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This article refers to bases owned by players, if you were looking for bases owned by AI, see AI Stations.

A base is a structure that a player can interact with. Some are player owned and some are not. Player owned bases are created with the aid of the skill Station Management. The amount of stations a character can lay is limited by its Station Management skill and the Station Management skills of the other characters on the account. The total available slots is the slots of the first character + 1/2 of the second character's + 1/3 of the third character's +1/4 etc. All skill classes can create bases, but Station Mastery gives a slight 5.5% bonus per level to most base stats, making them comparably tougher than non-mastery bases.

AI Stations

Three Example Stations

AI stations are found everywhere, sometimes with 2, 3 or up to 5(!) of them in a galaxy. In mid-Warp 3 they seem to disappear a little, but near the tail they come back. These stations are crucial to the game; they provide you with things such as workers and rations for bases, but also nuclear waste and promethium for your energy banks that need fueling.

There are several different graphics for AI stations:
- 4 in total that appear regularly in random spawns
- others that are found in pre-set galaxies, like Iq'Bana, or Glass Matrix

Tabs in the Station Menu

Station Menu

The sections found inside AI stations:


This is the place where the current status of Emperor is found (middle), the missions in the AI station you are currently docked in (lower part), and possibly a preset message like in Earth Central, Sol galaxy (this is at the top, under the tabs; eg. Earthforce is not responsible for any galaxies out there)


This is the place for purchasing items. In my opinion, it has the most information of all the main tabs, with several sub tabs: All, Commodity, Weapon, Shield, Ship, Engine, Item, Tractor, Base, Energy, Radar, Cloak, Drone and Augmenters (a tab only used by player bases). Commodities vary in variety and price at every AI station and can be used to trade; if you go to Sol you will see plenty of slaveships and AI ships doing this very thing. The rest of the sub-tabs at trade are the same at every AI station, except for those found in the pre-set galaxies, such as Glass Matrix. A few random stations throughout the universe offer a slightly wider variety of drones, weapons, base items, and items.


This is where you can find any docked ship you own on this AI station. The list must be clicked on before it loads properly and afterwards you can transfer goods from your current ship to another at the same AI station. To switch ships, double-click one of them from the list. you can also use this menu to sell ships, or all of the items in a particular ship.

Bulletin Board

This is where players pay credits to post messages for all to see in any AI station. Some advertise for their shops, while others are just bored and post whatever comes to mind. Also shows the top teams, according to score, and the top players, according to level.

Comodities Record

Gives the prices of all commodities at the stations (player and AI) at which you have looked at the prices of commodities, in one online session.


This is where you train your skills. The image shows you put into a small chamber and the various sharp tools to write the information to your brain (It apparently hurts; if you have sound, you can hear the pain). In most Warp 0, 1, or 2 AI stations, the choices are just Piloting, Weaponry, Shielding, Electrical Engineering, Engine, Radar, and Equipment. However, in higher DF galaxies there are other skills such as Programming or Remote Control (linked with slaves). Also, these higher DF galaxies have greater skill levels to train in (eg. some Warp 3 galaxies even have Equipment 13!). Special galaxies sometimes have other skills which sometimes require some sort of commodity or item as tuition.

(The bulk of this article was taken from voyager vs borg's Essay: ai stations)

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