Engineer Missions

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Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Quark "Warpjumper" Ciscko
  • Mission: So, You're an Engineer?
So, You're an Engineer?

You approach a wirey man with glasses who seems engrossed with the blueprints sitting in front of him.
As you get closer he turns to you, pushes his glasses back up onto his nose and greets you.

"You must be new around here, I've never seen you before. Hmm, that would make sense now wouldn't it?
Anyway, if I've never seen you before, I guess I can assume you don't know who I am either, right?
Then I should introduce myself! I am Quark "Warpjumper" Ciscko, and you are? Hmmm, good enough but you need a nickname like mine!
So, you're an Engineer? Ah, you'll have a nickname soon enough then! You just need to get to tinkering, which reminds me..

Quark "Warpjumper" Ciscko walks over to the blueprints he was studying when you first entered the room. 

"Anyway, these are the plans for my next great invention. 
It's for a personal transportation device that bends the space-time continuum
 and creates localized wormholes allowing near instananous travel between two points!
Sure, there are other devices like this out there, but none of them are as good as this one!
Actually, I designed the first device like this, the nickname, remember? What?! How can I invent something already invented?
I'm inventing the upgrade! 

"Well, I would be inventing the upgrade. I could build my prototype, but I am missing some of the vital materials.
Normally Lyceum has Engineer's Workshop fully stocked with anything I would need,
but the latest shipment of Plasma Capacitors was stolen by pirates.
If you could reclaim a few Capacitors, that would be great!
Maybe I could even find you a workshop where you could work on your own inventions!"

* Credits given: 1000000
* Experience given.

Bring Quark "Warpjumper" Ciscko 3 Plasma Capacitors to help with his tinkering.
These can be found on Blue Pirates in Blue Outpost.

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Quark "Warpjumper" Ciscko
  • Mission: So, You're an Engineer?
So, You're an Engineer?

"Finally! I can get to work on the prototype, now if I could figure out what to call it..."

Quark "Warpjumper" Ciscko thinks for a few minutes before his eyes light up and he turns back to you. 

"I have it! I'll call it the Warpjumper X-treme 4000. How's that for a slick name, eh, Simon?"

Engineer Drone Controller

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Jordan "Plasmaburn" Lofrag
  • Mission: From the beginning... Blueprints.
From the beginning... Blueprints.

As you enter Engineer's Workshop, you are greeted by a solid man with a black beard.
You don't know why you notice it, but he's bald.

    "Simon! I thought I'd introduce myself, I'm Jordan "Plasmaburn" Lofrag. Hmm, you don't have a nickname yet, do you?
You'll earn one soon enough, as long as you start tinkering. Come up with one good invention and you're set for life here. 

"Now, on that note, I'm working on my next big project, I can't release too many details on it... but it's big.
As you know, every project starts with blueprints, then prototypes until you have it all wrapped up.
I need to do mine in kind of the reverse order... so I need the schematics to other projects so I can make my prototype!

Jordan "Plasmaburn" Lofrag notices your puzzled look. 

"I know exactly what you're thinking. 'How can I invent something new using someone else's plans?'
Guess I have to leak some details on my project, but whatever you do, don't tell 'Warpjumper'.
He'd jump all over this in an instant! I'm making an Omniprint Schematic Library!
It's a blueprint that has the blueprints to all other blueprints and to top it off it comes in three shades of blue!

"So, you think you can help me?" says Jordan "Plasmaburn" Lofrag grinning.

* Credits given: 1500000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Engineer Drone Controller

Bring Jordan "Plasmaburn" Lofrag the following: 1 Arson Drone Blueprint, 1 Atom and Bits Blueprint, 1 Incineration Blueprint,
1 Luscious North Blueprint, 1 Jade Thorax Blueprint. These can be found in DG Galaxies or purchased from other players.

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Jordan "Plasmaburn" Lofrag
  • Mission: From the beginning... Blueprints.
From the beginning... Blueprints.

Jordan "Plasmaburn" Lofrag has a giant grin as you hand over the plans to him. 

"This is great, hell, you brought me enough blueprints to jumpstart this project faster than Quark over there could jump away!
This one is going to be big, bigger than my last invention.
'Omniprint' that has a nice ring to it and it can't be confused with a serious injury!

"I owe you big time, so lets see..."
Jordan "Plasmaburn" Lofrag heads over to a computer monitor and pulls up an inventory listing.
"Hmm.. no. No. I couldn't ever part with that one.... wouldn't want that... couldn't use that..
couldn't even dream of using that... wait, this one looks promising."

"Ok, since you helped me out, I'm going to give you an Engineer Drone Controller.
This thing will amp your drones up so much you won't know what to do with them!
Oh, and Simon. Come back some time, I'd love to help you with your inventions!"

Engineer Chain Transfer MK I

Testing the Prototype

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Kaylee Grand
  • Mission: Testing the Prototype
Testing the Prototype

As you exit your ship you see a team working on another close to yours.
Before long, one of the workers sees you watching and walks over.
"Hi! You must be Simon. I've heard all about you." says the woman who approached you.
"I'm Engineer Kaylee Grand, and it's nice to finally meet you."

"Just between you and me, some of the Engineers here are all about nicknames and personal glory. Me?
I'm here to actually do some good and invent something really useful... which I think I just did!
Anyway, I hate to bug you, but I really could use some help testing my prototype." Engineer Kaylee Grand sighs.
"Warpjumper and Omniprint back there are too busy thinking up the next big thing to keep their names on the holonets,
they won't lend me a hand unless my life depends on it.

"I'm gonna be leaving soon, so if you don't mind... meet me in Underworld.
I'm gonna test out a new shield transfer I just designed. When you get there, I'll fill you in on the details.
Oh, and don't worry, I'll give you something for helping me out. It'll be good too.

Engineer Kaylee Grand smiles and as she looks back at her ship it quickly becomes a look of horror. She turns back to you. 

"Sorry, but I really have to get back up there, those guys are going to screw the entire installation up!"

* Credits given: 2500000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Engineer Chain Transfer MK I

Travel to Underworld and help Engineer Kaylee Grand test her prototype weapon.

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Kaylee Grand
  • Mission: Testing the Prototype
Testing the Prototype

By the time you've finished docking, Engineer Kaylee Grand is already out of her ship and waiting for you.
When she sees you leave she runs over.

"Wow Simon! Wow! That was amazing. I never would have guessed that you could pull this off!

Engineer Kaylee Grand stops to compose herself again. 

"I'm sorry, I must have been rambling! I'm just so excited.... Oh, that's right! I think I said I'd help you out for helping me.
So, how would you like an Engineer Chain Transfer?

"All this work I've done with Shield Modulation and Transference,
pretty complex stuff that usually the whitecoats at the Shield Monkey Labs worry about. To think...
I came up with a specialized shield transfer that can overcharge the shields on the primary target
and create another transfer to any other nearby target! It's amazing I thought of it first! Here I'll let you have this one,
I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of these soon.

"Thanks again for the help Simon" says Engineer Kaylee Grand smiling.

Energy Compressmotron 1000

Portable Potables

Requires Engineer Class 11

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Quark "Warpjumper" Ciscko
  • Mission: Portable Potables
Portable Potables

Quark "Warpjumper" Ciscko appears to be plasma-welding something as you approach his bench.
When he notices you he lifts up his goggles and smiles. 

"So, Simon, back again? And you still don't have a nickname! When are you going to get to work on your invention!?
You noticed what I'm working on? Well, you must have, there is no way you didn't. I mean it's right here!"
He adjusts his glasses. "Think you can keep this a secret?
I'm making a new Neurotweak Factory... now if I could come up with a fancy acronym, then it might really take off! 

"This is just the prototype." says Quark "Warpjumper" Ciscko walking around the workbench.
"But when it's done, it'll pop out Neurotweaks for anyone ... anywhere! Now, I bet you would like one ... and I need some help,
you get what I'm getting at? Just go out and collect a few spare parts for me, and as soon as I'm done with this,
I'll give you one!

"OK. I'll need a Laconia Framework, some Quantumum Infused Cells, and Photon Transprinter.
I have a buddy in Blue Photon over in Beta Antares, maybe you could go talk to him for me, see if he can get what I need for this?
Hmm, he should have what I need, why would I send you to see him if he didn't?"

* Experience given.

Go speak to BPSR Dmitri Woeblephottn in Beta Antares and see if you can aquire the supplies that Quark "Warpjumper" Ciscko needs.

Location: Beta Antares Shipyards, Beta Antares

  • Agent: BPSR Dmitri Woeblephottn
  • Mission: Portable Potables
Portable Potables

"A Laconia Frameverk, five Quantumum Infused Power Cells un a Photon Transprinter?! Dis not goot for you I think."

Laconia Framework

Location: Beta Antares Shipyards, Beta Antares

  • Agent: BPSR Dmitri Woeblephottn
  • Mission: Laconia Framework
Laconia Framework

"Ok" says Lars as he points to the monitor. "If you vant a Laconia Frameverk, it seems dat Engineer Brinksty in Serpica,
he construct dem dere. He vill not do it unless you provide him vith dee materials. Lets see."

"You vill need... two Laconia Sheets. I trust deese vill not be too hard for you to find?
Tell him hello for me, it has been a long vile since I've have seen him."

* Experience given.
* Reward: Laconia Framework

Bring Engineer Brinksty in Serpica 2 Laconia Sheets so he can construct a Laconia Framework.

Location: Scale Center, Serpica

  • Agent: Engineer Brinksty
  • Mission: Laconia Framework
Laconia Framework

"It has been a very long while since I last spoke to him. So, you are looking for a Laconia Framework?
You have the Laconia Sheets? Great! Lets get started already."

Quantumum Infused Power Cell

Location: Beta Antares Shipyards, Beta Antares

  • Agent: BPSR Dmitri Woeblephottn
  • Mission: Quantumum Infused Power Cell
Quantumum Infused Power Cell

"Quantumum Infused Power Cells... Vee normally have dem here... but as I say before, dey haf gone missing.
Dere is wery good news, vee can make dem here!"

"You vill just need to bring me five Quantumum, un fifty metals. Vith dat, vee can make you dee power cells you need!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Quantumum Infused Power Core
* Reward: Quantumum Infused Power Core
* Reward: Quantumum Infused Power Core
* Reward: Quantumum Infused Power Core
* Reward: Quantumum Infused Power Core

Bring BPSR Dmitri Woeblephottn 5 Quantumum and 50 Metals so he can build you 5 Quantumum Infused Power Cores.

Location: Beta Antares Shipyards, Beta Antares

  • Agent: BPSR Dmitri Woeblephottn
  • Mission: Quantumum Infused Power Cell
Quantumum Infused Power Cell

"Ok, vee have everything for the Power Cores. Goot. I vill get deese materials sent to fabrication right avay!
Den you vill have the cores you need in no time!"

Photon Transprinter

Location: Beta Antares Shipyards, Beta Antares

  • Agent: BPSR Dmitri Woeblephottn
  • Mission: Photon Transprinter
Photon Transprinter

Looking at the computer moniter again, BPSR Dmitri Woeblephottn smiles. 

"Dere is more wery good news for you. If you vant a Photon Transprinter, all you have to do is ask the Paxian.
Dey make dem un dey vill share dem with you if you ask. Just go to Paxius and find dere secret station. Wery simple, no?"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Photon Transprinter

Meet Halimaoris to obtain a Photon Transprinter

Location: Astronomica Tertius, Paxius

  • Agent: Halimaoris
  • Mission: Photon Transprinter
Photon Transprinter

"What is that, you require a Photon Transprinter for Engineer Research? Most interesting indeed.
Neurotweak factories, yes, this is a very interesting field of study, is it not Simon?
We have them here, yes, and we could let you have one. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. Let us know of your success!"

Putting the pieces together

Location: Beta Antares Shipyards, Beta Antares

  • Agent: BPSR Dmitri Woeblephottn
  • Mission: Portable Potables? Perhaps not.
Portable Potables? Perhaps not.

Josef, a dark haired man, looks at you and says "Dis is not goot" again. You ask him why. 

"Haf you no idea, these are wery hard parts to find. Even vee do not keep dem un hand.
Und the vones vee do normally have here, dey have gone... missing. But... I do owe Qvark a fawor, so I see what I can do."

BPSR Dmitri Woeblephottn motions you over to a nearby console.

* Credits given: 5000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Energy Compressmotron 1000

Gather all the parts Quark "Warpjumper" Ciscko needs to complete his prototype.

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Quark "Warpjumper" Ciscko
  • Mission: Portable Potables? Perhaps not.
Portable Potables? Perhaps not.

"Yes... yes... YES!" says BPSR Dmitri Woeblephottn each 'yes'
more enthusiastic than the last as a neurotweak pops out of the oddly shaped box on his workbench. 

"Amazing isn't it? Of course it is, otherwise I wouldn't be asking!" he says proudly. "Hmm, now that this prototype is done,
I can work on making different types of these. Energy Tweaks are nice... but why stop there?
This is the kind of thing that gets someone a new nickname!"

"So, I'll you have this prototype for all your help... but you have to promise not to let Omniprint and Knockout see it.
I mean, just think if they claimed this invention! I'd never get my new nickname!"

Engineer Transfer Station

Five of Seven?

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Jordan "Plasmaburn" Lofrag
  • Mission: Codename: Five of Seven?
Codename: Five of Seven?

"Oh, hey!" says Jordan "Omniprint" Lofrag when he sees you in the Workshop.
"I hear you've been helping out some of the other Engineers here again.
You know... you'll never earn that nickname helping the other guys get famous.
I mean, Warpjumper is looking at a new nickname, and Knockout? She'll be known as Chainheals before long!

"But.. as long as you're helping out..." he says slyly.

You let Jordan "Omniprint" Lofrag know you'll help him out with his next big invention.

"Great! Now, I need you to go meet with Johnathan Wayne, he's already in on Five of Seven. You like that?
It's a codename I made upt to keep my project secret. You see..
it's my fifth project, and most engineer's are tapped by the time they're on their seventh. Clever, huh? 

"Regardless, those other guys will never catch on! This is going to be a big advance in drone technology, you know... a big one.
Johnathan Wayne is housed over in Perpetual Motion.
It's an annoying place, but some of the best drone minds in the universe can be found there. 

Jordan "Omniprint" Lofrag leans in close. "And lets keep this one hush-hush. The less the other engineers know, the better."

* Experience given.

Travel to Perpetual Motion and meet Johnathan Wayne.

Location: Drone Corp. Universal, Perpetual Motion

  • Agent: Johnathan Wayne
  • Mission: Codename: Five of Seven?
Codename: Five of Seven?

"So, you're Simon." says a clean cut, tall dark haired man.
"Jordan "Omniprint" Lofrag sent me a message, told me you'ld be on your way. If you don't know already, I'm Johnathan Wayne.
You're here to provide the muscle for this project. Me? I'm here to give you an idea of how to use that muscle."

Drone Corp.

Location: Drone Corp. Universal, Perpetual Motion

  • Agent: Johnathan Wayne
  • Mission: Drone Corp.
Drone Corp.

Johnathan Wayne has been giving you a tour of the Drone Corp. Station.
After a rather lengthy dialouge about the production capabilities, he takes you to a very complex computer display. 

"This is where we control drone fabrication. Once we have the schematic uploaded,
we can use the automated facility to produce that drone in massive quantities. Lofrag has created a new type of drone,
a very powerful support platform. He contacted me looking to use the production facilities here to create the first production
model as well as assess the realistic costs of mass production.

"As we normally do, to we had him send the blueprints by courier,
instead of transmission to ensure they weren't 'rerouted' and..." Johnathan Wayne sighs.
"... they ended up being 'rerouted' anyway. The courier's ship was hijacked by pirates and whisked away to Bonnet. 

"In the best intrests of public relations and corperate profit, Lofrag doesn't know this yet.
I told him the assessment was taking some time and I could use a bit of help. So, here you are.
The blueprints Lofrag sent me for his Five of Seven project were the original copies, and now I don't have them.
This is where I need your help.

"From our best information, the courier is being detained in the pirate base in Bonnet, he still has the blueprints.
Earthforce has been sending in patrols to break the blockade on Ringworld,
so maybe you can make it in to Bonnet with one of those. Meet the Courier, get the blueprints and make it back here.
Then maybe we can make Lofrag's latest dream a reality."

* Experience given.

Travel to Bonnet and dock at the hidden pirate base. There you will meet the courier.

Location: Bonnet Hideout, Bonnet

  • Agent: Drone Corp. Courier
  • Mission: Drone Corp.
Drone Corp.

"It takes a lot of guts to get in here. But do ya've the guts to get me out?!"

Returning Five of Seven

Location: Bonnet Hideout, Bonnet

  • Agent: Drone Corp. Courier
  • Mission: Returning Five of Seven
Returning Five of Seven

"Ya know there's a lot of pirates out there right? You're prolly not gonna to make it out alive. But yar gonna try it anyway,
I know it. So, if ya get me back to Drone Corp. that's great, but if you don't..." Drone Corp. Courier sighs. "Oh well."

"Oh and one of the pirates out there has the blueprints I was carryin'.
Yar gonna have find the one that has 'em and kill 'em to get 'em back. If you do it, great, but if you don't..."
He sighs again. "Oh well."

* Experience given.
* Reward: Engineer Transfer Station
* Reward: Engineer Transfer Station
* Reward: Engineer Transfer Station

Kill Basil and Parsley pirates in Bonnet until you reclaim the Five of Seven Blueprint.

Location: Drone Corp. Universal, Perpetual Motion

  • Agent: Johnathan Wayne
  • Mission: Returning Five of Seven
Returning Five of Seven

Johnathan Wayne looks extremely relieved when you enter the docking bay with Drone Corp. Courier.
He runs up to you and asks "You have the Five of Seven plans right?" You pull out a small datadisc and hand it to him. 

"Great! It was really risky to misinform Lofrag like that, but it looks like it's going to payoff.
Now if I can have these specs fed into our computers... we can start production!
I'll send a message back to Lofrag letting him know everything is back on schedule
and that this is going to be an extremely profitable arrangement." 

Drone Corp. Courier calls his assistant over. "Take these plans and get them into our computers right away."
He turns back to you and gives a puzzled look. "I still can't figure out why he's calling these drones Five of Seven though.
Pretty weird name for a drone, isn't it... or is it? I keep having this feeling I've heard something like that somewhere before."
He shrugs. "What does it matter anyway? Just a crazy name for a very useful drone.

"Now, since you helped Drone Corp... Drone Corp. is going to help you.
Within a few minutes we should have the first production models of the Five of Seven and I would like you to have them.
And if you ever want more... Drone Corp will deliver!"

Production of Five of Seven

Location: Drone Corp. Universal, Perpetual Motion

  • Agent: Johnathan Wayne
  • Mission: Production of Five of Seven
Production of Five of Seven

"Oh, it's you again! I can't thank you enough for all the help." says Johnathan Wayne. 

"I take it you want to make a drone from our database Didn't_Say? I think I know what you're after."
Johnathan Wayne smiles and continues "But, why don't you refresh me. Five of Seven? I knew it." 

Johnathan Wayne walks over to a nearby computer terminal and keys in a few commands. "So, if you want some of these made,
you'll need to bring me 100 Metals, 2 Silver Bars and 2 Shield Transference III. Considering your record,
I don't think that'll be too hard to do, wii it? I'll see you when you get back here with the materials!"

* Reward: Engineer Transfer Station
* Reward: Engineer Transfer Station
* Reward: Engineer Transfer Station
* Reward: Engineer Transfer Station
* Reward: Engineer Transfer Station

To make Five of Seven drones, you'll need to bring 100 Metals,
2 Silver Bars and 2 Shield Transference III to the Drone Corp. Headquarters.

Your Project

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand
  • Mission: And your 'Big Project' is?
And your 'Big Project' is?

Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand greets you with a friendly smile as you entire her workshop. 

"So Simon, I bet you wonder what help you're going to 'volunteer' this time?
Well, it's the other way around this time, gonna help YOU out.
Here you've spent all your time helping out the other engineers here and you still haven't even started a project of your own!

"I have a few ideas I can let you have, you just need to let me know which one you want to work on. Whaddya think about that?"


Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand
  • Mission: And your 'Big Project' is?
And your 'Big Project' is?

Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand shows you three schematics via a holoprojector in her workshop.

Energizing Beam

Take the Schematic to Serpica

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand
  • Mission: Energizing Beam Prototype
Energizing Beam Prototype

"Oh, that one?" says Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand when you inform her of your decision.
"Yeah, the Energizing Beam is an idea that I've had for a while. It's a super upgraded energy transfer beam!
If you really want to work on it, I'll let you have my initial schematics, but you're gonna have to do the rest.

"Also, if you want to work on this one, you can only work on this one. I can't give away all my ideas now can I?

"Ok? So are you sure this is what you want to work on? Then take these blueprints and head over to Serpica.
You might find some help there getting the materials you need to construct the prototype, I think so anyway.
From what I've heard, Engineer Brinksty is working on high energy field modulation.
It won't be easy but I'm sure you're gonna pull it off. Good Luck!"

Take the Energizing Beam Schematic to Engineer Brinksty in Serpica.

Location: Scale Center, Serpica

  • Agent: Engineer Brinsky
  • Mission: Energizing Beam Prototype
Energizing Beam Prototype

"A high energy physics project involving field modulation, this is going in a direction I like.
A direction much more interesting than making Laconia Framework."
says Engineer Brinksty getting more excited by the moment.
"How about I take a look at those blueprints you have then?"

Constructing the Beam Prototype

Location: Scale Center, Serpica

  • Agent: Engineer Brinsky
  • Mission: Constructing the Prototype
Constructing the Prototype

"If we're going to make a transfer beam with this much delta,
we're going to need a pretty powerful energy source to start with." muses Engineer Brinksty. 

"We're also going to want a base to build off, so odds are you're going to need a beam emitter as well...
Even a tractor beam could be modifed enough to allow for the transfer levels this blueprint is calling for.
You'll need a pretty powerful beam though, not your typical Winston's Wobbler.

Engineer Brinksty chuckles to himself at his own joke.

"It's going to be hard work, I'll tell you that much Simon. I'll stay here and hash out these designs some.
How 'bout you head out into the field and try to find some materials that might work?
Bring back anything you can find that might be useful!"

* Reward: Energizing Beam Prototype

Find Engineer Brinksty some materials to build the prototype Energizing Beam with.

0 / 1 Hitchhiker Beta obtained
0 / 1 Cosmic Vacuum obtained
0 / 1 Graviton Beam IV obtained
0 / 5 Hellfire Plasma obtained
0 / 25 Metals obtained
0 / 25 Rations obtained

Location: Scale Center, Serpica

  • Agent: Engineer Brinsky
  • Mission: Constructing the Prototype
Constructing the Prototype

You hand Engineer Brinksty an inventory listing containing everything you brought back. 

"Some of this will work, some of this won't. Not too sure what you were thinking when you picked up the rations either.
Regardless, it's looking like we have everything we need to at least get started on a prototype..."

After a few hours of hard work, the prototype is finished. 

"There we go, a high energy transfer beam prototype.
I'll let you have this, you'll have to bring it back when you're ready to finish the real deal."

Go back to Serpica

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand
  • Mission: Finishing the Project
Finishing the Project

Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand has a smile when she walks over. 

"You put a lot of time into that prototype, why don't you finish it up already?
I'm sure if you head back over to Serpica, Engineer Brinksty would love to get it finished up. So, what's stopping you?"

Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand starts to walk away and then turns back around. She has a big grin.

"You know, you might even get a nickname if you finish this up."

* Experience given.

Meet Engineer Brinksty in Serpica.

Location: Scale Center, Serpica

  • Agent: Engineer Brinsky
  • Mission: Finishing the Project
Finishing the Project

"So, we're finally going to finish up that transfer beam? Great!"

Energizing Beam Completed

Location: Scale Center, Serpica

  • Agent: Engineer Brinsky
  • Mission: Finishing the Project
Energizing Beam... Completed!

"Hmm, so you're back to finish up the project? How has the prototype held up for you?" says Engineer Brinksty.

"Yeah, it seems in good shape, and it seems like it's done its job. But I bet we could make it even better!
We just need something to facilitate a stronger energy transfer beam...

Engineer Brinksty scratches his head, and after a few minutes of thought, begins to get excited.

"I've got it! We have to go to an organic source to find the components we need!
Simon, have you heard of the 'Copper Creatures'?
They have the ability to synthesize matter from energy using a specialized gland.
This just might be what we need to facilitate the energy flow to obtain a higher delta!
How about it? You head to Copper and bring back some of these glands.
Then we can work on finishing up this already. This is going to be one hell of an energy transfer beam!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Energizing Beam

Destroy Copper Creatures in Copper 7 to obtain Molten Copper Glands.
When you have 10, return to Engineer Brinksty.

Location: Scale Center, Serpica

  • Agent: Engineer Brinsky
  • Mission: Finishing the Project
Energizing Beam... Completed!

Engineer Brinksty examines the 'glands' you brough back from copper and remarks
"Not exactly what you think of when you think... organic.
If I didn't know where they came from, I'd almost think they were spare machine parts.
Well, lets get to work!"

After a few hours of work in Engineer Brinksty's workshop, you emerge with a new transfer beam. 

"Amazing, the delta on this beam is .... it's unheard of!
This very well might be the best energy tranfer beam in existance,
especially when you consider it creates more energy than it uses.
I think you've made a real breakthrough here Simon, and I'm glad I was able to help on the project.
Come back here anytime Simon. There are a lot of high energy projects researched by all our Engineers here."

Master Chain Transfer

Take the BP to Beta Antares

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand
  • Mission: Engineer Master Transfer Prototype
Engineer Master Transfer Prototype

You show Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand the project you want to work on. 

"The Engineer Master Transfer?" Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand grins. "It's an upgrade of my Chain Shield Transfer devices,
pretty powerful too. IF you want to work on it, I can let you have this schematic, but you're gonna have to WORK on it. 

"I can only let you have one of these schematics too. So if you pick this one... you're locked in!

"So? You're absolutely positively sure this is what you want to work on? Great! Take these blueprints over to Beta Antares.
Blue Photon should have no problems helping you out with this one! I know it might not be that simple to get this one done,
but you'll do it! You're an Engineer after all!"

Take the Engineer Master Transfer Schematic to BPRD Gregory Barhill in Beta Antares.

Location: Beta Antares Shipyards, Beta Antares

  • Agent: BPRD Gregory Barhill
  • Mission: Engineer Master Transfer Prototype
Engineer Master Transfer Prototype

"Hmmm... what's that you have there, eh?" says BPRD Gregory Barhill stroking his beard as he looks at the schmatics. 

"Ah-ha! Magnificent, indeed. Yes, I've seen a device like this before, but never one so advanced.
I would be thrilled to help you work on it!"

Constructing the Prototype

Location: Beta Antares Shipyards, Beta Antares

  • Agent: BPRD Gregory Barhill
  • Mission: Engineer Master Transfer Prototype
Constructing the Prototype

"Yes, I would be thrilled indeed." says BPRD Gregory Barhill enthuastically.
"This is going to be an extremely tricky project, but one that will be most rewarding.

"A normal Chain Shield Transfer is very serious business,
but one this advanced is going to require a plethora of base materials, shall we say\,
a smattering of shield transfer devices to use as a base for this Master transfer? 

BPRD Gregory Barhill strokes his chin as he looks over the blueprints again. 

"We will also need to build a specialized capacitator to power a shield transfer of such magnificent design.
A Quantumum powered one perhaps?

"If you think of anything you'd like to append with this design while you find the materials we will need,
let me know. Oh, yes, that's right, you will need to bring back what we need to get started!"

* Reward: Master Chain Transfer Prototype

Bring BPRD Gregory Barhill a variety of shield transfer devices, 10 Quantumum and 50 Metals.

0 / 1 Shield Transference III obtained
0 / 1 De-Puzzeler obtained
0 / 1 Engineer Chain Transfer MK III obtained
0 / 10 Quantumum obtained
0 / 50 Metals obtained

Location: Beta Antares Shipyards, Beta Antares

  • Agent: BPRD Gregory Barhill
  • Mission: Engineer Master Transfer Prototype
Constructing the Prototype

"Ok" says BPRD Gregory Barhill looking over the pile of materials sitting in the docking bay.
"Let's get what we can use back to the workshop."

BPRD Gregory Barhill calls for some assistants to take the materials back to his workshop
and after a few hours tinkering with him, you finally have a working prototype. 

"Yes, a fine piece of work indeed! I'll give you this prototype and you will be responsible for the testing.
After it's sufficiently tested, perhaps we can begin work on the final model!
It'll be amazing, I can already see it. Until then, Simon."

Go back to Beta Antares

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand
  • Mission: Finishing the Project
Finishing the Project

Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand has a smile when she walks over. 

"You put a lot of time into that prototype, why don't you finish it up already?
I'm sure if you head back over to Beta Antares, BPRD Gregory Barhill would love to get it finished up.
So, what's stopping you?"

Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand starts to walk away and then turns back around. She has a big grin.

"You know, you might even get a nickname if you finish this up."

* Experience given.

Meet BPRD Gregory Barhill in Beta Antares.

Location: Beta Antares Shipyards, Beta Antares

  • Agent: BPRD Gregory Barhill
  • Mission: Finishing the Project
Finishing the Project

"Ah, the testing is completed?
Then let us be off to my workshop, the final version of your device begs to be designed!"

Master Chain Transfer

Location: Beta Antares Shipyards, Beta Antares

  • Agent: BPRD Gregory Barhill
  • Mission: Master Chain Transfer... Completed!
Master Chain Transfer... Completed!

BPRD Gregory Barhill is very excited that you arrived. You're convinced that his normal projects are extremely boring. 

"Ah, let us resume work on the Engineer Master Transfer! How did the prototype hold up?
It is a very powerful healing device I am sure.
Now do you have any suggestions on how we could improve such a magnificent shield transfer!"

After a few minutes talking with him, he brings the schematic up on a holodisplay and begins to make changes to it,
adding and subtracting based on your suggestions.

"Yes, yes! This is much improved! But where will we find what we need to make such modifications.
Making a shield modulation effect that increases the capacity of an allies shielding,
and increasing the efficency, these are both very complex changes!
Hmm.. Maybe we could make use of pirate technologies.
The Xeno Technology used by the Forgone and Icepicks in deep space might be just what we need!
Perhaps you could... reclaim... some for me?"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Master Chain Transfer

Find 5 Xeno Shield Modulators and 5 Xeno Energy Cores for BPRD Gregory Barhill.
These can be found on Icepick and Forgone Pirates in deep Warp 3

Location: Beta Antares Shipyards, Beta Antares

  • Agent: BPRD Gregory Barhill
  • Mission: Master Chain Transfer... Completed!
Master Chain Transfer... Completed!

BPRD Gregory Barhill examines each of the Xeno Energy Cores and Shield Modulators you returned. 

"Some of these are damaged, but not to worry!
You brought back more than enough that at least one of each is in pristine condition!
And even better Simon! These will work just as intended! How about we get to work then?"

After what seems ages, you emerge with BPRD Gregory Barhill from his workshop with a completed shield transfer.

"Adapating the pirate technologies was difficult indeed... but I think it has worked just as expected.
This completed Master Chain Transfer should be much more powerful and efficient than your prototype!
And it imparts a shield boosting effect on every target it restores!

"It has been more than a pleasure working with you, and this has been an absolutely marvelous project!
If ever again you need help, I look forward to once again working with you. Ta Ta for now, Simon."

BFD 9000

Take the schematic to Perpetual Motion

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand
  • Mission: BFD 9000 Prototype
BFD 9000 Prototype

"Ahhh... the BFD 9000. This is a very special project."
says Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand after you let her know you want to work on it.

"These plans are for a drone, but not just any drone... the mother of ALL drones!
The BFD 9000 is a powerful offensive platform that will lay waste to any opposition!
I know Omniprint thinks he's got the market on drone technology... but this puts him to shame!" Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand winks.

"So, you're sure this is what you're gonna work on? 'Cause I can only let you have one of these blueprints. Ok then.
Take these plans over to Perpetual Motion, I'm sure you can find some help there getting this one started. Good luck!"

Take the BFD 9000 Schematics to Johnathan Wayne in Perpetual Motion.

Location: Drone Corp. Universal, Perpetual Motion

  • Agent: Johnathan Wayne
  • Mission: BFD 9000 Prototype
 BFD 9000 Prototype

"Back again so soon bankn?" says Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand with a smile.

"Oh, and you're working on your own project this time too! Excellent. Now lets see those plans"

BFD 9000 Prototype

Location: Drone Corp. Universal, Perpetual Motion

  • Agent: Johnathan Wayne
  • Mission: Constructing the Prototype
Constructing the Prototype

Johnathan Wayne looks over the schematics again.

"This is going to be some extremely serious work, this is a complex drone!
It's also going to be a very potent drone, the weapons your asking for on this thing... a Dark Fist?! Well, lets get to work.

"I'm going to need materials. I can upload this schematic into our systems and it will give a printout
of what materials it is going to take to make these. Ok, let's see... 

Johnathan Wayne eyes the list that was just printed.

"Just to power these, I think we'll need an extremely powerful capacitator. Perhaps you salvage one from another powerful drone,
not too sure where you going to find one as powerful as you need.

"The plans you gave me called for this drone to be chromnium armoured. Looks like you'll be salvaging that too.
I'm sure you know where to find abandoned ships that carry this grade of armour. 

"Hmm.. to top it all off, I'll need some metals and microchips. Overall this seems like it shouldn't be too much trouble.
So, what do you think? Mind bringing me back all those materials for your new prototype?"

* Reward: BFD 9000 Prototype
* Reward: BFD 9000 Prototype
* Reward: BFD 9000 Prototype

Bring Johnathan Wayne 1 Drone Power Core, 10 Chrome Armor Scraps, 50 Microchips and 150 Metals.

Location: Drone Corp. Universal, Perpetual Motion

  • Agent: Johnathan Wayne
  • Mission: Constructing the Prototype
Constructing the Prototype

"Ok, all the materials you brought back have been offloaded and I think the first prototype is rolling off the line as we speak."
says Johnathan Wayne with his usual poise. 

"This is going to be a pretty powerful weapon out there, you know that right?
This isn't even the real thing yet, I can't wait until you we can start work on that.
This might be a platform capable of taking down the Armada Platforms that are all the rage these days.
Take these few out and test them. Let me know what you think, and we can make adjustments.
Until you're ready to finish up this project." Johnathan Wayne waves.

Report back to Kaylee

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand
  • Mission: Finishing the project
Finishing the project

Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand has a smile when she walks over. 

"You put a lot of time into that prototype, why don't you finish it up already?
I'm sure if you head back over to Perpetual Motion, Johnathan Wayne would love to get it finished up.
So, what's stopping you?"

Kaylee 'Chainheals' Grand starts to walk away and then turns back around. She has a big grin.

"You know, you might even get a nickname if you finish this up."

* Experience given.

Meet Johnathan Wayne in Perpetual Motion.

Location: Drone Corp. Universal, Perpetual Motion

  • Agent: Johnathan Wayne
  • Mission: Finishing the Project
Finishing the Project

"What brings you back here Ives? Ah, the BFD 9000 project! I've been waiting a long time for you to come back to finish it."

First set of BFD 9000

Location: Drone Corp. Universal, Perpetual Motion

  • Agent: Johnathan Wayne
  • Mission: BFD 9000... Completed!
BFD 9000... Completed!

"I was thinking about those drones I help you out with recently Ives"
says Johnathan Wayne when you meet him in the station.
"They're powerful, but I think just starting with a generic drone base wasn't enough to have them reach their full potential."

Johnathan Wayne walks over to a nearby computer terminal and brings up a display of another drone. 

"This is the Armada Drone, it's almost put us out of business.
It's a very advanced weapons platform used by the Zaphragi, you might know them as the Zebra Armada. But look here."
He zooms the display to show the drone's base, and then superimposes an image of a stock drone base used by Drone Corp.
"Do you notice the differences? If we could construct your drones using a Zaphragi platform...
the would be much, much more potent. So, what do you think? If could you find a few Armada drones, and bring them back here,
we could start making BFD 9000 Drones using their base. This would be a huge leap forward in drone technology!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: BFD 9000 Drone
* Reward: BFD 9000 Drone
* Reward: BFD 9000 Drone

Bring Johnathan Wayne 2 Armada Drones. These can be found in the remains of enemies in the Serengetti.

Location: Drone Corp. Universal, Perpetual Motion

  • Agent: Johnathan Wayne
  • Mission: BFD 9000... Completed!
BFD 9000... Completed!

"It seems that was just what we needed" says Johnathan Wayne as he watches drones roll off the production line.
"Using the Zaphragi base has increased armor and shielding capabilities of your drone by over one hundred percent.
It has also allowed for increased range and tracking on the primary weapon.

"If you don't mind Ives, I'd like to add your specs to the official database and start full scale production.
These drones could sell very well. We could make more for you at any time. How's that sound, Ives?"

Repeatable Set

Location: Drone Corp. Universal, Perpetual Motion

  • Agent: Johnathan Wayne
  • Mission: Construction of BFD 9000
"So" says Johnathan Wayne "You're back for some more of those drones you created?
Well, the specs are in the computer, all you have to do is bring the raw materials to make them."

He walks over to a nearby computer terminal and keys in a few commands. 

"To make another three BFD 9000, you will need to bring me ten Chrome Armor Scraps and two Armada Drones.
If you do that, we can supply everything else you'll need."

* Reward: BFD 9000 Drone x 3

Bring Johnathan Wayne 2 Armada Drones and 10 Chrome Armor Scraps and he will make you 3 BFD 9000 Drones.

Ops Augmenters for Tokens


Defensive Ops Aptitude

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Sparks
  • Mission: Defensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter
Defensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter

"Surely you wish sometimes that your drones could take a beating out there, eh Simon?" Engineer Sparks grins.
"I have just the thing for you then! Here at the Engineer's Workshop my buddies and I have been cooking up all sorts of things,
and I just came up with a doozie! Augmenters.... that affect.... your drones! 

I can make you one, but I need proof... if you know what I mean.
How about you find me a Drone Augmenter Token, that should be more than enough to convince me that you want this.
Hmmm.. Do Drone Augmenter tokens even exist anyway?"

* Reward: Defensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter

Bring Engineer Sparks one Drone Augmenter Token.

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Sparks
  • Mission: Defensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter
Defensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter

"WHAT?! They do exist? Wow, I never would have thought that something I made up on the spot was an actual, factual item!
Well, I guess I have no choice then..." Engineer Sparks smiles. "Take this, it's yours.
An augmenter that will have an effect on your drones!"

Offensive Ops Aptitude

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Sparks
  • Mission: Offensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter
Offensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter

"Surely you wish sometimes that your drones did a LOT more damage out there, eh Simon?" Engineer Sparks grins.
"I have just the thing for you then! Here at the Engineer's Workshop my buddies and I have been cooking up all sorts of things,
and I just came up with a doozie! Augmenters.... that affect.... your drones! 

I can make you one, but I need proof... if you know what I mean.
How about you find me a Drone Augmenter Token, that should be more than enough to convince me that you want this.
Hmmm.. Do Drone Augmenter tokens even exist anyway?" 

* Reward: Offensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter

Bring Engineer Sparks one Drone Augmenter Token.

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Sparks
  • Mission: Offensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter
Offensive Ops Aptitude Augmenter

"WHAT?! They do exist? Wow, I never would have thought that something I made up on the spot was an actual, factual item!
Well, I guess I have no choice then..." Engineer Sparks smiles. "Take this, it's yours.
An augmenter that will have an effect on your drones!"

General Ops Aptitude

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Sparks
  • Mission: General Ops Aptitude Augmenter
General Ops Aptitude Augmenter

"Surely you wish sometimes that your drones were just better overall out there, not so... well,
awful since I can't put it nicely." Engineer Sparks grins. "I have just the thing for you then Simon!
Here at the Engineer's Workshop my buddies and I have been cooking up all sorts of things, and I just came up with a doozie!
Augmenters.... that affect.... your drones! 

I can make you one, but I need proof... if you know what I mean.
How about you find me a Drone Augmenter Token, that should be more than enough to convince me that you want this.
Hmmm.. Do Drone Augmenter tokens even exist anyway?"

* Reward: General Ops Aptitude Augmenter

Bring Engineer Sparks one Drone Augmenter Token.

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Sparks
  • Mission: General Ops Aptitude Augmenter
General Ops Aptitude Augmenter

"WHAT?! They do exist? Wow, I never would have thought that something I made up on the spot was an actual, factual item!
Well, I guess I have no choice then..." Engineer Sparks smiles. "Take this, it's yours.
An augmenter that will have an effect on your drones!"


Defensive Ops Prowress

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Sparks
  • Mission: Defensive Ops Prowress Augmenter
Defensive Ops Prowess Augmenter

"I bet you still wish sometimes that your drones could take an even bigger beating out there, eh Simon?" Engineer Sparks grins.
"I have just the thing for you then! Here at the Engineer's Workshop my buddies and I have been cooking up all sorts of things,
and I just came up with a doozie! Better, Augmenters.... that affect.... your drones! 

I can make you one, but I need proof... if you know what I mean.
How about you find me an Adv. Drone Augmenter Token, that should be more than enough to convince me that you want this.
And this time, you might have to look REALLY hard." You hear Engineer Sparks again as you walk away.
"I'm SURE those things don't exist!"

* Reward: Defensive Ops Prowess Augmenter

Bring Engineer Sparks one Adv. Drone Augmenter Token.

Offensive Ops Prowress

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Sparks
  • Mission: Offensive Ops Prowress Augmenter
Offensive Ops Prowess Augmenter

"I bet you still wish sometimes that your drones could do even more damage out there, eh Simon?" Engineer Sparks grins.
"I have just the thing for you then! Here at the Engineer's Workshop my buddies and I have been cooking up all sorts of things,
and I just came up with a doozie! Better, Augmenters.... that affect.... your drones!

I can make you one, but I need proof... if you know what I mean. How about you find me an Adv. Drone Augmenter Token,
that should be more than enough to convince me that you want this.
And this time, you might have to look REALLY hard." You hear Engineer Sparks again as you walk away.
"I'm SURE those things don't exist!"

* Reward: Offensive Ops Prowess Augmenter

Bring Engineer Sparks one Adv. Drone Augmenter Token.

General Ops Prowress

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Sparks
  • Mission: General Ops Prowress Augmenter
General Ops Prowess Augmenter

"So do you drones still suck? Not enough damage, too few shields?" Engineer Sparks grins.
"I have just the thing for you then! Here at the Engineer's Workshop my buddies and I have been cooking up all sorts of things,
and I just came up with a doozie! Better, Augmenters.... that affect.... your drones!

I can make you one, but I need proof... if you know what I mean.
How about you find me an Adv. Drone Augmenter Token, that should be more than enough to convince me that you want this.
And this time, you might have to look REALLY hard." You hear Engineer Sparks again as you walk away.
"I'm SURE those things don't exist!"

* Reward: General Ops Prowess Augmenter

Bring Engineer Sparks one Adv. Drone Augmenter Token.


Defensive Ops Mastery

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Sparks
  • Mission: Defensive Ops Mastery Augmenter
Defensive Ops Mastery Augmenter

"You still want even MORE shields on your drones?! Wow, there just is no pleasing you I guess." Engineer Sparks grins.
"I have just the thing for you though! Here at the Engineer's Workshop my buddies and I have been cooking up all sorts of things,
and I just came up with a doozie! Better, Augmenters.... that affect.... your drones!

I can make you one, but I need proof... if you know what I mean. I guess you would by now.
How about you find me an Sup. Drone Augmenter Token, that should be more than enough to convince me that you want this.
And this time, you might have to look REALLY REALLY hard." You hear Engineer Sparks again as you walk away.
"There is NO way these ones exist!"
* Reward: Defensive Op s Mastery Augmenter

Bring Engineer Sparks one Sup. Drone Augmenter Token.

General Ops Mastery

Location: Engineer's Workshop, Lyceum

  • Agent: Engineer Sparks
  • Mission: General Ops Mastery Augmenter
General Ops Mastery Augmenter

"So, we established that your drones suck. In fact, compared to mine they outright blow. Bad.
And we know you want to make them better, like mine." Engineer Sparks grins.
"I have just the thing for you! They won't make you 'uber' like me, but they can help.
Here at the Engineer's Workshop my buddies and I have been cooking up all sorts of things, and I just came up with a doozie!
Even better, Augmenters.... that affect.... your drones! 

I can make you one, but I need proof... if you know what I mean. I guess you would by now.
How about you find me an Sup. Drone Augmenter Token, that should be more than enough to convince me that you want this.
And this time, you might have to look REALLY REALLY hard." You hear Engineer Sparks again as you walk away.
"There is NO way these ones exist!"

* Reward: General Ops Mastery Augmenter

Bring Engineer Sparks one Sup. Drone Augmenter Token.