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  1 / 1 Seer's Orb obtained
  1 / 1 Seer's Orb obtained
  Return the item that Leslie Price requested.
  Return the item that Leslie Price requested.

Revision as of 03:37, 8 December 2009

All Seer Missions are in the Seer's Conclave in Lyceum.

Mission One

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: The Seer's Conclave
The Seer's Conclave

Return the item that Leslie Price requested.
You have the vague notion that she might be seeking a fabled Seer's Orb. You are not sure though.

As you walk the darkened halls of Seer's Conclave, you get the eerie feeling that you are not alone.
It is then you suddenly are tapped on the shoulder by an unknown woman who was behind you, yet you never saw her.   

"Suprised? You felt I was there, but at the same time, you didn't realize it until I revealed myself.
Your skills are still weak, but with time,
you will begin to perceive the universe around you in ways you cannot yet understand.
If you haven't the insight to know, my name is Leslie Price.
You may or may not also know that I have been tasked by the Sages to accompany your training.
The path of a Seer is a very unique one, and you will need a mentor to master all that you will learn.
Leslie Price grins and vanishes before your eyes. Soon you hear a voice echoing the narrow corridors.
"Things such as this. But that is not all. If you wish to begin the training,
you must tap your latent psychic powers. Somewhere out there is something I want you to return to me.
Something veiled in Shadow, something hidden, yet only to be glimpsed when you finally see all.
Do this, and I will teach you to harness powers you never imagined...

* Credits given: 1000000
* Experience given.

1 / 1 Seer's Orb obtained

Return the item that Leslie Price requested.
You have the vague notion that she might be seeking a fabled Seer's Orb.
You are not sure though.

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: The Seer's Conclave
The Seer's Conclave

You hand Leslie Price the Seer's Orb.  

"Excellent, it would seem all is not lost on you.
You can harness the powers of your mind to complete difficult tasks...
But soon there will be a time you learn to do the unthinkable,
to harness your psyche and unleash it upon your enemies...   

"Return to me when you are ready for a challenge such as that. Until then, remember, my apprentice,
truth is controlled by perception. What is real is only so... if you perceive it that way.

Mission Two

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: Psyche Projection
Locate 5 Astral Substances. These can be found on Psionic Flares which are very difficult to see.

Once again you walk the darkened halls of the Seer's Conclave, but this time aware that you are being followed by Leslie Price.
Swiftly you turn to face her, only to find you are being tapped on the shoulder from behind.  

"I see you have been learning, but you have yet to master your psyche, or your powers.
Soon we shall tap just a fraction of the ability you have inside your special mind.
Today you will learn the secret of the Psionic Wave Amplifier. With a device such as this,
you can emit psionic waves to interfere with enemy ships.
This is much more intense than simply using astral projection to view your surroundings, or to avoid a well aimed shot.
This is something on a level you have yet to attain.  

"Before I grant you access to one of these devices, you must prove yourself. Your last test was fairly difficult,
but even someone who was not a Seer could have figured that out with pure logic!
This time you will have to do something that requires use of your specialized training.
Bring me back the Astral Substance from Psionic Flares.
These rogue manifestations of psychic energies roam the universe and are valued for their essences.
With their remains we can imbue devices to channel a Seer's psyche!
Just so you know Chythe, I won't expect you back anytime soon, these flares.... they're very hard to see."  

Leslie Price smiles at you, winks and vanishes once again.

* Credits given: 1500000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Psionic Wave Amplifier Alpha

5 / 5 Astral Substance obtained

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: Psyche Projection
Psyche Projection

"So, Back already?" echos Leslie Price's voice through the dimly lit corridors.
"It would seem you are capable of much, apprentice... but can you find me?"  

You look around, expecting a tap on the shoulder from behind, feel urged otherwise.
You stick out your foot to the side and trip Leslie Price.   

"Oof! You have honed your skills since we last met! Now, let's see, you have the Astral Substance I asked for?
Of course you do. We will need these to power your first Psionic Wave Amplifier.
I trust you had to concentrate very hard to locate the Psionic Flares. You will find the device on your ship when you leave.   

"Return to me when you are ready to test your skills again. I will be waiting Chythe.

Mission Three

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: Psionic Shrouding?

"Confused aren't you? Expected me to sneak up behind you and suprise you? Ah, but you expected it, so it wouldn't be much of a suprise anymore!" Leslie Price grins. "Today you will learn about something that makes Seers feared across the universe. Psionic Shrouding.

"With extreme focus, a Seer can learn to warp space-time to bend light around them. This is more advanced than what most traditional cloaking devices do. Much more. This is not to say that a normal cloaking device shouldn't be used, in fact, it is best to use both. What the enemy cannot see is very, very ... deadly.

"For your next task, I would like you to retreive something for me. You will have to prove your ability to shroud if you are to succeed here ... what you're going up against you have very little chance defeating in open combat. Go to Hyper and bring back a Cloaking Amplifier. With this we can make a very special cloak.

  • Credits given: 2500000
  • Experience given.
  • Reward: Shrouding Channeler

Summary Dock at the station in Hyper and buy a Cloaking Amplifier. Return to Leslie Price when you have it.

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Mission: Psionic Shrouding?
  • Agent: Leslie Price
Psionic Shrouding?

"It would seem you have at the very least grasped the concepts of Shrouding...
or you have a few friends that were willing to traverse such a dangerous area for you." Leslie Price winks.
"Regardless my apprentice, we have the Cloaking Amplifier, so it is time for you to receive your first custom cloaking device.   

"What an enemy cannot see is much, much deadlier. This is taken from the Sniper's Code, but it applies to the Seer even more so.
Remember, ambushing your foes will prove one of your most deadly talents, and with this specialized cloaking device,
it will be even easier. So, lets see what you learned.  

The lights suddenly dim and Leslie Price vanishes. You begin to concentrate intensely,
and you realize you can visualize Leslie Price approaching you. You watch as she comes,
and sidestep behind her only to tap her shoulders as she passes.   

"You are beginning to master your skills, perhaps you will be worthy of the training yet.
Come back and see me again, I know you will.

Mission Four

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: Psychic Prowess
Psychic Prowess

This time when you enter Seer's Conclave, things seem different.
The darkened corridors seem the same, but the atmosphere of them has changed.
Expecting Leslie Price to try and sneak behind you, you begin to visualize her location until you are blinded!
Even as you open your eyes you still cannot see and it isn't long before you feel that tap on your shoulder.  

"Have you forgotten about psyche projection? Even with a basic projection you can hamper any foe and get the advantage.
Didn't expect that did you?" says Leslie Price. "Soon you will. If you do not, you will never get far as a Seer.   

"It is time for your next test. This test will require you to make use of every skill you have learned,
it is a dangerous one, and perhaps quite deadly. I expect you to succeed.  

"You must return to Hyper, and when there collect the astral essence of a very powerful psionic flare.
With this, we will create your next Amplifier.
This device will prove very useful in your endeavors, as it will allow you to project some of your more ... primal ... thoughts.
Return to me when you have done this, I will be waiting.  

Leslie Price vanishes again as her last comment continues to echo the halls.

* Credits given: 5000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Psionic Wave Amplifier Beta

Travel to Hyper and defeat the Psionic Flare there. Collect the Astral Essence from the remains and return it to Leslie Price.

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: Psychic Prowess
Psychic Prowess

"This was dangerous, so I decided no games this time... I'll save those for the next time we meet."
Leslie Price grins "So, I can tell you have what I asked you to bring me, let's see it.

"Yes, this will do, with this Astral Essence we can imbue another Psionic Wave Amplifier for you.
This device will focus your rage and allow you to unleash it upon your enemies,
disrupting their energy pathways and hampering weapons fire. I think you will find it very useful.   

"It might be a while before we meet again, but stay focused.
The sharper your mind, the closer you will come to mastering your powers.
It won't be long before you are an accomplished Seer, able to do things that will make you legendary."

Transmyocardial Revascularization Laser Mission A.K.A., the Seer OHL that grems

Note: This mission IS mandatory to the Seer mission Chain

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Mysterious Seer
  • Mission: Ethereal meets Corporeal
Ethereal Meets Corporeal

As you walk the darkened halls, looking for Leslie Price, you meet another Seer whom you've never seen before.
He is wearing a shroud that covers his eyes. "Ah, welcome Chythe. I'm sure you know how I know your name, but do you know mine?"
$says the mysterious Seer. "Focus and it will be revealed."
With intense concentration you somehow know that he is named Brion Watts.

"Leslie has been teaching you well, no doubt" as you tell him his name.
He pulls back the shroud veiling his face and continues. "She is the most attuned Seer here at Seer's Conclave and
she takes it upon herself to see that all Seers understand the source of our abilities.
She is a little remiss in weapons training though, which is why I am here today.

"Leslie has asked me to shed some light on some of the specialized weaponry at your disposal.
While a Seer can use their mind to supplement combat,
very few Seers ever gain the ability to inflict extreme damage using just thought.
The rest of us? We have some very potent conventional weaponry. I can supply you with one of the weapons from our arsenal,
but there is a catch. You need to bring me some unmodified lasers, replacement parts so to speak. 

"Just travel to Nihilite, I'm sure you've been there before, and bring back two Open Heart Lasers.
When you return, I will have one of our special weapons ready for you. Until then..."

Brion waves his hand slightly and vanishes.

* Reward: Transmyocardial Revascularization Laser

Journey to Nihilite and purchase 2 Open Heart Lasers from the station there, return with them to Mysterious Seer.

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Mysterious Seer
  • Mission: Ethereal Meets Corporeal
Ethereal Meets Corporeal

"Excellent" says Brion Watts. "These Open Heart Lasers make the base for our specialized 'Transmyocardial Revascularization Lasers'.
Very long name I know, but I must admit, the name does fit well. 

"Regardless, once modified these lasers are very potent in the hands of any Seer.
They will incise the ship hampering many systems, causing general chaos to even a skilled pilot..." Brion Watts pauses.
"...and those effects only scratch the surface of this weapons potential. Put it in the hands of a skilled Seer...
I'm sure you know exactly what would happen. Until we meet again then, Chythe."

Mission Five

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: Astral Translocation
Astral Translocation

Although Leslie Price said she would test your skills next time you arrived, the hallways are lit,
and she approaches you from the front with a broad grin. You stop, confused and suddenly, with a flash of light she vanishes!
Instantanously as you watch her dissappear, you also feel that tap on your shoulder from behind.

"Didn't expect that did you? This is another power you will learn to master, Astral Translocation.
Just as you warp spacetime to bend light, you can warp it to travel between two points, much like a localized wormhole.
I doubt you could do this just by merely concentrating yet, but with help, perhaps.   

"There are devices that create this effect, and I am willing to grant you use of a very special one designed specifically for Seers.
However, I must first have proof you are ready to handle a device like that...
they can be very dangerous in the hands of an unskilled Seer.  

"If you want to prove you can handle it, you need to do something that taxes all the abilities at your disposal.
I'd like you to sneak into Bonnet, a very fortified pirate galaxy and take something from McCoy....
something he took from me a very long time ago. You know what it is, bring it back and then maybe you can have one of these Rift Devices."

* Credits given: 10000000
* Experience given.

Travel to Bonnet and find McCoy. Kill him and retrieve the item from him that belongs to Leslie Price.

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: Astral Translocation
Astral Translocation

You are barely out of your ship when Leslie Price meets you in the hanger bay.
  "So, you got it back? Why do I even ask, I know you have it. If you would, please hand it over.  

You hand her to the pendant that you found in the debris of McCoy's ship.  

"This was a family heirloom... how he managed to get it... well,
let us just say that in my youth I found scoundrels such as him ... very alluring.
Regardless I have my pendant back and I understand it was no small task to have you retreive a personal effect.
You had to sneak into Bonnet, a heavily fortified pirate galaxy... locate McCoy AND destroy not only him, but his personal guard!"

Leslie Price gazes at the pendant for a moment and then turns back to you.

"Chythe, did you notice this? The clasp on my pendant, it's been broken."

Mission Six

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Mission: Fixing the Pendant
  • Agent: Leslie Price
Fixing the Pendant

Leslie Price is almost in tears as she sobs to you. "I can't believe he broke my pendant!
This has been in my family for generations, I should have never let it anywhere near a scandalous rogue like McCoy."

She looks down at the pendant again. 

"Actually, this doesn't look *too* bad. Maybe I can take it over to the Engineer's Workshop and have it fixed.
Hmm... Chythe, I've promised you a translocator for your ship, but would you mind doing me one more favor first?
I am going to need a gold bar so the Engineers can fashion a new clasp for my pendant.
I know it's a personal favor, but it would really mean a lot to me... Do you think you could find me one?"

* Reward: Seer Rift Generator

Bring Leslie Price 1 Gold Bar.
  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: Fixing the Pendant

Fixing the Pendant

Leslie Price smiling, runs over and hugs you.

"You didn't have to do that Chythe, but I'm so glad you did. Now I can have this pendant fixed! Really, this means a lot to me..." she steps back and grins. "Sorry, I guess I was beginning to project my emotions and forgetting about what I promised!"

"You've more than proved yourself worthy of having it, so I'll have a translocator installed onto your ship right away!"

You turn and walk back towards the docking bay and feel a familiar tap on your shoulder. It's Leslie Price again. "Get back here soon, there is a lot more left to learn."

She grins and with a flash of light, is gone.

Mission Seven

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: Psychic Mastery
Psychic Mastery

The darkened halls of Seer's Conclave seem especially omnious as you enter them.
After a short walk down the main hall, you hear  the echoing voice of Leslie Price.   

"You have been iniated into the Conclave, and you have proved yourself many times.
You have started to understand the control you have over your surroundings,
to alter and create dimensions with merely thought....  

The voice stops and as you listen to the fading reverberations of her message, you feel a tap on the back of your shoulder.  

"Yet you still can't figure out where I am." Leslie Price smiles. "Remember you must keep your mind open at all times,
by stopping to listen to my message, you left your defenses down. Now, since you're here, I have another test of your skills.  
"Today you will learn to project more of your thoughts to interfere with enemies,
and again, we will need to imbue a device to  channel them. You know what this means.
I need you to travel to Bipolar and collect the energies from a very powerful Psionic Flares there.
You will need to tap any unused potential and tax your every ability if you are to succeed.   

"When you return here, we will imbue another Amplifer for your use.
Remember, truth is controlled by perception and perception is  the key to unlocking your true potential!"

* Credits given: 20000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Psionic Wave Amplifire Gamma

Travel to Bipolar and defeat the Psionic Flares there.
Collect the Astral Quintessence from their remains and return to Leslie Price.

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: Psychic Mastery
Psychic Mastery

"Astral Quintessence. It's not something I see every day, very few Seers make it this far in the training."
says Leslie Price as you hand her the glowing balls. "Yes, this will do very nicely.  

"With this essence we can imbue another weapon for your using,
a weapon that projects confusion and will interfere with another pilots ability to regulate their shields.
While they are fumbling with their shields, you should find it much easier to penetrate them. 

Chythe, I have watched you learn and you have learned much. It won't be long before you are ready for your final test.
When you are prepared, return to this station and look for me, I will be ready. I will be waiting."

Final Mission (Eight)

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: The Final Test
The Final Test

As Leslie Price walks directly towards you in the halls of Seer's Conclave,
you free your mind of any unnecessary thoughts, poised for the eventual attack.
With a flash of light, she translocates, but you are one step ahead having pivoted quickly to face where she reappears.   

"You have learned much since the first time we met Chythe." says Leslie Price grinning. "But I doubt you have learned enough."
She vanishes and even though you feel her presence, you are still unsure of her next move.
"Now, before we finish this, I need to give you one final test of the skills you have aquired during your training.  

"Being a Seer is about understanding the true potential of the mind, about perceptions,
about using thought to influence the physical world around you.
These are all things that I mastered long ago, and concepts that I have watched you slowly embrace...
and it time to see if you have aquired any mastery of them.  

"Travel to the End of the Universe, there you will meet a foe worthy of testing your abilities."
Leslie Price winks. "A foe very worthy of testing your abilities."

* Credits given: 35000000
* Experience given.

Travel to the End of the Universe and defeat whatever awaits you there.

Location: Seer's Conclave, Lyceum

  • Agent: Leslie Price
  • Mission: The Final Test
The Final Test

You return to the docking bay, grimly awaiting another Seer to complement you on your achievements.
As there is no one there, you being to walk the darkened halls of the Seer's Conclave and before long,
you hear a familiar voice in the back of your mind. "You did well, much better than I expected."
It is then you feel a tap on the back of your shoulder. As you turn around you see Leslie Price!

"You don't think I would let you kill me would you? After you destroyed my ship, I escaped in my pod and returned here.
I've been waiting for you to retun ever since.

"Chythe, not long ago you came here as an apprentice Seer, and in all the time I have known you, I knew this day would come.
There is nothing more I can teach you, you have mastered every skill that I have myself have learned.
All that is left is for you to expand the horizons of your perception.
Chythe, continue to look past matter and energy and bend the very fabric of reality to your will.

"And while you're at it, don't forget to stop in once in a while. It isn't often I train a Seer of your caliber....
and even less often I find someone I'm willing to befriend." 

Leslie Price laughs and vanishes.