Slave Stasis Generators

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(for the player state, see stasis)

Stasis generators, or Stasis Gens as they are known, generate a stasis field around a slave when it dies, much like when a player ship dies. If a slave does not have a Stasis Generator it will explode instead of going into stasis. Stasis generators only protect ships of equal or lesser tech than themselves. Copper contains generators of all tech levels while Liberty contains generators from tech 0 to 2. Stasis generators do not drop when a ship dies without the required gear glue, even when equipped to a player ship.

All Stasis Generators take 1 hull space and require levels in Equipment. Each generator's price is the square of it's tech level multiplied by 1,000,000.

Name TL Price
Slave Stasis Generator 0 0 1,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 1 1 1,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 2 2 4,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 3 3 9,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 4 4 16,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 5 5 25,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 6 6 36,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 7 7 49,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 8 8 64,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 9 9 81,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 10 10 100,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 11 11 121,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 12 12 144,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 13 13 169,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 14 14 196,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 15 15 225,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 16 16 256,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 17 17 289,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 18 18 324,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 19 19 361,000,000
Slave Stasis Generator 20 20 400,000,000

These Mastery Generators require levels in Slave Mastery, and are half the price.

Name TL Price
Mastery Slave Stasis Generator 0 0 500,000
Mastery Slave Stasis Generator 2 2 2,000,000
Mastery Slave Stasis Generator 4 4 8,000,000
Mastery Slave Stasis Generator 6 6 18,000,000
Mastery Slave Stasis Generator 8 8 32,000,000
Mastery Slave Stasis Generator 12 12 77,000,000
Mastery Slave Stasis Generator 14 14 98,000,000
Mastery Slave Stasis Generator 16 16 128,000,000
Mastery Slave Stasis Generator 18 18 162,000,000
Mastery Slave Stasis Generator 20 20 200,000,000