Hyperion Missions

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Location: Ordnance Command, Hyperion

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: What happened here?
What happened here?

A tall sad figure welcomes you to the high tech state room. Everything is pristine, gleaming and shows advanced technology.
A projection screen covers three walls, showing the system outside.

"Welcome, Simon, welcome to Hyperion, famed for its beautiful cities, lush rainforests, unrivalled beaches and pleasure domes".
He gestures to the view, his voice bitter. "This was before we decided to fight the UrQa with new technologies".

"What you see now is the result of our fight against the UrQa and our own hubris. We developed weapons that could shatter worlds,
and planned with the Paxians to take the fight to the UrQa and scour them from this universe". He sighs,
a sound full of sorrow and shame. "The UrQa have more experience at genocide than we did, and we learnt this to our greatest cost".

He coughs, and takes a sip of water. "The UrQa detected the vast energies we had forced through singularities into our weapons,
and sent a massive fleet to reduce our system to dust. Our Paxian allies and our forces engaged them with conventional weapons,
until our worst fears were realised. An UrQa Dreadnaught warped into our system, and we could not stand against it.
Our ships were opened to the void, our outlying bases turned into plasma".

"As the Dreadnaught approached our main colony world, billions of lives were at stake.
Our conventional forces were already destroyed, so we used our last and most powerful weapon: annihilator missiles.
As we sent these, the UrQa Dreadnaught turned and flew towards our sun"

He is close to tears.

"These missiles destroyed the UrQa Dreadnaught,
but the resulting explosion of the alien energy drive and the sheer power of these weapons started a chain reaction in our sun.
Whilst this station, our main military installation,
had enough shielding to survive the resulting nova and bursts of solar radiation, the rest of the system was not so lucky.
What you see here is a system ruined, our sun destroyed.
Vast clouds of  plasma still broil in our system, our worlds lie poisoned, billions of our people have perished." 

"We have nothing left. Nothing but revenge. If you wish to talk to more to me, I need proof of your commitment to destroying the UrQa.
Bring me one of their lower technology weapons, to show you have combatted them in this universe.
Although we have failed, I must trust your resolve to save the universe before I share our secrets with you".

* Experience given.

Bring a prize taken from a destroyed enemy UrQa to Dominaar Jalar.

Location: Ordnance Command, Hyperion

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: What happened here?
What happened here?

"Well done Simon, one less UrQa to pollute this universe! Return when you are slightly more powerful, the UrQa are not an easy foe."

Location: Ordnance Command, Hyperion

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Aiding the Kalthi
Aiding the Kalthi

"Welcome, Simon. I see you have improved your skills, which you will need to help combat the UrQa menace. This is good."

His face darkens. 

"However, we must look to rebuilding this system and our defences before I give you access to our armories and technological secrets.
There are two parts to this: raw materials and plundering the wrecks of those who stood against us."

One of the wall screens turns from displaying the system and starts scrolling with schematics and materials listings.

"However, this facility was not our central research base.  That was in a location distant from here,
and the base was heavily stealth shielded." He sighs. "However, we know that it was destroyed,
as we recieved their last communication stating that they were under attack and about to lose power.
The base was hidden near the nebula at [1825, 2344]: without its destruction you would never of found it, however,
I suspect it will be leaking plasma and oxygen into the void".

His face looks pained, his thoughts obviously on the lives lost at the destruction of the research facility.

"Your mission is twofold: find the destroyed research base and obtain the technical details within.
With those plans, and sufficient materials, we can start rebuilding our factories, and move onto striking back at the UrQa."

As you turn to leave, he catches your eye. "Simon, boarding a wrecked space station is no small matter. You might require...
lets us say... "grey area" skills to do so. Where you learn these is not within my sphere, nor my concern.
You will also need to provide us with some vitalized microchips to provide processing power to our AI nodes."

* Experience given.

Find the research base near the nebula located at [1825, 2344] and bring the plans to the factories back, along with 1250 metals,
15 raw titanium and 5 vitalized microchips.

Location: Destroyed Research Outpost, Hyperion

  • Agent:
  • Mission: Searching the ruined station.
Searching the ruined station.

The halls are dark and open to the void in many places, what atmosphere there is, is contaminated by dioxins,
pollutants and organic debris. There's also a large amount of exotic particles free in the system,
which would probably at the very least sterilise you. 

You will need a high-tech space suit to explore here, probably of Paxian manufacture.

* Credits given: 2500000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Kalthi Factory Plans

Find a paxian space suit... unlike the previous occupants, you really don't want to suck on void.

Location: Destroyed Research Outpost Agent: Mission: Searching the ruined station.

Searching the ruined station.

With the help of the space suit, you were able to find the plans, along with some minor valuable items.
You space the suit though, since its contaminated beyond salvage.

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Aiding the Kalthi
Aiding the Kalthi

"Well done, Simon. To say that they did not die in vain is a lie, a wicked lie told by tyrants.
However, at least their work will allow them revenge, through your actions."

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.

"Ah, Simon. With the factory plans and those raw materials,
we are well on the way to restoring this station to a viable threat to the UrQa menace.
However, the massive EMP pulse that resulted in the destruction of our sun did get through our shields."

He sighs.

"Although the more basic computing and mundane organisational structures are still intact,
our central AI core had its higher four dimensional functions erased. Think of it as a lobotomy for an AI,
with only a dribbling vegetable remaining. The vegetable can still breath and live but cannot THINK,
and thus we only have basic power and station functions."

He pauses, a little embarressed by his analogy.

"I apologise Simon, I was trying to put that into language any space rat would understand.
The important thing is that we need to replace the AI core with a functioning mind
powerful enough to run this station and the armory factories."

He points towards the view screens.

"I believe that you could find a functioning AI core out there somewhere, amid the wrecks.
It will be ironic that our enemies will give birth to their own destruction, and so it shall be!" 

* Experience given.

Find a functioning AI core for Dominaar Jalar

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.

"Language barriers aside, this is more than I hoped for. This UrQa core will give us much more processing power!
We can now manufacture WMDs!!"


Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Andaman WMD Production Blueprint
Andaman WMD Production Blueprint

"Now Simon, time to release our vengance on the UrQa! 

Once you have returned with proof of their demise, I shall reward you with an Andaman WMD production Blueprint.

Kill them, KILL THEM ALL!!" 

* Experience given.
* Reward: Andaman WMD Production Blueprint

Kill 25 UrQa for Dominaar Jalar to recieve a WMD Blueprint.

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Achilles WMD Production Blueprint
Achilles WMD Production Blueprint

"Now Simon, time to release our vengance on the UrQa! 

Once you have returned with proof of their demise, I shall reward you with an Achilles WMD production Blueprint.

Kill them, KILL THEM ALL!!" 

* Experience given.
* Reward: Achilles WMD Production Blueprint

Kill 10 UrQa for Dominaar Jalar to recieve a WMD Blueprint.

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Small Kinetic Production Mk III BP
Small Kinetic Production Mk III BP

"Now Simon, time to release our vengance on the UrQa! 

Once you have returned with proof of their demise, I shall reward you with a Small Kinetic Production Mk III Blueprint.

Kill them, KILL THEM ALL!!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Small Kinetic Production Mk III BP

Kill 25 UrQa for Dominaar Jalar to recieve a WMD Blue Print.

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Medium Kinetic Production Mk III BP
Medium Kinetic Production Mk III BP

"Now Simon, time to release our vengance on the UrQa! 

Once you have returned with proof of their demise, I shall reward you with a Medium Kinetic Production Mk III Blueprint.

Kill them, KILL THEM ALL!!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Medium Kinetic Production Mk III BP

Kill 25 UrQa for Dominaar Jalar to recieve a WMD Blue Print.

NOTE: needs Suqqa Uj'Qi or Jujuso'qi Kills

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Medium Kinetic Production Mk III BP
Medium Kinetic Production Mk III BP

Good, Simon, good, I can feel the hate flow through you..."

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Large Kinetic Production Mk III BP
Large Kinetic Production Mk III BP

"Now Simon, time to release our vengance on the UrQa! 

Once you have returned with proof of their demise, I shall reward you with a Large Kinetic Production Mk III Blueprint.

Kill them, KILL THEM ALL!!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Large Kinetic Production Mk III BP

Kill 25 UrQa for Dominaar Jalar to recieve a WMD Blue Print.

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Small AP Production Mk III BP
Small AP Production Mk III BP

"Now Simon, time to release our vengance on the UrQa! 

Once you have returned with proof of their demise, I shall reward you with a Small AP Production Mk III Blueprint.

Kill them, KILL THEM ALL!!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Small AP Production Mk III BP

Kill 25 UrQa for Dominaar Jalar to recieve a WMD Blue Print.

NOTE: needs Suqqa Uj'Qi or Jujuso'qi Kills

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Small AP Production Mk III BP
Small AP Production Mk III BP

Good, Simon, good, I can feel the hate flow through you..."

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Medium AP Production Mk III BP
Medium AP Production Mk III BP

"Now Simon, time to release our vengance on the UrQa! 

Once you have returned with proof of their demise, I shall reward you with aMedium AP Production Mk III Blueprint.

Kill them, KILL THEM ALL!!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Medium AP Production Mk III BP

Kill 25 UrQa for Dominaar Jalar to recieve a WMD Blue Print.

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Large AP Production Mk III BP
Large AP Production Mk III BP

"Now Simon, time to release our vengance on the UrQa! 

Once you have returned with proof of their demise, I shall reward you with a Large AP Production Mk III Blueprint.

Kill them, KILL THEM ALL!!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Large AP Production Mk III BP

Kill 15 UrQa for Dominaar Jalar to recieve a WMD Blue Print.

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Bastion Class Launcher Mark IV
Bastion Class Launcher Mark IV

"Now Simon, time to release our vengance on the UrQa! 

Once you have returned with proof of their demise, I shall reward you with a Bastion Class Launcher Mark IV.

Kill them, KILL THEM ALL!!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Bastion Class Launcher Mark IV

Bring 15 Qu and 10 Quu commodities from dead UrQa to Dominaar Jalar to recieve a WMD Launcher.

Location: Ordnance Command

  • Agent: Dominaar Jalar
  • Mission: Bastion Class Launcher Mark V
Bastion Class Launcher Mark V

"Now Simon, time to release our vengance on the UrQa! 

Once you have returned with proof of their demise, I shall reward you with a Bastion Class Launcher Mark V.

Kill them, KILL THEM ALL!!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Bastion Class Launcher Mark V

Bring 10 Quu and 1 Qa commodities from dead UrQa to Dominaar Jalar to recieve a WMD Launcher.