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== The Last Bule ==
The Last Bule is a high level endgame seer and is the main character of The_Evil_One formally It2. He also wrote a very detailed seer guide which at times he has distributed privately to other up and coming seers on teams he has been on.
The Last Bule is a high level endgame seer currently on the team Star Revolution X. He is now the main character of The_Evil_One having returned to a seer main.
He has been on a number of teams since his time playing to include UTF, CIS, Swedish Vikings, Underdawgs, Aero, The Legion, PC, SRX, and Traders.
'''''This is a character lore post'''''
The Last Bule is the last known survivor of the enigmatic and mysterious Bule race having served the Urqa destruction of the Bule. Discovered during an Earthforce expedition on planet [REDACTED] located in the sector of [DATA EXPUNGED] in deep cryo stasis he was taken to Earthforce Central Headquarters for further study. Upon determining the safety of awaking the subject by scientists he was awakened on [REDACTED] of [REDACTED] at [REDACTED]. After intensive medical examination and study the subject was interviewed. The following is a transcript of the interview:
[Interrogator] What is your name?
[Subject] My name is [REDACTED].
[Interrogator] Do you know what year it is?
[Subject] No, I was put into cryo storage on [DATA EXPUNGED]. Where am I?
[Interrogator] It is [REDACTED]. You are at Eathforce headquarters in the Sol system. Don't worry, you are safe.
[Subject] My people, the war, you must tell me where are my... [*interrogator interrupts*]
[Interrogator] I'm sorry [REDACTED] but it's been over [REDACTED] years. Your people are gone. You are the only survivor.
[Subject] (Visibly distressed) [REDACTED] years? Has it really been that long?
[Interrogator] Yes, if you are up to it we would like to ask you about your civilization and learn more about you.
[Subject] I suppose at this point there is no harm. It's just me then? I'm all that is left.
[Interrogator] I'm afraid so... I'm sorry [REDACTED].
[Interrogator] Due to intelligence concerns it has been agreed on by high command to give you a code name to protect you.
[Subject] [*Silent*] [*Motions to continue*]
[Interrogator] In recognition of your position and... uniqueness we have assigned to you the name of "The Last Bule" is it okay if I call you by this for the rest of the interview?
[The Last Bule] If you insist.
[Interrogator] I do.
[Interrogator] Why were you put into cryogenic storage?
[The Last Bule] It was part of a military project where the high council deemed it necessary to preserve our military capability should we have lost the civil war and the war against the Urqa threat. I was briefed on [REDACTED] that in order to ensure a devastating blow could not be rendered against our force's I was selected to be frozen and stored in hidden facility on [REDACTED].
[Interrogator] [REDACTED] you say? So that was the name of the planet your people called it?
[The Last Bule] Yes.
[Interrogator] Tell me, what was your position in your society? What did you do?
[The Last Bule] I am... was... a High Fleet Commander in command of [DATA EXPUNGED] responsible for the defense of the [REDACTED] sector.
[Interrogator] So you were a high ranking military officer by my understanding correct?
[The Last Bule] That is correct. Among the highest in our ranks. I took my orders from [DATA EXPUNGED] and was responsible for [REDACTED] as well.
[Interrogator] Tell me, would you be interested in supporting our efforts against the [REDACTED] and the [REDACTED]?
[The Last Bule] It is an interesting proposition. We were aware of them from encounters our [REDACTED] had against [REDACTED].
[Interrogator] Thank you for telling me that. That is very interesting and also revealing. I will have to report this to my superiors. We will continue this tomorrow so you have some time to think it over and take everything in. How does that sound?
[The Last Bule] Agreeable I suppose. I need time to process all of this.
[Interrogator] That is understandable [REDACTED] I shall see you tomorrow. You will be released to your quarters, Goodnight.
[The Last Bule] Goodnight [DATA EXPUNGED].
///ANALYST COMMENT: The full transcripts of subsequent interviews can be accessed via special request from Earthforce Command. The rest of this report is a summation of interview transcripts, medical reports, and archive records.///END ANALYST COMMENT///
Medical reports have determined THE LAST BULE to be in perfect health as can be determined for his species. DNA samples were taken for further study and future projects under the [REDACTED] Program. THE LAST BULE was measured to be [REDACTED] tall and weighing [REDACTED] kilo's. He was observed with scars along [REDACTED] which he claimed was from [DATA EXPUNGED] a trial young Bule warriors are put through as part of their training. THE LAST BULE states he was [REDACTED] old at the time of his freezing. The Bule cryogenic process appears to have no negative long term health consequences despite its reportedly experimental nature by THE LAST BULE. THE LAST BULE has a similar but different skeletal structure to that of humans with [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] being noted in the area of [REDACTED].
Skin tone is reportedly normal according to THE LAST BULE for his species with [REDACTED] tones being observable base off seized medical records stored at the facility on [REDACTED].
Significant information was recovered from the facility to include military structure and fleet sizes as well as technical data pertaining to ships and weaponry. Much of this technology was integrated into the first prototype ship of the Bule Eradicator series based off technology previously reverse engineered from [REDACTED] and [REDACTED].
A great deal was also learned about Bule society and culture. The transcripts of these interviews from THE LAST BULE can be obtained by researchers via Earthforce command and Lyceum Archives respectively.
THE LAST BULE has been extensively involved in military development and weapons projects in response to the [REDACTED] threat.
Significant advancement has been made in the time since this reports original creation on [REDACTED] in cloaking, ship, and weapons technology due to THE LAST BULES assistance in programs [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED].
Due to THE LAST BULES assistance in these programs [REDACTED].
Experiments under the [DATA EXPUNGED] program have been [DATA EXPUNGED] for THE LAST BULE by using DNA sequences from [REDACTED] however the program is still in its early stages. Earthforce command desires that through this program it [REDACTED] increasing threat of the [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. ///ANALYST COMMENT: For further report's on X1497 Program Alpha Omega contact Earthforce Advanced Sciences and Medical command.///END ANALYST COMMENT///
RETRIEVED: 20200421.31578
LAST UPDATE: 20190319.10473
Currently he resides on [[Traders]] [[Image:Traders_Flag.png]] and participated in the Eminence Front verse SRX war and the Traders verse Eminence Front War.
[[Category: Players]]
[[Category: Players]]

Latest revision as of 12:36, 29 January 2022

The Last Bule is a high level endgame seer and is the main character of The_Evil_One formally It2. He also wrote a very detailed seer guide which at times he has distributed privately to other up and coming seers on teams he has been on.

He has been on a number of teams since his time playing to include UTF, CIS, Swedish Vikings, Underdawgs, Aero, The Legion, PC, SRX, and Traders.

Currently he resides on Traders Traders Flag.png and participated in the Eminence Front verse SRX war and the Traders verse Eminence Front War.