Wild Space

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Wild Space is one of several Layers found ingame, and is almost entirely dedicated to base building. There is PvP in Wild Space while galaxies are unowned.

Wild Space is a semi-premium area, meaning that non-premium players can access it, but their slaves cannot follow them, they can't fire weapons, deploy drones, or use anything considered a weapon, including tractors (however, they can still use prospecting tractors). Base building is also only for premium players here.



As the name implies, Wild Space isn't owned by any faction, instead it's a huge layer made just for players to deploy bases and exploit planets for resources.

Base Building

You can build in every star system with the exception of the north, south, east and west entrances, which are protected by Earthforce.

Points of Interest

  • XYZ - The X and Y bases give you hints as to the whereabouts of the hidden Z base, in addition to this there is a nearby sun that generates Cloud Mercury asteroids.