Colored Empires Zone

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Colored Empires is a content zone found off of Prism. The Colored Empires is a great place for low to mid-level players to level up. You can also train RC up to 6.

The Colored Empires mission chain (started at Refraction Station in Prism) serves as a tutorial, teaching the player skills, such as the capping of Wild Slaves and Prospecting.

  • The Blue Empire is run by the master of slaves, the Blue Emperor. He will teach you the art of Remote Control.
  • The Green Empire is the dominion of the Green Emperor, a mining mogul who's never quite satisfied. But he has valuable experience in mining and prospecting for those willing to learn.
  • The Black Empire's shadows are commanded by the Black Emperor, who will teach you, ehrm... the art of assassination.
  • The Purple Emperor and Orange Emperor are in true need of aid, however, as their empires somehow seem to be merging. The art of scanning, and investigation in general, will be necessary to determine exactly what in the name of all the space-gods is going on.