Talk:Singularity Sphere

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Revision as of 18:26, 17 November 2008 by Simon (talk | contribs) (3 revisions)

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Additions (Kevin)

Please don't make a page for something unless you actually know information on it. If you wish to discuss data about what could be on the page but don't know anything, add a comment to talk. As well, do not attribute yourself in the actual page -- if you register an account it will say your username in the page edit history.

Please also use proper English if you can to ensure the page appears properly and is readable and understandable for others. A template on how to create the standard pages on ships can be found here if you wish to add information that you know. If you are unsure of information, it can be discussed in the discussion or talk tab for the page. --Nuro 16:22, 19 February 2008 (PST)

Commodities and other stats

I have the information on this page obtained directly from the blueprint and item-form ship. Please don't change spellings or other such items, as this is exactly as it appears in the game. Its a bit annoying having to go and re-check to see what was changed incorrectly in comparison to the in-game content. --Nuro 19:51, 20 March 2008 (PDT)