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Charries: stargeneral, Lethal Dosage, Sodomy, stargeneral2 (acsess to all of YMAI's chars as well as a few other teamies)

Team: Ninth Sphere

Position: Co-Director

History: This is the page detailing the great and glorious history of me, stargeneral. I started somewhere around the year 2005 as a wee F2p. I advanced to level 20 on a few alts and hopped team to team until I settled onto Sheilds.

I played for a long while, but became bored, and Star Sonata became a long forgotten and dusty relic on my computer. Several years later (2008ish) I decide to pay for the game and give it another go.

My first run in with UZ ships and Capships scared the hell out of me, oh how the game had progressed. I threw in with MAD for a while, and was an officer of some importance for months.

I then got back into contact with my good old director Apper of Sheilds, who had also come back to play for some while now. Sheilds was slowly gaining strength again, and with Appers guidance I started my climb to uberness as a Drone Master.

Months later I was destroying most things in game with my broken-ass drones, and the ever uber Armada Charges. The admins blindsided me with the drone nerf, which really made things tougher on me, forcing me to revert to base things and more economic pursuits.

Sheilds was once again a very powerful team, with a floating spot in the top 10. Then, Splinter Faction. Appropriately named, Loonie and more then half of Sheilds split off into this new team, leaving us in an incredibly weakened state. Ganos, a veteran player and good fried of Appers was on the team now, and filled the councillor spot Loonie left vacant along with Darkblood, who didnt use his power as counc on any occassion to my knowledge, but was a great guy and well liked either way.

Another uni reset, and Sheilds held Omega and some other gals wedged in by Zephyr in south Warp 3. I was offered the councillor spot, replacing Darkblood; and refused it. I couldn't boot Darkblood out of his spot, he was too nice of a guy. From then on in however, I slowly became an even more active Councillor and Negotiator for the team then both Ganos and Apper, often dealing with most concerns sent our way, including keeping Starbawk from sending Zephyr into war with us on a few occasions.

By now I may have forgotten to mention we had picked up a noob named your mother and i, who I be-friended, and watched as he surpassed me in level and riches. It stung me to see him rise so quickly, but other then some choice arguments we got along rather well, him even loaning me several bils on occasions for high-ticket items.

I built a set of 5 merc disses, (which were still rare back then, I had one of a handful of sets) and bought a CaZ, as I was planning on going zerk on star in a Zebra I was building. I eventually sold the Zebra to pay ymai off and fund other things, choosing to wait.

Near the end of the uni Core was picking at us, and not doing any real damage, but I was forced into selling the Lion commod I had recently nabbed for a measly 20b to avert war. I was ridiculed a long while for this, but eventually people saw it was not my fault, and I was given another commod, on the condition I split the money I made equally among the sqaud that was with me, which I did.

The uni reset was coming, and I was finallizing the transaction on an account to purchase. I ended up buying the Kinky account containing the Lethal Dosage and Sodomy charries, most notabally. This was perhaps the best move in my SS career, as it cost me very little as I knew the seller and was given a spectacular deal.

All of the charries had IT skills, as well as bar skills and other expensive things. Just before I did anything with the account, an emp run yielded an emp protector*, modded for shield bank; it was purely godly. I won it of course, much to the grudging hate of my teammates, and it was soon to become the centerpeice of my zerker.

The Lethal Dosage account now became my zerker, with a handful of skills I filled in, and of course all of the gear, as the accounts were stripped. I used LD's rosy as my zerker ship with CaL, CaZ, Zmast, discovering the uber-ness of the setup with my Emp Protector* was fully realized.

I not only DG'ed like a dream with reaper pride all uni (this is how he ahieved levels 1600-2550ish on his monk) and earned tons of cash and dem. Coupled with the 4 slot heavy ada planet I had in Artemis, which was fortified with 2 real ada 20's and several dem 18's, I had the means to really jumpstart my building. I built an SS to ease base building along with the rest of the team.

This is when Tobal tossed all of the shields from many Death Mental gals, and the USA was massing to attack. I was the highest ranking member on (I acted as a counc) and sealed the agreement to actively join the USA alliance. At this point I was in position to raid many severely weakened gals with tossed gear, and I refused to act upon sabatoge, instead joining a bulky USA force in attacking a few fully functional gals, with very marginal sucsess; though I am glad to this day I did not attack base shells and stab Death Mental in the back, as I do have some sense of honor.

The PvP with DM raged, and this is what I consider the most fun time I have ever had in SS. I take PvP very impersonally; I don't mind dying, and I never take it too far; it IS a game. I actually talked to Death Mental players quite a bit, such as bling, helro, Leo, Gij, and even Anni a few times, often sitting in vent with them and laughing about battles as I fought them.

I was most notable using YMAI's Panther which was quite uber at this time, and racked up a high positive GG count, and starting the general jibe that I was much better a SD PvP'er then ymai himself on his own SD main, causing some tension between us that never really went away.

I had some great fun and met some great guys, enemies and allies alike during the war. It carried into next uni, when I finally recieved my Lion on LD, built on pants proddy at the start of the next uni. Lethal was amazingly uber, besting almost any endgame zerker I faced, with the exception of one I cant recall who outsmarted me.

I was very proud of the char, and used him more and more. I continued to gather money from cols even with crappy gals, and life was good. At this point Sheilds had a few lions and several other high end charries, and we were finally dipping back into the top 10 as a powerful team, and in my opinion we were one of the most powerful in the USA due to our sheer activeness and how often we brought PvP to DM, even rivaling LC's determination.

At this point Trevor ran for emp on his team Strawberry Pancakes, who were quite powerful and allied with the very large and well geared team Eminence Front. This prompted a ceasefire between USA and Death Mental, and people were speechless as the two warring powers combined forces to destroy the palace, cutting Trevors rein short.

Death Mental remained in posession of the palace for a short time, until a strong counter attack from SP-EF forces reclaimed Anatolia. The palace was held by Jey for a fairly long period. turning away a handful of counter attacks, many of which I participated in if I wasn't working. I WAS at work during a sucsessful tractoring of the palace, and its destruction a bit later.

From then on in no serious emp attempts were made, and we continued to grow as a team, now at full peace with Death Mental. At this point Sheilds could have became a very powerful team, but interfighting drug us down, and led to our eventual demise.

Me and ymai had grown bitter over the last little bit, often fighting, though we often got over in eventually. The real problem was inter-team alliances, so to speak. Brindlebull and Projectile as well as Danger and Jrod were a faction, with me and ymai fending for ourselves. Apper slowly grew more distant, weary of the fighting and petty arguments. Ganos was becoming a very harsh counc, using his power too much and hoarding commods in some people's opinion. I myself got into a very heated dispute with Ganos several times, before something finally broke in the team.

People started proclaiming they were leaving at the uni end, most notabally Ganos to Traders. Apper sealed the deal by announcing he was taking a break and purging sheilds for the time being. We scrambled for a solution, all numbed by the fact that our much loved team was crumbling around us. My friends from other teams extended invites to me, but I was confused as to what I wanted, and couldn't decide. The closest offer I came to accepting, and even regret refusing to some extent is that of a spot on Strawberry Pancakes.

Eventually I decided to Co-Direct a "re-birth" of Sheilds with YMAI, though there was still fighting and shaky friendships. After hours of debate, we chose the name Ninth Sphere, meaning where gods reside, and followed through with the uni reset.

We managed to nab a sizable chunk of space, with some valuble commods and colony planets among the many gals. The elation of a well done reset and the teamwork needed to build up our defences and team brought us all together, even my and ymai becoming close again and working well together.

Me and YMAI learned to work well to complement eachother as leaders; him being more bold and agressive, while I was the voice of reason, a skilled negotiator; both of us lending our fortunes, skills, and knowledge to bettering the team, our team members, and eachother.

To this day Ninth Sphere grows constantly, always advancing. We still see many petty sqaubbles in team chat, but we've learned to work together and thats what counts, the most notable old sheilds members being Me, YMAI, Jrod, Danger, Projectile, Neba, DkM, Rhomm, Balls to jaw and Jman.

I myself continue to thrive today, due in part to very high ada prices, and skimming money off the top of ymai's vast fortune (Joking, YMAI)and am working on my SD (Sodomy) and ShM (Stargeneral2).

For now this is Stargen signing off! <3 all the great people I've met on SS, you know who you are! :D