Graviton Disruptions

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Graviton Disruptors2.jpg

These items provide a window of time for you to escape a tractor beam. They work better against players than against AI.

Name TL Size Duration Cooldown Charge Required Charging Rate Weight Source Comments Description
Graviton Disruption 3 1 2.5 sec 30 sec 120 40.0/s 4,500 AI Base 100,000 Credits Create a temporary graviton disruption field
Graviton Interruption 5 1 6 sec 30 sec 240 48.0/s 6,500 AI Base 250,000 Credits Temporarily interrupt graviton flow around your ship.
Maboule's Untangler 5 1 12 sec 30 sec 120 5000 Handel's Cove(Maboule's Hideout) -- 250,000 Requires 1 in Piracy Little tips from Maboule on how to evade capture.
Graviton Blocker 7 2 10 sec 30 sec 360 36.0/s 8,500 AI Base 500,000 Credits Temporarily block any graviton flow around your ship
Graviton Escape 15 1 10 sec 20 sec 100 12500 Shadow -- 1,000,000 Requires 15 in Recon Focus Escape from the gravitons
Anti-Graviton Shield 19 2 15 sec 30 sec 120 6.3/s 15,000 AI Base 2,500,000 Credits Gravitons be gone