Blue Course
The Blue Course is one of the race courses in Micron. In the Micron AI base missions are aviliable to do races on the blue course. In total there are 10 races the last one giving the player the reward of Engine 20. Each race finishes at the AI base Arrival Station in the last room of Blue Course saying "That was fast! Let me check the official times!"
Map of the Track
To help those new to the racing lifestyle, here are the directions and locations of obstacles.
Gate from Micron
Located west of the sun.
Room 1 - Obstacles
Gate to Room 2 is 4k North of entry gate. At 2k North there is a horizontal row of moving Obstacle moons. If you pass within 100 distance of one it gives forced thrust and -50% speed for 5 seconds. This room is bounded; if you pass 1.5k distance from the midline while between the gates you receive forced thrust and -90% speed for 10 seconds.
Room 2 - Direction and Misdirection
Gate to Room 3 lies south. In this room there are 2 moons orbiting a point 4k south of the entry gate at a radius of 1500. The moon named Direction has a gate beneath it that leads to Room 3, the other, Misdirection, has a gate that leads you to the north gate of Room 2. Direction orbits clockwise while Misdirection orbits counterclockwise. To quickly find direction press Shift+Control and then Shift+Q. This room is not bounded.
Room 3 - Blue Gremlin Mine
Gate to Room 4 is 6k North of entry gate. In between the gates there are up to 8 Blue Gremlin racing mines that are randomly placed every 45 seconds. If you pass within 310 distance of one it shoots you imparting a tweak of forced thrust and -95% speed for 5 seconds. This room is bounded; if you pass 1.5k distance from the midline while between the gates you receive forced thrust and -90% speed for 10 seconds.
Room 4 - Stealthed mobile gate
Gate to Room 5 lies northwest. In this room the gate to Room 5 is orbiting a point 3162 northwest of the entry gate at a radius of 2000. The gate orbits clockwise through the also clockwise orbits of several dark suns. Now would be a good time to equip a more powerful radar to find the stealthed gate. This room is not bounded.
Room 5 - Key in the Mines
Key is 2828 Southwest of the entry gate and the gate to Room 6 is 2828 Southeast of entry gate. The key takes 15 seconds to respawn. There are up to 10 Blue Gremlin racing mines that are randomly placed every 45 seconds. If you pass within 310 distance of one it shoots you imparting a tweak of forced thrust and -95% speed for 5 seconds. This room is not bounded.
Room 6 - Arrival Station
Arrival Station is 1000 South of the entry gate. Gate to Room 1 is 2061 Southwest of entry gate and 1118 Southwest of Arrival Station.
Room 1 - Again
Gate to Micron is 1000 East of entry gate.