Hello World II: Now what?

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If you're reading this page, you survived the Tutorial Galaxies and made it to the nexus. Now, to be fair: My last guide gave crappy advice on the nexus. Read this: Nexus

As you can see, the Nexus is an incredibly detailed system, with many wormholes, stations,and AI ships; although not very difficult.

Critical Things to do

All the missions at the central nexus station All the missions at the paxius station* (through the wormhole, press F to jump) All the missions at the Earthforce station (on an earthlike planet near the wormhole) All the missions at the Earthforce cadet training galaxy** (jump through the wormhole) Level up to 5: Weapons, Piloting, Sheild, Electrical engineering, Equipment

  • If you're not doing these missions last, wait to complete this one. You have to go to a galaxy near Sol.
    • After you do all of them, you get green missions telling you to get cadet ranks. These are good sources of weapons and money, but repeat and are not nessecary to do. Fail spelling.

Things Not to do Until you level Kill Rattie Moe Kill Agent Howzer Kill Urzod They are ubers. You MIGHT manage to kill Agent Howzer with a magcannon, his ship is slow, but the others you will die several times. Try MagCannons or such.

With this, and a couple million credits, you should have killed alot of rats and other things not so nice, and should probably be level 12 or so. I suggest a small, fast ship, like the Wingship II or Aether Scout. This way, you can outmanuver the big painful things.