Blue Outpost

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A screenshot of the Blue Outpost star system. AI, a wormhole, and a sun can be seen here.
A screenshot of the Blue Outpost Space Base.

Blue Outpost is the home of the notorious Blue Pirates. Their one and only permanent settlement, also called Blue Outpost (lets face it, pirates have no imagination), quietly orbits the sun, hidden among the asteroids of the outer ring. Blue Pirates, piloting their Space Blue Alpha Scouts, Space Blue Alphas and slightly more advanced Space Blue Alpha Interceptors, are dominant in this galaxy, though some adventurous wingships and zebucarts call it their home as well. More recently, some rogue Earthforce patrollers have invaded the galaxy, and will attack players who have not completed certain Earthforce missions from Sol.



There are two low level and one midlevel dungeon galaxies available for exploration: Jimmy's Hole, Barbe Bleu's Refuge, Blue Research. Aethers can be found inside the remains of defeated Space Blue Alpha ships and Space Blue Alpha Interceptors. Blue Vapours may be found mining the medium to small sized asteroids.

Mining Sites

The two asteroid belts orbiting the central sun, can provide a determined miner with some valuable commodities. Tin, Titanium, Copper, Copper Chunks, Silver, Blue whispers and some Blue vapors can be found in the inner asteroid ring. The outer ring is not quite as rich, dropping Tin, Titanium, Copper, and Fermium, but might be worth exploring by players who need blue whispers and some blue vapors.

Blue Research

The gate to Blue Research, where Blue Pirate scientists are tirelessly working on perfecting Blue Pirate technologies is located in the eastern part of the galaxy. Due to heightened security, it requires a blue vapor to enter.


Blue Outpost