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Markoz avt.jpg Started Star Sonata in 2004-12-31.

I started this game when I was in school about 14~. Found this game to be great the idea of base building and owning a system, always wanted to make a self-efficient set of bases deep in a system about 40k away from any wormhole. As things progressed I started my first team with Yurble being the councillor owning a 1 planet system in the warp 0 sector. Things were going great, had lots of minions trying to build bases for the very first time and me having amazing Adonis base gear healing away using basic augs as such. Then LC came along and Mrs Alright invited me on LC because of what I done. I became friends with some of those members on the team then left knowing full well that wasp commod was supposed to be returned.

I've forgotten what happened between this time as much as school took over most of this time with studying etc.

I then met sw03391 aka Simon, he was helping me though the loops of the game supporting my essential needs and general banter talk. One day I mistook Simon for Lord Nibbler for some unknown reason and never got in contact with Simon much, we started a team i forget its name but we owned multiple systems this time with a fully-fledged set of players who can actually build decent bases with Adonis and Argo sets! Two universe resets down the road we were in full war with Traders being trapped in 3 systems for the whole universe, which gave us enough time to build our very first Andaman sets that Lord Nibbler intended to kill Traders off with. The next universe reset came around we stayed low for a while and retaliated any Trader attacks. I believe again school took more importance over SS it probably why I don't remember much between these times as it was 6 years~ ago.

I joined Pants for 5 seconds then got booted when it was first created. Pff! I then joined DoM with ZWI, unaware he was spawning tweaks for UZ and completely annihilating the place using his DS sniper with a MD weapon.

Then joined Capitalists being a greedy bugger like usual nothing special, once that team fell apart from boredom we joined Toxic and Lord Nibbler had his summer break with no sign of his return. Being me Markoz I ranked SoD on toxic to councillor state due to the whole team believing he was the best person for the job, about 1-2 weeks later i find I'm booted, my bases and Lord Nibblers bases are battling each other out due to the argo from being booted, Of course mine died. Sometime later Lord Nibbler returned and I was very happy as it felt like years.

We got back together and started Death Mental with some of the most evil PvP people in game, killing people randomly, was good times. Then lord had a spat with someone, don't know?? And the team somehow "Extremely" slowly dying and me still waiting for his return again thinking it’s one of his summer breaks from SS. He never returned.

Leonard was chosen to be director and he did an excellent job being a replacement for Lord Nibbler Director position, very different people but he was good he kept us out of trouble and always put the team first and turned the team into a non PvP team which suited me as I wasn't insane on the PvP myself. The team still had this vision that it was falling apart and the thought its self was turning the team into drama queen state. Leonard basically had enough and left for SP our most hated enemy and so did Wolfie and Threaten.

After the team got disbanded we accomplished a miracle and created a new team under 5mins and converted all the bases over to the new team ownership. Yes this is the same time I just created a forum for DM.... So annoyingly I had to alter that. Primal Decus was the new team. I still have no clue what it means but Uth Matar thinks it’s a good name so I followed through and help support it and create it.

I left due to age, not bugs or people but after a certain time when you know you can't win due to circumstances it becomes a chore and that chore has come to me finally where Lord Nibbler won’t come back.

Lord Nibbler’s minion signing out...