-taker team, and funds the outstanding and quality players that are spotted until they burst forth onto the Star Sonata scene. It is noted for teaching new players and funding them until they become part of the Star Sonata mythos. The part-time director Comet Chaser, is known largely for being loud, annoying, obnoxious and pacifist, but sometimes nice and overly generous. Phoenix has never destroyed another team's base, nor has it ever declared war - Comet Chaser relies on pricking the ego's of tyrants, not crushing the weak. Phoenix has, and always will, stand for the rights of the weak majority against the will of the strong.

Phoenix is not a team that will ever obtain Emperor, but will always be there to counter injustice. Including that of the dev team, such as spending 9 billion on AT 3 for good newbie players! ;)

Notable Ex-Members

Those who have been taken under the Phoenix' wing and let free to soar:

  • Mauty : was taken from almost leaving Star Sonata, given new life, and later turned to the dark side. His rise to power was cut short by banning, however his team at that time was forming the power base leading from Tobal's exit from the game.
  • Tarik : not a member, but was taken from losing his beloved Shrimp and upgraded to the max to make war on Tobal during the first Capitalist - Tobal war. He was noted on having the most base kills during this conflict. His later career with the Capitalists was a good one.
  • Gamejunkie : taught well, this player quickly learned the ways of Star Sonata. He later formed one of the most successful teams in Star Sonata, JAWSS. JAWSS, coupled with Pantalones, ultimately ended the dreams of dominion of the Mercenaries, NOBODY's team, leading to its dissolution.
  • PhysicalAbuse : went with Gamejunkie and is now a governing force in JAWSS and a moderator.
  • Galan Starspinner : again in JAWSS, and one of the most thoughtful players in Star Sonata.
  • Takuhi : along with Etherial formed the team Sei Hei, with its own strong moral and quality ethos, showing that success does not need to be based on cruelty.

There are many more (most remain anonymous): those touched by Phoenix' wings have largely gone on and perfected their play-style on their own, with the initial birthing stage allowing them freedom to do so.

When will Phoenix rise again?

Hopefully, never. The time of Tyrants has passed, but Phoenix will remain as an ideal. If ever new players cannot enjoy the game due to others, or due to mechanics, then Phoenix will rise and give forth training, credits and safe passage into the harsh universe. Phoenix is not a team that you will enter the glory of your career in, it is where you will start! Serenity remains the ultimate director, and his word is final on the fate of the team. Comet Chaser is currently in Olympus, a team that has passed beyond.