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Electrical Engineering

Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy

  • Agent: Georgie Frooth
  • Mission: Supercharged Surfing
Supercharged Surfing

After resupplying at Sonata Asylum Trade Emporium you return to your ship to find some of the
Mad Scientist's experiments have chewed through your energybank's power cables.
Conveniently, you remember seeing an advertisement for a small energybank repair shop not too far from the hanger.
With a sigh you head over and enter the dark dirty little shop, blind for a moment until your eyes adjust to the light.
"So brah -- what brings your to my humble little shop?" a not so young man with shaggy hair asks.
His accent gives him away as a star-surfer from the astro-waves of Baade's Galaxy B.
You explain the problem to the man who is obviously under the influence of some kind of narcotic.
"Woah! Thats like totally baddass! I can help ya out, but you gotta do something for me.
The Mad Scientist keeps taking my stash to use in his experiments.
If you give him a good spanking I'll fix up your cables and even show you how to use some of the wickedest energies in the verse.
We got a deal bro?"

* Experience given.
* Reward Skill: Electrical Engineering through lvl 20

Go give the Mad Scientist a whoopin and come back to Georgie Frooth in Lunacy,
and he'll fix up your power cables and teach you some rad shit dude!

Location: Sonata Asylum, Lunacy

  • Agent: Georgie Frooth
  • Mission: Supercharged Surfing
Supercharged Surfing

You walk back into Georgie Frooth's shop to find him completely engulfed in a cloud of grey-green smoke. "Woah dude!
That was the sickest battle I ever seen! Totally radical dude! Simon, you rock hardcore!
Sure, I'll fix up that gear for ya, but first... I need some chips, I've got major munchies bro!"


Location: Micron Courier Inc. HQ, Micron

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: So you want to be a racer?
So you want to be a racer?

Here at Micron Courier Inc we like to call ourselves "part-time" racers. Maybe it's actually the other way around but anyhow.
We have designed some extensive racing tracks that people,
maybe even people like you can try to tackle and beat for money and more!! Are you up for it?
Bring your best racing ship and let the betting begins! We also specialize in all things engine,
so make sure you have a good knowledge of this or we won't let you into the races for fear of you injuring yourself!

* Experience given.

Go check out the Blue Course just out of here.
Do some laps, get to know the course before starting the race and let me know when ready.

Location: Micron Courier Inc. HQ, Micron

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: So you want to be a racer?
So you want to be a racer?

So you are ready to take on some challengers? Get set!

Location: Micron Courier Inc. HQ, Micron

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 1
Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 1

Ready to take on the Blue Course? Gonna use that piece of junk? You are more courageous then I thought.
On your mark, get set! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Racer Medal

Finish the Blue Course in under 300 sec.

Location: Arrival Station, Blue Course

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 1
Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 1

Bravo! That was a magnificient win! I've been waiting for you here a while though but good one.

Location: Micron Courier Inc. HQ, Micron

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 2
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 2

Maybe that Junk got something in it after all! GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Racer Medal

Finish the Blue Course in under 280 sec.

Location: Arrival Station, Blue Course

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 2
Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 2

Bravo! That was a magnificient win! I've been waiting for you here a while though but good one.

Location: Micron Courier Inc. HQ, Micron

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 3
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 3

Maybe that Junk got something in it after all! GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Racer Medal

Finish the Blue Course in under 260 sec.

Location: Arrival Station, Blue Course

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 3
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 3

Bravo! That was a magnificient win! I've been waiting for you here a while though but good one.

Location: Micron Courier Inc. HQ, Micron

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 4
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 4

Maybe that Junk got something in it after all! GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Racer Medal

Finish the Blue Course in under 240 sec.

Location: Arrival Station, Blue Course

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 4
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 4

Bravo! That was a magnificient win! I've been waiting for you here a while though but good one.

Location: Micron Courier Inc. HQ, Micron

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 5
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 5

Maybe that Junk got something in it after all! GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Racer Medal

Finish the Blue Course in under 220 sec.

Location: Arrival Station, Blue Course

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 5
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 5

Bravo! That was a magnificient win! I've been waiting for you here a while though but good one.

Location: Micron Courier Inc. HQ, Micron

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 6
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 6

Maybe that Junk got something in it after all! GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Racer Medal

Finish the Blue Course in under 200 sec.

Location: Arrival Station, Blue Course

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 6
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 6

Bravo! That was a magnificient win! I've been waiting for you here a while though but good one.

Location: Micron Courier Inc. HQ, Micron

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 7
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 7

Maybe that Junk got something in it after all! GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Racer Medal

Finish the Blue Course in under 180 sec.

Location: Arrival Station, Blue Course

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 7
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 7

Bravo! That was a magnificient win! I've been waiting for you here a while though but good one.

Location: Micron Courier Inc. HQ, Micron

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 8
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 8

Maybe that Junk got something in it after all! GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Racer Medal

Finish the Blue Course in under 160 sec.

Location: Arrival Station, Blue Course

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 8
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 8

Bravo! That was a magnificient win! I've been waiting for you here a while though but good one.

Location: Micron Courier Inc. HQ, Micron

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 9
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 9

Maybe that Junk got something in it after all! GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Racer Medal

Finish the Blue Course in under 140 sec.

Location: Arrival Station, Blue Course

  • Agent: Speedy Gonzales
  • Mission: Let the Racing Begin! Little Blue League 9
Ready for another go? Little Blue League 9

Bravo! That was a magnificient win! I've been waiting for you here a while though but good one.


Location: Copper Research Post, Copper

  • Agent:
  • Mission: Mining Mayhem
Mining Mayhem

Through backdoor channels you get a contract from a local businessman. You arrive at his office shortly thereafter.
"Why hello there, Si's_Yes_Man right? No matter. I need you to do me a solid. My business is mining, copper specifically.
I've received an exceptionally large order and my miners won't be able to make it on time.
I need an exceptional pilot to go disable the Copper Blob. My miners will come pick up the piece afterwards.
Do that for me, and I'll let you in on a little secret for using some of the best equipment you can find.

* Experience given.
* Reward Skill: Equipment through lvl 20

Kill the Copper Blob and return to .

Location: Copper Research Post, Copper

  • Agent:
  • Mission: Mining Mayhem
Mining Mayhem

"Great work M'boy! That should give me just enough coppper to fill my order.
So, you know the switch between the energy recombobulator and the plasma manifold?
Well behind it there is a governor, remove that and you should be able to use much stronger equipment."


Radar 19 first oops ;)

Location: The Dark, The Dark

  • Agent: Dark Man
  • Mission: Transformed Very Dark Matter
Transformed Very Dark Matter

*The Dark Man waves you in*. *Once inside, he shows you some box that look like it could contain what you are looking for.
He mention 5... 5 Dark... 5 Very Dark Matter to trade for that box*.

* Experience given.
* Reward: Transformed Very Dark Matter

Bring 5 of what the man wants.

Location: The Dark, The Dark

  • Agent: Dark Man
  • Mission: Transformed Very Dark Matter
Transformed Very Dark Matter

"Good job, here is what I hope you were looking for."

Location: The Darker, The Dark

  • Agent: Dark Man
  • Mission: Transformed Impossibly Dark Matter
Transformed Impossibly Dark Matter

*Another Dark Man waves you in*. *Again, he point to some box that looks like it could contain what you are looking for.
He mentions 5... 5 Dark... 5 Impossibly Dark Matter to trade for that box*.

* Experience given.
* Reward: Transformed Impossibly Dark Matter

Bring 5 of what the man wants.

Location: The Darker, The Dark

  • Agent: Dark Man
  • Mission: Transformed Impossibly Dark Matter
Transformed Impossibly Dark Matter

"Good job, here is what I hope you were looking for."


Location: Life Life Life, Emphatic Biology

  • Agent: Baron Von Kilzalot'O'stuffz
  • Mission: Hard as rock!
Hard as rock!

"You there!... Yeah you! You're Simon aren't you?" A scruffy man in his early fifties comes running across the hangar to you.
"I'm the famous Baron Von Kilzalot'O'stuffz, universally reknown hunter of all things animal.
I've hunted zebras, panthers, rhinos, and even lions. Its just that blasted snake that escapes me.
Her weapon is just too strong, even my superb shields simply can't take it!! The other hunter are laughing at me!
I was bragging so much that I could kill anything. I need to prove them wrong.
Go kill the Annaconda, I'll sneak in afterwards and get her head to mount.
Do that for me, and I'll teach you how to upgrade all your ships to use the best shields you can find. Have we got a deal?"

* Experience given.
* Reward Skill: Shielding through lvl 20

Kill the Anaconda, return to the Baron.

Location: Life Life Life, Emphatic Biology

  • Agent: Baron Von Kilzalot'O'stuffz
  • Mission: Hard as rock!
Hard as rock!

Baron Von Kilzalot'O'stuffz is ecstatic upon your return. "Hooray! Now to go collect proof of the kill.
Ohh, and here's the instructions I promised you."

Weaponry Requires Level 550

Location: Qokuji Qa'ik, Iq' Bana

  • Agent: Ibn'Brambo
  • Mission: Lock and Load!
Lock and load!

You've hardly stepped out of your cockpit after docking at Qokuji Qa'ik , when an oddly shaped cloaked figure beckons.
He begins to speak, but you understand none of it.
The puzzled look on your face is a dead giveaway, and the figure reaches into his cloak, grabbing a small metal device.
Peering at it oddly, he gives it a smack or two, fiddles with some knobs, and with a huff puts in back in his cloak.
He turns back to you and says "Qokujiii Qa'ik," a name you definitely recognize.
He then pretends to slice his own neck with his hand.
The cloaked figure then pretends he is shooting a turret gun and gives a look as if he just got a little smarter.

You have no idea what he means about the second part, but you're pretty sure he wants you to take out the Ur capital ship,
the one located in Iq'Qas.

You nod your head and walk away, while the cloaked figure continues his game of charades.

* Experience given.
* Reward Skill: Weaponry through lvl 20

Location: Qokuji Qa'ik, Iq' Bana

  • Agent: Ibn'Brambo
  • Mission: Lock and Load!
Lock and load!

Again when you step out of your ship, Ibn'Brambo waves you over from behind some storage containers. "Simon!!!
I got my inter-dimentional translation device repaired. I knew you would be able to take out the Qokujiii Qa'ik!
That should make life more difficult for them in the future!
Well, as I promised I'll teach you how to use the best weaponry in this dimension!