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A screenshot of the Paxius star system.

Paxius is a star system boasting 4 AI controlled starbases and is the home of the peaceful, noble explorer-race, the Paxians. Since this is the home galaxy of the Paxians, it is always off-limits to player construction. Nonetheless, it is a very important galaxy and contains quite a few missions that focus on the Paxians penchant for exploration. Unfortunately, since the Paxians are a nonaggressive race, their merchants have fallen prey to pirates countless times, most recently to the nefarious Barbe Rouge. Despite the pirate attacks, the Paxians are always willing to help a player, and by helping the Paxians explore the universe, that player can earn rewards that are sure to please.


Paxius Prime
  • Warp Navigation: Max Level 1, 3 Ancient Pax Medal per lvl required.
  • Cloaking: Max Level 1, 1 Ancient Pax Medal per lvl required.
Celestica Secondus
Astronomica Tertius
Serenity (Invisible Base)

Serenity Base

A secret, invisible base can be found west of the other bases in Paxius. It is completely invisible; it's located where the two dark suns meet or if you use galactic locator its at (-5237,1822).

Unique things for sale

Paxius Prime
  • Paximinus
  • Paxian Space Suit ( required for the mission at hidden base in Hyperion )


NOTE: All missions have Ancient Pax Medals as a Reward.

Paxius Prime
Celestica Secondus

NOTE: These missions all have 2 Ancient Pax Medal as a reward. (Begin after the Paxius Prime missions are done)

Astronomica Tertius
  • Pax Legacy reward mission.
  • Light of Mythos reward mission.
  • Pax Legacy Scanner reward mission.
  • Missions for the Temporal Generator start here.
  • Paxian Warp 4 Mission, Reward: Pax Emblem.
  • The Enigmatic Sector Missions start here.