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m (The misspelled misspelling bothered me. I'm a Sheilds member. :))
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Revision as of 21:13, 2 November 2008

I propose that this page be designated to players who wish to be available for ingame help, be that advice, or items - I request all players who are well off ingame, and can afford it, to help new players to the limit of their abilities, and I would ask leaders of teams to help out, please put your names down - no meanies =) - the purpose of this is to help intelligent, polite and reasonable players to get the support they need, increasing their chance of p2p, and therefore increasing the decency, and standards of the playerbase - I suggest strong links Between these Helpers and Helper teams, creating an integrated system whereby we can all mutually benefit from investments - if you are new to helping, but of a reasonable level and game knowledge, I would like to refer you to the WingDing Case as it illustrates how helping truly affects the player base. Thanks in advance TG.

Listed Helpers

The following is a list of Volunteer players who are willing to help out new players. Contact them ingame by private message. Please do not ask for free items or credits from these players, free items will be given at the owners discression.

  • Si's Frisbee: I have written most of the pages on this wiki, feel free to pm me to find out about nearly every item in the game. If its on the wiki, I know about it. :) You can also pm me to just chat or to tell me stats that need posting to the wiki. PM me ingame as Si's Frisbee or Didn't_Say. leave a message on my talk page User_talk:Simon. -Simon 16:59, 27 June 2007 (PDT)
  • Fleet General: I will help if you need it, I also monitor and mostly maintain Help chat. I will more than likely Greet you too. Just give me a pm if you need help. - Fleet General
  • Octopus: If you are a lowbie contact me in game as "Octopus" and i will see what i can do to help, or leave a message on my talk page. thanks - TehGeneral (note: don't contact me as TehGeneral ingame)
  • Lt.Nelson: Always willing to help. PM me in game as either Lt.Nelson or DeathWarmedOver. I'll glady show you how to get what you are looking for. As a not-so-wise player used to say, "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, feed him for a lifetime." - Scoundrel
  • FracOMac: I'll help anyone who needs help in terms of knowledge or saving you from somewhere. I have extensive knowledge of missions and strategies for new players. PM me ingame as FracOMac or leave a message on my talk page. -FracOMac 14:58, 2 November 2006 (PST)
  • Peter_The_Puller: I'll help anyone starting out. I help with the knowledge, not the activity... and you might find me "Greeting" you. And my ingame names that I use are: Peter_The_Puller, Bob_The_Builder, and Larry_The_Liquidator
  • Tankerlicious: I am always happy to help players with what advice I can give. my main realm of expertise is in low level base building and slave setups but I do have some general knowledge I can use. PM me ingame as Tankerlicious or blurp.
  • Captain Billy: I'll help anyone as well. I probably cannot help you with any advanced questions, but I do know the basic jist of the game and how things work, just give me a pm and I'll help you to the best of my abilities. You do know how to pm don't you?
  • Galan Starspinner: I am on and off most days and usually available for help. Experienced and helpful and I don't refer to people as "noobs" only as new players. F2P or P2P I help you all. I have been very well known to give people a helping hand with misc gear / credit as I think they need. Humor me and allow me to offer, if you ask for it you generally wont receive it. Also has a low level training team on alt Ziggy Stardust. Contact me in game or on my alts Aja, Steely Dan, GEM05, Deacon Blues or Tristam.
  • GP-Zero: I'm typically around and about during the later hours of the day (Pacific time). I can usually help new players who might feel more comfortable talking with a free-to-play user. Message me in the game as GP-Zero or GP-Hunter.
  • Danger : I am a Greeter in Starsonata. I am always on and available to help lower levels. I don't always give you free stuff unless its just a few million credits (Please dont PM me just for that).

Helper Teams

Ok all you team owners, Put your team names and contacts here, and I will FULLY understand if you wish p2p players only, however I would like to see more "uber player" advice for lowbies.

  • Knights of Sol: Low level starter team for F2P or P2P. Focus is on learning to work as a team to achieve common objectives. Some examples are Team DG'ing, learning how a squad works, sharing loot, base building, extractions, making credits, ship setups etc... very active team to teach the newer player how larger more established teams work. Very good reputation and numerous prior players have gone onto large teams, like JAWSS, Pants, EPIC, Core, Sheilds. PM Ziggy Stardust for more information