Assualt on Lavanite

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                    == The Assault on lavanite ==
              A first hand account by Cpt northdakota


UTF officer CPT northdakota was observing his fleet from the UTF armory station. He watches as bulk traders dock to unload supplies and manpower to stations. He glances toward the Adonis orbital defense drones over by the worm hole. An automated door opens and a man dressed in officers uniform walks in. Cpt northdakota notices who it is and stands at attenchion. It2, Sir! Says Cpt northdakota. At ease officer. replies It2 congradulations on the promotion to officer. You earned it well. he adds Thank you sir. Cpt northdakota Its amazing to see the culmination of teamwork isnt it? asks It2 refuring to the number of bases visable outside the airlock window. To think how far the UTF has come, is amazing. states Cpt northdakota as a bulk trader began to dock in the station. The entry door to the shuttle bay closed and locked and a cloud of steam hissed from the airlock as it opened. The massive bulk trader floated in and then stablized itself on the floor. The loading doors on the bulk trader opened and relesed several hundred workers, many of them carring multiple supplies of rations. The pilot of the ship approached Cpt northdakota. There was some delay on a few of the shipments and they should arrive with more supplies in a few hours. reported the tiny pilot. We should be able to hold till then. We need those shipments soon though. Can you get a status report on the traders comm? demanded Cpt northdakota Ill try. the pilot walked over to his ship computer. The speakers emit a loud buzzing noise and the screen fills with static. No signal. They must be passing through mimosa. I can never get a signal in mimosa. Your dismissed civilian. said Cpt northdakota It2, we may have a problem.


Red one your clear for movement. The large bulk trader being refured to as red one followed behind two combat Kelvins and a Wingship II . Roger that. Red one continued on its path. Red two scout the ahead territory. said Red leader(the wingship II) moving out replied red two (one of the kelvin ships) Red two engaging! Shouted the kelvins pilot. Status report red two! yelled red leader EST 6 targets, Im taking heavy fire! Red one hold back! Red three engaging! said the other kelvin pilot they are too close to red one roger that, red leader engaging The wing ship pilot began to tail the three ships headed for the bulk trader. the targets are from several different teams he observed. The first ship was a hotrod. Im gonna need a little more speed. he thought. Red leader diverted all extra energy to his engine. He was thrusted to the back of his shuttles seat as he felt the G-forces act on him. I hope you like plasma, cuz its coming too ya! Red leader shouted to himself as he fired a missile.It was a direct hit. He looked around to see laser firing everywhere. The bulk trader! realizing that he was tricked, he flew back to red ones position, only to find the ruins of his comrades ships and the debris from the bulk trader and its goods. No.........This.......I have failed. he thought .......I let them down. My tactical mistake cost them their life....... He sat in his ship vegatating over the bitter taste of defeat.

UTF ARMORY STATION DOCKING BAY LAVANITE 9 HOURS AGO Where the hell are those transports! Yelled It2. They should have been here hours ago. Stated Cpt northdakota If we dont get those food shipments, the workers are going to starve. Said It2. Ill check the message coms and try to call for more supplies. Said Cpt northdakota.

UTF ENERGY SUPPLY ROOM LAVANITE 8 HOURS AGO Tom Harland was a worker. A very disgruntled worker. It had been two days of underpaid work without any food. He thought why me? As tom began to tighten a bolt on some metal beams for the station expansion, the lunch break bell rang. A large mass of workers walked toward the cafatera and tom followed. When he finally stepped into the cafeteria, tom saw a man standing on a table holding a pot and a spoon. Supplies still have not arrived! Back to work till further notice! The man shouted

to be contenued