Speed Demon Guide

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Revision as of 15:19, 31 December 2008 by Capt.Insecter (talk)

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First of all....DO NOT START AS A SPEED DEMON! I personally think, after stupidifully starting as a Speed Demon knowing nothing, the best ship is a Hotrod+ or a Enforcer. The enforcer has decent hull and speed. The hotrod+................. need basic capacity augmenter(at least one). Later, get a Earthforce Frigate in around lvl 150(note: need engine tech lvl 10). Then after using it to hunt Space Blue Betas for like at least 80 lvls, ask anyone to take you to Rumble 2, i think. Get at least piolting tech lvl 14 and use a Spearhead. After lvling with the spearhead to lvl 300, ask someone to take you to Rumble 3. Get at least 17 and use a Porpoise(decent speed and hull). Well, thats about how far I got at the moment. After that, the cheapest and the best ship is a Reaver. It is tech 20 which you can get at Rumble Mumble. It will costfrom 2-3billion creds.The Reaver's weapon, the Reaver Laser, takes 1125 energy...Make sure that u are using a energy with good regen.

i suggest getting a proficient regen and decent sheild bank. DO NOT EVER USE A HESTIA OR HESTIA+! I wonder if this guide is going to be efficient for later Speed Demons...