April Fool's Day

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Lich got fooled!

Sometimes the Admins get to have fun too!

April 1, 2008

JeffL made a post in the updates forum:

"* Fixed some minor bugs

* Added Zeus, Calypso, and Hera augs for sale at the base in The End of the Universe similar to the gold and platinum in Rocky Horror. The base won't produce or consume them, but as the players buy and sell, the prices will change. Starting price for each is 1 bil, but that will probably change quickly."

As one would no doubt imagine, the augs were nowhere to be found once in The End of the Universe, leaving disgruntled players to find that Minor Docking and Minor Agility were for sale in their place.

Julian Decided to pretended to ban everyone from the forums.

April 1, 2009

Caelestis made a post in Dev notes on the forum:

"The new 'UZ' is finally live and accessible via a wormhole connected to sol Sol. This UZ is the next step of player progression and features the following.

  • Immersive story line detailing the further struggles of the Paxians and UrQa
  • Lots of challenging new content.
  • Over twenty new galaxies.
  • Lasers Immune AI and Bosses.
  • Fun and exciting new missions.
  • Over 200 new items.
  • Ridiculous difficulty level.
  • So much more
  • An entirely new 'Uber Zone'
  • Powerful new enemies for your fleet to engage.

I've been working extremely hard on this for a very long time, I hope everyone enjoys the next big challenge in SS!


Note that the first letter of each list item is an anagram for April Fool's. There was in fact a gate in Sol to Wolf 359, but the galaxy was unfinished and did not lead to an also unfinished Iq' UrQ'akuq.