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(Tim Sales - My Love-Hate Relationship With the First Class MLM Expert)
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First of all, I like to notify you that this kind of post is gonna be described as a long one. A serious lengthy one particular which may take at least 4-5 minutes for you to finish reading (if you learn speed-reading) or 8 minutes if you didn'capital t. Maybe you would like to grab a cup of coffee and enjoy what I wrote about Tim Sales below.
'''Half life''' is the time required for some amount of [[Commodity|commodities]] to decrease in half. The larger the number of commodities is, the faster will each individual commodity decay.
You may ask who'utes this particular person about Tim Sales that I got so much to speak about. However, I would guarantee you that that is my 2 year personal story with Tim Sales, and I noticed an important shift in Tim Sales in this kind of a couple of years.
[[Commodity|Promethium]], a valuable commodity used in most productions, has a half life of 25 minutes. That is if you only have one unit of Promethium on you, it will be lost after 25 minutes. Now consider you having 100 units of Promethium. The half life is still 25 minutes, but now 50 units of [[Commodity|Promethium]] will have to decay to get to half of the original amount, so the time it takes for the first unit of [[Commodity|Promethium]] to decay would be only 25/50 minutes, or 30 seconds. Of course once the total number of commodities is reduced by 1, the number that will have to decrease in half changes, and the next unit of Promethium will take slightly more time to decay. In this case it would be 25/49.5 minutes, or 30.30 seconds (though time is probably rounded).
Now, Let myself provide you a short introduction of who Tim Sales is.
==How to stop the Decay==
Tim Sales is a great MLM millionaire who created his fortune from the MLM industry with the first MLM company he joined. He was previously through the US Navy and he met the MLM industry when he answered a great ad through the Washington Post. Coming from there on, his life have transformed. He went to build a downline of 56,000 (that is past statistic, I'm sure he has hundreds of thousands right now...) and retire as an MLM millionaire.
Is there no way to preserve the goods? Well, there is one... Storing the [[Commodity|commodity]] inside a docked ship seems to do the trick. You can store any amount of [[Commodity|Promethium]] (or any other decaying [[Commodity|commodity]]) for days, even months, and the next time you open that ship, only 2 will decay.
Nonetheless, what bothers your pet is the branding and image of MLM, which is actually clouded by misconceptions and misunderstanding, which provides prevented many people to make their very own future by building a MLM business. He then decided to step upwards and become an ambassador for the MLM industry, by creating the most-popular movie that explains the MLM business model without hype or fluff - The Brilliant Compensation. This kind of CD provides helped millions of system marketers worldwide construct massive downline organizations.
He'ersus also the founder of FirstClassMLMTools.com where he offers a large amount of tips and training resources to help new and struggling system marketers develop their business. I have personally get many tools coming from your pet, notably his famous training deals - The Professional Inviter, The Brilliant Communicator, The Wallet Tracker, and the most recent The Professional Presenter."
Ok, the launch above is fully written by myself, and not copied coming from his website or sales page, because I realized him or her for more than two many years, and almost read almost all his newsletters and training packages.  
"How Tim Sales Preserved Myself"
If you've read my story before, you would understood that I started my MLM journey from a fake MLM business. Fake means not real. Phony means fraud. Phony means against the law. Anyway, I'm naive that time and I join with enormous promise by my then uplines about driving Mercedes C-Class at the age of 20 with 4 months in business, wearing SGD $1000 dollar tailor-made suits, carrying thousand-dollar Mont-Blanc pens and wearing Golden watches... (or many others that you can name it yourself...)
Needless to state, I buy into hype, and failed eventually if the business close down. Many of my then teammates lost hope in MLM, and shouted MLM is actually Rip-off everywhere, in forums, in blogs, in newspapers...and so forth. Nevertheless, a single of my teammates showed myself a movie and explains to me the full model of MLM, and how it functions.  
You Guess It? That movie will be Brilliant Compensation... by Tim Sales!
At first view of the movie, it immediately caught my attention, because it explains the reason why MLM is not a pyramid scheme, and differentiate itself coming from the pyramidal company structure. It additionally answers many frequently asked questions about MLM, and shows honestly the reason why MLM is the Most Reasonable business model of all, without any hype or fluff.
Thereafter, I'm a good addicted fan of FirstClassMLMTools.com, and read Tim Sales' MLM articles through Top to Base, Left to Right, Forward and Backward. I read everything to clear almost all my doubts about MLM, and also you guess it (once again), I'm on fire for MLM! Almost a good full-time Evangelist for MLM!!
"These people Called Me personally Crazy"
I finally recognized that MLM is actually not a scam, MLM will be not a pyramid scheme, MLM is legal in Singapore, I understand how to differentiate a legal and illegal MLM (regret I didn'big t realize this particular earlier...), MLM being the most honest business model of almost all, MLM is actually not about chasing and harassing friends, and can be done professionally... all those Tim Sales have taught, I read it all.
Then, with his glowing fire of passion of MLM in me personally, I went out and call of my former teammates who failed with me in that ex-business. I wanted to share with them what I've learned and help them understand the MLM industry better. I additionally gave them the Brilliant Compensation Video clip to watch and explains to them everything about MLM after the video.  
Nevertheless, not many of my ex-teammates listened to what I contributed with them. Some of them really hate MLM to the core, since they had really dropped hundreds of thousands in that ex-business, and vowed never to come into contact with any thing with these 3 letters - M.L.M. Nonetheless, the sad truth is they will still don'capital t understand the true difference between a legal and an illegal MLM.
But to my surprise, some of them really listened to myself, and watched the Brilliant Compensation Video with me personally again and again to get the full knowing in the MLM industry. I'm so delighted that I've made a difference in their lives, and helped them to get out of the nightmare (even though some regrets will still linger...)
"Time For A Comeback!"
I made a decision to create a real MLM business, after about 7 months break coming from my ex-organization. I analyzed the MLM organization and felt that it can help myself build a successful MLM business. I received my pals who watched Tim Sales' Brilliant Compensation Movie to join me personally as well.
I go on and build my MLM business professionally with the communication skills I learned coming from Tim Sales' training packages. I additionally had a mission to do the business the proper way professionally and proved to others that whether or not MLM is actually professional or not, depends on the individual doing it, rather than due to the MLM industry.
I go on and utilize almost all the tools I have bought from Tim Sales at FirstClassMLMTools.com, and attended the training coming from my upline team. I'm so thrilled that my business took off when I recruited my first business partner... professionally!
Where'ersus My Passion Now?"
Because you know when you're doing anything, there will definitely comes a time when things didn't turn out since you expected. This kind of happens in business too, and it happened to myself. My excitement for my business has dropped dramatically when I realized that nearly all of the people I speak with are not serious to join my business. Of course, I presented my business to them professionally, plus they gave myself their valid reason of not joining me at that moment. We have been still buddies after all. I realized that the people I speak to are mainly unqualified and never curious to perform any business. I sorted them out, and realized I received not much people left.
Then, I was told by my upline team to go cold-calling in shopping malls, book fairs, seminars, workshops, and go to networking events to find out individuals who are like-minded like us. I discover that might be quite a good thought, and Tim Sales taught us how to open up a discussion with anyone everywhere in his Professional Inviter Training. So I did. I spend money to go for networking events, get contacts and meet brand new people. I even tried cold-calling in book shops where I typically buy publications.
Nonetheless, this kind of doesn't tick with me. Even though I can open up upward conversations with new people, I somehow just don'capital t feel like doing it everyday because a technique to create my business. It's really tiring (you'll know if you have tried...), and it's not the most effective come back on investment on my time and money.
"This particular Book Almost Killed Tim Sales"
Nevertheless, anytime I felt down, my upline team will encourage me, motivate me, inspire me to go out once again. I would furthermore turn to Tim Sales and see if I have missed out any 'puzzle' to my business and any useful resource I really could get to get my business on track again. A single resource I'd like to get through Tim Sales, is the First Class MLM Leads that his organization offer, which helps you produce highly qualified leads for your business. Nevertheless, they're only available in US, and I'm in Singapore.
I search on to the internet and see if there'ersus other ways to find leads, and get to realize people who are qualified for your business. Then I found this kind of book.
If you're in the Internet System Marketing world for some time, you would realize this kind of lady from the name of Ann Sieg. She wrote the book "The Renegade System Marketer", and teaches the principles of attracting targeted potential customers to you, using the internet, and get people to arrived at you instead of you going after them.
Right now. Below'ersus a conflict. I'm at the valley (a.k.a. lowest point) in the business today, and I additionally don't know who to believe. Tim Sales or Ann Sieg?
At that moment, I didn't really know who can help myself, hence I go on and buy that Renegade Network Marketer eBook. I read it, and complete it within each day. It'ersus 160+ pages through the way, a lot with other audios and video clip trainings.
I understand the concept in the concept called Attraction Marketing, which is comparatively new in MLM. Then it has been year early 2009. I bought the concept, and see it since a new hope to my MLM business! I stopped everything I do then. I redesign my attraction marketing strategy, and take about 1 month rest in my business. I didn'capital t perform any prospecting or invites then.
"This particular Won'capital t Function!"
Since I'm dormant in my business, my upline team leader came to speak to myself if I have any difficulties in my business, because I used to be not doing anything. But before I want to provide upwards the thought of attraction marketing to him or her, he told myself that, as prolonged since I follow hissystem, I will probably be successful.
Yea. His system is always to carry out cold calling and use offline methods to produce leads, then show up at motivational training to pump motor members upward so these people will talk to potential customers full of energy and exhilaration. He keeps on preaching that his method will function, and told me not to try any fresh methods. Just Stick to the System!!
Somehow, I can'big t get the concept of attraction marketing get into my upline team people, because they will have really build good residual income from offline business. And lots of them, including others in my organization, perform not use attraction marketing that time, and every one of them use offline methods. Most people there are 45 a long time outdated and above, and at age 21, I'm considered the youngest there.  
In the end, nobody supported me in my thought, and it eventually didn'capital t take off with me. This kind of concept is actually also very fresh in Parts of asia, my upline team just maintain informing me personally to stick to the system. After much hesitation, I decide to set my thought away, and try to use my upline's system again.
That time, I can say it's also the most controversial period about the MLM industry, whether people should make an online search for MLM, if attraction marketing functions, is actually old-school conventional methods gonna be replaced by new-school marketing techniques.  
"Where Have you been, Tim?"
This kind of got many people together for a 'warmed up' discussion, with the New-age Internet network Marketers lead by Ann Sieg, Mike Dillard, Mike Klingler VS the outdated-school MLM Millionaires including Randy Gage, Eric Worre... any many others. Many other network marketers also made comparisons between those two, and the internet that time will be really full of just about all these subjects - Old School Vs Brand new School...Traditional MLM Vs Internet MLM... Attraction Marketing Vs Chasing Buddies and Family...and so on
Nonetheless, despite so much argument out there, I discover one particular thing. Tim Sales is not involved in any dialogue over those subjects. He just continued to teach people how to talk effectively, turn out to be a specialist networker and brilliant communicator. I had been seeking very hard to look for clues if he actually entered into this kind of topic.
"Finally Tim said something..."
For almost 1 year, right up until mid-2010, I didn't see Tim point out anything about using the internet for MLM. Then Finally, he revealed something, and it had been probably the period all things considered people hype and discussion about Attraction Marketing.
I remember Tim mentions something like this kind of, "Regardless what methods you use to create your MLM business, it ultimately boils down to Effective Communication. It can make no sense to generate whole bunch of leads and prospective customers, and failed to work these leads successfully to become your customers or prospects."
Right now, that got me personally thinking. Tim Sales made 100% sense in what he said. At the point of your pet making that remark, there are many those who have furthermore failed in the "Attraction Marketing Formula" contributed by Ann Sieg. And then came to a final bottom line statement about people conversations.
"It'utes not about chasing buddies or family people. It'ersus not about pestering people on the streets. It'ersus not about using the internet to build your MLM. It'utes not about using Attraction Marketing Formula.
It'ersus about Relationship Mastery! "
Those who find a way to create a successful MLM business, will be because these people know how to build robust, stone-solid relationships with people through successful communications.
Tim Sales, Randy Gage, Eric Worre, Ken Dunn... (people you say old-school MLM Millionaires), construct million-dollar downlines without the Internet. These people understand how to build relationships with people!
Ann Sieg, Mike Dillard, Mike Klingler can use the internet to earn million dollars for their MLM business, while some other attraction-marketers-wannabe can'capital t, is because these people learn how to develop relationships with people, while people wannabes don'big t realize just how!
"Time For Motion!"
I understand that it offers come a lengthy way for everybody to accept that the internet could be used since a instrument to create your MLM business! But sad to say, with so much things going on, and with the final verdict revealed above, my upline team still don'big t believe in Internet!
Finally in July 2010, I made a very hard selection to depart my upline team, since I understand the internet is a very powerful instrument, and I will probably be leaving money on the table if I'm not using it to create my business. My upline team people are really fun people to assist, going business outings together, having late night out suppers, going films and parties together. Nevertheless, In my opinion my future is actually much more important. I never want to appear back and regret... "exactly how come no a single inform me I can use internet to construct my MLM?"
I started to buy online training classes and teach myself concerning how to use the internet to my benefit. I started creating my website, Ding-Neng.com in July 2010, and started generating my own leads.
Then, I also partnered up with my brand new MLM organization which offer both online and offline assistance, from the US, and offers it's base in Singapore! I received almost all their online training and support and it really helped me deliver my MLM business online... double the rate if I carry out myself.
"Tim Sales Finally into Online Marketing?!"
3 months into my new MLM business, and I'm doing really well, with about 20+ people in my personal organization. I've been using blogging, social press, and various free online marketing strategies to advertise my business and create my brand online.
During my 3 months in business, I also realized Tim Sales will be additionally utilizing online marketing tools, as he had a Myspace Fan Page, and also a Tweets account for his FirstClassMLMTools website too! I'm his loyal fan and follower. Go locate him or her there!
About mid September, Tim Sales finally uncovered that generating leads using social media platforms like Facebook and Tweets can be done for your MLM business, and he is going to show you just how he did it. Tim partnered upward with his social media coaches and taught him or her exactly what are the ways people can produce leads online.  
Meanwhile, I furthermore discovered a change in the MLM Formula of Tim Sales. Tim usually says the MLM formula is just broken down into 3 measures - Invite, Present and Train. However, he had added in one much more step into it.
Right now, It'utes Locate, Invite, Present and Train! Tim has added a point to show that Finding Leads is part in the MLM formula! Did you sense something special is actually returning out soon?
Then, on October 1, 2010 Singapore time, Tim Sales finally uncovered a Social Mass media Training course, with his Social Media partner who is actually perfectly-trained and experienced in MLM and is a keynote speaker for many social media conferences. She is actually MichelleCorteggiano. It'utes just been released into the market. Go check out the Develop Your Social Brand here.
If you've read therefore far, I really want to thank you for your time. Your coffee would have finished by today.
My favored so-called "Old-School" First Class MLM Expert Tim Sales, have started to embrace the Power of Internet, and agree that utilizing the Social Press to create your MLM business can be profitable. Social Mass media provides altered the way in which we communicate, and if used correctly, it can certainly be described as a good device for your MLM business.
Below is a valuable advice...
No matter the method that you develop your MLM business...
"The folks who build their M.L.M business the proper way offline, are typically the types who understand how to create it right online. These people're the ones who put my Welcoming Formula to perform on sites like Facebook and Twitting and see amazing results."
It'utes in a single of Tim's recent newsletters.
So my dear good friend, Where does this particular depart you?
If you're still thinking that in order to to perform MLM is actually traditional offline prospecting methods, then you're wrong.
If you're still thinking that traditional offline MLM business building is actually lifeless, you're additionally WRONG!
Again, my preferred MLM expert Tim Sales offers proven that the MLM business could be built offline and online, a 'licensed' marriage finally. This really is because the fundamental factor of MLM business is actually still effective communication skills!
Sure! That'utes my Love-Hate-Love Relationship with the First Class MLM Expert, Tim Sales!
Ding Neng is actually a good Internetwork Marketing Specialist who teaches people just how to use the internet to create their community marketing business online. To get much more details about Tim Sales and just how he had changed my life in MLM, go and look at this Tim Sales the First Class MLM Expert post at his website.  

Revision as of 06:22, 25 October 2012

Half life is the time required for some amount of commodities to decrease in half. The larger the number of commodities is, the faster will each individual commodity decay.


Promethium, a valuable commodity used in most productions, has a half life of 25 minutes. That is if you only have one unit of Promethium on you, it will be lost after 25 minutes. Now consider you having 100 units of Promethium. The half life is still 25 minutes, but now 50 units of Promethium will have to decay to get to half of the original amount, so the time it takes for the first unit of Promethium to decay would be only 25/50 minutes, or 30 seconds. Of course once the total number of commodities is reduced by 1, the number that will have to decrease in half changes, and the next unit of Promethium will take slightly more time to decay. In this case it would be 25/49.5 minutes, or 30.30 seconds (though time is probably rounded).

How to stop the Decay

Is there no way to preserve the goods? Well, there is one... Storing the commodity inside a docked ship seems to do the trick. You can store any amount of Promethium (or any other decaying commodity) for days, even months, and the next time you open that ship, only 2 will decay.